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Thread: Nightcap (NC-17)

  1. #81
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    03 Jul 2003
    Ok so Pete is stupid, Clark suddenly became intelligent?!?! but at least Lex remains soo sweet wanting to take care of Chloe although he does get to kill his father and have a baby with her... I love this story... Update soon.


  2. #82
    NS Full Member
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    24 Jun 2003
    What?? no, please i still want clark to get beat up!!! :hammer:

  3. #83
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    05 Mar 2003
    Chesapeake, Va
    geez Kris, just can't help making her pregnant in all the fics huh? Just for that....*plots a revenge* MWHAHAHA, SWEET REVENGE

    great chappie btw


  4. #84
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
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    Luthor's manor
    i love it
    it's very great
    more please
    update soon :chlexsign3:

  5. #85
    Just a Guest!
    A/N: The dark angst warning was there for a reason folks. Keep that in mind before you try to kill me.


    Lex awoke to a darkened room, only the sounds of beeping machines and muffled voices behind the door to help him realize where he was. A hospital. Lex furrowed his brow and tried to push himself up, only to be surprised at his muscles faltering under him and falling back against the bed.

    The last thing he remembered was his conversation with Chloe in the Talon’s bathroom, about how he would take care of his father so he couldn’t hurt her and the baby; and the next thing he knew he was waking up in a hospital with no recollection about what happened to bring him there.

    His head turned to some excited activity out in the hallway and the door to his room opened to reveal an extremely pleased-looking doctor, followed by a nurse. Lex squinted his eyes to try and filter the light coming into room, staring at the doctor with a mixture of anger and panic.

    “Where am I?” he croaked out, barely recognizing the sound of his own dry and raspy voice.

    “Language – good, that’s good,” the doctor said appreciatively. “It means your brain damage wasn’t as extensive as we thought it might be.”

    “Brain damage --- what? How did I get here?” Lex asked, trying to rise up again, only to fail because of his weakened muscles.

    The doctor, a man who Lex placed in his mid-fifties, grinned sympathetically down at him.

    “Your muscles have started to atrophy,” he explained, taking out a small flashlight to examine Lex’s eyes.

    “Why? What happened?”

    The doctor pulled back, a steady but almost sad look on his face. He motioned to the nurse to stop checking Lex’s stats and leave the room so he could have the discussion with him privately. When she closed the door behind her, the doctor turned his attention back to Lex.

    “My name is Dr. Grant. Tell me, do you remember your name?”

    “Of course I remember my name,” Lex snapped. Grant looked at him expectantly and Lex let out a huff of air. “Lex Luthor.”

    Grant nodded.

    “Good. Now tell me, what’s the last thing you remember?”

    Lex groaned and closed his eyes, letting the back of his head press harder against the pillow behind it.

    “Chloe,” he said.

    Grant furrowed his brow and raised his chart to make notations in it.


    “My girlfriend…we were talking.”

    Grant frowned and briefly glanced up at Lex.

    “When was this?”

    “We were talking and then --- I don’t remember anything after that,” Lex said. “Obviously something happened though or I wouldn’t be here. Is she alright? She didn’t get hurt did she?”

    “I don’t know,” Grant replied. “I don’t see a ‘Chloe’ listed anywhere in your chart.”

    “Just --- tell me what happened.”

    Grant gave him a curt nod and let out a breath before starting.

    “You might find it a little hard to swallow,” he warned. Lex’s perturbed glare gave him all the permission he needed to continue. “You’ve been in a coma for almost a year now.”

    “What? That’s not possible,” Lex said as he got visibly upset. “Oh, God. This has something to do with my dad, doesn’t it? If he hurt her ---”

    “Your father has been by to see you at least once a week since you were found on the island,” the doctor interrupted.

    Lex creased his brow in confusion.


    Grant nodded.

    “You were on your way to your honeymoon in the Caribbean when your plane went down due to sabotage,” he said. “They found you a few months later, barely alive, wandering around an island with little recollection of who you were. You had some seizure activity due to some swelling in your brain and by the time medical help got to you, you had slipped into a coma that we were unable to stir you out of. Our best guess was that you had been falling in and out of small comas in the time you were missing, and the last seizure was just large enough to throw you over the edge so-to-speak.”

    Lex blinked in confusion.

    “How much of this do you remember?” Grant asked.

    Lex shook his head slightly.

    “I – none of it,” he admitted, an uneasy feeling twisting in the pit of his stomach. “Is Chloe okay? Did they find her?”

    Grant tilted his head to the side, the expression on his face making Lex decidedly more than a little uncomfortable.

    “Like I said, there’s no ‘Chloe’ listed in your file.”

    “My wife,” Lex clarified, suspecting that he and Chloe must have gotten married after the talk he remembered and his father caught wind of it and tried to kill them.

    Grant flipped through the pages in the chart before he came across what he was looking for.

    “It says here that your wife’s name was Helen,” he finally said.

    The knot that had formed in Lex’s stomach threatened to push its way up through his throat with a horrible wave of nausea.

    “That’s not possible,” he argued, more with himself than with the doctor. “I came back to Smallville after she tried to kill me. I ---”

    Grant stared at him, a pensive expression on his face.

    “Do you remember how you got back to Smallville?”

    Lex closed his eyes and tried desperately to remember, but he couldn’t.

    “Alright, here’s the situation,” Grant started. “I think the things you’re remembering, anything past the plane crash, were all part of a long, coma-induced dream. It’s rare that patients actually remember them, but it’s probably what kept you alive by keeping your brain active while you were out.”

    “What are you saying?” Lex asked, already knowing the answer, but wanting confirmation anyway. “That nothing I remember past Helen trying to kill me actually happened?”

    “That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Grant said somberly.

    “That’s not possible,” Lex said again. “It was real – it ---”

    “Look, all I can tell you is that after they found you, you were immediately brought to Metropolis General and I’ve been one of the neurologists with you since the beginning. Despite our best efforts, you’ve been in a coma for almost a year. So, anything that you remember happening after the crash, apart from wandering around on the island, only happened in your mind.” Grant paused for a second at the completely destroyed look on Lex’s face. “I’m sorry.”

    “You’re up!”

    Lex and Grant both turned their heads to see Lionel Luthor, standing in the doorway with a broad smile on his face.

    “They called and told me, but I wasn’t sure whether to believe it,” he said, walking into the room.

    Grant stepped toward him and tilted his head to the side so he could speak in a hushed tone.

    “I need to speak to you in the hall.”

    Lionel nodded once and then grinned back at Lex.

    “Back in a second, son.”

    The door closed behind them and Lionel looked at him with a sullen expression in his eyes.

    “How bad is it?”

    “Well, he can speak and that’s more than we were hoping for,” Grant replied. Lionel nodded once.

    “But?” he asked expectantly; reasoning that if the doctor drug him out into the hallway, then there was probably a good reason for it.

    “But --- do you remember the brain activity markers I mentioned?”

    “Yes. You said that his activity was remarkably high if I recall,” Lionel said, a tiny, proud grin lining his lips.

    “Well, it turns out there was a reason for that,” Grant said. “From what he’s said, it looks like he was trapped in some sort of elaborate dream. He honestly believed everything in his head was happening.” The doctor paused for a moment and gave Lionel a serious look. “It might take him a while to accept reality and there’s a possibility that he might never accept it at all.”

    “I see,” Lionel said pensively. “And did he mention anything about this…dream?”

    “He seems to be fairly concentrated on a woman named Chloe, but he hasn’t mentioned any specifics,” Grant answered. “He’s going to need extensive physical therapy to help rebuild his muscles and I wanted to give you the heads up that I’m going to order a psychological evaluation as well.”

    Lionel raised his eyebrows for a split second, but let them drop in understanding. His face turned back to the door.

    “Let me speak with him. Perhaps we can get this settled without needing to resort to that,” he said, knowing that it was going to be hard enough for his son to reemerge into the outside world without having the papers get a hold of his current mental state.

    He only hoped that his current mental state wasn’t as bad as the doctor was making it out to be.


  6. #86
    Just a Guest!
    Lionel walked back into the room and gave Lex a hint of a grin as he made his way to a chair beside his bed.

    “How are you feeling?”

    Lex squared his jaw as he glared at his father.

    “How did you do it?” he asked. Lionel opened his mouth to speak, but Lex held up a warning hand. “I think I can figure out the ‘why’, I just want to know how. You obviously paid off the doctors and anybody else you needed to back up your story, but how did you get my muscles to atrophy in such a short period of time?”

    “Lex, you’ve been in a coma ---”

    “Yes, your well-paid doctor already filled me in on the story you handed him. Now I’d like the truth.”

    Lionel sighed and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them and sadly staring back at his son.

    “It *is* the truth, Lex. I found out that Dr. Bryce might have ulterior motives in marrying you and I tried to bribe her out of doing so, but I had no idea that she was going to try and kill you. When they found you alive ---”

    “Let me guess. It was the happiest day of your life,” Lex said with dry sarcasm. “Just cut the bullshit and tell me the truth for once, Dad. What did you do to Chloe? Because if you hurt her ---”

    “Chloe?” Lionel repeated questioningly. The only Chloe he knew was Chloe Sullivan and there was no way Lex could have known about her short period of employment with him.

    “Sullivan,” Lex grit out.

    Lionel blinked once in surprise.

    “I wasn’t aware that you were friends with Miss Sullivan.”

    Lex’s hands clenched into weak fists.

    “More than friends,” he corrected. “She’s carrying my child.”

    Lionel arched an amused eyebrow at him.

    “Well, I sincerely doubt that given the fact that you’ve been…indisposed…for the last year,” he said with a light grin.

    “So you say.”

    Lionel gave a half roll of his eyes, but then steadied his gaze on his son.

    “Tell me what *you* think has been going on.”

    “Where would you like me to start?”

    “At the beginning preferably. It’s awfully hard to follow a story when people skip around,” Lionel said, the humor evident in his voice.

    “Your labs came up with some kind of formula – something to make people think they were dreaming when they were awake,” Lex started, earning an interested look from his father.

    “Really? Hmm…”

    “You decided to try it out at Clark’s party,” Lex continued. A smirk crept across Lionel’s lips.

    “Go on.”

    Lex narrowed his eyes.

    “You’re enjoying this,” he observed.

    “My, yes,” Lionel answered, resting his jaw on his propped up hand. “It’s quite entertaining. I don’t suppose you remember what the formula was?”

    Lex’s stomach tied itself into a now familiar knot and beads of sweat started to form on his forehead.

    “You didn’t do it.”

    “No,” Lionel answered and then smiled. “Though I certainly won’t rule it out for the future.”

    “It never happened,” Lex said despairingly, getting a vacant look in his eyes. Lionel creased his brow.


    Lex’s body started to convulse and the machines attached to him started to go haywire with loud beeping alarms and bright displays on their monitors. Lionel jumped out of his chair, shouting for someone to come and help.

    A nurse came rushing into the room to check on the situation, frowning when she took in the sight in front of her. The doctor quickly followed, handing a vile of clear liquid to the nurse, who sucked some of it into a syringe and pumped it into Lex’s IV.

    The seizure stopped and Lex’s breathing returned to normal, but his eyes were still glazed over because of what happened.

    Grant looked at Lionel, hoping for an explanation, but instead only receiving a sigh. Lionel reached up and ran a hand down his face.

    “I think that psychological consult might be in order after all,” he said solemnly. Grant nodded.

    “I’ll take care of it.”


    The next day…

    Lex sighed and rubbed his face before shooting a glare at the woman who now sat in a chair against one of the walls of his hospital room.

    Dr. Claire Foster.

    He had no doubt that she was yet another person on his father’s payoff list, and the fact that she wanted him to open up and answer a bunch of personal questions irked him to no end.

    “I wasn’t imagining it,” Lex said for what seemed like the zillionth time, growing increasingly frustrated that no one would listen to him. The previous day’s seizure had wiped away any acknowledgement that his mind may have made about the truth and the dream, and Lex found himself clinging to the reality that only he knew. “It actually happened. I’m sure my dad is paying you very well to say otherwise, but --- what do I need to do to make you believe me?”

    Foster kept her neutral demeanor and scribbled something into the notebook on her lap.

    “You’ve said that you were involved with…Chloe,” she said, completely ignoring his outburst. “Can you elaborate?”

    “She’s my girlfriend – please. Just believe me. I don’t know what he’s told you or how much he’s paid you, but I think he found out that she’s pregnant and ---” Lex trailed off, the sick feeling returning to him once again with the thought of what his father might do to Chloe and their baby.

    Foster glanced at her watch and then clicked off the tape recorder that was sitting next to her. A few last scrawls in her notebook and she rose from her seat, nodding once at Lex as an acknowledgement that their time was over.

    Lex groaned as she left the room.

    Either everybody was paid to treat him like he was crazy or his father had actually been telling the truth. He had been in a coma for almost a year and he and Chloe Sullivan had never been involved.

    He stubbornly clenched his jaw. He needed to know for sure.

    Lifting the phone from its position inside the bed railing, Lex dialed ‘9’ to get an outside line, and then dialed Chloe’s home number. Holding the phone up to his ear, he took a few deep breaths to try and steady himself. He would find out where Chloe was and what had really happened, then he would have enough evidence against his dad to lock him away in a prison somewhere for good.


    “Gabe!” Lex exclaimed at the familiar sound of the man’s voice. “Don’t hang up on me, this is important.”

    Gabe Sullivan furrowed his brow as he tried to place the voice on the other end of the line.

    “Lex?” he asked in surprise.

    “Yeah, it’s me – just don’t hang up, okay?” Lex pleaded, certain that Chloe’s father was still livid about seeing the tape of them together.

    “I wasn’t going to,” Gabe replied, a touch of confusion in his tone. “When did you wake up?”

    Lex paled and he suddenly felt weak.


    “When did you wake up from your coma?” Gabe asked. “Chloe and Clark just went to visit you last week and they said there wasn’t any change.”

    ‘Chloe…Clark…’ Lex thought, trying to push aside the irrational swell of jealousy that overcame him at even hearing their names mentioned together. “Actually, that’s kind of what I’m calling about. Is Chloe there?”

    “No, no,” Gabe answered. “She’s at school – Met U. She graduated from high school early and never looked back,” he said, his tone light but clearly proud.

    “I ---” Lex trailed off, swallowing down the lump that formed in his throat. No matter how many people Lionel might have influence over, Gabe Sullivan wasn’t one of them.

    It meant that everything he had been told was true.

    And that his world had just fallen apart.


  7. #87
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
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    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    em..what...eh.... :huh: :huh:

    Fiona enjoyed it, but Fiona is very, very confused....... hmy:

    Great work as always Kris..


  8. #88
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    WHAT!!!!!!!!!& #33;???????? :huh: Very confused chick here. Me dont understand. :huh:

    Hope :goof: hmy:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #89
    NS Full Member
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    28 Feb 2003
    hmy: Shocker!! But, I loved it! Poor Lex, though.

    Chloe, get thee to Smallville, stat!

  10. #90
    NS Full Member krahmogh's Avatar
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    Lakeland, Florida, USA
    That wasn't very nice. String all of us along like that, get Chloe pregnant, have Lex happy about it, Lana and Pete together, everything's great. And then Lex wakes up from a coma???????? Where's the happy ending???


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