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Thread: Beloved - NC-17 - Complete

  1. #71
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia.
    Oh that was a great Chloe and Gabe scene. I love Gabe - can I take him home? *sigh* I love your fics!

  2. #72
    Just a Guest!
    I love that fic !! Update soon ! I wonder if Alexander is still alive and will come to take Chloe ...
    Chloe forget Lucas ! Lex is so much better !

  3. #73
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    I love the Chloe/Gabe interaction. Especially since he notices the way that Lucas feels about her...and is asking about Alexander. I loves me the Gabe so I can't help but root for him to help Lex.


  4. #74
    Just a Guest!
    Lucas strolled beside his brother’s double, completely ignoring the looks he got from some of the servants because of his attire. Despite Lucas’s protests, Lex had been giving him a tour of the castle for the last hour or so, painstakingly pointing out what all of the rooms were in this world. Lex stopped at yet another door and Lucas didn’t bother to stifle a yawn.

    “You’re tired,” Lex said in an observant tone. “Perhaps the rest of the tour should wait until tomorrow.”

    “I am not tired,” Lucas replied. “I am…how is it that Chloe says? Bored?”

    Lex resisted rolling his eyes, but he did shoot Lucas a wry expression before ceasing his walking and folding his arms across his chest.

    “Your rooms may serve different purposes here, but the pattern is the same,” Lucas explained smugly. “I will be able to navigate without any difficulty.”

    “Alright,” Lex agreed. He didn’t like letting this version of Lucas have free reign over the house, but it might be to his advantage if the younger man didn’t know everything that having the Luthor name had to offer. “So --- tell me about your world.”

    Lucas looked at him suspiciously, but he relinquished into giving him a curt nod before they started walking again.

    “In comparison to what Chloe has told me of your world ---”

    ‘Damn. He’s really infatuated with her,’ Lex thought to himself, quickly adding, ‘I’ll have to take care of that.’

    “--- quite different.”

    ‘Yeah, because I couldn’t have guessed that from the clothes – let alone the visions.’

    “First of all, our families are not similar – you have far less siblings,” Lucas said. Lex looked at him warily through the corner of his eye. Lucas’s tone had sounded almost jealous and he hoped that his brother’s other self wasn’t getting any ideas to become an only child. “There is no Tor, Lucia, or James, and Julian died as an infant. Is that correct?” Lucas asked, snapping Lex out of his thoughts.

    “Julian – my brother, Julian?”

    Lucas nodded.

    “Yes. He died before he reached his first birthday.”

    “You are most fortunate,” Lucas said without emotion. Lex frowned, but decided to let the comment slide.

    “And the others? Who are they?”

    “Tor was second born to Queen Lillian and King Lionel, Julian third, and Lucia fourth,” Lucas informed him. “I was first born to my mother, Rachel, and James was born of the coupling of my mother and King Gabriel.” Lex stopped walking again.

    “Wait a second. James is Chloe’s brother?”


    “And she still chose to come back here with *you*?”

    Lucas gave him a pointed look.

    “They are bonded only by the blood of her true father,” he said carefully. “He wished for her to remain in that world even when he knew of her desire to return here, even lied to her to make it so. Do you believe that she should have brought someone who would manipulate and lie to her?”

    Lex narrowed his eyes, recognizing the comment for how it was intended. Even though Lucas knew that Lex was not his brother, he was still suspicious of Lex’s feelings toward Chloe and was subtly warning him away from her by reiterating how Alexander had treated her for a while. Lex might not have caught the implication if he hadn’t seen some of the visions for himself, but he wasn’t going to bring up the fact that he had basically seen Lucas’s brother making love to the woman he was obsessed with – at least not while the young man wielded a sword that looked so sharp.

    “Of course not,” Lex finally answered and started walking again. “I didn’t know the details of their relationship. I just know that two of her best friends here are male and perhaps it’s her way of having the brother she never had while she was growing up. I didn’t think that she’d be so quick to dismiss that.”

    Lucas grunted.

    “It is better for her to have the replacements.”

    Lex raised a pale eyebrow, but said nothing. Clearly Lucas wasn’t fond of any member of his family and although under normal circumstances that might make him uneasy, in this situation it sparked an idea in his head.

    “If you don’t mind my asking, you’ve mentioned your brothers and your sister briefly, but what was your relationship with your parents like?”


    “My brother,” Lex started, adding a melodramatic quality to his voice so Lucas would think he was choked up, “my father had an affair with Rachel Dunleavy when my mother was dying. Despite the fact that he was a horrible husband to begin with, he insisted that he would never divorce my mom, especially not while she was on her deathbed. So, he basically stole my brother after Ms. Dunleavy gave birth and sent him to live with a family he selected.” Lex paused primarily for effect, but found himself genuinely pained as he told the story. “I never even knew he existed until a year ago and then he became a pawn in my dad’s twisted little power trip. I sent him away for his own safety because my dad threatened his life, and then ---”

    Lucas frowned. He didn’t want to feel bad for Lex, he didn’t want to feel anything for anyone except for Chloe – and up until this point he had succeeded. But now, he found himself feeling the smallest twinge of remorse for the man beside him.

    ‘Or perhaps the sorrow is toward yourself in this world,’ his inner voice told him. Yes. That made more sense. Lucas calmed down after he convinced himself that he felt badly for his double and not for Lex, allowing himself to feel content in his self-centered universe once again.

    “I’m sorry,” Lex said, apologizing for choking on his last couple of words. “There are always the ‘what-ifs’. I guess I was just hoping that somewhere Lucas had led a better life, had the relationship he deserved with his parents.”

    Lucas, however, was now bored with Lex’s theatrics, and had a suspicion that he was trying to manipulate him.

    “I did not get along well with my parents,” he finally said, hoping it would end Lex’s little show.

    ‘Shocker,’ Lex thought sarcastically.

    “I did not make an effort to get along with anyone,” Lucas continued and then smirked at Lex. “Until Chloe arrived, that is.” Lucas was not surprised to see Lex’s demeanor change and hear a distinctive grumble rise from the bald man’s throat.

    Lex was fighting with conflicting issues. He could either ask about Chloe and Lucas’s relationship and risk exposing his true intentions toward her further, or he could concentrate on why he started that line of conversation in the first place.

    “How did you feel about your dad, specifically?”

    Lucas smiled and threw his head back with a low, thundering laugh.

    “So many questions,” he observed. “Are you trying to take over his kingdom here as well?”

    Lex couldn’t help the smirk that rose to his lips.

    “Something like that,” he admitted. “But right now I’m more concerned with the fact that he’s probably going to be released from prison and I don’t know whether he knows about my brother’s death or not.”

    “You imprisoned him?” Lucas asked in an impressed tone. Lex merely gave him a small smile and Lucas found himself returning it. “And if he does not? You wish for me to pretend to be him?”

    “You catch on quick,” Lex observed. “So, what do you think? Are you up to driving the old man crazy?”

    “Certainly,” Lucas responded arrogantly. “Though your plan may fail if he has already been informed of your brother’s death.”

    “Actually,” Lex said, slapping Lucas on the shoulder, “that could work too.”


    “What better way for a man to go insane than to have his dead son visiting him?”

    Lucas gave him an evil, lopsided grin.

    “I have misjudged you,” he said. Lex looked at him with surprise. “I thought you were more similar to my brother, but when he desires something, he will kill to get it. And you – you are much more devious.” Lex gave him a bemused grin.

    “That sounded like a compliment.”

    “You will not receive them often,” Lucas assured him, causing Lex to chuckle.

    Lex’s cell phone started ringing and Lucas was startled by the strange sound. He began to draw his sword, but Lex held up a hand for him to stop.

    “It’s just my phone,” Lex explained. Lucas furrowed his brow, still unsure of what to think of the small black rectangle that Lex pulled from his jacket. Lex pressed the key to answer it and held it up to his ear. “Luthor.” Lucas frowned, but seemed to be placated by the fact that the phone had stopped ringing.

    “M – Lex? It’s Chloe.”

    “Chloe,” Lex repeated, glancing at Lucas to see what his reaction was. “What can I do for you?”

    “I’m sorry about calling you so late and on your cell phone, but this was the one that was programmed into dad’s cell phone and ---”

    Lex grinned at Chloe’s rambling, an action which caused Lucas to glare at him.

    “It’s okay. What is it?”

    “Um…I don’t suppose I could talk to Lucas?” she asked. “I just felt so bad for leaving him there. He’s new here and my only real friend and I just dump him there with you instead of letting him come home with me.” Chloe stopped and sighed and Lex could practically picture her running a hand through her hair, which he suspected probably no longer held the tiara in it. “Is he doing okay? You’d tell me the truth, right?”

    “He’s fine,” Lex answered, trying not to visibly wince at the fact that Chloe was calling about Lucas.

    “Is he ---”

    “Hold on.” Lex handed the phone to Lucas, who merely looked down at it and then back up to Lex like he didn’t know what to do. “Chloe’s on the other line. Just hold it to your ear like this,” he paused and showed him how to do it, “and talk.”

    Lucas frowned, but did as Lex showed him.


    “Lucas!” Chloe exclaimed in relief. “I’m sorry, I guess I overreacted, but I just had this horrible memory of you and Alexander fighting in my bedroom and for some reason I thought you and Lex may have killed each other by now. Ooh – don’t tell him I said that though.” Lucas laughed and Chloe instantly felt better.
    “Okay, I guess it was a *little* silly.”

    “I assure you I am in fine health, my princess.”

    Chloe blushed ever so slightly and were it not for the fact that he was pulling into their well-lit driveway; Gabe may have never seen it. He frowned, but covered it by clearing his throat.

    “Here we are. Home sweet home,” he said. Chloe smiled back at him.

    “Yeah, okay Dad,” she said. “Lucas, we’re home so I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow though, okay?”

    “I look forward to it.”



    Lucas heard the click through the receiver when Chloe hung up her phone and then he handed the small device back to Lex, who turned it off and let it drop back into his jacket’s inner pocket.

    “A remarkable invention,” Lucas mused. “You will need to instruct me on how to operate it so that I may speak with her when I wish.”

    Lex gave him a tight grin.

    “First things first,” he forced himself to say. “Are you really up to pulling this scheme off with my father?”

    Lucas smirked smugly, causing Lex’s gut to twist in uneasiness.

    “I believe you’ll find that I can be quite devious as well…when I need to be.”


  5. #75
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Kris Lucas is scaring me :tease: more please.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #76
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    28 Feb 2003
    I agree that Lucas is creeping me out. :huh:

    However, I'm all for driving Lionel nuts. :biggrin:

  7. #77
    7 comes on too strong
    Join Date
    15 May 2003
    :blush: Hey man...I like this Lucas. I love this Lucas. You've got him just fine.

    Question, in your archive, you have this story under "others", does that mean that this is a Chlucas fic? :biggrin: Either way, I'll be happy. They're Luthors, aren't they?

  8. #78
    NS Full Member
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    25 Nov 2002
    Oh my God, I'm so happy that you updated! I love the tension between Lex and Lucas, the conversation was perfect! Hehehe, Lex wasn't happy about Lucas wanting to learn how to contact Chloe using that magnificent small device. I can't wait for more Chlucas interaction... especially when it has this effect on Lex.

  9. #79
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    03 Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia.
    Hehe! Can't wait for them to start driving the magnificent bastard insane! I'm hanging out for some more Chlex interaction. Will there be any soon?

  10. #80
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    The character interactions are wonderful! Lex and Lucas each secretly keeping a watchful eye on the other. Gabe knowing what's up. Can't wait for the inevitable sparks to fly....and heavy objects.


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