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Thread: Prey for Chloe NC-17

  1. #71
    ChLex Schadenfreude Senior Member crankychick's Avatar
    Join Date
    17 Nov 2004
    Widow, Lionel Luthor
    Title: Prey for Chloe
    Rating: R to NC-17
    Spoilers: Beginning of Season 4 up to and including “Scare”. A bit of creative license will be taken with Chloe’s mother.

    Setting: After the toxic explosion in “Scare” and revealing the truth about her mother to Clark, Chloe leaves Smallville for a month to parts unknown. She returns a much changed woman and sparks Lex’s interest.

    (Lex and Chloe have a date night. Gabe gets suspicious. Lana gets a shock.)

    Chapter 13

    Drowning deep in my sea of loathing
    Broken your servant I kneel
    It seems what's left of my human side
    Is slowly changing in me

    Chloe was once again drowning in a sea of red marks as she corrected the latest batch of stories handed in to her. She cringed at the number of entertainment stories that explored the minute details of who dated who or who was nominated for what in comparison to the news stories she’d asked some of the junior reporters to cover. One story she’d requested was an analysis of a married couple currently attempting to have the book, Catcher in the Rye stricken from their son’s high school curriculum. The story explored the necessity of placing so much importance on sports in high school.

    It’s like dealing with a group of zoo monkeys!

    Looking at my own reflection
    When suddenly it changes
    Violently it changes (oh no)
    There is no turning back now
    You've woken up the demon in me

    Right at the moment she thought she couldn’t take anything else, in walked Clark. She remembered that she still had to give him an answer regarding the winter formal.

    “Got the story.”

    “Wonderful. Steroid abuse in major baseball. I’ll look it over as soon as I finish tearing my hair out with this bunch.”

    “And I was hoping for….an answer?”

    She looked up and him and bit her lip. “Let’s take a walk, Clark.”

    Seated on the bleachers, she took a breath before saying anything. He noticed her nervousness and put his hand on her shoulder.

    “Is anything wrong?”

    “No, Clark, “she said, “but I have something I need to say to you and I’m playing it in my head so I don’t utterly screw it up.”

    “What is it?”

    “For the longest time, all I wanted was to have you look at me…….consider me as more than your friend.”

    “I know, and I’m sorry it took so long for me to realize that I do.”

    “Clark, that’s changed for me. I do still like you, but only as a friend. I’m sorry, but there’s no other way of putting it.”

    He looked taken aback. This was obviously not what he was expecting to hear from her.

    “I can’t say that I blame you,” he acknowledged, “and thanks for being honest with me. It’s more than I deserve, I know.”

    “I’m sorry, Clark. I don’t know what else to say.”

    “There really isn’t anything else, is there? I should get going.”

    “Yeah, I understand. I’ll see you.”

    “See ya.”

    The first cut is the deepest, baby I know
    The first cut is the deepest
    'cause when it comes to being lucky she's cursed
    when it comes to lovin' me she's worst
    but when it comes to being loved she's first
    that's how I know


    “Dad,” Chloe called out, “it’s me. Are you home?”

    She reviewed her mail noticing an small package addressed to her. When she opened it up, she found a Nina Simone CD with a single word written on the plastic wrap in black marker – ‘Friday’. Chloe smiled as she went up to her room, checking her voicemail messages.

    Her dad had left a message for her. Gabe was taking a training course in system diagnostics just outside of Metropolis, and his class was running late. Just as she finished deleting that message, she got a call.

    “Chloe, it’s me,” chirped Lana’s happy voice. “You’ll never guess what happened.”


    “Clark asked me to go to the Winter Formal,” she replied.

    Ever since Lana and Jason had broken up, she’d made it no secret that she hoped Clark would make a move on her. Not that Lana would actually be upfront and honest with him. It annoyed Chloe to no end that Lana simply waited around for a guy to chose her.

    “That’s great, Lana.”

    “Thanks. Are you going?”

    Yep, folks, that’s me the afterthought.

    “I doubt it,” Chloe answered, “I’ve got too much work with the Torch and preparing for college. Dances really don’t work out for me, as you know.”

    “I’m sorry, Chloe,” she said, “but I will miss having you there. It’s our last Winter Formal.”

    “It’s OK,” she said, shaking her head,” there’s always Prom torture.”

    “You’re impossible. Anyway, I’ll talk to you later.”

    “You got it.”

    Not a question or inquiry about me. Typical.

    She dialed Lex’s cell phone and got him on the third ring. “I’m calling to schedule your appointment, Mr. Luthor.”

    “I see you got the CD,” he said.

    “In today’s mail. I can’t wait to dance for you again.”

    “Neither can I.”

    “9:00pm at the Sheik?”

    “Perfect. I’ll see you there.”

    “You won’t be able to miss me,” she added mysteriously, hanging up the phone.


    “Dad,” she said, whistling for dramatic effect, “hubba, hubba. Are you ‘studying’ again tonight?”

    “Where’d you get such a smart mouth?”

    “I wonder,” she said, “but don’t change the subject. Where are you headed? You realize you’re about to head outside on a Friday?”

    “As it happens, I have a date.”

    “Gabe, Gabe,” she said, “First school, and now dating? Do I have to impose a curfew on you?”

    “I gave you one. Look how well that’s worked out.”

    “Ouch. Good one, though.”

    He grabbed his keys off the entry table and prepared to leave. “So where are you headed?”

    “Out, but not until later.”

    “Chloe, be honest with me. Are you seeing someone?”


    “Now, what the hell does that mean?”

    “It means I see some people. I’m dating, Dad, but no one exclusively.”

    “It’s not the girl thing again, is it?”

    “Very enlightened of you, Dad. I keep my options open.”

    “Chloe, I swear. Why won’t you be straight with me?”

    “Dad,” she said cautiously, “let’s just leave it alone. I’m not doing anything risky….not getting drunk or stoned and I’m not knocked up.”

    “This conversation isn’t over.”

    Don’t I know it.

    Many eyes took in the redhead, decked out all in black as she entered the Sheik that night. Chloe had dyed her hair a deeper auburn and was dressed in very low rise black pants. She complimented the dangerously low pants with a black button down satin top that she wore unbuttoned to the waist. Her eyes were dusted with gold and emerald eye shadow and her lips had a simple pink sheer gloss. Chloe was out to kill.

    She met him upstairs at the tented table he’d reserved under an assumed name. The moment he took in her outfit, he smiled.

    “Making a fashion statement?” he said, looking her over from head to toe, but concentrating on the mid-breast area.

    “Just keeping myself and my man happy,” she answered, “any complaints?”

    “Perish the thought,” he said, kissing her cheek while slipping a hand inside her shirt, tweaking her nipple. Chloe squealed with delight.

    “Randy, aren’t you?”

    “Just a routine underwear check.”


    “I will be soon enough. Come here.”

    Bringing her onto his lap, Lex kissed her tenderly, cupping her face in his hands as his face moved in rhythm to hers. Chloe grasped his head, intensifying their kiss, as his hand trailed down her back.

    At that precise moment, the sight of Chloe and Lex entwined interrupted Clark’s date with Lana. A pair of stricken eyes greeted Chloe when she broke their kiss.

    “Lex, I believe we have some company.”


    Music Credit
    “Down With the Sickness”, vocals - Disturbed

  2. #72
    NS Full Member kirt30's Avatar
    Join Date
    28 Feb 2003
    i love this fic please add more more more

  3. #73
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    27 Dec 2003
    Hee Hee BUSTED!!!!!
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


  4. #74
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
    Join Date
    12 May 2003
    Penn's Woods
    How much do I love the Shakesperian quotes?


    This is a wonderfully developed story, with so many geat layers of Chlexy goodness :biggrin:


    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

    My Fanfic Master List

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  5. #75
    NS Full Member
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    30 Jan 2004
    United States
    Oh cuss! This should be interesting...

  6. #76
    ChLex Schadenfreude Senior Member crankychick's Avatar
    Join Date
    17 Nov 2004
    Widow, Lionel Luthor
    Title: Prey for Chloe
    Rating: R to NC-17
    Spoilers: Beginning of Season 4 up to and including “Scare”. A bit of creative license will be taken with Chloe’s mother.

    Setting: After the toxic explosion in “Scare” and revealing the truth about her mother to Clark, Chloe leaves Smallville for a month to parts unknown. She returns a much changed woman and sparks Lex’s interest.

    (Clark deals with rejection. Lana realizes she’s second choice. Chloe has had enough. Gabe has a new girlfriend and a big fight.)

    Chapter 14

    Clark could not believe his eyes. Chloe, who had just that week told him flat out that she wasn’t interested in him, was practically fornicating with Lex in public. His jaw locked in anger as he walked right up to them.

    “Chloe, what the hell is going on?”

    “Do you really want an answer to that?” she replied. “I know it’s a shock-“

    “I’d say it’s more than a shock,” Lana said, chiming in on the argument.

    “Oh, really?” Chloe bit back, “and why? If I recall correctly, not too long ago, you yourself were seeing a man with a notable age difference.”

    “That’s not really the same thing, Chloe,” Lana disagreed.

    “Not from where I’m sitting,” Chloe replied, getting up off Lex’s lap.

    “How long?” Clark questioned angrily, “how long has this been going on?”

    Lex was growing tired of the judgmental stance being taken against them. “What does that matter, Clark? She’s with me and that’s that.”

    And not with you, which must sting right about now.

    “You’re not seriously dating Lex,” Clark snapped, “with his history?”

    “I’m not dating his past,” Chloe retorted, “I’m dating him. And I’m no bowl of innocence myself.”

    “So, this is why you turned me down?” “

    “Clark, it wouldn’t have made any difference. I lost any romantic notions of me and you before Lex and I got together.”

    “Turned you down?” Lana questioned, “Turned you down for what?”

    Chloe looked away, as Clark tried to reason with Lana. She had no intention of getting in the middle of that argument. Lana, obviously upset, ran as fast as she could away from the brewing argument.

    “How dare you!” Clark said, walking up to Lex, “How dare you use Chloe for your little escapades.”

    “I’m not even justifying that with a reply.”

    “She’s just another body for you, isn’t she?”

    “Not that it’s any of your business, but no, she isn’t.”

    “Oh, so you’re in love? That’s a new one.”

    “Oh, so you’re stuck between Chloe and Lana? That’s a surprise.”

    Clark made a move to strike Lex, and Chloe stepped right in the middle. “What the hell are you doing? Like a few punches is going to resolve this!”

    “I can’t even look at the two of you,” Clark yelled disgustedly, walking away.

    Shaking her head as she turned to look at Lex, Chloe sighed and said, “Well, that went well, didn’t it?”

    “It’s worse than that,” Lex said, “I saw the look in his eyes. Clark’s in love with you.”

    “He’s just confused,” Chloe reasoned, “the way he’s always been.”

    “No, it’s different. Lana ran off and he didn’t even glance in her direction. He was too fixated on his anger over seeing you with me.”

    “Jesus, what if anyone saw-“

    “Does it matter?”

    “I don’t really care about anyone finding out, but Dad. Dad needs to hear it from me.”

    Lex nodded, “I’ll get you home.”


    True to his word, he drove her straight home.

    “God, my car-“

    “Don’t worry, “he assured her, “I’ll take care of it.”

    “I’m so sorry about all of this, Lex.”

    “It doesn’t matter. You’re worth it.”

    She put her hand on his cheek and kissed him tenderly. “So are you. I’ll call you.”

    “Talk to Gabe. I know you need time.”

    Nodding her head, she stepped out of the car and walked inside her house. Gabe wasn’t home yet. She went upstairs to change and wait for him to arrive. Her stomach was a combination of nervous knots and anxiety. About an hour after she’d arrived, she heard her father pull up in the driveway. Chloe made her way down the stairs.

    “Hey, Dad,” she called out, “have a good date?”

    “The old man still has some charm,” he gushed, “and yes. We had a great time.”


    “Oh no.”

    “When you say ‘good’ in that tone of voice, it means anything but.”

    “Remember earlier, when you asked me to be honest and tell you if I was seeing anyone?”


    “I wasn’t completely honest.”

    “I didn’t think you were.”

    “I am seeing someone, Dad. I’ve been seeing him for almost a month.”

    “Do I know him?”


    “Will I disapprove?”


    “Oh, Jesus, Chloe. Please tell me it isn’t Lex.”

    “How the hell did you know that?”

    “Your cell phone bills,” he confessed, “and you’re right. I don’t approve.”

    “I realize that. It won’t stop my seeing him.”

    “Chloe, do you have any idea what kind of man he is? What history he has with women?”

    “Yes and yes. And I’m still not backing an inch.”

    “You’re treading on dangerous ground here, missy. I forbid you seeing him!”

    “That’s only going to make me want to see him more!”

    “For God’s sake, he’s older than you! He’s a Luthor! He picks up women, uses them and dumps them – is that what you want?”

    “He’s not doing that with me.”

    “I’ll bet that’s what they all say.”

    “Stop seeing him.”


    “I’m warning you, Chloe.”

    “Warning me? Dad, he’s not a murderer. He’s my boyfriend and I’m in love with him.”

    Gabe grimaced in pain. “Fine. If that’s the way you want it, that’s the way it’ll be. You’re on your own with this. I don’t want know about him or see him in this house. When he breaks your heart and shatters you – which he will, it’s just a matter of time – you’ll get nothing from me.”


    “Not another word, Chloe. That’s all I have to say about this.”

    He walked towards his room as Chloe began to cry. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she ran up the stairs, into her room and collapsed on her bed.

    Oh no, I see
    A spiderweb is tangled up with me
    And I lost my head
    And thought of all the stupid things I’ve said

    And I never meant to cause you trouble
    And I never never meant to do you wrong
    Ah, well if I ever caused you trouble
    Oh no, I never meant to do you harm

    Music Credit
    “Trouble”, vocals, Coldplay

  7. #77
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    I can't keep up with updates on this story and Gabe was so MEAN!

    I understand that he's upset but if any father should be willing to look at Lex differently, shouldn't it be him? Poor Chloe, poor Lex.

    Still great writing. I won't ask for more updates though, because you seem to be typing your ass off already and I don't want to be greedy.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  8. #78
    ChLex Schadenfreude Senior Member crankychick's Avatar
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    17 Nov 2004
    Widow, Lionel Luthor
    I understand that he's upset but if any father should be willing to look at Lex differently, shouldn't it be him?
    Yes, but take into account the timing of Lex/Chloe's relationship. He's just had a huge fight with his daughter, has had to relive the situation with her mother and is still dealing with unemployment. Gabe's just a little defensive ATM.

  9. #79
    NS Full Member
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    30 Jan 2004
    United States
    You are the rockingest updater ever, I think! Nice update, I'm interested to see how all of this works out.

  10. #80
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
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    27 Dec 2003
    Heat of anger, Gabe didn't mean all that, of course he didn't . :nobad: Sorry I've always thought of Gabe as being the quiet support in the background of Chloe's life. Clark is an ass but hey that's not new. You'd never believe that he's meant to be Lex's best friend. Ta for the regular updates.
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


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