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Thread: The Myth (NC-17) Updated 7th November 2015

  1. #71
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    I appreciate the dedication Yes, I took ages writing that so that it was being her 'giving' it to him although undertones of force, did you get that? You will find out if you keep reading for long enough. Wuv you for reading. *huggles* Have things sorted themselves out yet?

  2. #72
    NS Senior Member Senior Member malugargula's Avatar
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    Awesome chapters
    But I must confess I'm confused too. So Chloe is being sneaky, is that it? Wow, she fooled me in the beggining lol
    Can't wait for more

  3. #73
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    i agree if everyone else i am confused.interested to find out what happens next

  4. #74
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    A/N: Can I say just how much I love my reviewers? Love you all. Sorry that I haven't been good about updating this but you know real life.

    Chapter Six

    Lex shook his head as he watched her retreating form. She didn’t sail away in a swirl of perfume of hauteur. Nor did she wiggle her way away from him in a way designed to cause a spike in his libido. Her pace was measured and the sway of her hips purely unconscious. Or so it appeared. He snorted. If there was one sure he was sure of it was that nothing that she did was unconscious.

    “Calculating bitch”, he muttered, not without admiration. He turned on his heel and headed back to his bedroom, the only room in the entire house that he could be absolutely sure hadn’t been bugged. He marched straight over to his locked draw and removed his cell phone and expertly put it together, ensuring that his call would be untraceable. “Tell me that you have found something on her”.

    There was a moment’s silence on the other end of the line but he didn’t bother to elaborate further. They knew who he was and exactly what he wanted. He had contacted them more in the last forty-eight hours than he had in the previous year.

    The silence was broken as the man on the other end of the line slowly admitted, “Sadly no, not yet. Did you find out anything more about her? Anything that”, he continued cautiously, “might be helpful?” He hated to ask his employer such a question but they were getting desperate and the Luthor scion was their largest account. Normally they could find everything about someone in only a few minutes, a few hours if things had been particularly well hidden but not just based on a Christian name and the fact that she was blonde and pretty.

    “No, didn’t you get the images from the security tapes?” Lex asked tersely. He was paying for answers, not more questions.

    “Yes, thank-you we did. I have put several of my best men on it but even after a full night”, no one had got a wink of sleep, “we couldn’t do much with it. We have run her through the face recognition software but nothing.”

    “Damn it”, Lex swore, loudly.

    The wince on the other end of the phone was almost audible. “That doesn’t necessarily mean anything though, other than that she doesn’t have a police record. That is the only way that her she would be registered, unless she either has a passport created within the last one or two years”.

    No answer was forthcoming from Lex.

    “What I mean to say is”, he wasn’t really sure that he had made his point, “that our not being able to find her that way does not necessarily mean that she is being hidden from you. Just that ... Well, she hasn’t been registered for anything”. Honestly, most of the time he was a fairly articulate man, capable of holding lengthy conversations. It was just Lex who made him nervous. His little girls’ private education was derived almost wholly from the Luthor account.

    Lex shook his head, “Even if she didn’t have a police record”, which was perfectly possible even if she had been a prostitute or something, it just meant that she worked for one of the larger houses who were above the law. Or rather, slept with the law enforcers bosses and so no one went after them. “No”, he shook his head. “There should still be something. There is no way that Lionel wouldn’t have got her a passport, if she didn’t already have one. He would want to be able to take her out of the country at a moment’s notice”. Thinking about it, he probably could anyway - with or without a passport. Who was going to stop Lionel Luthor or his wife and ask questions?

    “It does rather lend credence to the hooker theory then”, the older man said with a heavy sigh.

    “No”, Lex said a little too roughly. It riled him to think of her in that situation, even though he was the one who came up with the theory to start with. “Lionel believed her over me”, he reasoned, although he wasn’t sure with whom, “He wouldn’t have done so if that were the case. No, there is something else going on”.

    That was undoubtedly true. If he knew anything about the Luthors - and after being Lex’s private investigator for almost a decade, he did - there was probably a whole host of crap going on there. He wasn’t entirely sure that the Luthor patriarch could have his morning coffee without a scandal. In spite of the fact that he knew all this, he still heard himself asking: “You don’t think that it could just be love? Old men have fallen for pretty faces before now”.

    “No chance”, Lex scoffed, “you don’t know him like I do”.

    “So, there is no chance that she is innocent?” He enquired. He doubted it himself but the accumulated knowledge of several generations of private investigators had taught him that when you were being paid to find out something - most people were actually paying you to find out what they wanted you to find rather than the truth.

    A man in love wanted to find out that his sweetheart was true, even when it was obvious that she wasn’t. And the man who wanted to move onto a newer model wanted to discover infidelity, even if that was a potential ‘emotional affair’ between her and her gay hairdresser who she had only seen twice in the previous six months. For whatever reason, Lex seemed not to want to believe the probably truth about his father’s new, young wife.

    “No, definitely not”, he said decisively. There was absolutely no chance that that conniving minx was innocent. Those eyes, that mouth ...

    “Well, I trust your instincts”, the investigator broke through his employer’s thoughts. “So, what are they telling you about her?”

    He thought for a few seconds. Most of his ‘instinctual feelings and musings’ about her were hardly repeatable. Quite a few of them involved her backed up against that large window, bent across his desk and, well, in a whole host of other positions. Some of them requiring rather a lot of flexibility and stamina. “That there is more to this story than meets the eye and that whatever she is, she isn’t just your normal cold bloody gold digger”.

    “Well, that’s something”, he supposed, “You think that she is less dangerous?”

    “Hell no”, Lex almost laughed at the very notion, “she is far more dangerous. She is making me doubt what I know to be true. She is the kind of women who you could watch stealing something from you and then have her convince you that you gave it to her only a few seconds later”.

    “Lex”, he thought about his next words very carefully, “I don’t want to overstep my mark but is she”, he sought for the right words but in the end had to be satisfied with, “your type?”

    “My type?” Lex did chuckle darkly that time. “She is insane”, she would have to be to marry Lionel, “and malicious with an innocent damsel’s face? Of course she is my type”.

    His eye wandered back over to the screen with the security feed and ‘extras’ that he had set up. The image he found there caused a slow smile to spread across his features. “I have to go now”.


    Lex’s feet flew along the landing, down the stairs and through several secret passages which he had discovered as a child so that he was able to slip into the room without being observed.

    He scanned his surroundings, everything was in exactly the same place as it had been the night before. There was no chance that this was just a coincidence.

    In the bright, frosty sunlight she resembled an icy statue even more than normal the traces of softness from the night before wiped clean from her. She stood staring out of the window, her alabaster skin and cold blue eyes showing to great advantage.

    He moved up behind her, his eyes clinging to her form. Images from the dreams which had plagued him the night before clouding his mind. There were stimulating to say the least.

    “We have to stop meeting like this”.

    Chloe span around her eyes wide with shock and fear, emotions which she schooled immediately. He was impressed by such an ability, such control was worthy of only a Luthor. Or perhaps she had known that he was there all along and then that flash of emotion has been entirely for his benefit. He was starting to believe her capable of anything.

    She raised an eyebrow at him.

    He was filled with admiration; he long since learnt that that supercilious expression was the best way to deal with most situations in life. He returned the haughty gesture.

    Her chin tilted up.

    He smirked.

    “What are you doing in here?” She demanded.

    “I might ask you the same question”. He had known that she would be the first one to break. However good she was, she couldn’t match the years of experience he had accumulated from living with Lionel Luthor.

    They were right back where they had been the night before. Both literally and metaphorically. She gave him a decidedly superior look and turned back around to gaze out of the window.

    A small smile tugged at his lips but he controlled the impulse and moved towards her. He positioned himself just slightly to close to her, he could distinguish the outline of face and she could feel his hot breath. He noted her tense with satisfaction. He could detect the goosebumps pricking up along her skin. The flush coming to her cheeks. His smirk threatened to overpower him.

    “My father is extremely taken with you”, he stated solemnly.

    “Always an advantage in a marriage”, with equal solemnity.

    “To the point where he installed you as mistress of this house”, he forced out the words which wished to stick in his throat. There was no point in denying the fact that she had usurped his mother’s place and done her best to remove every trace of her sainted presence from the castle.

    She bristled visibly, giving the impression that she wished to turn but had stopped herself. “What do you want Lex?” She demanded quietly, her eyes still trained on the prospect before her.

    “Why, to get to know you better”, he turned so that he could see a touch more of her face.

    “Why does that not fill me with confidence?”

    “For example”, he continued as if she hadn’t spoke, “what your fascination with this particular room is”.

    She flickered. It was tiny, almost imperceptible. But he caught it.

    “It’s just a room, isn’t it?” Chloe turned to him with an expression of innocent bewilderment.

    The minx. She had turned it around on him, trying to make him think that he was the one who had put something there. He was impressed, stimulated. Stirred.

    “As far as I know”, he conceded, taking a step away from her to peruse the room. It was much like all of the others in the castle: large and imposing, but this one strangely without purpose. It was still filled with random articles of furniture, antiques and the portraits of his beloved mother.

    His eyes shifted back from the divine to the devious. “I must say I would like to know how you contrive to look like you do”, his took in every inch of her delicious form.


    Lex smiled, most women he knew had had some work done but he didn’t think that she had, for some reason he couldn’t quite explain. “I mean, you look well rested for someone who must have been up half of the night”, his lips apparently felt dry as he licked them. “Convincing my father or working out how to do so”.

    “No convincing necessary, I just told him the truth. He is a reasonable man”.

    He snorted. “He doesn’t have in here bugged; there’s no need to suck up”. She said nothing. Either because she agreed or didn’t consider him to be worth the trouble of arguing with. So it was that he continued, “I would be interpreted to know hear what ‘truth’ that might be”. He could only imagine how she must have reworked that tale to cause Lionel to sympathise with her.

    “You were there”, she reminded him.

    “I was”, he agreed as he reached out to grasp her shoulder lightly before spinning her around. “You know, I just can’t work you out”.

    She raised an eyebrow again.

    “What was it that made him fall for you when no one else could manage it?” He fixed her with his most penetrating stare, “You do think that he has fallen for you, don’t you?”

    In spite of their proximity and his hands on her shoulders, she gave no indication of having heard him.

    He studied her and resisted the urge to huff. “You are very beautiful”. She still refused to react to him. That irritated him more than her wicked tongue ever could have. “Exceptionally beautiful, in fact”, he stroked the back of his hand along her cheek. She flinched slightly. He smirked.

    “You know -” This time her eyes were trained on his face. He licked his lips. She swallowed. “There is no reason why we need to be enemies. Lionel will tire of you eventually but that doesn’t mean that we can’t come to some agreement. A deal that is mutually beneficial”. As he spoke, his hot breath caressing her cheek, his stroked the pads of his fingers down her cheek, her throat ...

    Lex’s hand halted and his head snapped to the side as Chloe lashed out.

    “I do like my women feisty”, he smiled, rubbing the pink mark ruminatively.

    Chloe tried to push him back and slip past him but he was ready for her. He snatched her hand in his and pressed his body into hers so that she was firmly against the cold glass of the window, her back arching automatically, unconsciously pushing her breasts into him.

    A shot of predatory delight and pure lust blasted through him. He wanted to grab her and fuck her senseless but he forced himself suave, he was a Luthor after all. He held her hand tenderly and contemplated it. “Whilst you were doing what you were doing, I was asleep having a rather lovely dream”.

    “I have no inter -”

    He stroked his thumb down the centre of her palm along her wrist.

    “I don’t believe that you have no interest”, his lips were so close to her that they grazed her throat briefly, “not for a second”. He felt her shiver. This was almost too easy. He had never met a woman he couldn’t seduce.

    “We were back in this room, you still with that ridiculously sheer nightie on slipping out of your robe. Back, just like this”, weight of his body reinforcing his point, his linked his fingers in with hers.

    “Or almost like this”, he considered their position, “you hitched up against the glass, your legs wrapped around me, heels digging into my back, nails scratching my shoulders, my teeth at your neck”, he nipped at her skin. He knew that that good girl hauteur would melt away in his hands, “What do you say?”

    “I say”, she whispered, before taking his lobe between her brilliant teeth, “that”, she slipped from his grasp, shoving him back against the glass. He didn’t protest. He couldn’t. Dominant girls turned him on. She drew her nails down his chest, enough to leave marks even though his shirt, “Boys like you should grow up and stop dreaming about me”. With that she sauntered out in that way that he knew was going to furnish his brain with plenty more dreams about her.

    A/N: So, what do you think? Any closer to working anything out?

  5. #75
    NS Senior Member Senior Member malugargula's Avatar
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    woohoo go Chloe
    Loved how she put Lex on his place lol
    This is really good, really interesting... can't wait to find out more about Chloe and see what Lex is going to find out about her

  6. #76
    NS Full Member
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    can't wait to see what happens.

  7. #77
    Join Date
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    Well this story is quite intriguing... I'm terribly curious as to what brought Chloe n Lionel together. Can't wait for Lex to figure out she's not the scheming one he thinks & then hopefully sweep her off her feet. I simply love Chlex!! Very good so far, I hope you update soon!!

  8. #78
    NS Full Member kirt30's Avatar
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    Go Chloe

  9. #79
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    Kirt30: Yay, a new reader.

    Zulucnjy: Another new reader, thank-you.

    Cbrunberg: Well, it will be updated today.

    Malugargula: Hello again.

  10. #80
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    Chapter Seven

    Chloe stared into the mirror, her fingers running over the place she knew that Lex had nipped thankful that there was no sign of the bite even though she could still feel his teeth and their effect.

    “Wimp”, she chided herself removing her hand. “You cannot be this weak”. She remembered the feel of his thumb running over her palm and wrist. How the hell could that be so damned sexy?

    The sensation stayed with her. As did the feel of his body pressing against hers. Her legs clamped together. She was being ridiculous, she couldn’t let him get to her like this.

    He was her enemy whatever he said. Lionel wasn’t going to get tired of her, he wasn’t going to toss her to the side and turning to Lex would be a risk. She was Lionel’s wife after all. She pulled herself up, she would not listen to Lex’s rubbish. However, a tiny voice in the back of her mind piped up, Lionel had been widowed for years and she was willing to bet that he had not been celibate all of that time.

    The more that she thought of it, the more she considered the possibility of a safety net in the shape of the son. She checked her dress and went in search of the Luthor scion. She found him in his bedroom, reclining on his bed reading a book.

    “You don’t knock?”

    “No”, she strolled in, closing the door behind her. She knew that his chamber would not have cameras in it, it was the one room she could be sure of. She fixed her eyes on him, taking in everything about him. Sleek bald head. Handsome distrusting face. Crisp shirt and pants. Socks. For some reason that made him even sexier.

    “Is there something that I can do for you?” He asked politely as he placed his book to the side.

    “That depends”, she moved further into the room, “were you serious?”

    “I’m always serious”, he still didn’t get up, allowing her come to him.

    “I don’t want to be left outside in the cold”, the words stuck in her throat, “when Lionel tires of me”.

    He stared at her, there was a touch of something akin to tenderness in his lovely green eyes. How had she ignored how handsome he was before?

    “You won’t be”, he promised her, “we can come up with something. Come here”, he held out his hand.

    She bridged the gap between them on shaky legs, Not entirely sure why she was doing this, it was about something more than survival.

    “Don’t be nervous”, he took her hand gently and pulled her onto the bed. He played with her fingers. “We don’t have to do anything, we ...”

    She pressed her lips against his.



    Chloe jumped, her fingers brushing over the spot Lex’s teeth had nipped.

    “What are you doing darling?”

    “Oh, nothing”, she rubbed her neck, “I think that I got a bug bite or something”. She knew enough about deceit than to try to ‘hide’ something you wanted to hide. She turned her neck to allow her husband to see the non-existent mark.

    Lionel inspected her dutifully but decided, “I can’t see anything”, before placing a kiss against the spot. Chloe shivered but not for the right reasons, as he declared, “There, all better now”.

    “All better”, she agreed with a forced smile.

    “Good”, he pulled her to him and kissed her lips gently. “Is everything sorted?”

    She blinked.

    “Your phone call”, he prompted her.

    “Hmmm”, she agreed.

    “Good”, he nuzzled her ear. “God you smell good”. His hands travelled down onto her ass and gave it a squeeze.

    “Lionel”, she protested, “it is the middle of the morning”.

    “I know”, he sighed, returning his hands to around her waist and resting his forehead against hers. “I can’t help wanting to spend all day with my beautiful wife, can I?”

    “I suppose not”.

    “Unfortunately retreating to our bed for the rest of the day isn’t an option; I have to go into Metropolis for business today. I should be back late tonight and then back out early tomorrow morning”.

    “Oh”, she tried to inject as much regret into her tone as possible. “Well, there’s no point in you coming all of the way back if you need to stay overnight you can you know, I won’t be offended. There’s no reason to travel for an extra three hours when you’re already tired”.

    He pulled back and raised an eyebrow at her, “You won’t miss me?”

    “Of course I will darling but I know how hard it is for you to take off time from work and I have had you all to myself for several days now”, she reached up to brush her lips against his, in an attempt to distract him.

    “You won’t be scared by yourself?” He teased her, rubbing his nose against hers.

    “No, maybe just a little lonely”, she ran her hands up his arms.

    “Me too”.

    “You’d better be”, she pecked him on the nose, “and you’d better behave yourself”.

    “I was just about to say the same thing”, he smiled down at her. “You know, I have some time before I have to get going”.


    Chloe shivered, her arms wrapping around herself as she watched her husband driving off. It was freezing out there, the wind cut right through her cardigan and she convinced herself that it was also the reason for the tear trickling down her cheek.


    “Do you have to keep sneaking up on me?”

    “I do live here”, Lex pointed out with a sneer.

    “Really? I thought that you gallivanted around the country embarrassing your father and wasting money”, she shot back.

    “Well, that too”.

    She rolled her eyes.

    “I didn’t know that you and my father ever spoke”, he moved closer to her.

    “What you don’t know could fill a warehouse ... And then some”, she turned to find that he didn’t look perturbed. With a huff, she went to brush by him but he blocked her way.


    “I was serious about what I said earlier”, he caressed her arm gently, boring into her with his soulful eyes.

    “I’m sure that you were, boys normally are”, she tried to get around him but found herself held back.

    “I meant”, his hands were firm on her arms, “about us not having to be enemies”.

    “You would rather be fuck buddies?” She cocked her head to one side.

    “That would be nice”, he licked his lips, apparently unfazed by the cold, “but it isn’t essential”.

    She crossed her arms and fixed him with a hard looked.

    “Whatever your reasons for marrying my father, whatever my reasons for being here, I don’t want to live in a constant state of combat”.

    “Really?” She tried to return the intensity of his stare, “Why do I get the feeling that you would actually enjoy that? Being at war? Strategizing ...”

    He laughed. He actually laughed at her. “Sure, I do enjoy that. The thrill of the fight, the adrenaline, the back and forth but I get more than enough of that at work. Far more than anyone could ever want from my father”.

    She still looked suspicious.

    “I don’t want to be at war with you too. Some peace and quiet might be nice”, he stroked his hand up her arm.

    She still didn’t give an inch.

    He squeezed her shoulder, “What can I do to convince you?”

    “I’m going inside”, she removed his hands from her body but it didn’t last.

    “Okay look, I didn’t mean it like that”, he wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her in place, “Let me prove it to you”.

    She remained unmoved, “You think that you deserve a chance?”

    “Fine, maybe I don’t, but I’d like a chance just the same”, reached down to clasp one of her frozen hands. The woman really was made out of ice.

    “Do you really think that I am that easy to manipulate? Or so starved of physical contact that you can melt me like that”, she gestured with her hands, “that”.

    “What is your alternative? Roam around this big empty castle all day by yourself?”

    “Fine, do your best. You have”, she removed her hand from his and checked her new, very expensive watch, “one hour”.

    “I can do a lot in an hour”, his smile was distinctly sly and extremely sexy.

    A/N: So, what do you think? Next chapter almost ready.

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