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Thread: Nightcap (NC-17)

  1. #61
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Heh I finally started reading and I'm all caught up and anxciously awaiting the next chapter now, so you better not make me wait! Yes I know, cruel. Another update I will be bugging you about, well tough! Now gimme an update *G*


  2. #62
    Just a Guest!
    wow pregnant again so don't be a teaser and update soon :yay: :yay: :yay:

  3. #63
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Random Ramblings from reading it all in one sitting:

    I loved Pete's lines in the beginning, way to tell Clark!

    Gabe and Lana watching soaps together will always be funny. Always.

    Lex's dream was intense and disturbing-so well written. And I think that it's great that he knows that the meteor rocks can hurt Clark, he just doesn't know know, you know?

    Party sex and the morning after, good times.

    Lionel is the root of all evil.

    Meteor Ring=Good Idea

    Ok, go write more now!


  4. #64
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    How can you leave it there?? I wanna read the next part!!

  5. #65
    Just a Guest!
    Lana’s mouth opened and closed a few times, her mind unable to settle on any response to Pete’s question that wouldn’t be a lie or make him angry.

    “No – I – I just found it in the bathroom,” she said. “I thought whoever took it just didn’t know the results since it was still on the sink counter.”

    “And you brought it out here to try and track the girl down?” Pete asked disbelievingly.

    Lana frowned. She hated lying to Pete, especially when it was just the beginning of their relationship and lies and secrets had been the thing that ruined any chance that she and Clark may have had together. She didn’t want that to happen with Pete, but at the same time, it wasn’t her place to tell him Chloe’s news – not when Chloe had told her not to.

    “Well, I couldn’t just leave it sitting there, Pete. We have a lot of parents that come in here too, you know? I think they’d kind of freak out if they saw a pregnancy test just lying there in plain sight and I don’t want the Talon to be shut down.”

    “I guess,” Pete said, still not entirely convinced. “So what are Chloe and her dad fighting about?”

    “He ---” Lana paused and sucked in a breath. “He found out about Chloe and Lex.”

    “Oooh – someone’s in trouble.”

    “Yeah,” Lana agreed. “Sometimes I think it’s a good thing that I didn’t grow up knowing my real dad. I can only imagine the look on his face if I told him that I was dating Lex Luthor.”

    “Ahh,” Pete strung out with a smile, “but you wouldn’t need to, because you have *good* taste and are dating *me*.” Lana giggled.


    Pete motioned to the bathroom door with his head.

    “Her dad making her dump him?” he asked, a smug grin on his lips.

    Lana narrowed her eyes a little and the pleased look on Pete’s face. The last thing she needed was for Chloe to break up with Lex and be on the market again, especially when Pete’s unrequited crush on her roommate was common knowledge.

    “She didn’t say, but it’s not like there’s a lot he can do.”

    “He’s her dad,” Pete argued with a shrug. “His roof, his rules – at least that’s what my parents keep telling *me*.”

    “She won’t be under his roof for much longer,” Lana said, biting her lower lip when Pete turned to face her.

    “What do you mean?”

    “Nothing,” Lana said quickly. “It’s just that we graduate in a few months and next year we’ll start college and she’ll probably be living in a dorm. That’s all.”

    “Hey guys, I’m gonna go,” Clark said, appearing out of nowhere to point his thumb toward the front door. “Chores and all that.”

    Lana and Pete both gave him sympathetic smiles, knowing the real reason that he was leaving.

    “You should stay,” Lana said. “I’m sure they’ll be done talking soon.”

    Clark shoved his hands into his pockets and gave her an uneasy look before letting his gaze flit over to the closed bathroom door.

    “How’s she feeling? Any better?”

    Lana’s eyes grew wide in panic, her lie about to be exposed.

    “W-what do you mean?”

    Clark gave her an odd look.

    “Pete said she was sick.”

    “Oh! Oh, that. Um, yeah, she’s still not feeling very good.”

    Clark’s eyebrows moved together as he eyed her suspiciously. Lana was a lot of things, but a good liar wasn’t one of them. Then he noticed the pregnancy test that sat on the counter in front of Pete.

    “Oh, my God,” he said in barely a whisper, swallowing down the nauseated panic that threatened to spew up from his throat. His eyes caught Lana’s and she knew in that instant that Clark had put the pieces together.

    “Don’t worry,” Pete said, slapping a hand onto his friend’s back. “Some girl just left it in there. Lana was going to try and figure out who it was before throwing it away.”

    Lana looked at Clark, silently pleading with him not to say anything. He shot her a small, disappointed scowl, but decided to keep the truth from his best friend for the time being.

    If Pete couldn’t put two and two together and figure out that Chloe was the one who was pregnant, then he would need to wait to hear the news from Chloe herself.

    Besides, if he told him now, then Clark had a feeling it would take every ounce of his super strength to keep Pete from killing Lex.


    Lex’s face maintained the emotionless mask he had practiced for so many years, but Chloe could tell he was upset by the way the muscles in his jaw were clenched.

    ‘To tell him or not to tell him…’

    The way she saw it, she had three options.

    If she told him now it would only add to his anger, but she was fairly certain that his animosity wouldn’t be directed toward her.

    She wasn’t so sure that would be the case if she decided to tell him later. Most likely, he would be upset with her for hiding it from him and not telling him right away.

    ‘Strike option number two,’ she thought to herself.

    And if she never told him?

    Chloe let out a small sigh.

    If she never told him then she could run away or have an abortion, but either way she would be damaging their relationship beyond repair, and she wasn’t prepared to do that.

    “There’s more,” she said quietly.

    “Of course there is,” Lex said venomously. “Because it wouldn’t be enough for my father to ---”

    “This doesn’t have anything to do with your dad,” Chloe cut in. Lex’s eyebrows rose in surprise.

    “Oh. Then ---?”

    “Do you remember that really awkward conversation we had a couple of weeks ago?”

    Lex looked pensive as he mentally sorted through the times he and Chloe had actually spoken and not been involved in…other activities. The thought brought a grin to his lips, but Chloe didn’t notice because she was looking at the floor.

    “Well, it turns out I was wrong about you.”

    Lex’s head snapped to look at her, his eyes piercing her skin with a quizzical stare.

    ‘There’s no way she could know,’ he told himself. ‘Hitmen don’t keep records on computer --- do they? Shit. She’s going to break up with me. The only woman I ---’

    “The meteor shower didn’t affect your sperm count. I’m pregnant.” She barely got the last part out in a choked whisper, but it was enough to jolt him away from his thoughts. Saying it aloud only brought forth her tears again and Chloe quickly raised her hands to her eyes to wipe them away. “I’m sorry – God, Lex – I’m so sorry.”

    Lex sat there in shock, one singular thought running through his mind.

    A scene from his nightmare, he saw himself peppering her jaw with small kisses and wiping away the trails of wetness with his thumb before moving his mouth to her ear.

    ‘You won’t ever be able to leave me now. I’ve made sure of it.’

    “I’m sorry,” Chloe repeated, close to hysterics with her sobbing. “I ---”

    “We can’t tell anyone,” Lex suddenly interrupted. ‘Not yet anyway – not until dear old dad’s out of the picture.’

    Chloe nodded. She had figured as much. She wiped her tears away once again before grabbing a Kleenex off the small coffee table that sat between them. She blew her nose and waited a minute before speaking again.

    “Lana knows,” she finally said. “She walked in right after I found out.” She stopped and shook her head. “But she won’t say anything. And I can…find a doctor or clinic or something in Metropolis that can ---”

    Lex fixed a steely, warning glare on her and Chloe felt her blood run cold.

    “I would never – God – please don’t do this, Chloe,” he said, his voice changing from a hard protest into a desperate plea at the end.

    “I don’t want to,” she said in confusion. “I don’t understand. I thought you didn’t want ---”

    “I just want you to be safe,” Lex said, rising from his chair to crouch down next to hers. “And my dad ---”

    Chloe nodded with the new comprehension of what he was talking about. If Lionel Luthor was malicious enough to send her dad a videotape of her and Lex at the party, then who knew what evil he would resort to if he found out she was pregnant.

    As if reading her thoughts, Lex placed a comforting hand over hers.

    “I’ll take care of it.”

  6. #66
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    01 May 2003
    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    I just so love protective Lex. Sweet but not too domineering.

    And yes Clark,keep your nose out of it

  7. #67
    NS Full Member
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    02 Mar 2003
    *cracking knuckles* I'll help Lex take care of Lionel. I've so got his back. Poor Chloe....Stupid Pete.


  8. #68
    7 comes on too strong
    Join Date
    15 May 2003
    Eek! :huh: What is Lex going to do? I love that he's all protective of Chloe ...but he's capable of a lot of things, and with the baby on the way...again...eek! :huh:

  9. #69
    Just a Guest!
    break out the baseball bats people, we are going an'asswhuping an the lucky recipeant is Lionel Luthor!!! And clark better keep his nose out as well, or I think someone is gonna stick a big ole chunk of kryptonite where the sun don't shine!!!

    Loved protective lex, poor chloe, i feel for them both.

    Please, more soon!!!! :worship2:

  10. #70
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    I am so glad she told him . It would not have been good to keep the baby news from him. More please...

    Hope :biggrin:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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