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Thread: Do I have to say the words? (NC-17)

  1. #51
    NS Full Member
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    04 Nov 2003
    A/N: Here’s a new chapter... If you’re waiting for smut... well, wait a bit more, because it’s not in this one! :tease:


    Chapter 4: The best scene ever

    Rescue me from despair
    Tell me you will be there
    Help me please, darling rescue me

    Three weeks later
    There was a knock on the door and Chloe groaned. She was supposed to be alone tonight, her father was on a trip for his job, Lana was in Metropolis with Clark, everything was perfect for the evening she’d planned.
    Hoping the person behind the door would take the hint and realize she wasn’t joking, she turned her attention back to the TV screen. This was the best part, she didn’t want to miss it. She heard the door being pushed open and she cursed herself for forgetting to lock it. She glanced over her shoulder to see who it was, and turned back to the screen when she saw it was Lex. Not looking at him, she spoke up:
    “Get in if you want to, but close the door behind you, and if you know what’s good for you, shut up for the next six minutes.”
    Surprised, he nodded and sat down on the couch next to her, then watched the screen as well, wanting to know what had her attention. He understood when he saw a young blonde woman enter what looked like a crypt. Like she had ordered, he kept quiet during the whole scene, and when it was over he turned to look at her. She let out a dreamy sigh.
    “That is the best scene ever.”
    She seemed to have forgotten there was someone else in the room with her, but she didn’t look startled when he spoke, so he assumed she hadn’t forgotten.
    “Isn’t it a bit... pathetic?”
    She stared at him.
    “Are you kidding? How the hell can a man doing that kind of things for the woman he loves be pathetic?”
    “Well... he’s one of the strongest men on earth, the kind that would never show his weaknesses if he was in his normal state, and look at what he’s reduced to, because of her.”
    For her, Luthor.”
    “It’s more than semantics. He didn’t do it because she ordered him to, he did it because he wanted to be the kind of man she could love.”
    She saw that he was going to respond so she raised her hand to prevent him from doing so and she went on.
    “Want me to give you the reasons why this is a great scene?”
    He nodded.
    “Alright. First, there’s the fact that, and you’re right about that, he never shows his weaknesses. It makes it all the more valuable when he does. Then there’s the fact that he doesn’t complain. He’s suffering more than humanly possible, and yet he doesn’t say a word, because he knows that this is what she wanted.” She stopped, then added with a grin. “And the fact that James Marsters is gorgeous doesn’t hurt either.”
    He decided to ignore her last statement and to answer the second reason she’d given.
    “Why would he complain?”
    “Hundred of reasons. When Angel got his soul back, he complained. Spike doesn’t. He’s stronger than that. He didn’t even want her to know. They both suffered the worst thing a vampire can go through, but Angel kept whining about it, while Spike accepts it. As I see it, Angel is Lana and Spike... is you.”
    He looked at her, stunned.
    “I think after such a statement, you have to explain what you mean, Chloe.”
    “Well... Lana lost her parents, that’s tragic, but please, does she have to go on and on about it every day and give everybody who would listen – and even everybody who wouldn’t – the poor little orphan speech? You lost your mother *and* were raised by a father who didn’t give you any reason to believe he loves you. You suffered as much as Lana did, even more, but you never talk about it – ok, maybe even not enough – which makes you very much like Spike.”
    Impressed by her analysis, he nodded, then smirked.
    “Then who’s Buffy?”
    “That would be Clark and his hero complex!”
    Lex chuckled. She was right. But he became more serious after a few seconds and saw in her eyes that she knew what he was going to ask next.
    “And who would you be?”
    She smiled.
    “I guess I’d be Xander.”
    “The best friend. You know, the one who’ll always be there, no matter what, the only one who hasn’t changed since the beginning.”
    “I don’t like that.”
    “Why not?”
    “Because Harris hates Spike.”
    “So... I don’t want you to hate me.”
    She offered him a small smile.
    “I don’t.”
    “Good to know.”
    “So, what are you doing here anyway? Did you just come to ruin my Buffy reruns night and my Spike induced fantasies?”
    He chuckled and shook his head.
    “There are a few papers I need before tomorrow, I called your Dad, he said they were in his office at home and that I could come and take them.”
    “You know where his office is, right?”
    “Yeah, you can go back to Spike, I’ll find my way out.”



    For those of you who were wondering, the scene I’m talking about is the last one in “Beneath you” and the idea of Angel being Lana comes from a conversation I’ve had a few days ago with one of my friends, who asked me if I thought David Boreanaz would be as handsome in pink as he’s in black.

  2. #52
    Just a Guest!
    Update! Thank you! Happy Lark. Good thing too, when your name means harmless michief and fun it's best to stay happy. Loved it. Keep it coming.

    Just so you know you've been awarded the endearment "darling" as in darling moultipass and moultipass, darling. It's a habit I've picked up, calling people I'm pleased with by endearment or complimentary/affectionate titles. And thus the Lark awards were born and all fanfic author who please me are rewarded. Anyway, if you would prefer a title(I adore alliterations so it would be something to the tune of moultipass of the mighty muse or the merciful moutlipass who takes pity on fanfic addicts), simply tell me and I will have you upgraded at the next great installment.

    The Lark, Chief of The League of Flattery For Fanfic Authors

  3. #53
    NS Full Member Pieper's Avatar
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    30 Aug 2003
    love it.

  4. #54
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    Loved it :clap:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #55
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    I'm so surprised that Lex didn't take advantage of the situation of Chloe being home alone!! Maybe he was just so pleased that she made him Spike in her fantasy!!:biggrin: Who wouldn't be, Spike is so cute!! However, I see Pete more as Xander and Chloe as Cordelia!! I'm sorry, I just liked Cordelia in the show! Great update!! :chlexsign3:

  6. #56
    Miss Innocent-Or? 2005 Senior Member ColumbiaBlue's Avatar
    Join Date
    17 Sep 2003
    That was cute. More soon :biggrin:


  7. #57
    Just a Guest!
    Ditto on the loved it response.

    More soon

  8. #58
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Penn's Woods
    This is a wonderful story! Lex is going after Chloe, slowly winning her over. He seems to realise that he has to get her to trust him BEFORE the big seduction scene. :biggrin:

    GREAT JOB--Update soon!

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

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  9. #59
    NS Full Member
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    04 Nov 2003
    I see Pete more as Xander and Chloe as Cordelia
    Yeah, well... it's been long since I last saw Cordy, so I didn't think about that, but you may be right! :unsure:

    if you would prefer a title (...) simply tell me and I will have you upgraded at the next great installment
    lol. I think darling will be fine, unless you want my ego to rival Lex's! :lol:

    He seems to realise that he has to get her to trust him BEFORE the big seduction scene
    Not that you're waiting for this one...

    Moultipass :chlexsign4:

  10. #60
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    03 Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia.
    Nice update! Hopefully Lex will get a bit more of a clue from Chloe's analyses of Buffy and Spike's relationship! ...then he can have her!

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