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Thread: Wicked Thoughts: Sequel to Wicked Dreams - (NC-17)

  1. #51
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Great update! Clark is such an idiot! I hope Lex reads the situation corrrectly.

    Please update soon--I can't take the pressure :biggrin:

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

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  2. #52
    Members Lady Aquitaine's Avatar
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    Hi All! Here is part 5...I hope you enjoy...


    Part 5

    “Am I interrupting?” Lex asked with a hard edge to his voice. An anger that he’d known existed but always kept at bay surfaced like lightning within him. His cold blue-gray gaze focused intensely on Clark as he slowly walked further into the room. Lex never thought the day would come when he’d fight over a woman but Chloe was not just any woman. Chloe was his woman and he’d be damned if another man, best friend or not, would lay a hand on what was his.

    “Of course not.” Chloe said brightly quickly extricating herself from Clark’s arms and stepping away. She quickly took a look in Lex’s direction and instantly regretted it. The fury she saw seething within those orbs made her step back. She had never seen Lex this angry. It was a frightening sight.

    Actually, I think he looks pretty hot…Evil Chloe murmured.

    Clark grinned when Chloe had stepped away. She was being shy in front of Lex. He was going to tease her about it when he looked up at Lex and caught the icy glare. He was taken aback for a few seconds before suspicion began to slowly dawn on him.

    “What are you doing here, Lex?” Clark found his own voice had turned as hard as Lex’s.

    “I asked him to meet me here.” Chloe chimed in quickly. “You know the whole Worthington thing.” She tried to smile but realized it only turned into a grimace.

    The memory of Clark asking Lex for advice with Chloe flooded him. Lex advising Clark to concentrate on Lana came back to him and his own anger began to rise. Bastard!

    Lex advanced further into the room in Clark’s direction when Chloe stepped in between them.

    “Ah…Clark…Don’t you have chores to do?” Chloe quickly asked trying to diffuse the situation by sending Clark on his way. She really needed to speak with Lex alone.

    “Nope. I’m all YOURS for the afternoon.” Clark said cheerfully although his own blue gaze turned icy as they rested on Lex.

    Shit! Didn’t I tell you to by that damn shotgun! Evil Chloe croaked.

    Chloe wanted to kill Clark with her bare hands. She took a deep breath and tried again.

    “Really? I thought you said you needed to finish the thing your dad had asked you to finish. Remember? The thing…” Chloe knew she was babbling but the situation called for a little babbling.

    Clark looked in Chloe’s direction and caught her pleading look. He decided to give in to her this once. But as soon as he saw her tonight, he was going to make his own intentions very clear.

    “Ah…Yeah. That’s right. I forgot. I’ve got to go. But I’ll see you tonight, okay.” Clark’s voice turned husky and let his hand trail softly down her arm. Chloe eyebrows rose and her breath caught. She quickly grabbed a hold of Lex’s arm and pulled him away towards the desk while trying to keep a steady smile.

    Damn that Farmboy and his big mouth…Evil Chloe yelled.

    “O-Okay Clark. I’ll see you tonight.” She croaked not meeting Lex’s gaze. She kept her own gaze on Clark and was even more surprised, when before he left, he gave her a seductive smile and a wink.

    Fuck! What in the hell is he doing?

    If you ask me…Farmboy has a death wish…

    Lex looked down at Chloe with a murderous expression. Tonight! Like fucking hell!

    Lex slowly closed his eyes and silently counted to ten.

    “What did he mean by see you tonight?” Lex asked in a deceptively soft voice.

    He tried counting to twenty. Still didn’t work.

    “Well…We’re going to study for our trig test.” Chloe murmured while quickly moving away.

    “Excuse me?” Lex asked trying to grasp what was happening.

    “Trig test…We’re going to study --- Now, Lex, I don’t know what’s gotten into Clark…” her voice trailed off.

    “I do. He wants you.” Lex’s voice was still low when he spoke.

    “That’s ridiculous! He’s never shown the slightest interest in me.” Chloe responded with a slight scoffing but even that sounded weak to her own ears.

    “He wants you!” he responded trying to keep a check on his anger.

    “No way.” Chloe denied though the proof was right before her face when Clark tried to kiss her.

    “Chloe, he WANTS you! But he can’t have you because YOU belong to me!” Lex said angrily as his lips claimed Chloe’s in a hard punishing kiss. Chloe was stunned at the depth of Lex’s anger. She could feel it in his kiss. She could feel it when he pressed her against him. His body was hard and unyielding. Chloe would have normally ridiculed this kind of barbaric behavior. But no one’s ever fought for her and secretly she was thrilled by Lex’s possessive nature. Not that she would tell him. God, she’d never hear the end of it.

    Chloe softy groaned and Lex realized what he was doing. He was taking out his anger on the one person who didn’t deserve it. He softened the kiss and let his tongue slide over her lips. Chloe opened her mouth to him and reveled in the feel of his tongue gliding over hers. Heat flooded her senses and felt herself grow damp at the juncture between her legs. Lex pulled back when his lungs demanded air and Chloe groaned at the loss. He couldn’t help but grin at the petulant look on her face.

    Lex’s grin turned wicked as he remembered what she said about her dream.

    “So…sweetheart…about this dream…” Lex began smoothly. Chloe laughed huskily.

    “Lex we can’t. There are still people around.” Chloe chuckled pulling completely away.

    “So, lock the door.” Lex said following her and pulling her back into his arms.

    “I can’t. You know I can’t.” Chloe grinned. Lex rolled his eyes knowing she was right. Then he realized what he did and shook his head. Chloe was indeed beginning to rub off on him.

    “Fine. Have it your way. Although, your desk looks very tempting.” He tried once more.

    “No! Is that why you came here? To have your way with me on my desk.” Chloe asked innocently.

    Lex groaned at the image her words produced. Then quickly frowned when he remembered what had distracted him.

    “You are not going to Clark’s.” He said with finality to his voice. He realized his blunder when Chloe’s eyes widened with surprise and then narrowed.

    “What was that? Was that an order?” Her voice turned husky soft. Chloe had really no intention of seeing Clark tonight but she certainly was not going to be ordered into not going. Lex watched as Chloe squared her shoulders and knew he was in for a battle.

    “Chloe, be reasonable. Clark is after you. He’ll probably try something tonight. Let me deal with him.”

    “Well, that’s all fine and dandy, but I think I will make the call on what my plans are.” Chloe sweetly said.

    Darlin’…Please don’t do this…Evil Chloe pleaded.

    Lex’s anger began to resurface at the stubbornness of the woman before him. Why the hell did she have to be so DAMN stubborn? Just once couldn’t she listen to reason.

    “You are not going tonight. And that is final!” Lex growled. He didn’t mean to give her an express order but the stubborn minx didn’t understand the situation she was in.

    WHOOPS! Evil Chloe murmured.

    “Excuse me! WHAT DID YOU SAY? FINAL! Did I just hear you correctly?” Chloe voice rose to a screech.

    “Yes!” He tried to hang on valiantly. Chloe’s wrath was not a pleasant experience.

    “Let’s get one thing straight Mr. Luthor,” Chloe said poking him on his chest as her anger boiled over; “I DO NOT take orders. I may listen to suggestions but I do not take orders! And just because I am sharing your bed does not mean that you can order me around like one of your many floozies.” Chloe yelled still poking him hard in the chest. Lex backed up trying to get away from that lethal finger. Chloe followed him.

    “I will do what I want! When I want! And I’ll be damned before I start taking orders from you. Do you understand me?” Chloe screamed.

    “Chloe, I’m warning you ---“ Lex growled angrily but Chloe cut him off.

    “Warning me!” she screeched. Words escaped her as her anger turned into full out rage. “Warning me!” she repeated.

    “Listen you pigheaded woman, I am trying to protect you.” Lex yelled back having had enough of her stubbornness.

    “Protect me! Protect ME! You want to protect ME!” Chloe yelled. Angrily she picked up the nearest object which happened to be her favorite coffee mug and flung it at him. Lex ducked the object in time. It shattered against the wall with a loud crash. He looked at the smashed cup with an incredulous expression then turned narrowed eyes upon her.

    “Chloe Sullivan, you are going to pay for that!” Lex said as he flung himself in her direction. His intention was to grab the little minx and shake her. Chloe managed to side step him and he crashed against the filing cabinet.

    “Missed me.” She laughed evilly at him. Lex could not believe he was reduced to charging after this slip of a woman. His eyes narrowed even more as he righted himself.

    “So you want to play games, Ms. Sullivan…” he said huskily as he began to stalk her. The challenging look in her eyes was all Lex needed to retaliate. Chloe realized her mistake in challenging Lex and searched around the office to find a better position.

    Shit! Chloe thought.

    Oodles and Oodles, darlin’…Evil Chloe laughed.

    But before Lex could fling himself at her once again, the door to the office slammed open and Lana Lang rushed in.

    “Chloe, what’s the matter. I heard screaming and something smash.” Lana asked concern lacing her features.

    “Lana, I’m so glad you’re here. Everything is fine.” Chloe said quickly rushing over to the brunette.

    “Lana, out!” Lex ordered simply. He was going to teach his beautiful minx a lesson.

    “No! Lana stay! Mr. Luthor was just leaving.” Chloe went on imperiously. Lex itched to ring her neck.

    “Lana…OUT!” Lex growled. Lana looked between the two obviously angry people and didn’t know what to do. Indecision marred her lovely features.

    “Lana, never mind! I suddenly remembered the shopping trip we planned.” Chloe said as she quickly grabbed her things. Yanking Lana out of the room and with her nose in the air, Chloe growled out “Good day, Mr. Luthor.”

    Lex grit his teeth and a tick began to form underneath one of his eyes. The stubborn, obstinate shrew was definitely going to pay for her pigheaded actions and Lex was going to have fun dishing out the punishment.

    But first he needed to deal with Clark Kent.


    Never met two more stubborn people in my life... :biggrin:

  3. #53
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    :biggrin: woooo I love this story!! but someone kill clark for me! shove a metorite up his ass or something! Cant wait to see how lex handles this! :worship2:

  4. #54
    Canon Whore Not An Addict's Avatar
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    Arrrrrgghh!! *seeths with anger*

    If Clark's idiocy screwed this up, the rusty grapefruit spoon treatment is comin' out!

    *seeths some more*

  5. #55
    hide the rum randa's Avatar
    Join Date
    10 Jun 2003
    all the yelling and the screaming...got me all riled up.
    i cant wait to see what lex's plan of dealin with the farm boy will be

    chloe should have locked the door by the way


  6. #56
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Again, this was a wonderful update! BUT, Clark must be told off by both Chloe and Lex--he is an idiot!

    Also, Lex needs to realize that he can't order Chloe around :biggrin:

    This is a wonderful story--Nicely Done!

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

    My Fanfic Master List

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  7. #57
    NS Full Member
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    24 Jun 2003
    omg thats was great you portrayed chloe and lex so well to how they would really act!!! please update!

  8. #58
    NS Full Member
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    26 Mar 2003
    someone really should just delete clark. the only purpose he seems to serve is getting between chlex and that is not good for anyone.

  9. #59
    Seen my Chlex muse? Clannadlvr's Avatar
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    Dear Sexy Lexy,

    WHAT were you thinking, ordering Chloe around? Have you learned nothing from your intrepid reporter?? *sighs*

    Please get some sense into you, posthaste.

    a concerned citizen

  10. #60
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Jesus mary and Joseph WHY WHY???? MORE PLEASE!!

    Hope :worship2:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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