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Thread: Anyone's Game (NC-17 Chloe/Lucas; Chloe/Lex UST/Angst) - 25 Nov 2004

  1. #51
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    :worship2: I love your new update and Lucas reunion with his mother!! I love the fact that Rachel accepts Chloe and wants to help her and Lucas in their fight against Lex and Lionel!! I'm also glad that Lionel realizes that what he did to Chloe was wrong, even though not for the right reasons!! Thank you so much for the update!! This is the best story, even if it's not Chlex!! :worship2:

  2. #52
    Just a Guest!
    AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH UPDATE! Please. I love this story and am amazed that I am kinda rooting for Lucas and for Lex. (What can I say, the Chlex in me will never die)

    More soon

  3. #53
    Lovely update.

    Rachel seems to have stablized, at least to the point where she's coherent and calm. I can't wait to see what she adds to the mix.

    And I love the easy comfort between Lucas and Chloe. While I am primarily a Chlex shipper, there will always be a special place for Chlucas in my heart. I am hoping this continues to develop that way.

    Great job!

  4. #54
    Members ElizabethV's Avatar
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    Aw! I love how Rachel even noticed how great they are together. And Lucas' insistence that Chloe go w/ him to meet his mom. They're just so great together! I really hope you can update soon- and hopefully Rachel can be a help to them.

  5. #55
    Just a Guest!
    They had slipped into a comfortable routine around each other; slightly more than companionable when around others, but truly becoming friends when they were alone. So when Lucas gave Chloe a ride back to his house on his motorcycle after visiting his mother, the last thing she’d been expecting was to him to be running a nervous hand through his hair and lacking the enormous amount of self confidence that he usually possessed around her – or around anyone else for that matter.

    “I…” he paused and darted his eyes toward the street. Chloe wasn’t sure if it was intentional or not since he could be one of the most paranoid people she’d ever met; and knowing who his father was, he certainly had a right to be. He brought his eyes gaze back to hers after a moment and let out a breath before he spoke. “I wanted to say thank you.”

    She arched an eyebrow. That’s it? That’s why he was acting so strange? He had trouble saying thank you?

    Seeing her look of skepticism, he gave her a tight grin. “I have trouble with the emotional stuff – remember?”

    “Actually, I’d forgotten,” Chloe admitted with a bright smile that made his heart beat a little bit faster. “Of course, you’re a good actor. Too good. Sometimes, when we’re around my dad or my friends, I have to remind myself that we’re not really going out.” She shook her head lightly as if shaking off the comment as well and was taken aback by the entirely too pensive expression that lined Lucas’s features. “What?”

    “Nothing,” Lucas said, quickly writing whatever he had been thinking about off – or at least negating the possibility of telling Chloe what it was.

    Well, she couldn’t have that. What kind of investigative reporter would she be if she let things slide that easily? Then again, the young man standing just inches away from her had fast become her best friend and she didn’t want to risk losing him because of her over-abundant curiosity. So, she held her tongue by biting her lip and then gave him a weak grin.

    “I guess I should get going,” she said, suddenly thankful that she had driven over to his house that morning rather than walked to get exercise like she’d been doing. Their visit to see Lucas’s mom had been tiring, both emotionally and mentally. And because a drain on one sense was like a drain on the others, she doubted she had the energy to start running if some meteor freak began to chase her on her walk home. Or dodge whatever other sick joke the gods of Smallville decided to throw at her. “Bye.”

    She hadn’t taken two full steps away from him before Lucas finally decided to speak again.


    She turned and looked at him questioningly, but didn’t offer a verbal response. Likely it would be something along the lines of ‘Huh?’, ‘What?’, or ‘Yeah?’, so why bother with something that a look could just as easily convey? That was her rationalization later anyway. But the real reason she said nothing was because she had turned around and immediately made eye contact with him, the sight she saw knocking the breath, or at least the words, right out of her.

    His normally brown eyes seemed a zillion shades darker, and though Chloe may not have had the experience that Lana had with guys lusting after her so much that they put her up on a pedestal rather than simply trying to get to know her, she recognized the desire that lay beneath his expression well enough.

    If it was his eyes that knocked the wind out of her, it was the statement he made next that made her come painfully crashing back to reality.

    “Maybe we should stop pretending.”

    Oh. Right. Of course. Obviously she just wasn’t as good about reading people’s language as she thought she’d become. She opened her mouth to speak, to say it was alright, that she had given him the ‘get out of jail free card’ at their very first meeting for a reason, when she looked up from the cemented front-door stoop that she hadn’t even realized she’d been staring at to find that Lucas had moved measurably closer to her and was lowering his lips to hers.

    The kiss was soft, testing rather than passionate, and Chloe could have sworn her knees were threatening to buckle. If not for the strong hand he’d placed on the small of her back and the one he was weaving into her hair, she was fairly certain she’d collapse. She spread her lips further apart and lightly licked against the partially open crease of his mouth, her heart pounding forcefully in her chest as their embrace deepened and her tongue entwined with Lucas’s.

    She pushed aside the traitorous thought that she shouldn’t be doing this because she had been severely hurt recently and might be again if she gave into what her body wanted. She may not love Lucas – not yet – but damned if the boy didn’t know how to kiss. Damned if he didn’t know how to do everything else after that either.

    Lucas made quick work of opening the front door and within moments slammed Chloe back against a wall and pressed his mouth to hers in a kiss so full of pent up desire that it could only be described as feral.

    Her eyelids had lost any battle they may have been fighting to stay open, even as that little voice in the back of her head protested against what she was doing. Lucas deserved to know that she didn’t love him; especially when her body was sending the mixed signal that yes, she very much did like to be touched by him. Her body may have been melting no matter how slight the caress, but the truth was that she was slowly but surely getting over just having her heart ripped to pieces – again – and that didn’t leave a lot to work with in the emotional attachment department.

    What it did leave was the part that tossed the little voice to the back of her brain and took control of the situation, pushing her body back against Lucas’s; sliding her tongue around his in small circular movements that made her skin feel like it was on fire. It left an empty, broken space that needed to be filled.

    She needed to be wanted and desired; even if it was only physically, she needed an outlet to rid herself of the pain that still had her waking up in the middle of the night sobbing for no logical reason. And this, this tangle of tongues and limbs, this delicious feeling of Lucas’s muscular body against hers, was ready and willing to be that outlet.

    She didn’t remember being lifted up and wrapping her legs around his waist, but God, she was glad she had. She unconsciously rocked against him as they kissed, as he attacked her neck with his tongue and teeth, as he peeled her shirt up over her bra and then over her head and threw it onto the floor.

    She could do this. It may not be sweet or loving, or flowers and chocolate hearts, but it was real and it appealed to that primal part of her that she kept so well-buried most of the time.

    Lucas moaned in pleasure against her lips, beginning to speak but kissing her between his staggered words as if he were remiss to have to say anything at all. “Bedroom.” *kiss* “Have to…” *kiss* “…condom.”

    Condom. Right. Yes. Good. At least one of them was thinking straight.

    In a move so similar to their first encounter, Chloe tightened her legs around Lucas’s waist and kissed him again with a fury as he grabbed her ass to help support her and led both of them down the hall and into his bedroom.


    Lex lifted a hand to rub his eyes. He was tired and if the action happened to partially hide the fact that his eyelids were heavy and threatening to remain closed until he got a good night’s sleep, then all the better. He couldn’t show his weaknesses; even if they were the same ones that every human had, he just couldn’t. Not now.

    Work had been surrealistically busy considering his company’s main focus was fertilizer. Yes, their labs were branching out into other areas and had been for a while, but none of the ongoing research had amounted to a marketable product yet, which meant Lex’s overtime was due to increased orders for manure-based fertilizers and never-ending meetings with both old and new distributors.

    It was dull and exhausting, but it helped keep his mind off of other things, and therefore his sometimes volatile emotions in check. So, when he heard his father’s voice greet him as he walked into his office at home, he felt little more than the small surge of loathing and contempt that always swept through him when the man was near.

    “Dad,” he returned, heading toward the bar built into the wall’s shelving rather than trying to go over and physically kick his father out of his chair like he was tempted to do.

    He set his steel briefcase down and poured himself a drink. Generally, he would have reached for a bottle of TyNant water out of the mini-refrigerator, but if his dad had made the trek from Metropolis to Smallville without any warning, then something serious was about to happen; something that he would undoubtedly need to numb himself for so he didn’t outwardly react to it. Barrel-aged scotch was just the anesthesia he needed.

    “That’s it?” Lionel asked, his tone full of mocking amusement. “You’re not wondering why I’m here?”

    Lex too a swig of the scotch and let it burn its way down his throat before answering. “I’m sure you have your reasons.”

    Lionel pursed his lips in pensive frustration. His son was difficult to deal with when he slipped into one of his somber, morose moods and he could tell almost immediately that he wasn’t going to be able to get any sort of reaction out of him, regardless of how much provocation and innuendo he bombarded him with. He would need to go with another tactic.

    He pulled his face into an expression that was entirely too practiced to be genuine and leaned forward in his chair, pressing his fingertips together as he did so.

    “I wanted to apologize. I realize now, regardless of my good intentions to help her, I shouldn’t have interfered in your…relationship…with Chloe.”

    Lex scoffed and finished off the remaining liquor in his short glass. “She’s ignoring you too then, I take it.”

    “She’s upset. She’ll get over it,” Lionel sloughed off with a flip of his hand in the air.

    “No. She won’t.”

    Lionel smirked. It was shark-like and would have made a lesser man quiver, but Lex was in no state of mind that allowed him the luxury of fear – or any emotion other than self-pity for that matter.

    “She will,” Lionel said confidently. “I heard you broke up with Amanda.” He paused but Lex offered him no reaction, so he pressed forward. “Chloe doesn’t need to know why; she just needs to know that you did.”

    “Chloe already knows why,” Lex responded sourly, pouring himself another drink. It would take a lot more than a couple of drinks before he was inebriated and he needed every ounce of resistance against his father’s pushing that he could muster – even if it came from an artificial source like the alcohol. “How did you think I found out about Amanda?”

    Lionel’s self-assured mask faltered, but he was able to school it into something placid and seemingly void of emotion. “I see,” he finally said after a moment’s silence.

    Fuck. Chloe somehow found out about Amanda, had informed Lex despite what he’d done to her, and now wasn’t speaking to either one of them. Lionel knew only too well how much damage an emotionally wounded woman could incur; it was why he’d set Chloe up to find out that Lex was cheating on her to begin with – to destroy the allegiance they had that threatened his.

    But now Chloe wasn’t on either side. She’d become a wild card in their ongoing game and because of her level of intelligence and stubborn personality, could very well end up destroying both of them if that’s what she set her mind to. He couldn’t allow that to happen. He would speak to her first, of course, but if she didn’t heed reason, then she’d need to be taken care of.

    “No, Dad,” Lex said, breaking through Lionel’s thoughts and then downing the second splash of scotch he’d poured in one pull. “You don’t.”

    Lionel raised an eyebrow and waited for his son to elaborate. No further explanation came of Lex’s own accord and he leaned back in his seat to project the image that he didn’t care one way or another. He suspected that he knew what this was about, but a well-placed comment was often essential, even when Lex wasn’t in one of his moods.

    “Is this about the boy she’s started seeing?”

    Lex clenched his jaw and gripped his glass a little tighter; setting it down before he did something foolish like squeezed it too hard and broke his skin or threw it at his father’s head. The latter was still awfully tempting.

    “You know?” he gritted out.

    “I’ve seen pictures,” Lionel said. “Nothing of his face, but whoever it is – I’m sure he’s just the ‘rebound-guy’. You shouldn’t have any trouble winning her back if that’s what you really want.” He stopped and let out a dramatic sigh. “All I wanted was for us to truly work together, Lex. You have to know that.” Lex once again said nothing and Lionel had to fight the urge to raise his voice like he had when his son was a child. “Chloe is a very intelligent young woman. I have a feeling that we can get past all of these betrayals and all work together toward our common goal. If you want Chloe, I won’t stand in your way this time.”

    Lex’s nostrils flared and he felt his weak grasp on controlling his temper start to slide through his fingertips.

    “Lucas will.”

    Lionel blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

    “Lucas. Will,” Lex growled.

    “Why would you think…?”

    And in a moment of clarity, it all came to him. Lionel knew he had recognized the boy’s general shape, even with the blurry face on the photos; and now he knew why. Chloe had gone to Lucas, the one person who could possibly help her enact revenge on both him and Lex. It wasn’t a rebound relationship she was in; she wasn’t drowning her sorrows; she had been hurt and she was retaliating. She was preparing for the kill.

    It was strange. Lionel knew he should have been angry, but the emotion that tweaked his senses was pride. How very Luthor-like of her…

    Maybe this situation wasn't so unsalvageable after all.

  6. #56
    Corrupted by the smut Janet's Avatar
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    *stops squeeling*

    Ok, fantastic!!!! Loved the Chloe/Lucas heat here. Great visual - Lucas can grab my ass any day...

    Lionel feeling proud of Chloe... "how very luthor like of her"


    Can't wait for more...

  7. #57
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    Yay! Another update! Loved the chole and Lucas interaction. Can't wait to read more. Hopefully very soon.


  8. #58
    Gutter dweller gyhardin's Avatar
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    This is such a riveting fic. I love the Chlucas action here. Lucas is so endearing. Lex deserves all the hurt he got. Lionel's introspection on Chloe's retaliation was so in character.

    Please update...this is such a wondafu story! :yay:

  9. #59
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Kris, I adore this story, but I feel bad for Lucas. He's falling for Chloe but she is still too hurt by Lex to see him. But Lex realizes that Lucas could have genuine feelings for Chloe.

    EXCELLENT :biggrin:

    More soon!

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

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  10. #60
    NS Full Member
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    HELLO...........is there anbody there? Where the hell did ya go? It's been like three weeks since your last update and I'm going into withdrawal here!

    Seriously though, this is a great fic so please don't abandon it.

    Update soon 'k?


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