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Thread: Choose Your Own Chlexventure (PG-13 to R)

  1. #51
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    It might as well be the damn rabbit hole.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  2. #52
    NS Full Member marrycherry's Avatar
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    04 Mar 2003
    RABBIT HOLE!!!!!!

  3. #53
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    24 Oct 2003
    A! A, damnit!! Didn't you guys ever read Alice in Wonderland? Everything down that hole's freaky and evil!

  4. #54
    NS Full Member
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    20 Apr 2003
    A/N: Sabby: And down the rabbit hole we go. I hope you're happy with your choice *G* Oh and this is skirting the edges between R and NC-17 I think. Have fun. And a little more review than just A or B would be most welcome *g*

    A/N: Blue: Down the hatch it is. Another chapter and another tough choice. Have fun with the next choice.....hee....hee...hee....

    Lex slid his hands into his pocket, his palm still itching where Chloe's had just touched it. He furrowed his brow at the rabbit hole, then looked around, endless miles of grass and no other opportunity in sight. “We talk to nobody, we don't get anywhere near the castle and if the Cheshire cat shows up we ignore it, deal?” He fixed Chloe in a stern gaze.

    One of Chloe’s pet peeves, and she had many, was being talked to as if she were a child. Before flying off the handle, however, she made note of the fact that Lex had used the word ‘we’ not ‘you.’ “Deal,” she said. “Besides all of those teeth scare me.” They sort of reminded her of Clark.

    She approached the rabbit hole and scrunched up her face when she realized that it would be a tight squeeze for her to get through. She wondered how Lex was going to manage it. Chloe was also worried that they may lose each other. God knew what awaited them at the bottom of the hole.

    When she touched the outside of the hole, it got slightly bigger. Chloe shrugged off the creepy feeling she got and turned around and said, “Lex, come here, I’ve got an idea.”

    Lex closed the distance between them in two strides and crouched down next to her, looking down the seemingly bottomless black hole. That didn't look pleasant at all. “Ok, what is it?” He shifted his gaze to Chloe.

    Placing her hand on one edge of the hole, she showed Lex that it opened up slightly. “Put your hand on the other side,” she instructed. She could only hope that the hole would open up enough to accommodate them both.

    Lex gripped the edge of the hole with both hands and felt it give and expand under his grip until it was about the size of a truck tire. “Now what?”

    Chloe kept her eye on the size of the hole when she took one of her hands off of it. It didn’t shrink, thankfully. She said, “Now you give me one of your hands and we jump, slide, whatever through and see what sort of badness is waiting for us down there.” She gave him a small smile as she held out her left hand.

    Lex nodded and slowly removed his right hand, taking Chloe's left in a firm grip. “If we hit the ground dead, you're in trouble.” He tried for a small grin and it seemed to work as Chloe's lips twitched in a responding smile.

    “Agreed. You can tell me that every day of our afterlife, ok?” She gave him a small wink before turning back to the now gaping hole in the ground. Now, all she had to do was go down there. She found herself frozen for a moment. Then, she closed her eyes and jumped into the darkness. She felt Lex grip her hand tightly. They fell for an extended period of time, again not a surprise, before hitting the ground.

    With a grunt of pain, Lex got up from the floor, rubbing his sore hip and straightening his suit back into order. “That wasn't like I remembered from the book.” He helped Chloe to her feet and looked around to find a small door on one side of the stone wall surrounding them. “Well, that is.” Looking back to Chloe, he gave her a quick but thorough once over. “Are you alright?” He started dusting off her skirt/pants whatever without thinking; it just wasn't proper to be all ruffled and dirty like that.

    ‘I’ll be fine once you stop touching me.’ Thankfully, she hadn’t said the words out loud. Having Lex’s hands on her was too distracting in a pleasant, I shouldn’t be wishing that I wore a skirt so he’d be touching my skin sort of way. Snapping back to attention, she moved slightly away from him. “Yeah, I’m ok. I just landed a little hard.” Her ankle felt a little sore, but it wasn’t terribly painful.

    Lex nodded and stepped back from Chloe, giving the collar of her shirt one last brush. “Ok then, let's see what's behind that door.” Pulling it open with a flourish he stepped through. He'd half expected to find himself in some forest on a sandy path, instead the door had led to another room that seemed completely empty, except for a large floor to ceiling mirror on the other end of the wall to his right. He stepped aside to let Chloe enter as well, carefully scanning his surroundings, looking for another door or window, something to get them out of this room.

    While Lex was busy searching the room for, Chloe assumed, another way out, she took the liberty of using the mirror. She approached it slowly, waiting for some sort of monster to come out of it. She briefly considered throwing something at it, but thought that they didn’t need any more bad luck. She stepped in front of it and was shocked when she didn’t see her reflection. She saw the room reflected in the glass surface, but not her.

    “Maybe here I’m a vampire or something,” she muttered under her breath. So much for trying to make herself more presentable. Chloe was just about to turn away when the surface of the mirror started to shift. It rippled for a few moments, and then she appeared. Sort of. Chloe gasped at what she saw.

    The person staring back at Chloe had an obvious smirk on her face at Chloe’s reaction. Chloe continued to gape at the reflection and the grin widened. Her reflection was wearing a deep red colored lipstick that almost matched the shirt, and Chloe used the term lightly, that she was wearing. The scrap of material covered her breasts and not much else and was fastened by thin straps. The leather pants that her reflection wore were so low slung that Chloe was amazed they actually stayed on her body. However, they were tailored to perfection to her curves, her hipbones anchoring them to her body. Chloe could tell that she wasn’t wearing any sort of underwear. “Nice outfit, sugar,” her reflection said back to her, not bothering to veil the sarcasm in her voice.

    Lex's head whipped around at Chloe's sarcastic comment towards his outfit. He'd been on the other end of the room, running a hand along the walls to see if there was a hidden mechanism when she'd spoken up from behind his back. His mouth already opening for an indignant retort, his jaw dropped an inch further when he came face to face with Chloe's double inside the mirror. “Whoa,” 'Eloquent, Luthor, very eloquent,' he scolded himself. “Interesting outfit, wouldn't have figured you for the leather type, though.” He smirked at the real Chloe as he stepped closer.

    At that time, Chloe would have given anything to have a witty retort. Instead, she kept staring back at her reflection. The other Chloe saw the opening and took it. “Oh, trust me, she,” her reflection pointed at Chloe, “loves leather.” Her reflection ran her hands down her torso and over her hipbones and then they came to rest on her lower belly. “The way it feels, the way it makes her look. Her favorite is leather cuffs.” She winked at Chloe. Chloe felt herself turning beet red but couldn’t stop it. Not able to face Lex, she said, “We’ve got to get out of here.”

    Lex's smirk turned into a wolfish grin as he stepped yet closer to the mirror. “Why? It's just getting interesting and since this version of you seems to know a lot, maybe she'd be inclined to give us some useful information.” He turned his smile from the real, very flustered Chloe to the admittedly sexy predator version of the girl in the mirror. “So tell me, do you know anything that could be of use to us in here?” Sliding his hands into his pants pockets once more he gave the 'reflection' an appreciative once over.

    Behind his back, Chloe glared at Lex and her reflection laughed throatily at the look. “Actually I do.” She looked around and then leaned forward towards Lex and lowered her voice. “But, what do I get if I tell you?” As she leaned forward even more, one of the straps of her shirt had fallen off of her shoulder. That was enough for Chloe. She wouldn’t allow Lex to get a free show. She spun him around, back to her, trying to ignore the dark look in his eyes and said, “This is obviously a trick. Come on, let’s go.” She turned around and took a few steps. Sighing, she looked back at the mirror and saw that Lex hadn’t moved.

    Lex cocked an eyebrow at the girl in the mirror, wondering what the hell she could want. “That depends, what would you want in return?” His gaze locked sharply on the subdued hazel eyes of the mirror Chloe. He wouldn't strike a bargain if it got either himself or the real Chloe in trouble.

    “Lex, this is insane. You can’t trust her. I mean, *look* at her.” Chloe had joined Lex at the mirror and gestured to her hoe self.

    “Oh, baby, he can trust me,” the reflection said. “I *am* you.” Chloe started to protest but her reflection kept talking. “Somewhere in there, and not too deep down mind you, is where I am. Admit it,” she walked closer to Chloe. “You’d love to be able to wear this and not care what people thought about you. To have men look at you like he is. To have him,” she pointed at Lex, “look at you the way he’s looking at me.”

    Chloe couldn’t tear her eyes away. It couldn’t be true, it just couldn’t. Her voice came out strong. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” She hoped that Lex bought it.

    Her reflection rolled her eyes and addressed Lex this time. “I have a simple request. I know that you and Clark are *close*,” Chloe saw Lex’s jaw tighten at her tone of voice, “and you are nice to his friends because of that. However, I think you give some of them too much leeway. The next time that Lana does something mind numbingly stupid at the Talon, I want you to ream her out. In public. Loudly.” She paused and dropped her voice an octave. “I know you want to. It’ll feel so good to do it, Lex.”

    Lex chuckled under his breath as his gaze shifted from the mirror to the real Chloe. “Is that really what you think,” he asked her silently. “Jealous, Chloe?”

    Chloe could feel that she was about to go Pompeii on Lex’s ass. Of course she thought that he did that. There were numerous times when Lana had fucked up things at the Talon royally and Lex had done nothing about it. She was just about to lay into him when she saw another figure appear in the mirror. ‘Oh, hello there, tiger.’ She thought that the reflection had said the words and then realized that she had just thought them. But, it fit. In addition to a reflection of Chloe, there was now a reflection of Lex.

    He wasn’t dressed for a low grade fetish club like her’s was, but the effect was still the same. He had on a pair of well fitting jeans and a button down shirt. The first few buttons were undone, revealing the column of his throat and the top of his smooth chest.

    Lex took a step back from the mirror as his own image appeared, walking up behind the leather clad Chloe and casually slipping the strap of her shirt back into place. “She's right though, and you know it.” His double drawled. “And that little remark of yours is going to do nothing but get her mad at you...” He paused as he gave both the real Chloe and the one standing beside him a once over. “But then, that is not something you particularly dislike now, is it?” Lex for the first time in his life got to be on the receiving end of one of his sharp smirks and understood why they worked so well. This was not good.

    He affected a casual pose himself and tried to subdue his own emotions as he leveled a sharp gaze on his double. “I think this has gone on long enough. I agree to your terms.” His gaze shifted to the mirror Chloe for a second who was now giving his own double a very suggestive look then back to keep an eye on...himself for lack of a better description.

    This had gotten very fascinating. While Chloe had been staring at Lex’s reflection, she had also paid close attention to his words. It had always annoyed her when Lex had purposely pushed her buttons. Now, it seemed, there was an intriguing reason for it.

    Her reflection looked at Lex and said, “Oh, you’re making him all mad and clenchy.” She ran her hands up the chest of the Lex in the mirror and then linked them around the back of his neck, shifting her gaze from one Lex to another. “Do it again.” Chloe watched, mesmerized, as her reflection started to press herself flush against mirror Lex.

    “Hey,” Chloe stepped towards the mirror. “None of that.” Mostly because it was giving her all sorts of bad thoughts. “He agreed now help us, dammit!”

    Lex watched in horrified fascination as his double's hand wandered down the mirror Chloe's back to squeeze and cup her ass, keeping it firmly in hand as he shot a victorious look towards him. This was really not good at all. True the blonde was sexy and true he may have had one or two (dozen) thoughts in that direction, but this was simply too lewd. Not that it wasn't interesting that mirror Chloe didn't seem to object in the least to this manhandling. Lex opened his mouth to speak when he was once again cut off by his double, but the words weren't directed at him. “Mmm you're so sexy when you're mad, did you know that you get that straight line between your eyebrows and that your nose crinkles when you start yelling.” His double pulled the leather clad version of Chloe closer to himself and gave her a leering smile.

    “Makes me want to throw you to the next available surface and take you so hard you'll forget your own name.”

    Lex closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose in mortification. “Fuck,” he hissed. Turning his face to the real Chloe he instantly launched into an apology for the less than respectful behavior of his double. “Chloe I'm sorry you had to hear that, believe me he's obviously just trying to embarrass both of us and doing a tremendous job of it. I really...” Once again he found himself being cut of, this time by the Chloe in the mirror who was reaching freely into his double's open shirt.

    “You don’t have to apologize, you fool,” Chloe’s reflection panted out. Chloe watched as she unbuttoned Lex’s shirt and then ran her fingernails over the flesh. Her reflection locked eyes with her. “You wouldn’t complain, would you Chloe? To have him pounding into you from every and all angles until you scream his name.”

    Chloe hoped that Lex was too focused on the mirror to notice her heavy breathing. Things got worse when her mirror image started to kiss her way down her Lex’s chest. “You dream about it and wake up unsatisfied. Wondering how you can get it to happen.” Chloe fisted her hands to keep from making any noise when she saw Lex’s mirror image pull her reflection to her feet and kiss her.

    Lex gaze rushed back and forth between the real Chloe and the mirror image, unable to decide on which to stay. This was incredible. He'd never have thought the blonde might have a thing for him. Sure they'd worked pretty close together during that time when he'd worked to bring down his father but there'd never been any...well ok there'd been chemistry and the odd lingering look and maybe a little tension but sure that hadn't been anything more than the situation they'd been in and now, what the mirror image of Chloe was saying put things in a completely new perspective and damn if the images in front of him and created in his mind didn't make him hard. His double removed his mouth from the other Chloe's neck and smirked at him.

    ”Getting a little tight around the seams, isn't it. I don't understand what you're waiting for, it's not like she doesn't want you. Look at her!” He jerked his chin in Chloe's direction and Lex's eyes unwittingly followed the motion. “Chloe?” His voice seemed much lower than normal and Lex cursed himself for his body's reactions as he took in the flustered and mortified look on Chloe's face.

    She had to close her eyes, it was the only way to get herself under control. She was so close to just grabbing Lex by his lapels and pulling him to her. If she was honest with herself, she had wanted him for so long that it would be a relief to just give in to what she wanted. She looked over at him and saw that she wasn’t the only one being affected by the scene before them. Her eyes flickered down to Lex’s obvious erection. ‘Natural reaction,’ she rationalized.

    Chloe licked her suddenly dry lips and tried to come up with some sort of response to Lex when her double spoke up. Or, cried out, more accurately.

    “Lex.” It was something between a moan and a shriek and had she ever made a sound even approaching that? Chloe turned her attention back to the mirror and saw that Lex’s double had slipped his hand under his Chloe’s shirt and was kneading the flesh. He kept his gaze on Chloe, though.

    She felt her own nipples tighten in response and Lex’s double chuckled when he saw the reaction. He took his hand off of her body and her double moaned in disappointment. Quickly, he turned her around so that her reflection’s back was pressed against his chest. His hands covered her breasts and her reflection moaned Lex’s name. She opened her eyes and looked at Chloe, “It feels so good. Just give in.” She closed her eyes and started to push back into her Lex. “Oh, god,” Chloe moaned. Right, wrong or depraved, this was turning her on and she couldn’t stop herself from imaging the real Lex touching her like that.

    Lex clenched his jaw tight as he couldn't tear his eyes away from their doubles clawing and groping at each other. This was too much, he had to restrain himself physically from reaching out and taking the real Chloe, feeling all the skin that was displayed in front of him for himself. His hands had come out of his pockets to clench into tight fists at his side. His breath coming in short bursts, his nostril flaring. “Come on, Lex. You've always gotten what you wanted, just take it. Take her. She's yours.” His double goaded him, the voice low and silky as the lips moved in a soft caress over the naked shoulder of Chloe's image. Lex's fists clenched tighter at his sides, his nails digging into the flesh of his palm.

    In synch with each other, Chloe and Lex locked gazes. They were both breathing heavily. All either of them needed to do was take even one step in the other’s direction. The moaning in the mirror was starting to reach a fever pitch, yet their gazes never wavered.

    A. Lex breaks the mirror

    B. They give in and get it on.

  5. #55
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    Cambridgeshire, England.
    GAH........ GOD!! that was so HOT!!!!!

    And as much as I want it to contiue, my masocistic side says BREAK THE MIRROR!

  6. #56
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Oh my I want B!! I want this to continue please... :worship2:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #57
    NS Full Member
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    As much as I want B, I think those doubles are something evil and they should break the mirror.

    So A.

  8. #58
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    As much as I want Chloe and Lex to mimic what there doubles are doing, I really think they should get out of there. So I guess I'll pick A!! Of course, after they break the mirror they could still give into their desires. . . . :biggrin:

  9. #59
    Miss Innocent-Or? 2005 Senior Member ColumbiaBlue's Avatar
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    Okay, first, Lionel as the Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland? Fan-fucking-tastic!! I about had a massive cornary from laughing so hard at the mental image of Lionel sticking his hand out and saying"carrot," and then pouting. You guys are awesome.

    But, this "Wonderland" Chloe and Lex are in seems to be wonderful for whoooole different reasons than Alice's Wonderland. A dirty, kinky, inner urges, Wonderland.

    So. Now for choosing A or B. Decisions, decisions... See, if I pick A and have Lex smash the mirror, there could be some yummy Chlex UST because of it. But then we run the risk of never being presented with the B option again.

    If I pick B... Um... What the hell am I saying? B it is. I pick B.


  10. #60
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
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    03 Jun 2003
    Giving sounds really good right now, but I think Lex should break the mirror, I have a bad feeling about this whole thing.

    Great update

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