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Thread: The Lesser of Two Evils - NC-17, Chapter 56 (May 27, 2016)

  1. #51
    Procrastinator :)
    Join Date
    07 Oct 2004
    Wow!!! this is intense... i love it!!

    I feel so sad for Chloe... at what she has to go thru to get to Lex.

    I'm glad Lex feels sorry for what he's done.


  2. #52
    NS Full Member nokchan's Avatar
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    Tucson/ Arizona
    Update... please update.... can't wait anymore....*babbles*

    I want:

    Chlexy Love
    Chlexy Smut
    The MBs Death
    Chlex Smut
    Chlex Smut

    For christmas

  3. #53
    NS Full Member zelda's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Hurry Hurry, Update Quick!!

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN
    The Lesser of Two Evils
    NC-17/ Angst
    Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

    Spoilers: All up to Season 4, except things will be twisted to the tune of Lex having never moved to Cowtown, U.S.A.

    A/N: What would Chloe Sullivan have had to do to get from under Lionel Luthor’s thumb if Lex had never moved to Smallville? What would she have had to sacrifice to earn the son’s help against the father?

    AU for Season 3 and 4, and strongly rated for a good reason:

    I’m posting in very short chapters so readers can choose when enough is enough for them.

    Chapter 7

    As usual, Lex Luthor’s soul made itself known far too late.

    He didn’t feel an intrinsic presence of goodness in himself unless he did something horrible to cause it pain. His soul proved its existence only when he did something wrong, by burning up inside him and making him want to scream helplessly. It kept him from sleeping and eating, made him dependent on various substances to scrape his way through life. It punished him for his name and his father.

    Luthors didn’t scream, nor did they cry. Emotions of any kind were discouraged, except for anger. Luthors got to be angry and so that was what Lex had been for over a decade. When he hadn’t been stoned, drunk or in the middle of anonymous sexual gratification with a stranger, he had been driving too fast with ear-pounding metal music expressing his rage for him.

    Two years ago he had stopped doing drugs and things had become clearer. It had hurt, still hurt some days enough to make him wish he could go back to those half-forgotten mistakes. But the pain was emotional and therefore had to be ignored. Luckily it was perfectly fine for a Luthor to fuck around, drink too much and drive suicidally fast.

    Apparently it was also acceptable to send a young woman to be all but raped for amusement, the Luthor version of snakes in a can.

    Lex clamped his hands on the edge of the sink and held on as hard as he could. Physical pain wasn’t shameful like the remorse he was feeling, so when his palms began to bruise he could justify feeling it.

    ‘I want to treat you to a different kind of woman,’ his father had said, and Lex had been taken in. He had tried to see the obscenity of hiring a hooker as a gift, a token of the love Lionel couldn’t admit to feeling. A measure of the pride and respect he really had for his son.

    But Chloe - if that was her name - was no prostitute to be lightly used and turned away with an envelope of cash. What he had done couldn’t be repaid, even with the Luthor fortune.

    He gritted his teeth and made himself stare into the mirror, and the soul-sick rapist reflected back at him sneered contemptuously.

    You think this is the first time you’ve done this to a woman, it seemed to ask. You don’t remember most of them, so how do you know?

    When sober, Lex was blessed and cursed with a near-photographic memory. Images kept pushing into his eyes, horrid freeze frames of Chloe’s poor body underneath his. Unlike the reality, they were brightly lit to show every vicious detail of his crime. The blood glistened fresh and vivid compared to the drying brownish stains on the white surfaces of the bathroom.

    God, she had been dry as a bone and he had ignored it.

    She had been flinching away from every innocuous touch and couldn’t even look at him as he got undressed. He hadn’t even tried for a full minute to get her aroused. She had been shaking to pieces under his hands and he had held her down so she didn’t interfere with his orgasm. Barked at her to relax when her inexperienced body was too tight to fit him.

    Soft green eyes in a young, pretty face with lush lips mouthing a single word as he shoved himself into her protesting body. That single, silent word repeated countless times as he disregarded her even as he was staring into that face. Tears rolling down as she begged him not to hurt her anymore. ‘Stop’ said over and over again by the lips she had bitten bloody from the pain.

    It was unforgivably clear to him that he should have known long before he ever touched her. She had turned down a drink with a slight blush that indicated she wasn’t legal and teetered on high heels like someone better used to sneakers.

    Lex took great handfuls of cold water and splashed them over his upper body. He was still just wearing trousers and they were unpleasantly sticky against his skin. He pushed aside the selfish thought and tried to decide if Chloe needed a doctor. He wouldn’t let her go without medical attention if it would be dangerous for her. He wasn’t so much his father’s son to want her out of the way at all costs.


    Chloe wondered if she should be doing something, but couldn’t think what it should be. She couldn’t go to a doctor and the bleeding had stopped anyway, though the pain was still intense. She was chilly in the towel but she only had one set of clothes to wear and putting them on without a shower would get them bloody.

    He was still in the bathroom and she wondered what he was doing and thinking. Lex was the only person who could get her out of the corner Lionel had backed her into.

    The door opened and he emerged looking pale and sullen. Chloe watched as he pulled a chair over to set it next to her own. He sat down heavily and looked at her seriously.

    “Do you want to go to a hospital?”

    He knew what would happen there. Nurses and doctors would take one look at her, especially in her current flattened state, and they would do a rape kit. Calls would go out to the police and the psychiatric staff, and by morning he could be in a jail cell.

    It was the least he deserved and he cursed the self-preservation instinct that made him hope she would say no.

    “No, I can’t. Your father can’t find out what happened here tonight,” she said.

    She says that like she knows him personally.

    Lex’s head snapped up and rage momentarily crossed his face before he pushed it down.

    “I want to explain,” Chloe continued, the angry reaction a strange jolt to the icy calm that she was feeling. “None of this is a coincidence.”

    “My father . . . “ Lex sighed. He gave up any slim hope she wasn’t part of an elaborate set up. It wasn’t surprising, but it was disappointing.

    She actually gave him a sympathetic look as he spoke, and he wondered how she could know enough about Lionel to pity her rapist for being his son. It was depressing and telling. She wasn’t just a random young woman. He nodded for her to speak.

    “My name is Chloe Sullivan and I’m the editor of a newspaper in Smallville called The Torch. The meteor shower over a decade ago left behind vast quantities of strange green rocks that I believe have caused some genetic mutations in some of the citizens.”

    Her eyes lifted to his bald head and the look of sympathy was back briefly. He hated it.

    “I know you’re aware of the incident, so I’ll skip the history lesson. When my father and I moved to the town a few years ago I noticed the odd behaviour and high fatality reports from Smallville High. I’m about the only one who believes the rocks have something to do with it. Your father does, too.

    “Since then I’ve witnessed several people who were exposed to the rocks under unusual circumstances and came away with powers. There was a guy who needed to suck body heat from others to survive after falling into a frozen lake impregnated with rocks, a girl who had to suck body fat, and numerous other people who seemed to become insane and homicidal along with the abilities they received.

    “The common suggestion is that LuthorCorp is behind the weirdness, but Lionel found out I was working on researching the rocks,” she said, her voice gaining confidence as she spoke.

    Lex noted the familiar address to his father but let her keep going.

    “He contacted me to do research for him but I refused. My father works at the fertilizer plant and I’ve heard some things that convinced me Lionel is not a guy I wanted to be working for.”

    Chloe paused and took a long sip of water.

    “But he had my newspaper destroyed and offered me the funds to repair it, knowing that they wouldn’t come from any other source. He also offered to sweeten the deal with a column in The Daily Planet. All I had to do was give him copies of the research on the rocks and on a particular person he thinks has abilities.”

    “Who would that be?”

    “My best friend, Clark Kent,” she said, not pleased with having to reveal his name to Lex without any agreement between them, but knowing it was necessary. “Lionel has a plan for the entire town and I don’t think it’s altruistic, so I took the job to keep him off the right track. I feed him information that doesn’t lead anywhere important so he’s not looking into other things.

    “No one knows I work for Lionel, not even my father. He would lose his job if I told him. I don’t know what would happen if anyone else found out, but I think they would be in danger. You’re the only one who might be able to help.”

    Lex nodded encouragingly when she stopped and folded her hands together awkwardly.

    “I’ve been working for Lionel for over a year, but lately he’s been stepping up his research and pushing me for results and concrete information. I’m surprised I’ve been able to string him along this far and it won’t last,” she said, and tears started to fall again.

    Chloe squinted and impatiently rubbed her eyes.

    “I have to admit your particular circumstance is unusual, but there are many people who have been sorry they went to work for my father,” Lex said. “Why do you need me to intervene?”

    She passed the water bottle back and forth in her hands and shifted her shoulders uncomfortably.

    “His expectations have increased recently. He wants to fuck me for my eighteenth birthday.”
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  5. #55
    NS Full Member zelda's Avatar
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    Holy Shit!

  6. #56
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    Cambridgeshire, England.
    hmy: Ok, cant actaully speak. D.A.M.N.

    I dont think I have every hated lionel more. And your portaile of lex and chloe is fantastic, wrenching, but fantastic. :worship2:

  7. #57
    NS Full Member
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    07 Nov 2002
    Oh my... Im speachless as well, great work!
    I think I never felt so much loathing toward Lionel as now.

  8. #58
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
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    03 Jun 2003
    Lionel is such a bastard!! I'm glad that Chloe told Lex everything though, I hope he will help her now. And the first part, from Lex's point of view...wow! Very intense. hmy:

    Please update again soon. Pretty please? uppyeyes: uppyeyes:

  9. #59
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
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    Originally posted by zelda@Dec 23 2004, 05:46 PM
    Holy Shit!
    hmy: hmy: What she said. :worship2:
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


  10. #60
    NS Junior Member
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    28 Feb 2004
    oh man :worship2: you need to come back and update right now NOW :yay2:

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