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Thread: Startling Revelation (NC-17) *Epilogue part 2 updated 5/21/07*

  1. #561
    Join Date
    04 Sep 2006

    Thumbs up Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 2-6-07 Chapter 23* (NC-17)

    This story is realy good, I'm so glad I read it, can't wait to read the epilogues!

  2. #562
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    09 Jan 2006
    In the lab.

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 2-6-07 Chapter 23* (NC-17)

    That's the end? So sad but a great fic all around.

    Three weeks since they’d gotten back together, and they still hadn’t made love. Not that she was complaining, because she loved doing other things with him besides sex. She understood if he didn’t want to rush things. They had all the time in the world. There was no rush.
    No rush indeed. Three weeks and nothing. This must be explained. Does Lex think Chloe will run off and change her mind.

    Chloe emerged from the bathroom showered and fully dressed. She wasn’t surprised to see Lex still lying in bed, but he wasn’t alone. Virginia lay on his chest, purring loudly as he scratched the feline behind her ears.
    Aww.... I'm sure Virginia missed Lex being around as well.

    Chloe switched the basket of goodies she held in her left hand into her right as she pressed for the elevator. “Lex enjoys my cooking.”

    Lois snorted. “That’s just because he loves you.”
    HA! Lois is right you know its love if he eats your cooking and it bad.

    “It doesn’t matter he’s hot.” She sagged against him as his hands caressed her bra covered chest. “You’re jus at sci-fi geek.” she breathed.

    “Don’t tell anyone.” He murmured against her neck. He pressed himself harder against her, reveling the very prominent evidence of his arousal.
    Another fun secret to keep about Lex.

    “Waited so long.” He murmured, sliding his hand down her stomach and into her underwear. He smiled at the wetness he felt there. “Too long.”
    Hell yeah you wanted to long. Great smut after weeks of wait. Poor Lex couldn't even hold it in but he recovered nicely.

    “No,” She murmured sleepily. “I was just thinking about what your life would be like if you’d chosen Lana.”
    GAH! That would have been rather scary if he did pick Lana. I'm glad she told him about her plan.

    Two epilogues up next!
    Alright. I'm ready for these. I hope Lex question Chloe about the plan to get him to fall in love with Chloe. I'd also like to hear why Lex waited so long. And of course I'd like some smut.

  3. #563
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 2-6-07 Chapter 23* (NC-17)

    I know that there are no more cliffhangers or angsty conflicts for me to cry over, but I'm still looking forward to seeing closure on this fic. It' been a long, hard and fun ride, and it would be interesting to see how Kimbo decides to finish off.

    Please update soon.

  4. #564
    Kill Lana
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    12 Nov 2005

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 2-6-07 Chapter 23* (NC-17)

    I'm working on the first epilogue today! don't worry SE you'll soon read it.

  5. #565
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 2-6-07 Chapter 23* (NC-17)

    Quote Originally Posted by kimbo View Post
    I'm working on the first epilogue today! don't worry SE you'll soon read it.
    Excellent! I look forward to it. Thanks for the heads up Kimbo.

  6. #566
    NS Full Member dayamiracle's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 2-6-07 Chapter 23* (NC-17)

    Hey i just read this all the way through!! It was an amazing story... cant wait for the epilogue...


  7. #567
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 2-6-07 Chapter 23* (NC-17)

    So... How's the family? What about school/work, it's going all right?

    nice weather we're having...?

    ok, enough chit chat. Please update soon.

  8. #568
    Kill Lana
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    12 Nov 2005

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 2-6-07 Chapter 23* (NC-17)

    Soon! i promise. Work has been literally kicking my ass! So when i get home, i just want to pass out in bed. But, its the weekend so i'm working on it SE!

  9. #569
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 2-6-07 Chapter 23* (NC-17)

    Quote Originally Posted by kimbo View Post
    Soon! i promise. Work has been literally kicking my ass! So when i get home, i just want to pass out in bed. But, its the weekend so i'm working on it SE!
    Excellent news! Thanks for the update, Kimbo! I look forward to seeing how it ends.

  10. #570
    Kill Lana
    Join Date
    12 Nov 2005

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 3-6-07 Epilogue Part1* (NC-17)

    Thanks for all the feedback, this story is my baby and its almost to and end!!

    *warning* a little schoompy and fluffly, but i'm in that kind of mood.

    Lex POV

    Epilogue Part 1

    Six years later

    “You may now kiss the bride.”

    Weddings were always such a bore for Lex.

    But, seeing the bright beautiful smile on Chloe’s face, so incredibly happy at the fact that her father was getting married to Shelia, it was worth the headache. He’d never imagined his happiness and satisfaction would be based on someone else’s. He was positive of it. He hadn’t been raised that way. But, being with Chloe was the sole opposition on that fact.

    Chloe’s his everything. His best friend, his conscience, his light. He’d never felt more humbled from being with such an incredibly beautiful and intelligent woman. Granted he wouldn’t say all of this out loud because he wasn’t a man good with words of affection. But, he knew without a shadow of a doubt that Chloe knew how he felt.

    He watched as Chloe made her way back down the aisle, returning her smile with a smile and a wave of his own.

    He didn’t need words with Chloe.


    “Don’t they look so happy?” Chloe asked as he and Lex slowly danced on the dance floor.

    Lex glanced over at the bride and groom’s table, smiling slightly as he watched Gabe feed Shelia a piece of cake. “They do.” He answered, smiling down at Chloe’s beaming face.

    “I never thought I’d see my dad get married again.” She glanced back at her father.

    Lex nodded. “He seems very happy Chloe.”

    “Yeah,” she said. “Although I’m still trying to get over the fact that I’m going to be a big sister.”

    Lex nodded in understanding. “That’s understandable you’ve been the only child for twenty eight years.”

    Chloe shook her head. “No, its not that. I’ve been denying the fact that my father actually has sex.”

    Lex chuckled. “And now your denial has been shattered.”

    “Pretty much.” She sighed, tightening her arms around his neck as he swung her around. “That was really sweet of you to pay for their honeymoon.”

    Lex only shrugged. What was two weeks in Bermuda? He wondered if Chloe knew he did that for her. He knew how happy it made her to see her father happy. “It was nothing.”

    Chloe grinned up at him. “Their own private beach? A rented summer house that’s two hundred thousand a night? No Lex, its nothing.” She grinned. “That was sarcasm by the way.”

    “I noticed.” He said wryly. He relented with a small shrug. “Maybe.” He tightened his arms around her. “You look beautiful today Chloe.” She really did. Dressed in a gold strapless knee length dress that hugged her curves in the most appealing way.

    She grinned up at him. “Why thank you sir. You’re looking rather dapper yourself.”

    He raised an eyebrow. “Did you just use the word dapper?”

    She rolled her eyes. “Damn BBC.”

    He chuckled. “Back to the dress you’re wearing-”

    “Ahh yes,” She said with a sexy smirk that made his stomach tighten in pleasure. “Will we speak of the bead work? Or the fact that you’ll be sliding it off of my body later tonight.”

    Lex smiled. “I think I’ll take option two for two hundred Chloe.”

    She laughed and pulled him down for a kiss.

    Lex tightened his arms around her waist as the kiss deepened. He’ll never get tired of kissing her. Her lips so soft and full that Lex can’t help but to nibble on them just a little bit.

    “Can’t you two at least wait until you’re actually alone.”

    Lex pulled away from Chloe’s lips, wondering if Chloe would notice he made her cousin disappear from the face of the earth. “Lois.” He greeted.

    She smiled sweetly at the two of them. “Lex.” She greeted back. “The way you two are going at it, you mind as well start putting your hand in each other’s back pockets.”

    “Ha ha.” Chloe said. “Besides we can’t possibly pull that off what with me wearing a dress.” She looked up at Lex with a sweet smile. “Isn’t that right honey?”

    “Well,” Lex sighed. “You could place your hand in my back pocket, but that means I’d have to stick my hand somewhere else…” He trailed off with a raised eyebrow.

    Chloe’s grin widened. “Up my dress?” She suggested sweetly.

    Lois rolled her eyes at the both of them and starting making gagging noises. “Totally gross.” She said. “Anyway I just came here to tell you that Smallville and I are heading out.”

    “So soon?” Chloe asked with a pout.

    “Yes.” Lois said rubbing her hands together gleefully. “We received a phone call from our source stating that they have photos and videos of Senator Roberts in very compromising and questionable positions.”

    “Oh,” Chloe said. “But Shelia’s going to throw the bouquet soon, don’t you want to stay for that?”

    Lois snorted, already turning to go. “Please I’m not that desperate. See you tomorrow Chloe. Lex.”

    Lex watched her go with a small satisfied grin. He watched as Clark wrapped an arm around her waist. Lois and Clark, two idiots. “I’m surprised they’re still together.”

    Chloe laughed. “As many times as they’ve broken up.” she commented. “I’m still trying to get over the fact that they even like each other.”

    Lex smiled at that. “Life is funny that way.” He said, smiling at the strange look Chloe gave him.

    “Hmm,” Chloe said as they continued to dance. “I’ll save my quip for a later time.”

    He squeezed her waist. “Then it wouldn’t be a quip.”

    Her green eyes sparkled. “I’m sure you’ll say something Un-Lex like again by the end of the night.”

    They were both quiet for a long moment, and he sighed to himself as Chloe rested her head against his chest. He could feel everyone’s eyes on the two of them. Their was always eyes on the two of the them because they were well known, even in Edge City. It made him smile. Made him tighten his hold on Chloe and spin her around, smiling at her delighted laugh.

    The music stopped and he turned so that he was standing behind her. “Well, Mrs. Luthor,” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Why don’t you and I convince your dad and his bride to go off on their honeymoon a little bit early.”


    “Isn’t she the cutest when she’s sleeping?” Chloe asked, watching as Lex ran his finger down their daughter’s cheek.

    “A little angel.” He murmured quietly. Nine months later, he still couldn’t believe that this was he and Chloe’s child. “Lets wake her.”

    “No.” Chloe whispered pulling his hand away. She smiled at the frown he gave her. “Helga said she just went to sleep two hours ago, and she’s just starting sleeping through the night Lex.”

    “But we haven’t seen her all day.” He reasoned softly.

    Chloe laughed softly and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I know that, and I’m tempted just as much as you are, but she’s finally sleeping through the night well, this will be our first full night together. You know, alone.”

    He let her drag them out of their daughter’s room, switching the light switch off as he went. “Well when you put it that way.”


    Lex loved when his wife laughed.

    “That tickles!” Chloe giggled as he continued to nibble the back of her knees. She squirmed against his lips as she giggled. “Lex!”

    “I’m sorry.” He murmured, not sounding very sorry at all.

    “That smile on your face proves it.” She said softly. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

    “Your laugh.” He murmured lying next to her. “I didn’t know something so loud and unladylike could make me so happy.”

    She frowned. “Thanks,” She said. “I think.”

    He closed his eyes slightly with a small sigh. That came out the wrong way. “Chloe-” He trailed off when she touched his cheek.

    “I understand.” She said, sitting up and straddling his waist.

    They stared at one another for a long moment, and Lex couldn’t stop himself from running his fingers through her shoulder length hair.

    “Tell me a secret?”

    “I’m pregnant.”

    Lex gaped up at her, unsure he heard right. “You’re-”

    “Preggers.” She finished patting her stomach gently.

    Lex was silent for a long moment, his mind turning. “Another baby?” He asked softly, ignoring the childlike tone of his voice. “I’m going to be a father?”

    Chloe nodded. “Again.” She sighed despite the happiness swelling inside of her. “I guess I should get well acquainted with my feet before I stop seeing them again.”

    Lex’s smile widened as he reached up and placed his hand over hers on her belly. “I can’t wait to see this grow.” He murmured.

    Chloe snorted. “Oh yeah? Swollen belly? Actually swollen everywhere…” She trailed off at his smile.

    “You’re beautiful when you’re pregnant.” It was the truth. Seeing Chloe’s stomach swollen with his child turned him on in more ways than one.

    Chloe rubbed her hands against his bare chest. “You just like how horny I get.”

    Oh yes, he couldn‘t forget the horniness. He could remember during the first and second trimester of her pregnancy how insatiable she had become. He remembered how every time he came home from work she would grab him up and pull him into the bedroom and fuck him until he was literally sore. He remembered the strange inappropriate places she wanted to have sex, and he would do it because just one hot look from her made him hard in seconds. And the office visits, he smiled to himself, those were his favorites. She would show up at his office on his lunch break. The memories they made on top of his glass desk.

    “Added bonus.” He murmured, sliding his hand up her stomach toward her bare chest. His fingers caressed her nipple, smiling at how hard they’d gotten. She has amazing breasts. So full and soft. “Sensitive already.”

    Chloe leaned forward into his hand. “Uh huh. Why don’t you lick them and see.”

    He grinned. She was using that voice she used when she was demanding something. He could feel herself growing even harder. He pulled her forward so that her breast were hovering over his lips. He opened his mouth and his lips closed over her nipple.

    “Ahh,” She gasped, her body shivering in shocked surprise at the warmth that surrounded her nipple. She wriggled against him. “Suck harder.”

    Lex grinned and did as she requested, smiling at the way she moved against him. He pulled his mouth away and rolled over, laughing at her squeal of surprise. He settled himself between her thighs. He kissed her neck, rubbing his hard cock against her slick entrance. “Four more to go.” He murmured against her neck.

    “Four what?” She asked, arching her throat so he could get better access.

    “Children.” He answered, licking a path from her shoulder to her throat.

    Chloe frowned and pushed his mouth away from her neck. “Huh?”

    He smiled down at her. “Children Chloe. I want six children.”

    She blinked at him, then blinked again. He frowned.

    “Did I say something wrong?”

    She laughed. “Will you be having three of these children?”

    Now he was confused. “What’s that suppose to mean?”

    She gave him an amused look. “Lex we’re not the Von Trapp Family.”

    He was still frowning. “The Von Trapps were seven children not six.”

    She raised an eyebrow. “That’s sad that you know that.”

    “Chloe,” He said seriously. “Don’t you want this?”

    “Of course I do.” She said smiling softly.

    “I don’t want to feel like I’m pushing into something you don’t want,” He explained, feeling a sudden tightness in his chest. Perhaps he was being too eager. “I mean, if I am you’ll have to let me know. I know how I can be pushy even controlling sometimes but-” He was cut off by her fingers on his lips.

    “Hey,” She said softly. “I’m your wife, and your my husband. Whatever you want, I want and vice versa. Two, six or ten children it doesn’t matter to me because I love you. But, lets just worry about the two we’re going to be having now.”

    The tightness in his chest loosened as he smiled. “Okay.”

    She returned his smile and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Now fuck me.”

    Lex smirked, the tip of his cock already sliding inside of her. God, she was so hot and wet and-

    “Wait!” Chloe said, placing her hand on his shoulders.

    “What is it?” He mumbled.

    “Do you hear that?” She asked, and he watched as her face changed into that strange yet familiar my child is crying expression. “The baby is crying.”

    He didn’t hear anything, but he knew that Chloe was right. He was already off of the bed, and reaching for his pajamas. “I’ll go.”


    “I know how annoying it is for you to have a wet diaper.” Lex explained to his daughter as he snapped her onesie back into place. He gently picked her up, smiling at the happy smile on her face. “I see you’ve worked things out well for yourself. You cry, me or your mommy comes running. You get what you want, and all is good for the world.”

    He held out his finger, smiling at the way his daughter gripped it tightly in her fist. “It seems to me you always choose the exact moment mommy and daddy are getting it on.”

    He laughed at the way his daughter frowned up at him. He was sure the expression was just gas. “That’s all right though. Nothing can keep me from my little angel.” He ran his finger across her cheek. “You’re going to be a big sister.” He explained to her softly. “Which means lots of responsibility. Which also means that you’ll probably be annoyed more often than not.” He kissed her hand. “I just want you to know that I’ll always love all three of you no matter what.”

    He pulled her closer and sat down in the rocking chair. They stared at one another for a long moment, and Lex couldn’t erase the grin on his face. Grown men were afraid of him in the boardroom, but Grace Lillian Luthor had him wrapped around her tiny finger. He watched as her eyes slowly closed and she went back to sleep. He didn’t mind that at all.


    Lex climbed back into bed next to his still naked, sleeping wife. He wrapped his arm around her waist, and she snuggled up against him with a sigh.

    “She wanted her diaper changed.” He explained quietly.

    “Mm,” Chloe said sleepily. “M’kay. Sorry I fell asleep.”

    He kissed her forehead. “That’s alright.”

    “No,” she mumbled shaking her head. “Sex tomorrow morning, before baby wakes up.”

    He chuckled. “Okay Chloe.”

    “Love you.” she breathed.

    “You too.” He said, squeezing her gently. “Hey Chloe?”


    “What if you have twins?”

    She snorted. “Yeah right.”

    He smiled and kissed her forehead again before falling into a deep sleep.

    Neither of them knew how right he was.

    Second epilogue up soon.

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