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Thread: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (23rd Nov 2008)

  1. #41
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (03/08/08)

    OMG! This is going to be so damn funny when they wake up from their demented and very wet dreams and realize that they are married. I'm just laughing really hard and I love the Clois aspect of all this. Good thing they crashed where Chlex can get the hell outta Dodge and to Vegas baby!

  2. #42
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (03/08/08)

    Oh they are going to be surprised when the water wears off and they are married.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #43
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (03/08/08)

    This was just awesome!

    Good for Lex for asking Chloe to marry him, and good for Chloe for mentioning Vegas

    This pink water is just wonderful: it helped the Chlex relaize that they love each other, and now it's bringing the Clois together--fabulous

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

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  4. #44
    NS Full Member SVfan1286's Avatar
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (03/08/08)

    I love that Chloe and Lex are going to get married... I can't wait to see what happens when the pink water wears off though. I love naughty Lois distracting Clark in the truck. So now he's affected too? I hope so, that way there's no stopping the Chlex from getting married. *grins*

    Great chapter... I look forward to reading more!!

  5. #45
    Wannabe Superhero Ultra's Avatar
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (03/08/08)

    A/N: The Vegas wedding is coming, but not immediately. First we have to get Chloe & Lex out of Smallville! Thanx for the feedback - please don't stop with that, and I'll keep the Chlex coming!

    Chapter 7

    It wasn’t so weird to drive down a lonely road in Smallville and see a car in a ditch - so many crashes seemed to occur there. Similarly, it wasn’t all that rare to find two young people in that car, making out like it was going out of style. Perhaps the only thing that might’ve been surprising or even shocking to any passers-by on the road to Smallville today was the identity of the two people half-way to happy land in this particular truck by the side of the road.

    It wasn’t that Clark and Lois hated each other, just that most of the time they... well, hated each other. Yet, here they were, like two young lovers, all over each other in the limited space of the front of the Kent family vehicle. Forgotten was their mission to save Chloe, and possibly Lex, from whatever fate befell them. Everything was a blur as they got lost in a moment that very nearly went too far. In fact, Lois had made light work of unbuttoning Clark’s usual plaid shirt and was just working on his belt buckle when the pair of them seemed to come to their senses at the same moment.

    Reeling back, Lois hit her head on the roof of the truck as she tried to figure out how the hell she’d ended up in Clark’s lap, minus her jacket, and with his hand still somewhere inside her top. Realising what he’d been doing, Clark removed his hand, going red as a tomato as he blinked hard and cleared his vision that had been decidedly red-tinged these past few minutes.

    “What the hell, Smallville?!” Lois yelled as she got herself back into the passenger seat, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand.

    “Hey, you were the one, you jumped on me!” he argued when he realised she was going to try and make this all his fault.

    Lois didn’t know how to argue with that as she recalled the manoeuvre she’d made all too clearly. She really had come on to Clark, she recalled with some horror, as she grabbed up her jacket and pulled it back on. Beside her, Clark re-fastened his belt and started re-buttoning his shirt too, the pair of them hardly able to look at each other. The worst of it for Lois was the realisation that that dream she’d had last night was much less fantasy than she’d originally guessed. Man, a guy like Clark Kent had no business being able to kiss like that! Lois was only grateful they’d come to their senses before things went any further. She wasn’t so naive she didn’t know where they were headed, and for the life of her she couldn’t figure out what had started all this.

    “Okay” she said then, eyes averted still as she couldn’t bear to meet his, “Clearly we went a little crazy, entered the Twilight Zone, or whatever” she said, with a shake of her head.

    “I don’t think that was it, Lois” Clark told her, also trying to avoid looking her way, as he realised five minutes with her had been hotter than anything he’d ever had with Lana or anyone, “I think it was the water” he told her as she dared to glance his way a moment.

    It seemed ridiculous, Lois thought as she retrieved her bag from the foot well and pulled out the bottle she’d been drinking from before, and yet any other explanation as to why she felt the need to straddle Clark Kent just made her all the more uncomfortable with herself right now. Of course, there was one problem with his theory, Lois realised, and dared to turn and look at the young man beside her as he fired up the truck and tried to figure out how to get them back on the road.

    “Hold on a second” she shook her head, “I know I drank this” she admitted, “but what about you, Smallville? You were the one telling me to stop drinking this stuff because you think it’s what’s making Chloe and Lex crazy” she pointed out, “I can’t think you drank any to make you go all naughty seduction on me” she said, clearly getting over her embarrassment much faster than Clark could as he continued to blush bright red.

    “I didn’t exactly get a lot of choice on what was getting in my mouth” he snapped, though the very memory of her tongue in his mouth made him stall the truck’s engine.

    “Don’t knock it, Smallville” Lois scoffed, “That was probably the closest you’re ever going to get to third base in the whole of your dumb life” she snapped, not really angry at him so much as at herself.

    Sure, it might be the water’s fault she’d wanted to jump on Clark, and maybe even that she dreamt about him last night, but it was all down to Lois that she enjoyed it, and that even now she couldn’t stop the tingling sensations running around her body, the craving deep inside that wanted more of him.

    “This is stupid” Clark said, slamming his hand angrily against the steering wheel as he fought to get the damn truck moving again, “None of this is important right now, what’s important is Chloe” he said definitely as he forced the vehicle up onto the road at last.

    “Damn right” Lois agreed as she started straight ahead out through the windshield, feeling it was a much safer option than turning her head to glance Clark’s way at all.

    Unfortunately, Clark was fairly certain this whole red water thing could get a lot more dangerous for him than anyone else. The water in his system might have made him get frisky with Lois, but the feeling that shot through him before they even started, the hot lava sensation followed by an overwhelming urge to misbehave, that was the power of Red Kryptonite. Thankfully so little had gotten into his system, the moment was over before anything too bad had happened. Not that any of it had felt bad, on the contrary, but Clark decided not to dwell too long on that. As he’d rightfully told Lois, Chloe was the important person in all this, she should be their focus.

    Unsurprisingly, the rest of the journey to the Luthor Mansion was spent in silence, neither of the truck’s occupants willing to speak, their minds still reeling from the experience they’d shared. Okay, so it was only making out, but just a couple of minutes more and they’d have been caught in a clinch they couldn’t easily get out of. Both Lois and Clark forced themselves not to think about the ‘what if’ implications, the pair of them shifting uncomfortably in their seats for very similar reasons.

    At first, they were both relieved when Lex’s house came into view. They were almost where they needed to be and then they could get out of the truck and not have to sit this close to each other. They could go and deal with somebody else’s problem and take their minds completely off each other and what they’d done. Unfortunately, their luck was out.

    “What the hell…?” Lois gasped as she saw the gates before them open and a Porsche pull out onto the road.

    Chloe waved happily from the front seat, deliberately using her left hand, the diamond upon it flashing in the bright sunlight and almost blinding both Lois and Clark through the windshield of the truck.

    “Is that what I think it is?” Clark checked in astonishment as Lois nodded her head.

    “An engagement ring” she said flatly, as she stared at the bottle of water still in her hand, “What the hell is this stuff?”

    “I wish I could tell you” Clark muttered to himself as he swung the truck a complete one-eighty and set off after Lex’s car.

    He was never going to catch it, but hopefully he’d get wherever they were going in time to stop anymore of this madness. Presumably if the unlikely couple went without the pink-hued water that was fuelling their passion, it would wear off, just the same as it had for himself and Lois. Unfortunately, they’d consumed so much already and probably more than anyone else was even aware of. What they might be capable of by now didn’t bear thinking about.

    “Come on, Smallville, put your foot on the gas already!” Lois complained as Lex’s car zoomed off so far ahead of them.

    “Lois, I know how to drive” he complained, as annoyed at her for being present at all as for opening her mouth.

    After all, by himself Clark could have super-sped to the mansion and probably saved the day before Lex and Chloe had even had a chance to contemplate marriage and driving off like crazy people. As it was he had to do everything the slow way, the normal way, and he hated that! For all the times he wished to be a regular human being, there were plenty when Clark was glad of his abilities too. In this particular instance he’d like the ability to silence people like Lois, he thought to himself, only to recall that the only time she’d been quiet so far on this trip was when his tongue was in her mouth. That caused some uncomfortable feelings in all kinds of ways and Clark forced his eyes to the road and his mind to the job in hand as he continued tailing Lex’s Porche back towards town.

    * * * * *

    “I’ll come pick you up in a few hours” Jonathan told his wife as he let her out of the Kent’s second and more dilapidated truck, outside of the Talon, “Hopefully in better transportation”

    “I hope so” Martha said through the open window, “Mostly because that will mean Clark is home and we’ll know if Chloe and Lex are okay”

    “My concern is for her, not for him” her husband said sharply, “I just can’t completely trust the boy, Martha, not after all he’s done”

    “All he’s done? Or all that his family might’ve done?” she checked, an eyebrow raised as Jonathan glanced away.

    They had this discussion a lot. Jonathan had never had a high opinion of Lex, and his wife knew that it was mostly based on the past antics of Lionel and the reputation his son had from his young and wild days. Lex had proven himself to be a worthy friend of Clark for the most part. Sure, he’d made mistakes and bad decisions but then that was true of everybody at different times in their life. Right now it seemed perhaps he and Chloe both were making some odd choices, as yet it was not absolutely clear why that was, or if the effects could be reversed.

    Just as Martha was about to say goodbye to her husband and unlock the coffee house as she’d come to do, a squeal of tyres caught their attention Around the bend at the top of the road came a Porsche, and only one person could have been driving, both Kents were sure of that. Parking up in front of the Talon, Lex and a laughing Chloe disembarked, taking hold of each others hands as they did so.

    “Lex, I don’t need anymore gifts or surprises!” she told him as he led her over to the front door of the Talon where a bewildered Martha Kent stood still.

    “You’ll need this” Lex promised his fiance, “You’ll want it too” he added with a wicked smirk, as he felt in his pocket for the key to the front door.

    “Lex...” Martha began, as Jonathan got out of the truck and came to stand beside her.

    “Mrs Kent, and Mr Kent” he greeted them with a smile, “I’m so glad you’re here to share our happy news”

    “What news?” the older man snapped, clearly unimpressed.
    Chloe was affronted on Lex’s behalf by her friends father’s tone. He had no right to look down on her man, nobody did, and she wasn’t going to stand for it.

    “The news that Lex and I are getting married” she said triumphantly, flashing her diamond ring under their noses.

    “Oh, Chloe” Martha gasped, “I really don’t think...” she began only to be interrupted by the blonde who spoke a lot more disrespectfully to the older woman than she usually would.

    “Fortunately, Martha, I don’t care much what anybody thinks” she said sharply, “This is the happiest I have been in a very long time. Lex makes me happy” she said definitely as he released her hand just long enough to get the door to the Talon open.

    “Surprise” he said with a grin as he flung open the door and Chloe moved to peer through into the building.

    “Lex, what am I looking at?” she asked, squeezing past him and going inside.

    Lex followed her, as did the Kents, completely bemused by all that was happening, and moreover concerned as to where Clark and Lois might be. They got their answer as another squeal of tyres announced the arrival of their son and his friend. They arrived just in time to hear the little announcement Lex was making.

    “You’re looking at your wedding present” he smiled as he turned and faced his fiancé, “Lana’s gone to Paris and hasn’t even bothered to answer my messages for past few weeks, she clearly doesn’t care about this place, and given your particular love for coffee...” he smirked, “The Talon is yours, Chloe”

    “Oh my God” she gasped at the huge gift he was giving her as she threw herself into his arms, “I love you, Lex” she told him, before kissing him deeply, despite the audience of onlookers.

    Lois shook her head in disbelief at the sight before her.

    “This is getting way out of hand”

    To Be Continued...

  6. #46
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (10th Aug 2008)

    What an awesome update!

    Good for Chloe for not allowing Mr. Kent to be rude to Lex--Lex is not his father and it's high time that everyone in Smallville realized this.

    And while I appreciate Mrs. Kent's defending Lex, she was going to try and talk Chloe out of marrying the man, so good for Chloe for not listening to her!

    And I love that Lex gave Chloe The Talon as a present. Yes, Lana loves the place where her parents met so much that she sold it to Lex because "She's the girl that goes to Paris." There's the famous Lana Lang loyalty in action

    This is a fabulous story--keep up the great work!
    Last edited by Kit Merlot; 5th October 2008 at 15:55.

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

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  7. #47
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (10th Aug 2008)

    I can just so picture Chloe happily waving to Clark and Lois showing off her engagement ring. I love that Lex gave her the Talon if just because I want to Lana to come just to find out what he did. Please, please tell me you are going to put that in this story. Yay! Now Chloe can have all the coffee she ever wants. I hope Chloe and Lex can get away without anymore people stopping them. Vegas! Vegas! Vegas!

  8. #48
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (10th Aug 2008)

    This story gets better and better. I love it.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #49
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (10th Aug 2008)

    He gave her the coffee shop! OMG! That is so incredibly awesome. The Keents need to butt out and Lex and Chloe need to get out of town before Clark steps in and ruins things.

  10. #50
    No charge for awesomeness
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (10th Aug 2008)

    This fic is so much fun. Chloe will never be out of coffee...it's a good thing. Hopefully coffee will be brewed using that wonderful pink water

    Loving the Vegas wedding on the horizon. Will Elvis be officianating?

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