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Thread: Granted (R)

  1. #41
    NS Full Member
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    North Carolina
    :biggrin: That was so cute, but I still don't know what Lex wished for. I liked when Chloe asked Pete if she looked like one of the brunette floozies Lex usually went out with, it was cute. Anyway please update soon!!!

  2. #42
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    :biggrin: That was so good! Does Lex even remember what he wished for? Chloe is the woman for him! :yay:


  3. #43
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    Sydney, Australia.
    clol: I lurved Pete getting all jealous of Lex - what a classic! Can't wait for more of this!!!

  4. #44
    Angel undercover!
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    04 Mar 2003
    Well, Lex wanted to finally get what he actually wanted. But does he even *know* what it is? Please update soon!

  5. #45
    NS Full Member Cheryl's Avatar
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    “I *know* you weren’t just trying to ask out my girl, Luthor,” he said.
    This line had me giggling, and for those who don't know already, I don't giggle. I never giggle. I am the anti-giggle! hmy:

    And yet.. I giggled. I was so surprised with myself, my hand flew to my mouth, but hit my nose instead. <touches nose carefully and winches> Ouch.

    Anyways, enough about my stupidity, this fic is fantastic&#33;&#33; And amazingly enough, it just keeps getting better and better. Again, I am forced to beg you for another chapter, if only for my sanity&#39;s sake.

    Now, off to look for some ice for my nose.... :unsure:

  6. #46
    Just a Guest!
    :lol: More, more... now&#33;&#33;&#33; :lol:

    Pete being jealous because of Lex, this is so good&#33;&#33;

  7. #47
    see spot snark Senior Member happy bunny's Avatar
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    New Jersey
    :hehe: This story is just too funny&#33; Loved it soo much. You&#39;re adding more soon, right?

  8. #48
    Just a Guest!
    Chloe rolled her eyes when she realized that Lex wasn’t listening to her, but had drifted off into his own thoughts with a glazed expression on his face. If Pete took as long admiring himself in the dressing room mirror as he had while trying on the other outfits, then she could have fun with Lex’s sudden inattention.

    Reminding herself that Lex wasn’t Clark and hadn’t made a habit out of mentally trailing off while she was talking; she decided to cut him a small amount of slack.

    She cleared her throat and let a bemused half-grin lift up one corner of her mouth.

    “You know, it’s considered polite to *listen* to a person until they’re done answering your question. Or at least make up some lame excuse to cut them off.”

    Her words cutting through the thoughts running rampant in his mind, he blinked and then inwardly cringed at what he had done.

    It wasn’t as if zoning people out was new to him, but he was usually much better at hiding it – and to have Chloe catch him doing it to her was nothing short of mortifying, though he couldn’t explain why.

    If it had been Clark then he would have pretended that it didn’t happen or said he had lots of things on his mind. But then, Clark had never been observant enough to actually catch him filtering out his endless prattle about his ongoing saga with Lana.

    Instead of the pointed glare he was expecting to receive, Chloe merely shook her head a little and pretended that it didn’t really bother her.

    “If Clark’s still at my house when I get back, then I’ll have him run the copies over to you,” she said, turning to ignore him as she walked over to the dressing room and knocked on the door. “Come on, Pete. Stop hogging the view of the new bod,” she said jokingly.

    Lex’s face contorted in discontent. Sure, it had been rude of him to start thinking of the relic and the things that could happen if Pete’s theory was true - and God knew it certainly could be with all the strange things that went on in that town - but he hadn’t expected her to simply slough him off and head over to what would likely be Pete’s waiting arms.

    What was worse is that he didn’t know why the action bothered him so much, because it wasn’t as if he was harboring secret feelings for her or anything.

    His mind flit back to how she looked when she smiled earlier, how he didn’t seem to be able to avert his gaze from her face and his body’s almost inappropriate reaction to the banter that happened afterward.

    Then he remembered the little he had heard Chloe say about Pete’s theory. Pete had made a wish while he was holding the medallion --- so had he.

    And, unlike Chloe, he not only remembered his wish, but also the specific wording his thoughts had used.

    ‘Why can’t I find one woman who isn’t interested in my money? Someone who’s beautiful and intelligent but doesn’t want to kill me? God. I wish I could just find her and fall madly in love with her forever.’

    Glancing over and feeling the distinctive pang of jealousy when he saw Chloe engaging in nothing more than strictly ‘friends-only’ based flirtation with Pete, he realized that his wish had come true as well – or at least was on the way to getting there as true love wasn’t something that happened overnight.

    Unfortunately, he also realized that the wording of his wish had only been specific enough to make him fall in love with her and not necessarily have her return the emotion.

    Either he needed to find a way to counteract his wish or he needed to do his best to woo Chloe and make her fall in love with him, not an easy feat when he considered that he was no longer necessarily in her good graces – if he ever had been to begin with.

    Then there was the issue that he highly doubted that she would be impressed or won over by gifts of adoration. After all, he wished for someone who wasn’t interested in his money and he could only reason that it extended to the things he could buy with it as well.

    When given a few more seconds of thought, he inwardly cursed himself for phrasing the wish he had as he had basically just condemned himself to falling madly in love with a woman who didn’t care about him one way or another and probably never would.


    The only remedy he could think of was to go home and wish again, this time that his previous wish would be undone.

    Chloe looked back to see that Lex was still standing there, seemingly lost in thought again. She didn’t know why, but it worried her.

    If it had been as simple as him not wanting to hear her spout Pete’s ridiculous medallion theory, then she almost understood why he had started to ignore her, but clearly there was something weighing heavily on the young billionaire’s mind – and given her curious nature, she wanted to know what it was.

    She motioned for Pete to try on the new garments that the surprisingly inattentive, bored-looking salesman brought over and then she made her way back over to Lex and tilted her head to the side, not wanting to break through his personal bubble by placing her hand on his arm as she would have normally done with anyone else.

    “Are you okay?”

    Her words lilted into his ears and Lex found giving her a blank stare as the sound of her voice triggered some long forgotten memory of his mother and the feeling that came with knowing that she loved him regardless of how poorly his father treated him or what else was going on.

    His heart started pounding in his chest and his palms suddenly started to sweat. If the mere sound of Chloe’s voice could make him feel like that, could make him feel anything more than the compulsory attraction he felt toward most women for so long, then he found himself reluctant to give it up.

    Even if he was never able to convince her to love him, just being around her might be enough.

    “Lex?” she asked, putting aside the fact that she didn’t know him too well to reach out her hand and rest it on his arm when he didn’t answer the first question she asked. She frowned. “You don’t look so good. Maybe you should see a doctor.”

    Lex managed a hint of a smile at her concern.

    “I’ll be fine. I think the lack of sleep I’ve been getting is finally catching up to me though,” he lied.

    “Okay,” Chloe said, giving him a smile even though she wasn’t entirely sure she believed him.

    She turned around at the sound of the dressing room door opening to see Pete back in the tight t-shirt, khaki shorts combo that he had been wearing when she picked him up that morning, his arms full of the outfits that Chloe had deemed acceptable for him to wear.

    She smirked when she saw that there wasn’t one flannel shirt among the garments and half wondered if the same comment she made to Pete would work on Clark. Somehow she doubted it, though she gave herself credit for not even picturing the rejection in her head this time.

    ‘God, I can’t believe I wasted so much time on him,’ she thought. She flashed a bright smile at Pete. “You didn’t even try to sneak a flannel shirt in there. I’m so proud of you,” she said teasingly.

    “And have you make gay lumberjack jokes about me every time I wore it? No way,” Pete replied.

    Lex’s eyes darted back and forth between the two as he looked for a possible explanation, but when neither of them paid him any mind, he let it slide and figured that it must be an inside joke.

    “You going to check out?” Chloe asked.

    “Yeah. And then I thought we could go look for shoes,” Pete said.

    Chloe snickered.

    “Your dad’s oversized gardening slippers aren’t doing it for you, huh?”

    “Hey&#33;” Pete objected and then stuck one of his feet in the air to wiggle it. “I can make anything work.”

    Chloe laughed and Pete smiled at her before turning and heading up to the counter with the new clothes.

    Lex arched an eyebrow.

    “Did the Ross family come into an inheritance I don’t know about?” he asked quietly, looking at Chloe with questioning expectance when she let out a small gurgle of laughter.

    She leaned toward him to speak in a hushed tone.

    “Well, besides the fact that your outfit cost more than all the clothes he picked out combined,” she said somewhat snidely, “Pete’s dad took one look at him this morning and freaked out. Basically gave him a big wad of cash and justified it by saying he’ll get it back when Pete joins the NFL.”

    “Well, if that doesn’t work out, I could always get him a position with the Metropolis Sharks.”

    Chloe snorted in amusement.

    “Pete would *love* that,” she said, heavy sarcasm lining every note of her voice.

    “What? It could be a small piece of retribution for my father destroying their creamed corn factory.”

    Chloe smiled at him condescendingly and was about to make another snide remark when Pete came strolling over to them carrying three large bags in his hands. He gave Lex a mildly disguised look of repulsion.

    “You’re still here?” he asked dryly and then looked at Chloe. “You’re *sure* he wasn’t asking you out?”

    Lex couldn’t help but smirk over Pete’s jealousy. Despite the sudden increase in his physical attractiveness to women, the young man had apparently not gotten over the insecurities he carried from being a shorter male specimen for so long.

    He was just about to make a comment about it, but Chloe beat him to it.

    “Geez, Pete. Insecurity complex much?” she said teasingly. “Like I said before, he just wants copies of the journals.”

    Lex mentally noted that it was better that Chloe spoke first. After all, he didn’t need to give Pete another reason for trying to keep him away from her. But, at the same time, his heart constricted with the knowledge that she really didn’t see him as anything more than a friendly acquaintance.

    Pete rolled his eyes.

    “So, what? Are you just gonna hang around us all day until she can make you copies?” Pete irritably asked Lex.

    Lex smirked and Pete let a pout pass over his lips.

    “Great,” Pete said sarcastically, shooting a pleading look at Chloe as if she could convince the man next to them otherwise, but she simply shrugged to indicate that she didn’t know why Lex was acting the way he was.

    She turned her head to Lex and looked at him quizzically.

    “Are those papers really that important to you?”

    “I know it sounds a bit…out there, but they could prove invaluable,” Lex said, his mind more on the relic than on a bunch of old journals.

    Remembering that he had left it at the lab for them to study, he resolved to get back over there as soon as possible. Odds were that the scientists wouldn’t translate the writing in time to know what it did either and if there was any sort of limit on the number of wishes it granted, then he wanted the remaining wishes to be his.

    A lazy grin slipped across his mouth. Instead of undoing the wish he made the previous day, he could wish for Chloe to fall in love with him too.

    “Well, we only have the shoe store left,” Chloe told Pete consolingly.

    “Yeah, but ---”

    “I’ll pay,” Lex offered, earning a shocked, yet wary look off of Pete’s face. Lex smirked a little at him. “That would free up a considerable amount of the money your father gave you – so you could use it on…taking out your new female admirers, perhaps?”

    A tiny smile twitched at the corners of Pete’s mouth.


    Chloe’s eyebrows rose in disbelief and Lex grinned at her.

    “Never thought you’d see the day?” he asked.

    She absently shook her head and Pete rolled his eyes.

    “Hey, I’m just taking your money. It’s not like we’re friends or something,” he said.

    “Of course not,” Lex agreed.

    Transferring all the bags over to one hand, Pete slung his other arm around Chloe’s shoulders.

    “So, what d’ya say for tonight? Movie, pizza?”

    Chloe laughed as they started to walk out of the store, not noticing that Lex was following them, clenching his jaw jealously, and already thinking of the many wishes he could make so Pete would pay for touching the woman he was rapidly falling madly in love with.


    “I’m back,” Chloe called out as she opened the front door to her house.

    It was later than she expected, but because of Lex’s suspicious generosity, Pete had spent a small fortune on shoes while they were shopping.

    “Sorry I’m a little late,” she said to no one in particular when she didn’t hear Lana’s voice chime through the house at her.

    “Is anyone here?” Lex asked, peeking his head around the corner from the foyer to see if Lana and Clark were engaged in some physical activity that Chloe probably shouldn’t witness given her crush on the boy. He let out a breath of relief when he saw that the house seemed to be empty.

    Chloe shrugged it off.

    “Lana must have gone into work,” she said.

    A slightly pleased, but apprehensive smile raised the corners of his lips.

    “What about your dad?” he asked smoothly. It wouldn’t do to try and convince her to reciprocate his feelings if Gabe was at home to play defense.

    “Metropolis,” Chloe answered nonchalantly. “If you want to watch TV or something while I print out the papers, then it’s in there,” she said, motioning with her head toward the living room.

    “Actually,” he started, stepping toward her as she started to walk up the stairs. “I’ll just follow you - if you don’t mind?”

    Chloe turned her head to look at him, giving him a bemused smile.

    “I don’t mind – but don’t tell Pete. He’d kill you,” she said, only half-joking.

    Lex nodded.

    “He likes you.”

    Chloe shot him a wry look as she came to the top of the stairs.

    “It’s not like that,” she protested.

    “Even with his new…physique?” Lex asked.

    Chloe shook her head.

    “I love him, but he’s like my brother. It doesn’t matter how good he looks now,” she said.

    Lex grinned at her as she opened the door to her room. So, Pete wouldn’t be an issue after all – at least not coming from Chloe’s side – but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t have to make use of the wish to hurt the boy for touching her earlier.


  9. #49
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    Originally posted by scifichick774@Oct 2 2003, 11:35 PM

    ‘Why can’t I find one woman who isn’t interested in my money? Someone who’s beautiful and intelligent but doesn’t want to kill me? God. I wish I could just find her and fall madly in love with her forever.’

    Kris, I don&#39;t think I&#39;ve ever laughed so hard. I love how he realized that he&#39;s screwed and that he&#39;s got to work double time to make her notice him as more than just the bald guy with all the money.

    This is just too good.

  10. #50
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
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    Pete likes Chloe....really? Okay...getting the creeps here, like chloe. u know, i really can&#39;t see pete as being a hunk, coz he got such a baby face, but that&#39;s just me

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