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Thread: Shadows of the Past (R )

  1. #41
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    Cambridgeshire, England.
    :biggrin: now this has really got the old brain cells a ticken over! I really cant wait to find out what they saw in the photo! MORE! :

  2. #42
    hide the rum randa's Avatar
    Join Date
    10 Jun 2003
    this is so interesting, so come back soon!!


  3. #43
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    You just have to continue soon... Please! :biggrin:
    *Coffee Break 9:00 to 5:00 Daily.
    *Heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over.
    *Are you crazy?
    *From zero to insane in 1.5 seconds!
    *If I agree with you, then we'd both be wrong!

  4. #44
    NS Full Member
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    echoing everyone else with What??

    You need to post soon so I'm not confused for too long.
    'I build you out of nothing to have you near
    I remembered you on trains
    So now you're on every train I hear'
    Something For Kate: Old Pictures

  5. #45
    I am soooo not an addict tiger04's Avatar
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    please please update more soon. I want to know what the f is going on.

    Please update soon


  6. #46
    Just a Guest!
    ohhh, i get it!! lex and chloe, dreaming of dan and meg respectivly. hmmm, maybe they look like lex and chloe? anyway, i like it a lot, keep updating!!


  7. #47
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
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    now you have to update cuz you lost me here. lex has dreams too. :huh:
    please more i need to understand

  8. #48
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    A/N: Thank you for all the great reviews, and I’m glad that you are enjoying this. Just as a reminder, this chapter deals with the discoveries of Megan and Emma’s bodies. Again, it’s not overly gory, but rather disturbing. Second, there will be a minimal mention of Lana, the Black Death in my story, because her presence, and the hints of Deathex, have over saturated and ruined the potential Chlexy greatness of Season 4.

    Chapter 5

    “Blood was all over the floor. Megan had jagged, gaping wounds all over her body, and I could see that there was still some blood coming out of them. I rushed to her side, but her eyes were unseeing. Oh God, I was too late. Her body was still warm, and her beautifully pale skin was just beginning to turn a bluish shade.”

    “Oh Christ, where’s Emma? I looked around in a blind panic, and then I saw my little angel by the sink. I ran to get her out of the water, but again, I was too late. The sink had been filled and my baby girl was drowned in it.”

    “Who would want to hurt my wife and daughter?”


    Before living in Smallville, Lex Luthor would never have admitted to being envious of any person. Yet, here he was, actively jealous of a man he had never met. When he came home from the auction, Lex was proud of the purchases he made. He was able to give Chloe a gift, and he bought himself a vintage 1920’s Pierce Arrow. It was a gorgeous car, and a crown jewel in his collection.

    For the first time in many years he was a contented man. His father was in jail, he was running Luthercorp, he reaffirmed his friendship with Clark, but most importantly, he had Chloe back. Her friendship was one that he deeply treasured, and when they weren’t speaking, it had pained him more than he cared to admit.

    He could have blamed Lana for all his troubles, but that wouldn’t have been fair. Lana had always been self-involved, but she became even more self-absorbed since returning from Paris.

    And Lana was never one to do things half way.

    She came back to Smallville with the air of having been gone years, instead of just three months. She completely changed her wardrobe, her hair, and her friends.

    He supposed that she still retained her friendship with him, because in her mind, he was the only person in town who could understand her now.

    But then again, Lana was never what anyone would call complicated.

    Lex smiled ruefully to himself, and grimaced at his blunders. He had thought encouraging Lana to leave Smallville would help broaden her horizons, and show her that there was more to life than corn fields, football games and small towns.

    He would never have guessed that she would have returned to Smallville with a new boyfriend, who oddly enough reminded him of Whitney, and that she would have begun her new life by ignoring her old friends.

    Lana had never been intentionally cruel to anyone, but her indifference to other people’s pain was a difficult trait to overlook.

    Lana had changed, but they weren’t all positive changes. Lex found himself more aware then ever at what a wonderful friend Chloe had been to Lana, but also to himself. He knew that neither one of them deserved her.

    Normally, he would have just put himself in that category, but the post=Parisian Lana was now a dues paying member.

    His mind wandered to his blonde friend, and he smiled wryly that he would ever have had a reporter as a close friend. But Chloe was so much more that a reporter. She was smart, witty, and loyal to a fault.

    And for some reason known only to God, she trusted him. She trusted Lex to protect her and her dad, and to keep them out of harms way. And he didn’t want to let her down, and risk having her be disappointed in him. These were very unusual feelings for him.

    So when the dreams started, he chalked them up to wanting what he could never have. The man in his dreams seemed very happily married to a wonderful woman and they had an equally adorable child, a little girl.

    Lex yearned for the type of happiness this man had, but he feared he could never find it. What were the chances that he would meet an intelligent woman with a keen wit whom he could woo into falling for him? He couldn’t even begin to think about persuading her to marry him. But first, he had to find this woman, if she even existed.

    And what if he managed to find a woman, a woman who was not after his money, his company or his life? Someone who loved him just for him. Would he ever be able to convince her to share his life with him? He was in the public eye constantly. People were always trying to take him down, one way or another. Their married life would consist of a series of fabricated scandals, sold to gossip magazines.

    Any woman worth her salt wouldn’t go anywhere near him, let alone fall in love with him.

    He hated being maudlin, and detested it in others, but this was what his life was. He would likely destroy any decent woman. The press would dig up any information and use it as a blunt instrument to strike her over the head.

    She would wind up hating him, and he would lose another woman he loved. And that would probably explain why he found himself filled with such jealousy for this man and his perfect family.

    The couple in his dreams had none of these problems. They seemed very happy together, and Lex would get quick flashes of what their life was like together. He saw where they first met, and where they first kissed. He saw their wedding night, and the birth of their child. He saw the man’s arguments with his father, and when his wife comforted him.

    Sometimes, he felt like he was intruding, but usually, he felt privileged to be a part of it.

    Lex couldn’t always see their faces clearly, but he had a sense that the woman had bobbed brown hair with pin curls, and she seemed to be wearing a flapper dress. He could usually only catch a glimpse of the man, but he had the bearing of man of wealth.

    The little girl had blonde hair and a smile like her mother’s. The most telling detail of the couple was their obvious love for each other, and their child.

    That was enough to fill him with envy, but his sub-conscious decided to kick his emotions up a notch. The last three nights that he had dreamed about the family, his mind replaced the brown haired woman with an image of Chloe.

    At first, he had been startled, but he realized that he had replaced the dream man as her husband. Lex was surprised at how easily he and Chloe seemed to fit together.

    Of course, that was when his rather vivid imagination threw a monkey wrench into his dream martial bliss. Darkness began to filter into their lives. Chloe became withdrawn, and she often appeared pale and shaken.

    She never said anything out loud, but she seemed scared, for herself but also for their daughter. Lex would try to get her to tell him who had her so frightened, but then the dream would start to get cloudy, and he would wake up, his gut twisted with fear that he couldn’t protect his wife and daughter.

    This last morning, he had woken up in a cold sweat because the dream images were now soaked in blood. Lex finally admitted that maybe it was time to talk to his therapist again, when he was saved by Chloe’s call.

    He sighed visibly, glad that she would be arriving to take his mind off of his troubles. He decided not to mention any aspect of his dream to her. He didn’t want to worry her, and if he kept it to himself, he wouldn’t have to acknowledge anything was wrong. Not a very sound decision, but then again, he hadn’t been sleeping well.


    As soon as Chloe said their names, he knew it was true. The faces of his dream family stared up at him from the photograph. Megan, Daniel and Emma Todd felt so familiar to him that he was glad that he now knew their names. But he also felt a profound peace of mind knowing WHY he was dreaming about them.

    He smiled at Chloe, and he suddenly realized that he owed her his life and his sanity once again. She continued to be his savoir, and she didn’t even know it. He would have to tell her about his theory. Intuitively, he knew that Chloe wouldn’t laugh at him, and she’d probably have her own theory.

    He glanced down at the picture again, and shook his head in amazement. The picture was from Smallville’s 4th of July Parade. The Todd family was sitting in their car, a 1920’s Pierce Arrow. The same car that Lex had bought at the auction.


    “I don’t know how long I sat on the floor, hugging my wife and daughter, but soon the police were in my house. The police will know what to do. They will find out who wanted to hurt my girls. The police will catch who killed them. They’ll just have to. I don’t know what I’ll do if they can’t…”
    Last edited by Kit Merlot; 7th June 2009 at 04:29.

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

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  9. #49
    Sexified ChLex Addict Senior Member Blackberry's Avatar
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    I love how there were physical connections as well as mental ones!

    Stories like this are so awesome!!

    More soon I hope!

  10. #50
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    San Luis Obispo, California
    Originally posted by Kit Merlot@Nov 24 2004, 09:45 AM
    “Blood was all over the floor. Megan had jagged, gaping wounds all over her body, and I could see that there was still some blood coming out of them. I rushed to her side, but her eyes were unseeing. Oh God, I was too late. Her body was still warm, and her beautifully pale skin was just beginning to turn a bluish shade.”

    “Oh Christ, where’s Emma? I looked around in a blind panic, and then I saw my little angel by the sink. I ran to get her out of the water, but again, I was too late. The sink had been filled and my baby girl was drowned in it.”

    “Who would want to hurt my wife and daughter?”

    “I don’t know how long I sat on the floor, hugging my wife and daughter, but soon the police were in my house. The police will know what to do. They will find out who wanted to hurt my girls. The police will catch who killed them. They’ll just have to. I don’t know what I’ll do if they can’t…”
    That's just sad. I love the plot still. But that was sad. hmy: :blush:
    *Coffee Break 9:00 to 5:00 Daily.
    *Heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over.
    *Are you crazy?
    *From zero to insane in 1.5 seconds!
    *If I agree with you, then we'd both be wrong!

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