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Thread: Accidents Happen (NC-17)

  1. #41
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    YAAAAY! You updated- it's seriously sad how many times I've check for updates on this fic :blush: Great new chapter- poor Lionel doesn't know what's wrong with his son. :lol:

  2. #42
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    01 Jan 2003
    :lol: That was definitely a retribution that I didn't expect - The Snorks LMAO

    Lionel is probably wondering what the hell is happening to his son!

    Another great part, as usual - well done!


  3. #43
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    :lol: Great ch. Post more soon!

  4. #44
    Just a Guest!
    That was absolutely wonderful!

  5. #45
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Poor Lex, he has to deal with his father and Chloe won't even have mind sex with him. I mean, that would make dealing with his father so much better. Plus, the way Lionel works, if he thinks Lex is loosing it, he'll have him committed.


  6. #46
    Just a Guest!
    I loved the chapter where the doctors thought she had a seizure. Can't wait to see how they play!

  7. #47
    Just a Guest!
    A/N: I can’t believe I was talked into doing another chapter of this so soon. Thanks for all the feedback! I’m glad you’re all still enjoying this. *smile*


    ‘Uh-oh. I don’t like the sound of that,’ Chloe thought to herself. Lex smirked and pressed his fingertips together.

    ‘Nor should you,’ he thought with a tiny smirk. He looked Lionel square in the eyes and rose from his chair. He wanted to be with Chloe and he wasn’t about to let some inane meeting with his father get in the way. “Out!” Lex growled, pointing at the door. Lionel’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.

    “I beg your pardon?”

    “Get. Out,” he repeated, annunciating both words in a menacing snarl through gritted teeth.

    “Lex? Are you feeling ill? Perhaps we should get you to see a doctor,” Lionel said.

    Lex’s higher levels of testosterone took over control of this body and he quickly covered the small space between them. He grabbed his father by the throat with one hand and gently applied pressure to get his point across. Lionel glanced down at what he could see of Lex’s arm and then back up to his son.

    “Lex ---”

    Lex squeezed Lionel’s neck tighter and tighter until Lionel started coughing for air and his face started changing colors. Lex raised his arm, jerking Lionel out of his seat; and then with inhuman strength, threw him toward the door. Lionel landed on the floor right outside the doorway and looked up at his son with shock and even a little bit of fear lining his features. He opened his mouth to speak, to ask what was going on and how that was possible, but closed it quickly when he saw the dangerous fire burning in Lex’s eyes. Lionel pushed himself up to a standing position and then nodded once at Lex as a gesture of goodbye for the time being.

    Lex, breathing heavily from the adrenalin rush, closed the door and leaned his back against it. He allowed his eyes to close and his mind flitted to an image of him pressing Chloe up against one of the filing cabinets at the Torch office. He slamming his mouth down against hers and roughly started to unbutton the blouse he pictured her wearing. Chloe’s eyes widened.

    “Oh, no!” she said aloud, earning her a strange look from Clark. She pushed the image of them out of her head and got a stubborn expression on her face. ‘If you want me here, you come and get me. No more of this mind sex stuff – especially not in front of Clark,’ she added to herself.

    ‘Kick him out. I’ll be there in ten minutes,’ he said gruffly. Chloe frowned at his tone. She could tell from his side of the conversation that he had just gotten into an argument with his dad, but it must have been a big one for him to be so angry. Not to mention the fact that it sounded like he was actually going to come over to the school and meet her in the Torch office to ravage her. A shiver of delight swept through her body at the thought, but it wasn’t exactly practical with Clark and any other student or teacher being able to stop by.

    Lex let out a feral growl and slammed the door on his way out of the office. He turned around and locked it, giving his secretary a warning look to not say anything about his mood as he left.


    ‘What?!’ he snapped.

    ‘Ouch. Okay, never mind. I was going to ask you what’s wrong, but obviously you don’t want to talk about it – or think about it – whatever,’ Chloe thought.

    ‘Are you still at the Torch office?’

    ‘Yeah, but not for long. I guess Clark is here to take me home.’

    ‘What?!’ he thought angrily. Chloe ignored his tone and continued.

    ‘My dad doesn’t feel *comfortable* with me driving so soon after being in the hospital with ‘seizure activity’,’ she thought snidely, reminded Lex that it was his fault that she had been held for the extra testing.

    ‘Get rid of him, I’ll take you home,’ Lex thought as he slipped behind the wheel of his car. Chloe took it for what it was; it wasn’t a suggestion, it was an order – damned if she was going to give into it though.

    Clark watched the emotions play on Chloe’s face and he furrowed his brow with concern.

    “Is everything okay, Chloe?”

    “No,” she said to Clark and then shook her head lightly. “Give me a second, will you?” He nodded and she continued her inner conversation with Lex. ‘Who the hell do you think you are, trying to boss me around like that?’

    ‘Jealous boyfriend?’ Lex offered dryly.

    “Lex ---” she trailed off when she realized she had same his name aloud.

    ‘Get rid of him, Chloe,’ Lex said in a warning voice. ‘I’m not in control right now and I won’t be held liable for my actions,’ he thought as calmly as possible, but it still came out sounding like a threat.

    ‘Lex ---’

    ‘If he’s there, I’ll kill him,’ Lex thought simply. His voice inside her head had taken on an almost tranquil tone that sounded incredibly creepy. She knew then that he meant what he said. He would literally kill his best friend if he caught him in the same room as her. Chloe paled and looked over at Clark.

    “C-Clark,” she stammered, trying to find the footing for her words, “I think you should go.”

    “I can’t. I promised your dad that I would take you home,” he said as he shoved his hands into his pockets. “Sorry.”

    ‘He doesn’t sound sorry,’ Chloe thought.


    ‘He said he’s not leaving because he *promised* my dad that he would take me home. He has to pick *now* to be chivalrous toward me? Clark has got to have the worst timing ever,’ she rambled.

    ‘His funeral,’ Lex thought and sped up his car.

    ‘Lex, calm down. I’ll – I’ll think of something. Just calm down,’ she thought. Chloe cringed when she heard a familiar song snake into her mind.

    Come on baby…Don’t fear the reaper…

    “Nice,” Chloe said sarcastically. ‘You just *happened* to have that song in your cd player?’

    ‘It’s on the radio actually. Maybe it’s a sign.’

    Chloe shook her head lightly and looked up at Clark again.

    “You really, *really* need to leave now,” she said.

    “But ---”

    “Did the doctors tell you anything about how it was affecting him?”

    “A little, but ---”

    “He’ll kill you if you’re here when he gets here, Clark,” Chloe told him with pleading eyes. Clark looked almost bemused and tilted his head to the side as he smiled.

    “Not possible,” he answered.

    “Clark, you don’t under--- Lex,” Chloe said, rising from her chair when she saw Lex appear in the doorway. He had his eyes fixed on her in what could only be considered a lustful stare. For some reason, that relieved Chloe a little bit. As long as he was concentrated on her, he wouldn’t hurt Clark. “What happened to the whole ‘ten minutes’ thing?”

    “I sped,” Lex answered and took a few steps toward her. Clark stopped him by holding out his arm.

    “I have to take her home now, Lex. I’m sure her dad will let you talk to her later,” Clark said in a reasonable, yet unsure tone. He had never seen his friend this focused before and even though he knew that Lex wouldn’t be able to physically hurt him, he still felt apprehensive about the situation; because Lex could definitely hurt Chloe.

    Clark never expected what happened next. Lex snapped his head around at him and growled like a wild animal. Clark’s eyes grew large and he held up his hands.

    “Lex, just ---”

    In one swift movement, Lex picked his friend up by the shirt and threw him out into the hallway. Chloe screamed and Clark looked up at him with a stunned expression on his face before Lex shut the door to the Torch office and locked it. Lex centered his gaze on Chloe again, who was now frightened because she couldn’t hear anything that was going on in his mind for the last couple of minutes while everything happened.

    “Lex?” she asked in a nervous, hushed voice.

    He closed the space between them and mimicked what he had originally pictured them doing. He took her lips in a brutal kiss and Chloe barely had time to respond before his deft fingers were unbuttoning her blouse. She pulled her mouth away from his and stared at him with confusion.

    “Wha--- mmph.”

    Lex kissed her again and pressed his body up hard against hers as he backed her toward the file cabinet.


    ‘You wanted to play,’ he reminded her in a taunting tone.

    ‘But ---’ Chloe’s thoughts tapered off as he became more and more persistent with his affections. She allowed her eyes to close and started to push his jacket off his shoulders.

    Neither of them saw Clark tear the door off of its hinges. He walked over to the couple and with one good, but not full strength blow to the back of the head; he managed to knock Lex out cold.


  8. #48
    Just a Guest!
    He WHAT?!?!?! BAD CLARK, BAD! (but Bad Lex i really like ) I'm sooooo glad you were talked into doing another chapter this soon, and maybe we all can talk you into doing another chapter soon again :biggrin:

  9. #49
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Oh I'm gonna kill Clark *growls* If Lex didn't, I sure as hell will! That soab has not only the worst timing but nooo common sense at all *slips into game face* I'm gonna rip his throat out and drink from his brain stem.

    More, now! Or I will not be liable for my actions!!!!

    *shifts back* *breathes*

    Sorry, err more please, soon


  10. #50
    Sugar&Spice of the gutter Senior Member Queen Of Tact's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    you are evil evil evil!!!!!!
    I can't believe you did that, wait a sec yes i can...
    I should make you watch hrs and hrs of KK till you post another ch


    by the way it was a great ch
    "I am scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend or sister or confidant, but never quite somebody's everything."

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