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Thread: Deserted (NC-17)

  1. #421
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    03 Jul 2003
    omg i loved it you have to update, that was insane. Two Lexs what more could she ask for... hehe. Write more Please!!!! :yay:

  2. #422
    Sugar&Spice of the gutter Senior Member Queen Of Tact's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Kris, sweetie, baby gal can you please please please please please please please please please please please please pleaseplease please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please Oh and did I say Please UP DATE!!!!!!!!!& #33;!!!!!!!!!& #33;!!!!!!!!!& #33;!!!!!!!!!& #33;!!!!!!!!!& #33;!!!!!

    "I am scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend or sister or confidant, but never quite somebody's everything."

  3. #423
    Members Sandi's Avatar
    Join Date
    08 Mar 2003
    sitting in a comfy chair
    What Queen of tact said...

    ..and let me add some more 'pleases'

    please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please with honey on top (or whatever you like)

  4. #424
    Just a Guest!
    “Alright, Chloe – I want you to push to a count of ten with the next contraction.”

    Less than a minute later, Chloe let out a cry of pain before pushing hard like the doctor told her to.

    She stopped and panted for breath when the contraction ended, wondering how much longer her labor was going to go on since they informed her that she was too far along to administer an epidural.

    The pain was greater than anything she had ever experienced before, and though she figured that the strong contractions had been coming for less than two hours, it felt like an eternity.

    Lex, now clothed in hospital scrubs, gave Chloe’s hand a reassuring squeeze and she wearily rolled her head to the side to look at him.

    “I can’t do this,” she half-whispered.

    “What are you talking about? You’re doing great,” Lex returned.

    Chloe closed her eyes and barely shook her head.

    “I’m not,” she argued quietly. “I’m so tired…and…AAAGH!”

    “Push, Chloe, push,” the doctor said. “Ten, nine, eight, seven…aaand there’s the head. Come on, keep going…”

    The baby’s small body slid out of Chloe, along with a large rush of blood, leaving Chloe feeling relieved but suddenly very cold physically.

    The doctor and nurses scurried the baby over to a wall of the room to clear out its nose and mouth and clean it up. The baby let out a wail and Lex released a breath that he didn’t realize he had been holding in.

    “Well?” he asked when no one turned around to tell them whether it was a boy or a girl.

    One of the nurses came over with the baby swaddled in a blanket and started to lean down to hand it to Chloe, but stopped dead in her tracks when she took in Chloe’s appearance.


    Lex’s eyes darted down to where the nurse was staring, panic stilling his heart when he saw that Chloe’s lips were turning purple and she was unable to keep her eyes even half-open for more than a split second.


    A small hum passed through Chloe’s lips, but nothing else.

    “Chloe – I need you to stay awake,” the doctor said.

    “I need you to stay with me,” Lex added quietly, picking up her hand and squeezing it again, frowning worriedly when it felt cool to the touch. “Chloe?”

    “S-so c-cold,” Chloe mumbled through chattering teeth.

    “She’s bleeding out,” the doctor said. “Sir, I’m going to need to you leave.”

    “The hell I am,” Lex replied angrily.

    “Sir ---”

    “I’m not leaving!” Lex yelled. He vaguely heard the baby crying loudly in the background, but the only real sound that filled his ears was the pounding of his racing heart. “I’m not leaving.”


    “Get him out of here,” the doctor ordered, turning away from the minor argument with Lex and focusing his attention back on Chloe.

    The last thing Lex saw was the doctor’s back blocking his view of Chloe as he was forcefully escorted out of the room.


    “Well?” Lex’s counterpart asked him, rising from his seat as Lex entered the waiting room.

    Lex’s hands were visibly shaking when he raised them to run over his scalp and his clone frowned.

    “What’s going on?”

    “She…started bleeding…a lot,” Lex answered absently, not coherent enough to form even simple sentences without pausing because of his anger at the hospital’s staff and because of his overwhelming concern for Chloe.

    “Is she okay?”

    “They kicked me out.”

    The clone’s frown grew deeper.

    “I’m sorry,” he offered.

    “They had no right to kick me out.”

    The clone opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it again when he realized that he was about to call Lex by name. He may sympathize with the man, but he wasn’t completely prepared to give up his identity yet.

    The helicopter ride to the hospital with Chloe and Lex had gotten him thinking though. And his time in the waiting room had allowed him to come up with a plan that he was almost certain Lex would agree to.

    Unfortunately, if Chloe died, the plan was moot; and he had a feeling that he would be as well.

    Lex’s pain over losing his mother had been tremendous and he had channeled that pain into anger and slow self-destruction. The clone could only imagine that losing Chloe would cause Lex pain that was so much worse, and what easier way to be self-destructive than to kill his clone?

    He supposed that he still had the option of shooting his original self, but the reality was that he didn’t. Killing Lionel was one thing, because the man had no redeeming qualities that he could find whatsoever; but killing Lex after he had been through so much, just so he could permanently take over his life…it would make him more malevolent than his father had ever been.

    He sucked in a breath and tried to meet Lex’s seemingly empty gaze as he released it.

    “Do you think she’s going to be okay?”

    Lex appeared stricken by the words, and when he finally answered, his voice came out raw and choked.

    “I don’t know.”


    Three hours later…

    “Mr. Luthor?”

    Lex and his double both rose from their seats at the sound of the doctor’s voice and the doctor gave them a hint of a grin.

    “I meant him,” he said to the clone, earning a curt nod from the young man.

    “What’s going on? Is she okay? Can I see her?” Lex rambled frantically.

    The doctor let out a tired sigh.

    “She had a rare condition – it should have been caught on her five month ultrasound, but ---”

    “We didn’t have one done,” Lex told him.

    “Oh. Well, that’s unfortunate. It would have helped substantially to know that we should have done a c-section instead of allowing a vaginal delivery.”

    “Is she alright?”

    The doctor took a deep breath, getting ready to explain what happened.

    “There were two babies in her womb. The second child was positioned far too near one of her fallopian tubes and somehow the umbilical cord got wrapped around it. When the amniotic sac burst, it tore through the tube and caused a massive amount of internal bleeding. We managed to get the baby out before your wife completely lost consciousness, but ---”


    “*But*,” the doctor continued, “We weren’t able to repair the tube, and in order to save her life; we were forced to remove it and one of her ovaries.”

    “But she’s alive?” the clone asked.

    The doctor nodded.

    “We had to pump quite a bit of blood into her and she’ll be on a couple of different IVs for the next few days, but yes. She’s alive and currently listed in serious condition.” He looked back at Lex. “There’s a possibility that you two might not be able to have any more kids though.”

    “Can I see her?” Lex asked.

    “She’s not awake, but if you’d like to see your twins, they’re being kept in her room since we have no maternity ward at this facility.”

    Lex’s clone turned to look at him after the doctor left, surprised when he still saw a somewhat dazed expression on his double’s face.

    “You okay?”

    Lex blinked.

    “I will be. I just need to see her.”


    The clone grinned as he closed the room to Chloe’s hospital room door behind him.

    “I’m guessing from the green hats that you had boys,” he said.

    “That and the fact that it says ‘baby boy Luthor’ on each of their bassinettes,” Lex added with a tiny smirk.

    The pleased, proud expression quickly fell from his face the second his eyes landed upon Chloe. She lay on the bed with tubes in her nose to help her breathe and two different IV bags hooked up to her arms. Despite the tan she had gotten on the island, she looked deathly pale and she had dark circles under her eyes.

    As if frozen in place, he made no move to walk over to her, but stood there in stilled shock as he looked at her.

    “The doctor said he thinks she’s going to be alright,” the clone reminded him, interrupting Lex’s thoughts. “But I don’t suppose that makes it any easier to see her like this.”

    “Never does,” Lex replied cryptically, causing the clone to arch an eyebrow. “She…you haven’t heard the whole story.”

    “Then tell me now,” the clone said and then glanced over at the two little boys who were both sleeping. “It looks like we have time.”

    “Helen and my father were working together.”

    “I gathered that much.”

    “Chloe overheard them.”

    The clone winced.

    “Hence the reason she was on the island with you.”

    Lex gave an almost imperceptible nod of his head.

    “They knocked her out, drugged her, and put her in one of the plane’s storage compartments.”


    “She wouldn’t have made it out if I hadn’t heard her banging against the inside of it – and then neither one of us would be alive,” Lex said. “I was still in shock that Helen had betrayed me. Chloe’s the one who thought to use the seats as flotation devices.”

    “And you survived.”

    “Barely,” Lex said. “I woke up – I don’t know how much later – and we were adrift in the ocean, hitting against some rocks close to the island. Chloe was still unconscious and so I had to get us to shore.” He stopped and closed his eyes at the memory. “We were both badly injured,” he continued quietly. “I never wanted to see her like that again and --- God. This is my fault. She didn’t want to get involved because she didn’t want to risk getting pregnant. She said even in routine deliveries, there could be complications, and we were stranded on the island…”

    “You couldn’t have known what would happen.”

    Lex ran his hands down his face.

    “I didn’t even think I could get her pregnant,” he admitted. “I thought I was sterile because of the meteor storm, so…”

    “So you told her and you slept together,” the clone finished for him. “But unless you raped her – which I know you didn’t because I have a feeling she would have killed you – then this isn’t your fault. So do me a favor and stop blaming yourself. You sound like Clark.”

    Lex released a sharp chuckle.

    “You sound like Chloe.”

    “I’ll take that as a compliment,” the clone said. He saw Lex staring down at Chloe and he cleared his throat. “I – uh – noticed that you didn’t correct the doctor when he referred to her as your wife.” Lex’s eyes darted over to his double. “I realize that it might not be the right time to bring this up, but you are still technically married to Helen – or *I* am, depending on whether you want to listen to a proposal I’ve come up with.”

    “Helen’s dead,” Lex informed him with no emotion in his tone at all. The clone’s eyebrows rose in questioning surprise. “Faulty parachute - Dad doesn’t like to leave witnesses.”

    One corner of the clone’s lips tugged upward into an evilly delighted smirk.

    “Speaking of dead people…”

    “He didn’t?”

    “Heart attack,” the clone offered nonchalantly, not feeling the need to elaborate on the reasons behind the sudden medical condition that ended Lionel’s life.


    “Yeah. Oh! And they all think Chloe’s dead too.”

    “We figured,” Lex said. “How do they think she died?”

    “Car accident.”

    Lex scoffed, but the grin on his lips showed his real emotion.

    “Interesting. She’ll get a kick out of that,” he said. “So, what was this proposal you were talking about?”

    “Maybe we should wait until she’s awake since it involves her,” the clone said.

    “I’d like to know what it is before you present it to her,” Lex argued. “I don’t want her having to make any complicated, life-altering decisions in her condition.”

    The clone drew in a breath and then nodded once.

    “I was thinking about something along the lines of what the witness protection program has.”

    “You want Chloe and I to change our names and move far away where we can’t cause you any trouble, is that it?”

    “It would be beneficial to both of us,” the clone said. “We could split the money and you, Chloe, and your kids could get a new life somewhere away from the God-awful people in Smallville.”

    Lex looked back at Chloe.

    “I’m not saying no,” he said without glancing back at the other man. “But if we do this, everything will be on *my* terms. Understood?”

    The clone looked at Chloe and then smirked as he turned to eye Lex again.

    “Somehow I get the feeling that she’ll disagree with you on that.”


  5. #425
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
    Join Date
    10 Jun 2003
    Luthor's manor
    interesting update
    i love the clone lex he is cute too well duh it's lex so he is cute
    more please

  6. #426
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Manila, Philippines
    Wow. I liked it. Lex is so awww. He's so concerned. And hehe yeah. Clone Lex kept the sad part light

  7. #427
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Wow hmy: more please.....

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #428
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    26 Jul 2003
    Paris, FRANCE
    That's true that clone Lex is as cute as Lex! The pleasure is doubled!
    I hope Chloe will be better.


  9. #429
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    24 Jun 2003
    omg i love the update, u made my day after finishing my finals!! :chlexsign1:

  10. #430
    NS Full Member Lulucifer's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    Yay!!! an update. finally. that was great. to bad chloe and lex can't have more kids...

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