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Thread: Bite Me (NC-17)

  1. #31
    Members JennyD13's Avatar
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    23 Sep 2006
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, originally from Newfoundland, Canada.

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Posted: Feb. 20, 09

    Quote Originally Posted by hfce View Post
    You might want to edit your first post everytime you update and put the current date. It will get lost if people don't see you updated. I almost skipped it thiking I already read this update.
    Thanks! I keep forgetting to do that!

  2. #32
    NS Full Member kcsgirl82's Avatar
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    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Posted: Feb. 20, 09

    I just started reading this and I am absolutely loving it. The Chloe and Lex banter and sexual tension is great.
    I wonder how much longer they will be able to resist eachother!

  3. #33
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Updated: Feb. 23, 09

    ANother great chapter. I want more please.

  4. #34
    Members glista's Avatar
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    Wink Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Updated: Feb. 23, 09

    great chapter,can't wait for next update.........

  5. #35
    Members JennyD13's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Sep 2006
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, originally from Newfoundland, Canada.

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Updated: Feb. 23, 09

    Chapter 17

    (Precious – Depeche Mode)

    A very shaky Chloe stepped out of the hospital elevator and bolted for the sliding doors. She was having a little trouble breathing and her heart was racing. As soon as she got herself out into the parking lot she leaned down resting her hands on her knees and sucked in deep breaths of the warm air.

    Well. That went well, she thought to herself. Lex had been right. It was lucky that she didn’t come here alone. Chloe had no idea how Sokoloff fooled people into believing he was the patron saint of genetics. When Chloe first laid eyes on him she knew he was off. She smelled Lex as he came out the sliding doors and heard his shoes click on the pavement. He didn’t say anything as he came up to her. He just put a hand on the back of her bent neck. She felt his thumb move in soothing circles in her hair. Chloe took on more deep breath and straightened up. She faced Lex but before the words she was going to say reached her mouth, she found herself hugging him, her face buried in his chest. So much for Big Bad Chloe. His arms found there way around her shoulders, easing her trembling body into a slight calmness.

    “He’s a bad man, Lex.” She said weakly into his chest. “We can’t trust anything he just told us.”

    “I know.” He replied.

    He sounded very angry and she was glad it was not directed at her. She annoyed him, aggravated him, pissed him off, but she had never seen his black anger before now. Even though Chloe didn’t want to admit it to herself, it made her feel much safer. He had shown her that he would protect her, that he did care about her welfare. Saying that he would and doing it were two different things and he had proved to her back in Dr. Frankenstein’s office that he wasn’t lying. She now was sure that she wouldn’t end up in a secret lab somewhere being dissected. She didn’t think Peter or Lucas or whatever the hell his name was, was going to be so lucky. And Chloe really didn’t care. That bastard deserved what he got and if Lex could find a cure for her by imprisoning him and making sure he would never be able to hurt anyone again, so be it.

    Chloe replayed the last twenty in her mind.

    She had stepped into Sokoloff’s office pretty sure that he would deny everything and that even with the photos they wouldn’t get any useful information out of him. His secretary had been a very stern looking woman and the doctor’s waiting area was all white – even the uncomfortable furniture. She had sat on the couch next to Lex and basked in his smell.

    Then he had opened his mouth.

    “Let me do the talking. If I could have found someway to keep you out of this meeting, I would have.” He whispered, his breath tickling her ears.

    She had ignored the sensation and whipped her head around to look him in the eyes.

    “What the hell do you mean by that? If I have something to say, I’ll damn well say it!” She had hissed.

    “Yes. I know. That’s why I should have locked you in the penthouse and gone myself. This man is dangerous, Chloe. Don’t forget that. You have a habit of pissing people off when you ask too many questions.” He had murmured with a small smile, keeping an eye on the secretary.

    “I….” Chloe had begun. And then she thought about it and realized that there was truth to what he was saying. She had sighed. “Fine, I won’t be snarky. But if I have something important to say that will add to the advancement of the questioning, then I will state it. I just won’t be a bitch.”

    Lex had chuckled.

    “You’re never a bitch, Chloe. You’re just more inquisitive than your own good. Curiosity killed…”

    “The werewolf?” She had interrupted with a grin.

    “Yes, let’s go with that.”

    The secretary had gotten up and marched over to them.

    “Dr. Sokoloff will see you now.” She said sharply as she pointed them toward the correct door. Thanks, Igor.

    Chloe and Lex had followed her pointed finger and knocked on the door. A disembodied voice had drifted out and told them to come in. It had been when Lex opened the door and guided her in that the smell had hit her. It had been awful. Panic knotted her stomach and she had absentmindedly grabbed the cuff of Lex’s jacket. She had been dimly aware of Lex glancing at her, a touch of worry in his otherwise placid features. Chloe had managed a quick nod and they sat down on the two white chairs in front of Sokoloff’s desk.

    He was a short, thin man with a cleanly shaven face and a receding shock of white hair. He had worn a slightly wrinkled suit and slightly bent wire rimmed glasses. His look had looked carefully cultivated, like he was trying to give the impression that he was a stereotypical hardworking doctor that cared about his patients more than his clothes. It had struck Chloe as too artificial. She had seen that there was a terrifying coldness behind his beady little eyes. And then there had been the smell. If Chloe could have picked one word that described it, it was death. He had reeked of it.

    Sokoloff had smelled of blood and rot and chemicals. And deep in her gut, Chloe knew she had smelled something that hinted at the blackness in his soul. This man was a very bad person. Not a bad person as Lionel was bad. Bad as in blight upon the earth – a man that shouldn’t be. A serial killer. A devil. Whatever you wanted to call him, this man was bad news and every fiber in her body told her to either fight to kill or run for her life. This man was not a normal man. Chloe had hoped that the stark fear that she felt did not show on her face.

    She had assumed that Lex had introduced them, though she couldn’t hear anything but the loud staccato beat of her heart. Her breath had come in sharp pants that she had hoped were not noticeable. Panic had tightened her chest, making it impossible for her to breathe properly. She had watched Lex and the Doctor in silence with the soundtrack of her blood rushing to her ears. She had assumed that Lex was explaining the situation – the same as they had told Lionel – that she had been raped by his go-between and that was why they wanted to get their hands on him. The Doctor had listened to Lex talk with a careful smile on his face, his eyes darting back and forth between Lex and herself. She noticed had his expression darken when he realized that Lex knew about his extra-curricular activities.

    Chloe had looked over to Lex. He had looked very calm and stoic. He had been leaning back in the chair, his legs crossed and his hands clasped in his lap. The reminder of his presence and his strength had brought Chloe back down and she slowly started to hear the conversation that was continuing without her. A battle of wills. Both looked hard– both held anger in their eyes.

    Suddenly, Sokoloff had stood up and slammed his hand on his desk.

    “I will not be blackmailed by the likes of you, Luthor. I have told you all I know about Mancuso. He is no longer employed by me.” He had yelled.

    “That’s funny, because he was still one of you’re employees three days ago when he had a meeting with my father.” Lex had replied calmly. He had evidently won the battle.

    “I am warning you. Stay out of my affairs. I won’t tell you again.” The doctor had said in a low, warning tone.

    “Sokoloff, I could not care less about your affairs. All I want is a way to contact your former employee, a person whom very much wronged Ms. Sullivan here. I don’t think that is too much to ask. A person with such a pristine public image as you should be happy to help a young lady in need.” Lex had replied; a threat cleverly disguised in his monotone speech.

    The Doctor’s attention had turned to Chloe and he walked around from behind his desk to stand in front of her. Chloe had felt herself shrink back into her chair. She had been almost able to physically feel the waves of malevolence radiating from him. He had leaned down until his face was inches from hers. He had made a show of inhaling through his nose. He had leered at her. Her revulsion had flooded onto her face as he reached his reeking hand out and cupped her chin.

    “That’s right. My ex-employee had his way with you. I think I’d like to examine you…”

    Chloe had heard a chair squeak and suddenly the doctor wasn’t in her face anymore. Lex had pulled him back from her by the collar of his white lab coat. The good doctor had been knocked back on his desk. Lex had slammed him down on the hard surface once more. He had grabbed Sokoloff’s neck to keep him down and leaned down so the doctor could see his face.

    “You. Do. Not. Touch. Her.” Lex had spat. His rage had been just as palpable as Sokoloff’s malevolence. “You fuck with her, you fuck with me. And you do NOT want to fuck with me! Now tell me what I want to know. Tell me how to find Mancuso.”

    “I don’t know.” He had gasped. “I fired him as soon as he told me that he attacked the girl. I was afraid someone would track him back to me and find out about my… unconventional research.”

    Lex had then let go of him, backed up to straighten his tie and smooth out his blazer. Sokoloff had slowly made his way off of his desk, glaring at Lex.

    “You better be telling the truth.” Lex had said stoically, his apathetic mask back in place. Lex turned toward Chloe. “Let’s go.”

    Chloe had jumped up out of her chair and all but ran from the room. She had not looked back.

    Chloe sighed. He had lost herself in the memory and was still being held tightly in Lex’s arms, her face against his chest. She took a deep breath and stepped back.

    “How are you doing?” Lex asked as he moved his hand to the back of her neck. There was nothing sexual in the gesture. It was for reassurance and she appreciated it.

    Chloe looked down at her feet and swallowed.

    “Fine.” She replied as she nodded. “Thank you again… for in there… I…He scared the hell out of me, Lex. There’s something fundamentally wrong with him.”

    Chloe explained to him all of the sensations she felt while she was in the office while they were walking back to the car. Lex nodded grimly, his hand still placed on the back of her neck.

    “Alright,” He started as he opened the door for her. Chloe nodded her thanks. After she was in, he jogged around the front of the car and got in himself. “We should grab some lunch and then I have a meeting. I don’t want you to be alone, so I want you to come with me to the office. You can do your research there and nobody will be able to get to you.”

    Chloe looked over at him and nodded. He probably expected an argument as usual, but she still hadn’t shaken the dread that had gripped her in Sokoloff’s office. God, she hated feeling weak and the doctor made her feel that way in spades. Even now, even when she knew she was on the cusp of possessing more power than she had ever dreamed of, he had made her feel like a frail little girl. Later, when she was rid of this fear, she would find the time to be angry. But right now, being nowhere near that man, being with Lex and under the guard of all his security seemed alright to her. She had a horrible feeling that they had not seen the last of the good doctor.

    Chapter 18

    (Innocence – Avril Lavigne)

    Lex and Chloe’s ‘hurried’ lunch was eaten in his office at LuthorCorp and was dropped at the office by the caterers that he had phoned from the car. Apparently, they both had completely different concepts of a hurried lunch. Hers was drive-through fast-food; his was a wonderfully prepared meal that cost more than her laptop. While they were eating, Chloe said this to Lex and he had laughed. There meal conversation was purposely far away from Chloe’s problem. He talked about some of the things her was working on, off the record of course and Chloe talked about her plans after her senior year of high school. It was a nice time. She had found more about Lex in the half hour in which they were purposely not discussing werewolves than she had in all the years she had known him. Chloe found that she really enjoyed talking to him. He treated her as an intellectual peer, and that was not something that happened a lot in the life of Chloe Sullivan. She usually had to struggle for people who were older or in a higher position in life to treat her as though she actually had a working brain. It was infuriating. But he seemed to know and accept her intelligence and that made her feel great.

    After lunch, Lex had to leave and attend his meeting and Chloe settle onto the comfortable sofa in at the far end of his humongous office and started to get down to business. As she researched, people entered and exited Lex’s office. His secretary, the janitor, security guards whose job was to keep an eye on her. Soon, the hustle and bustle faded into the background as she was swept into her work. By the time she had found what she wanted to know, she was exhausted. She looked at the clock on the wall. Lex had been gone for nearly three hours. She stretched and closed her laptop. She decided to lie down on the sofa and grab a catnap. Almost as soon as she lay down, she fell into a somewhat fitful sleep.

    Chloe did not know how long she had been asleep when she was awakened by the door to the office opening and closing. Her eyes remained closed and she inhaled to try and distinguish who was there so she wouldn’t have to turn around. For the first time, it struck Chloe as really fucking cool. Lex made his way into the office. She heard his footsteps enter quickly and slow when he discovered her lying on the couch. Her back was to him and he thought she was still asleep. He moved quietly to his desk.

    “Its okay, Lex. I’m not asleep.” She said as she sat up and stretched. “You don’t have to be quiet.”

    Lex smiled at her.

    “How did you know it was me? I’ve had people coming in and out of hear every ten minutes since I went to my meeting.”

    Chloe had a feeling that he knew the answer to that question. He just wanted her to confirm it for him. She shrugged.

    “Your scent. You smell really good.” Chloe said. She couldn’t help the other little bit of truth from leaving her mouth. Didn’t the man have a right to know that he smelled fucking awesome? Chloe thought so.

    Lex nodded. He put his hands in his pockets and walked over to the couch where Chloe was sitting, her legs still curled beside her.

    “Eat me good or generally good?” He asked with a grin.

    Chloe put a finger to her chin and pretended to look him over.


    Lex laughed and sat on the chair facing her.

    “Really.” He said, a smirk on his lips. “That’s good to know.”

    Chloe watched as his eyes roamed her body and she looked down and blushed. She wanted to kiss him, God, did she want to kiss him. He was her hero, as clichéd as that sounded. The fact that someone would go to this trouble, this danger, for her was amazing. She felt his fingers brush her jaw line and looked up at him. He was admiring her face. His eyes moved from her lips to her eyes. She rewarded him with a soft smile. For possibly the first time in her life she had nothing to say. Her eyes searched his as he moved his thumb and brushed her soft bottom lip. Chloe’s heart seemed to stop and her breath caught in her throat. He watched his thumb and the small smile slid away from his lips. Chloe watched him lean forward; she could almost feel his lips on hers.


    Chloe jumped and Lex stood up. A large man in a security uniform walked in. He looked up and stopped. He looked at both Chloe and Lex and realized that maybe he should have knocked on the door first. Lex sighed and mumbled a curse. He put his hand to his forehead and turned to say something to the now frightened security guard.

    “Can’t you knock!? Is it really that hard!?” Chloe heard herself say, her voice strained and raised a few octaves.

    Lex grinned and put his hand over his mouth as the security guard stumbled through an apology. Chloe stood on shaky legs. She was lightheaded.

    Chloe heard Lex address the security guard.

    “Ms. Sullivan will be out to accompany you in a minute.”

    Would it be polite to just jump him when the security guy leaves? She was lost in thought and it took a second for his words to infiltrate her brain. What a second, what? Am I going somewhere? She shook her head, trying to clear the little sexy thoughts that didn’t want to let go.

    “What? Am I going somewhere?” Chloe asked as the guard left.

    Lex turned back to her and gazed at her blushed features. He shook his head and took a deep breath. Chloe took solace in the fact that he was as about shaken up as she. Of course, there where the pheromones… Before she could contemplate that niggling little thought that wormed its way to her brain, Lex answered her with a question.

    “Do you think you’ll be up to going to that club tonight?”

    “Yeah. I guess so. Why?” She answered.

    “Well, that club is very exclusive. If we want to get in there and not be noticed, you’re going to have to where something appropriate.” Lex explained as he walked toward his desk.

    “You mean that I have to look rich.” Chloe said, deciding not to have an argument with him about her wardrobe. Normally, that argument wouldn’t bother her. Maybe she was still holding out hope that he was going to make a move on her.


    Chloe nodded as he opened his desk drawer and took out a wad of bills. Chloe did a double take. Holy shit, that was a whole lot of money. He counted out ten 100 dollar bills and handed them to Chloe.

    “I want you to go shopping and get something to wear. Jonathan will accompany you. Let’s plan to leave the penthouse at 9:30.” Lex said. He looked up to find that Chloe was still looking at the bills in her hand.

    “Lex. You just gave me a thousand dollars to get a dress. Is that right?” Chloe asked as she shook her head at the green in her had.

    “And shoes and whatever else you want to wear. It’s not uncommon for these girls to spend so much on a dress.”

    “Ooooooookay. Well…thanks?” Chloe said, as she put the money in her wallet. She shook her head. “Yes! Thank you. That’s very generous of you.”

    She smiled at him and began to walk toward the office door.

    “You alright, Chloe?” He called after her. “Do you feel uncomfortable about…”

    “No, no. It’s great. It’s like Pretty Woman except I’m not a whore and I’m turning into a dog.” She turned back to address him.

    Lex stared at her peculiarly.

    Chloe opened her mouth to explain. She thought better of it and laughed.

    “Never mind.” She smiled and turned around again. “See you later, Lex.”

    “Bye, Chloe.” She heard from behind her.

    She was almost to the door when an awful pain in her abdomen and chest made her crumple and hit the ground hard. It was worse than last time. Chloe writhed on the floor and tears squeezed through her shut eyes. She couldn’t breath. She couldn’t say anything. Her hands were burning. Suddenly Lex was above her, his hand was on her cheek. He was saying something she couldn’t hear. As quickly as the pain started, it began to fade and she could finally breathe again. She sobbed as Lex gathered her up into his arms. She started to bring her hands to her face but stopped cold. A cry escaped her lips and alerted Lex to what she was looking at. Her hands were different. Her fingers were elongated, her nails jutting out with angry points. Chloe felt as if all the oxygen was sucked out of the room and her breath came in pants. She was hyperventilating. Lex covered her eyes with his hand and whispered calming things into her ear.

    “Okay, Chloe. Everything is okay. Your hands are going back to normal. I’m going to take my hand away from your eyes if you promise me that you won’t panic.” He said when her breathing became close to normal. She nodded.

    She looked at her shaking hands with tears running down her cheeks. He was right. They were going back to normal.

    Chloe sat enfolded in Lex’s arms on the floor of his office and watched until her hands returned to normal.

    Chapter 19

    (Girl Is Attractive – Smallville Soundtrack)

    As Chloe got dressed in her newly bought clothes, she found her stomach was filling up with butterflies and, although she wasn’t going to admit it, she was a little excited to see Lex’s reaction to her dress. His scary plastic girlfriend could eat her heart out, cause, damn, she looked good. She decided on strapless dark red satin. Her dress had a built in corset so it hugged her curves while displaying her breasts in the best possible way. The soft satin material defined her hips and fell a bit shorter than mid-thigh. She had on matching red stilettos that made her legs look a mile long.

    Chloe felt hot.

    She glanced at her refection in the full length mirror before grabbed her small black handbag. Oh yeah. She looked good. She had parted her soft blonde hair on the side and it attractively fell over one eye. The other side was tucked behind her ear to display the gold teardrop earring that almost reached her creamy shoulder. Hey, she had a new aversion to silver and she needed something to match the stylish tracking device!

    Chloe had never spent so much on clothes in her life. It was exciting and kind of freeing for her to go shopping and not worry about spending too much money. She stifled her guilty conscience about spending so much of Lex’s money with a frappachino with whipped cream, and had a lovely afternoon shopping with Jonathan, the body guard Lex assigned to her. He was actually pretty funny and helped her pick out the dress. Granted, she had noticed a certain stiffness in his black jeans when she had been trying on dresses, but then she remembered the pheromone thing and felt a little sorry for the poor bugger. He didn’t stand a chance. Although, after that, she still had trouble looking him in the eye.

    The whole afternoon was spent in the wonderful world of denial where she hadn’t watched her hands change and all was right in the world and no one was made of plastic. It was a lovely place, denial. Unfortunately, when she had been escorted back to the penthouse and Lex wasn’t there, she had been forced to look out at the beautiful view and think all those thoughts she had been avoiding all afternoon. Okay, so she was turning into a werewolf. Peter seemed to be able to control his changes, so it did bode well if (God Forbid) she was stuck like this forever. She had heard the sound of his bones cracking as he was changing and she couldn’t help but cringe. Okay, it was painful. So what? She was a woman. She could deal with pain. Besides, she had argued with herself, we have had some promising leads. We’ll find Peter and I’ll kill him. A lot.

    Lex had come home shortly after that and found her curled up on the couch, her mind lost in thought and her eyes not quite taking in the view. When she had realized he was there, she had wearily smiled at him and he had sat down next to her. She had told him of her findings that afternoon in his office. It was just as they had suspected. Mancuso had picked all of his victims from that club. The other three girls had spent the final hours of their life in Club Viper, just like the fourth.

    She had then eaten the majority of the food in the fridge and spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping. For some reason she felt like she had been awake for days straight. Maybe her body needed rest after a change, even the smallest one. Maybe her body needed more energy – protein – to be able to deal with her new physiology. And then she had stopped thinking and drifted gently into soothing black sleep. No dreams.

    Chloe applied red lipstick and checked her black eye liner. Perfect. She was ready for this fucking club. She was ready to find Peter or Lucas. Or whoever the fuck her was.

    (Trouble – Christina Aguilera)

    She stepped out into the darkened hall and swaggered (one doesn’t walk when one looks this good – one swaggers) toward the dimly lit living room. She heard soft jazz drifting toward her and smiled. She stopped in the doorway and found Lex standing before the picture windows taking a sip of an amber liquid from a crystal glass. Chloe made her way toward him and saw her reflection moving closer to her in the dark glass. Once again, Chloe noticed Lex’s eyes slyly running over her reflection as she moved near him. He looked perturbed and swallowed the rest of the scotch in one go. Chloe stood next to him and crossed her arms, pretending to take in the lights of a darkened Metropolis.

    Lex was wearing a black suit with a bruise colored shirt – no tie. He refused to look directly at her and looked at his empty glass instead. And he smelled divine. Chloe sighed. She could hear the dull rhythm of his heart. She should get them out of here before she did something she regretted. Like sexually assaulting her benefactor. He was under the influence of her fucked pheromones. What was she under the influence of? Nothing. Just horniness. And there was no way that would stand up in court.

    “Are you ready, Mr. Luthor?” She asked; her voice much softer than she intended it to be.

    Lex smiled.

    “Are you ready, Ms. Sullivan? You know, this place serves alcohol and I’ll probably keep you out past your bedtime.”

    “Oh, that’s okay, Mr. Luthor. I’m in the presence of a much older man. I’m sure you’ll take care of me and keep me away from all manner of sins.” Chloe replied, a Cheshire grin spreading on her face. Was it wrong that this was turning her on?

    Lex laughed.

    “Oh, yes, Ms. Sullivan. I’ll take care of you. We wouldn’t want anybody taking advantage of you, now would we?” He said, his voice sounding low and suspiciously predatory.

    “Heavens, no. I shudder at the thought!” Chloe sighed. Okay, she thought, we have got to get out of here now.

    She turned, leaving Lex’s chuckle behind her. She heard his footsteps returning to the bar to out down the glass and then follow her to the door. She reached for the handle but before she could open it, Lex put his hand on the door to impede her. She was suddenly very aware of his presence close behind her. Her heart was racing in her chest. She suddenly felt his fingers as her caressed her shoulder and tried not to shiver. Did he know what he was doing to her? Probably.

    “You look stunning, Chloe.” He murmured and she shut her eyes tight. Just open you mouth and say thank you, Chlo. It’s not that hard. She took a deep breath and turned to look at him.

    “Thank you.” She said softly as she turned and looked directly at his face for the first time this evening. His darkened eyes held her gaze for a minute and then made a slow descent to drink in the rest of her. She studied his face and saw him lick his lips as his eyes lingered on her breasts. Jesus, is it getting hotter in here? His heartbeat was racing just as much as hers.

    “You sort of have a Jessica Rabbit thing going here…” He said, his eyes finally returning to hers.

    Chloe grinned. Alright, let’s make light of the situation and think of gross things instead of jumping Lex. Think of his girlfriend…

    “I’m not bad…” Chloe said in a breathy whisper, her best imitation of Jessica Rabbit. “I’m just drawn that way.”

    A smile spread across Lex’s face and some of the thick sexual tension was lifted.

    “Let’s get the hell out of here.” He said, removing his hand from the door.

    “Yes.” She replied. “Let’s go kick some werewolf ass.”

    And with that, they were out the door.

    Chapter 20

    (Lovegame – Lady Gaga)

    Chloe was busy trying to keep her hands off Lex while they were discussing what they were going to do if they did find Mancuso, so she really wasn’t prepared for what happened when they stepped out of the limo in front of the entrance of Club Viper. Lex stepped out first and held a hand out to her. She took it and climbed out next to him and was startled by a camera’s flash. That was when she first looked around. There was a line up that looked a half a mile long, tons of bouncers and photographers, most of whom where calling out to Lex and asking who she was. Lex ignored them and led her through the crowd and into the building, his hand protectively on her back.

    “Jesus, Lex, is it always like that here?” Chloe asked him, or rather shouted at him, as they walked down the stairs and into the throng of people. The music was blaring so loud that she could feel her chest vibrate. “Because, I gotta tell you, those photogs are fucking creepy.”

    “Sometimes. I think they must have been tipped about someone famous showing up tonight. Since I haven’t told any of my people where I was going, it’s not me.” He said, scanning the crowd.

    Chloe rolled her eyes. She was tempted to make a comment about his ego, but the truth was, he was right. He was handsome, young and rich. He practically grew up in the spotlight. She’d tease him about his ego later.

    “There.” Lex said to her and she followed his gaze toward the dance floor.

    “Holy fucking shit! That’s Justin Timberlake!” She said to nobody in particular. She noticed that this time Lex was the one to roll his eyes. Okay, calm down. Surely Lex wouldn’t want her to revert to her 12 year old self and start screaming. She turned away from JT and Lex led her toward the bar. She wasn’t here to ogle stars. She was here to find Mancuso.

    By the time that they had reached the bar, Chloe noticed that Lex started to hold her closer to him. Not that she was complaining, but he seemed tense. She looked up at him with a confused look on her face. He did not look happy. He ordered something and she stood up on her tip toes and put her lips close to his ear.

    “What’s wrong?” She asked, placing a hand on to his shoulder for support.

    His brows furrowed and he looked like he was debating whether or not to tell her what was wrong. Finally, he leaned close to her ear.

    “Every man that you passed while coming in here is staring at you. You look fantastic, and normally I wouldn’t be worried, but I think your pheromones have something to do with it. Don’t go anywhere without me. A lot of the men in here haven’t had to take no for an answer before.”

    Chloe sunk down off of her toes and looked up at him worriedly. A quick glance behind her told her that he was right. A lot of men were staring at her. She sighed. Wonderful. She guessed that Mancuso would probably be the one to find her, considering she smelled like a bitch in heat. She turned back to Lex and saw him take two drinks off of the counter. He nodded his head to a bunch of tables on an elevated platform and she led the way. She chose a table closest to the wall in the front of the tables, so they would have a pretty good view of the entire dance floor and bar.

    Lex placed the drinks on the table and held out a chair for her. She sat down and he slid a very fruity looking drink toward her. He sat down very close to her and out his arm over to back of her chair.

    “What is it?” Chloe asked, raising the glass to her lips.

    “A virgin for a virgin.” Lex replied, a smirk on his face.

    Chloe nearly choked. It was so not a virgin drink. But that was beside the point at the moment.

    “Lex. You don’t know everything about me, you know.” She laughed, smacking him on the thigh.

    He just nodded, his smirk growing bigger.

    “You’re such a jackass.” She grinned and looked at her drink. She tried hard not to blush. “I could be a huge slut known throughout Smallville!”

    They both cracked up at her words. Lex took a sip of his scotch on the rocks.

    “Do you want to know how I know?” He asked, tipping his head back and putting his lips closer to her ear. Chloe felt like her heart just stopped beating. His aroma surrounded her seductively. “Tonight, when I was close to you, you were tense, like your body didn’t know how to react. And your expression…it was wanton with a touch of apprehension. You looked… sublime.”

    Chloe closed her eyes as she listened to his words, a shudder running through her. Lex seemed to have a way with words. God, didn’t he know how much she wanted him? The way he was speaking – it was obvious that he wanted her too… And again Chloe remembered the pheromones. Disappointment flooded her brain. He couldn’t help himself. Unfortunately, Chloe had to be the mature one here.

    “Lex…” She started, her voice shaking. She dragged her eyes away from her drink to look into his eyes. His eyes looked charcoal black and there was a slight rosy tinge to his cheeks. She licked her lips when she ran her eyes over his. “The pheromones…What… I mean… what affect do they have on you… on others? How…”

    Before she could finish her question, a shadow fell over the table.

    “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

    Chloe dragged her gaze away from Lex and looked up at the figure. Leo was smiling down at her. She heard Lex curse softly beside her. Leo didn’t seem to notice – or more likely he didn’t want to acknowledge Lex. Chloe was surprised at his presence here, but more surprised at the annoyance she felt at his interruption of their conversation. She didn’t want to talk to Leo; she wanted to talk to Lex. And besides, a cop’s presence there would only exacerbate things if she did spot Mancuso.

    “Hey Leo! What are you doing here?” She asked brightly, hiding her annoyance.

    Leo grabbed a chair and sat down on Chloe’s other side without being asked.

    “I figured I’d find you here tonight. That perp you’re looking for frequented this place.” He smiled at her. He had such a nice smile, but to Chloe it looked as if he wanted a pat in on the back for tracking her down. It irked her and she bit back a comment about how that could be considered stalking.

    “You know,” Lex chimed in behind her. “That could be considered stalking. You’re a cop. You should know that.”

    Chloe coughed and tried to hide the barking laugh that came unbidden out of her mouth. God, this was awkward. Leo glared at Lex. Lex glared back. It was if she could feel the testosterone swirling around her. Normally, she would be flattered if someone like Leo had gone to the trouble to find her. She wondered why it annoyed her so much right now. Was it because of Mancuso?

    “Chloe,” Leo said, looking down at his hands. “I really like you. You must have guessed that by now…”

    Chloe looked wide eyed at him and she opened her mouth to say something but he put his finger to her lips.

    “I would love to take you out, but you seem to be with Mr. Luthor an awful lot lately. Is there anything going on between the two of you? I mean, I don’t want to over step my boundaries here, but if you tell me there is, I’ll back off.”

    “Oh, Leo.” Chloe said softly, the music blocking out the sound of her voice. How could she explain it to him? He was such a nice guy. But right now wasn’t the right time. There was too much going on and Lex was… Lex was what? Sucked in by her pheromones? Suddenly she felt like crying. “It’s just a little complicated right now, Leo. Please don’t ask me to explain, because I couldn’t possibly. I’m sorry.”

    Chloe didn’t know what else to say. Leo hung his head down and nodded. He stood up.

    “Okay, Chlo. I’ll back off.” He said as he leaned down and put his lips to her ear. “But remember, if things don’t work out with this guy, I’d love to have a chance with you. Keep in touch.”

    With that he kissed her cheek and disappeared into the crowd. Chloe looked down at her glass and pouted. Things really had gotten complicated hadn’t they? The thing was, her fleeting feelings for Leo were nothing compared to what Lex made her experience, though it was hard to admit it to herself. She felt his hand squeeze her shoulder and she turned and smiled at him. He tipped his head back once more and she felt his breath kiss her ear and neck. She couldn’t help the shiver that ran up her spine at his words.

    “Dance with me, Chloe.”

    She really had to talk to him about his bossiness. But that could wait until later.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    23 Mar 2003
    Sydney, Australia

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Updated: Feb. 24, 09

    I love love LOVE this!

    Chloe and her animal magnetisim. Finally she's getting the recognition of her hotness that she deserves......even if it is werewolf induced

    Keep em coming (please!)

  7. #37
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Updated: Feb. 24, 09

    AHHHH! I am screaming right now!! I love this story. I feel like I am an peeping tom and just waiting with anticipation on the next update. I am glad Lex is going to help her. Please more!!!
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #38
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    19 Oct 2003

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Posted: Feb. 23, 09

    Great chapters! I wonder what Lex will do when more and more guys hit on Chloe because of her pheremones. Maybe that vein in his forehead will actually burst.

  9. #39
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003

    Thumbs up Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Updated: Feb. 24, 09

    Poor Chloe, convinced that Lex doesn't really like her because of the pheromones!! She has to realize, after meeting plastic Barbie girl, that Lex really isn't that picky!! In fact, even as a werewolf, she is a step above anyone he's ever dated!! This is such a great story!! Thank you for all of the updates!! Can't wait to find out what else is going to happen at the club!!

  10. #40
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
    Join Date
    09 May 2005

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Updated: Feb. 24, 09

    Great chapter.

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