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Thread: Nightcap (NC-17)

  1. #31
    Just a Guest!
    Lana watched as Chloe sulked, frowning against the rim of her coffee cup as she sat in the far corner of the Talon.

    It had been four days since the infamous Clark Kent party, as it was now known in the hallways around school, and not only did Lana know that Lex had not called Chloe once, but Chloe’s cousins had all gone home earlier that morning. To make matters worse, Trevor had only run into dead-end leads when investigating who could be behind what had happened. Lana placed a sympathetic grin on her lips and walked over to the table holding a pot of regular coffee.

    “You’re sure you don’t want one of those foamy espresso things you usually get?”

    Chloe glanced up at her roommate, trying desperately to bite back her initial response of, ‘I don’t usually order those, you just screw up my order and bring them to me.’ Instead, she sucked in a breath and shook her head. “No thanks.”

    “Chloe,” Lana started, her tone tipping Chloe off to the upcoming lecture.

    ‘Like I haven’t heard it every day since it happened,’ Chloe thought to herself.

    “Why don’t *you* call *him*? I mean, that’s what you made me do with Pete and look how well that worked out.”

    Chloe raised her eyes from her coffee mug once more and gave Lana a disbelieving stare.

    “Only after he called for you every hour on the hour and sent you flowers, Lana,” she said, unable to pull back the bitter words pouring from her mouth. “There’s a difference, you know?”

    Lana drew in a breath, sat down across from Chloe, and then set the pot of coffee down on one of the small menu cards so it wouldn’t hurt the table.

    “Chloe,” she half-whispered, “I never thought I’d hear these words coming out of my mouth, but why don’t you give Clark another chance?”


    “I mean it,” Lana continued, as if she hadn’t heard her blonde friend’s firm answer. “Lex has…a reputation. And yes, it sucks that it turned out to be true, but you *know* Clark and you know how much effort he’s been putting into patching up your friendship. And I can tell that he likes you more than that. Maybe you should just…set aside all the past stuff and make a fresh start with him.”

    “No,” Chloe repeated.

    Both girls were too involved in the conversation, Lana with talking and Chloe with trying to block her out, to notice the man who had just come into the Talon and strolled over to their table.

    “Lana, would you excuse us for a moment?” Lex asked, keeping his eyes fixed on Chloe while he asked the question.

    Lana paled and almost knocked the pot of coffee over the side of the table in her haste to get up. She quickly set it up straight and grabbed a rag from her apron to wipe down the small amount of coffee that spilled on the table. Lex cleared his throat and Lana scurried away so she wouldn’t get caught in the inevitable crossfire to come.

    “Lex,” Chloe greeted coolly, staring straight head to the empty seat in front of her rather than turning to look at him. Lex bent down and kissed her, taking her completely by surprise. Chloe moved her mouth and stared indignantly at him. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she hissed in a voice so low that it was almost a whisper. Lex seemed unfazed by her words and took the chair across from her.

    “Last I checked, kissing was a perfectly acceptable greeting for people in a relationship,” he said. Chloe glared at him, unable and unwilling to hold back the hurt she had been experiencing for the last few days.

    “We’re not *in* a relationship,” she retorted, venom lining every note of her voice. Lex furrowed his brow, but let it ease when he thought he realized why she was upset.

    “My father left this morning.”

    “Bully for you,” she said sarcastically. “Now, if you’d just leave as well…” Lex creased his brow again with concern and reached across to place his hand on top of hers.

    “What’s wrong?”

    Chloe looked at him incredulously.

    “You’re joking, right?”

    “Chloe, something is obviously bothering you,” he said. “And ---”

    Chloe shook her head and started to stand up.

    “You know, I’m not sure why I expected any better of you, but I did.”

    “Chloe ---” Lex gripped his hand around her wrist and tugged on it so she would sit back down. Chloe bore into him with a warning glare, but Lex didn’t relent. “Just tell me what’s wrong.”

    “We – slept – together,” she said quietly, annunciating every word for clarity. Lex still looked confused and Chloe ran a hand through her hair in frustration. “I don’t know why I expected you to…I don’t know…call or something, but ---” Lex’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly and if Chloe had been paying attention, she might have been able to see the wheels turning around in his head.

    “Clark didn’t tell you,” he observed. Chloe blinked and then shook her head lightly.


    “Chloe, that afternoon after the party…I walked into find my father in my office,” Lex said. Chloe kept her mouth shut, but it was obvious to Lex that she wasn’t even close to forgiving him. “He made some random comments and then showed me a videotape of the party --- of us.” Chloe’s mouth dropped open and closed shut a couple of times before she was finally able to speak.

    “He --- are you saying that your dad was behind this?” she asked, now leaning forward so they were hunched partway over the table.

    “He was careful with his words, but yes.”

    Chloe frowned and pulled back a little.

    “Why didn’t you tell me?”

    Lex gave her a tight, bitter grin.

    “That’s where Clark was supposed to come in,” he answered. “When he made his usual delivery, I asked him to step outside so we could talk. I explained the situation and that I was afraid that my dad might come after you to get to me. Despite my better judgment, I asked him to tell you that I would contact you when everything was safe and to look out for you and make sure you were protected until my father left town.” Lex paused for a second and gave her a knowing look. “You know I never would have asked *Clark* if I didn’t think something might happen, especially given your history, but ---” he trailed off and let a little grimace come over his face.

    “But he’s ‘special’,” Chloe said understandingly. Lex nodded once and Chloe let out a sigh as she perched her jaw onto the propped-up palm of her hand. “Well, I guess that explains why he’s been there every time I’ve turned around.” She stopped talking and gave Lex a small smile. “Good thing you told me. I was about to go get a ring made out of one of the meteor rocks to keep him at bay.” Lex let one corner of his mouth curl upward, but it fell quickly.

    “He really didn’t tell you, did he?” he asked. Chloe shook her head and Lex squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry. I should have known that was a possibility, but he seemed like the lesser of two evils at the time.”

    Chloe looked down at the table and closed her eyes. All of the pain she had felt for the last few days had been over nothing. Lex had been trying to protect her from his father and Clark had been…what? Trying to use her and Lex’s time apart to his advantage?

    ‘Asshole,’ she thought to herself.

    Lex keenly watched the criss-cross of emotions that flit over Chloe’s face.

    “Penny for your thoughts?”

    Chloe raised her head and gave him a sour grin.

    “I was just thinking that I might have that ring made after all,” she said. Her smile grew and she let out a tiny chuckle. “Of course, just because it works in my dream, doesn’t mean it works in real life. Still, though, the rocks are kind of pretty, don’t you think?”

    Lex’s mouth spread into a wide smile and he stroked her hand with his thumb.

    “I could get it for you.”


    “The ring,” Lex said. “After all, you made a valid point that it probably wouldn’t hurt Clark, so what would be the harm?” ‘And if it does help keep Clark away from her, then all the better.’ Chloe tilted her head to the side and smiled at him.

    “You can’t get me a ring, Lex,” she said and then shook her head.

    “Why not?”


    “Well, that *is* a good reason,” he teased.

    “Lex, you know what I mean.”

    “No, I’m afraid I don’t. It’s just something you want, Chloe; something I can get for you. So, what’s the problem?”

    “The problem is that if I accepted a ring from you – even a friendship ring – then Lana’s going to start up on her ‘you could be pregnant’ thing, and I really, *really* don’t want to have to listen to another word of that.”

    Lex blinked in surprise and confusion.

    “What ‘you could be pregnant’ thing?” he asked, causing Chloe to groan before meeting his eyes once again.

    “Lana freaked out because she and Pete didn’t use protection. I mean, *seriously* freaked out – like ‘psychosomatic morning sickness’ freaked out,” Chloe started to explain. “And then she brought up you and me and ---” Chloe paused and shook her head. “God. She’s nice, but she can be so weird sometimes.”

    Lex’s head was swimming with the second part of what Chloe had said. ‘And then she brought up you and me ---’ Lex found himself absently staring at her, wondering if it was possible. He had always been so careful with the other women he had been with, because he hadn’t loved them, they had only loved his money, and he wouldn’t risk bringing a child into an unloving home – let alone the fact that the previous women he had been with had been promiscuous and he didn’t want to risk catching anything. But Chloe…he thought he had been dreaming the first time they made love, but what was his excuse for what had happened the morning after? ‘You love her,’ his inner voice reminded him.

    Unfortunately, the possibility of a baby only made the situation with his father that much more difficult. If Chloe did end up being pregnant and Lionel found out about it, Lex was sure that nothing, not even Clark Kent, would be able to stop his father from taking Chloe and hurting her to hurt him. Lex felt his stomach tie into a knot and Chloe rolled her eyes as she pulled her hand back.

    “I’m not *really* pregnant, Lex,” she said with a smile. “So you can get rid of the ‘oh my God, what am I going to do?’ face.”

    Lex gave her a serious look and Chloe felt herself squirming under the intensity of his gaze.

    “Chloe, it’s not what you think,” he finally said. Chloe arched an eyebrow.

    “Oh? And what do I think?”

    “You think that I wouldn’t be happy if you were carrying my child - *our* child – but I would. I just --- it would put you in so much more danger than you are already.”

    “How do you figure?” Chloe asked with a bemused grin. “Do Luthor babies rip through your stomach like that scene in ‘Alien’?” Her teasing demeanor changed when she saw that Lex still looked completely serious. “Lex ---”

    “I don’t think I could handle it if I lost you,” he said.

    “O-kay,” she strung out slowly and gave him a questioning look, not really sure she wanted to know where he was going with this.

    Lex simply stared at her, not sure whether he could transfer his jumbled thoughts into a coherent statement. The truth was, the possibility of Chloe being pregnant scared him and excited him at the same time, on so many different levels that he couldn’t even think clearly. Then there was his father. If Chloe was indeed carrying his child, Lex would need to think of a way to get his dad out of the picture for good; and risk losing Chloe if she ever found out about how he had to do it. Finally, Lex came to a decision and gave a quizzical-looking Chloe a hint of a grin.

    “When can you get tested?”


  2. #32
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    I can see this is kinda different from your usual style, darker as you said it yourself, but still very good.

  3. #33
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    13 May 2003
    This story keeps getting more and more interesting. I liked how the chapter twists away from the angst at the end. I am very interested to find out how this pregnancy arch plays into the story... is Chloe goign to be pregnant? Also enjoyed the ring convo between the two.

    Looking forward to the next chapter. :chlexsign2:

  4. #34
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    Didn't Chloe just tell him that she isn't pregnant. And what if she doesn't want to have his child. Great chapter, update soon!

  5. #35
    Angel undercover!
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    Aww, can't you just arrange something for Lionel? I've heard car accidents are very common these days *hint* And I can't wait to find out whether Chloe is really pregnant. Hurry with the next chapter, *please* :biggrin: .

  6. #36
    NS Full Member celticangel's Avatar
    Join Date
    07 Dec 2002
    Great part!! :worship2: I hope Chloe kicks Clarks butt.

  7. #37
    7 comes on too strong
    Join Date
    15 May 2003
    You've got my really torn here!... :tease:
    I need another chapter to overcome these ambiguous feelings. So what do you say???

    ok, honestly now...
    :worship2: EXCELLENT update. Where do we go from here?

  8. #38
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    More please... :

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #39
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    03 Jul 2003
    this is getting so good. I can't wait for more. Is she gonna be pregant? Will she get a ring? I wanna know :begs:

  10. #40
    Join Date
    31 May 2003
    I love this story! I love how the character's reactions and emotions are more complex, not as clearly defined as the usually are... while it makes for a stomach-twister of a ride, it's an incredibly intriguing one! I'd really like to see this go on for a while, just 'cuz I'm enjoying your approach so so much!

    “Think about it, Lana. I mean, aren’t you…sore?”

    “My throat *does* hurt a little, but I figured I was just coming down with something,” Lana said.


    Not the brightest crayon in the box, is Lana?


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