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Thread: Dream Within A Dream (NC17)

  1. #31
    Just a Guest!
    Hee hee. They're both sick of Clark's bullshit. And who wouldn't be, really? Can't wait for more of this.

  2. #32
    NS Full Member
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    02 Mar 2003
    Clark gets kneed! Oh, happy day. And, yeah, eagerly awaiting your next update.


  3. #33
    Canon Whore Not An Addict's Avatar
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    28 Dec 2002
    Kansas, U.S.A.
    Oh, man, Clark has a hell of a lot of nerve! First he tells 'Lex' that he doesn't really want to be with Chloe, then he goes and tries to convince 'Chloe' that he really does want to be with her! He deserves more than a knee to the groin--I think Lex should've carried through on his threat. :biggrin: And I love that they get aroused by touching their own bodies. That is, it's each other's . . . but it's theirs . . . oh, you know what I mean. More PLEASE! Because Lex and the doctor wench are no longer engaged!!

  4. #34
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Blaire, you know I love this, so I decided to take you up on your offer in Too Little. I am writing on the next chap now and if you promise to update this one at least once a day, you got yourself a deal.

    I think with Blue's help I should be able to update more regularly.

    Can't wait for the respective showers, oh and I love it when they make Clark suffer


  5. #35
    Sugar&Spice of the gutter Senior Member Queen Of Tact's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    LMAO!!! OMG that was a great ch..... I'm stilll laughing about clark... I so can't wait to read more.......

    "I am scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend or sister or confidant, but never quite somebody's everything."

  6. #36
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    26 Feb 2003
    how much did he deserve that!?! :biggrin: and yeah, how weird would that be, them sleeping together!?! warped...

  7. #37
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    What an ASS Clark is. Chloe is just his second choice! Now that Chloe knows the truth, when she get back to her own body, she'll dump him faster than a speeding bullet!

    And I totally agree...making love to your own body is definietly weird. lol

  8. #38
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    Stupid Clark, lieing to Chloe like that, yay Lex for kneeing him, and yay in general for shower scenes!

  9. #39
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    A/N: I'm sorry to keep you all waiting but I had a bit of difficulty writing these scenes because, well, I guess I was jealous of my own characters, and then my little proofreader got way too happy with this chapter and kept it all to himself over night. But thank you Mike for looking over it and giving it a thumbsup and testing my ability to write supernatural smut. I try....

    Rating has jumped to *NC17*

    Chapter 4: When I think about you, I touch myself...

    Lex walked into the kitchen, Gabe was sitting on the couch, his feet up on the table across from him. Lana sat by his side, Lex peeked the blonde head he had control over to look at the TV. 'They're watching General Hospital?' Lex thought this interesting of his plant manager. "I'm going to go take a shower." He announced gracefully and earned a respectful nod from Gabe and a nail biting motion from Lana.

    Lex shrugged the tiny shoulders and started up the stairs. He quietly gathered a nightgown and a pair of panties, better yet, both black. 'Who knew Chloe had such racy taste in lingerie?' he thought to himself. Entering the bathroom he stared at the closed shower curtain. 'This is going to be way too hard.' He sighed and turned the water on, then the shower head. Stepping under the hot water he let her shoulders slump forward.

    Without thinking he grabbed a nearby bar of soap and lathered it in her hands. Dropping the soap with a loud thud he directed her hands down her sides and across her stomach. Running further up he grazed the underside of her breasts with both hands and groaned at the contact. 'Chloe.' He groaned in his mind. Thankfully his mind still had his own voice, he decided it would be best if he let whatever happen in the bathroom, stay in the bathroom, and not make a peep until he was satisfied in her body. Her hands ran over her breasts and the hardened nipples made him shudder with delight. Slowly sliding one hand down and keeping the other pinching delicately on one of her nipples, he groaned once again as he felt her fingers skim her soft curls. Looking down, he was able to finalize that Chloe, was indeed, a natural blonde.

    He jerked her hand back as he brushed up against her wet folds. He started to feel a throb between her legs and decided something had to be done about it.
    Slowly letting her hands wander down her body again taking in every soft curve, he slipped one wet finger inside of her and groaned. This wasn't going to last long, usually being the hand and not the pussy too, it felt incredible to have a link between touching and feeling.

    Not thinking, he slid another finger in side her and rested her foot on the side of the tub, the shower spraying down over Chloe's breasts, the water trickling at her nipples. Lex threw her head back as her hand brushed against her clit. 'Woah.' He silently willed himself to take this a little slower. He knew that the clitoris had about 3000 or so nerve endings in it that linked a passageway to every part of your body, but this was fucking ridiculous, men didn't have a little bundle of nerves that felt as though they'd explode if you didn't pay attention to them. Lex let her thumb brush over her clit once again and bit the inside of her mouth as he heard her voice groan. Realizing that he could get away with hearing how his name sounded screamed in ecstacy, made him move even faster, wanting to hear it, then realizing he would have to be the one that said it.

    Since when did masturbating make you think so hard? he thought to himself. 'No more thinking, just make her come.' He willed himself to shut off all other thoughts besides the fact that this was Chloe's body, feeling her body tremble from the inside out he felt her muscles contract around her fingers and nearly screamed as her three tiny fingers were engulfed in juices. Leaning back against the cold tile Lex felt her body shuddering with every jolt of desire as the orgasm continued to rack her body. 'So that's what it feels like to be on the other end of the orgasm.' Smiling, feeling more spent that he ever remembered he slowly extracted her finger and ran her hand over her clit as he dragged it up to her mouth and almost innocently tasted her in her mouth.

    If she was that tight around her petite little fingers, he could only imagine how she would feel squeezing the life out of his hard willing cock.


    Chloe ran a hand over Lex's bald head and sighed, after Clark's little episode and then sending him to go deal with Lex, she was hoping he would call her. However, finding a phone in this place would be hard enough and she was exhausted, mentally and physically. She had spent the better part of the last three hours dealing with Lionel and refusing to succumb to her every wish of ripping him a new asshole. The man was truly decieving and it gave her shivers to think the body she was stuck in, was born of his seed. 'God, Lex, how do you deal with this shit?'. She had gone through the motions of what she would imagine Lex doing in the presence of the magnificent bastard and had breathed a sigh of relief when Lionel had left the mansion. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the bastard had left the building." She giggled to herself in Lex's head after hearing his voice speak her thoughts.

    Too many thoughts were running through her head and it was all she could do from preventing Lex having a breakdown. 'I need a shower.' She couldn't avoid it any longer, and while she hoped a shower would clear her mind, she really just wanted to explore more regions of Lex's body. Relishing in the thought of directing his hands over smooth warm plains of his body she immediately became aroused. Not to mention now, as she stood in front of his bathroom mirror clad only in a towel around his waist, that there was something very uncomfortable going on in his nether regions and although she had only heard of the term 'blue balls' she guessed that's what it was...all the build up with no release. As she let Lex's lips turn up in a grin she knew had she been in her own body, she would have came just by staring at his lips. Something she had been doing for a good ten minutes.

    She pulled off the towel and stepped into the waiting shower, hissing as the hot water scalded his body. Then relaxing with both hands propping his body up against the tile, she dipped his head under the water and groaned as his bare scalp came in contact with the heat of the liquid smoothly running off of it. Leaving one hand on the cool tile she directed the other to his waiting erection. Stroking it carefully at first she couldn't believe it felt this good. Imagining her own mouth making Lex groan as she was now only provided her with more ammunition to stroke harder. She closed his eyes tightly and let the feeling take her over, no doubt Lex had done close to the same thing to her body, how could a 22 year old man be stuck in a 17 year old female body and not explore as she felt the need to now.

    Standing up straight she let his right hand reach down and massage his balls. Feeling the constricted skin, pulled taught over his cock she picked up the pace and threw his head back as a new feeling came over her. One of anticipation, one of wanting more than this, his hands on his cock. Imagining her knelt in front of Lex's adonis-like body and her mouth working feverishly to satisfy him, she said her name experimentally, wondering how it would sound rolling off his tongue in ecstacy. "Chloe." She moaned and felt his body tense around her. The slick wet heat of the water lubricated his cock and sliding more gracefully she pumped harder, thrusting his hips in time with his hand.

    She could feel the overwhelming sensation of pure need course through his body and his muscles tense up once again and with a roar of her name leaving his lips she came hard.

    Almost losing her balance Chloe opened her eyes and stared at the tile in front of her, one hand now resting back on the tile. Catching her breath she fluttered his eyelids closed and opened them once again. 'Oh, God, Lex...when we get this switched back I am so giving you head.' Her voice reiterated in his mind and she let out a small chuckle. If that didn't sound deranged, she wasn't sure what did.


    BTW...if you didn't like this chapter...keep it to yourself, I about had a breakdown writing this so if you have nothing nice to say....don't say it at all.

  10. #40
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    This chapter was great!!! More soon!

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