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Thread: Life Less Ordinary (R) - Sequel to Nightswimming

  1. #31
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Jun 2003
    Great update! Chloe did over-react though. Please post the second part of the chapter soon :biggrin:

  2. #32
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    06 Mar 2003
    I love it! The arguement was so realistic and it was about time they had a fairly big fight. Chloe's over reaction was completely in character, especially given what her reasons are for staying in San Fransico. Lex's desire to move her somewhere probably safer and the slightly controlling way he does it is so classic. I think Chloe needs to chill and Lex needs to remember their rule about gifts and what she said about him not being the MB in the first story. Would love to see the next chapter soon.

    Susan S

  3. #33
    Just a Guest!
    Great chapter. I can't wait for the next one!

    And I like Seasame Street


  4. #34
    Captain Lexy's wench hickchick's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Sep 2003
    great update!

    Chloe really does need to lighten up a little. Lex is just trying to help her out because he cares so much about her, why can't she see this?

    well i'm sure they'll work out all their issues everntually.

    please update soon!

  5. #35
    Sugar&Spice of the gutter Senior Member Queen Of Tact's Avatar
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    05 Mar 2003
    "Mint chocolate chip!"

    "Go to Hell!" yelled Chloe from behind the door.

    LMAO!! I loved that....

    Chloe, calm down hon he was really only trying to help........

    They both do love each, i think they have just been hurt way to much....

    I'm think they need to

    Lex: Chloe I love you

    Chloe: I love you too Lex

    Kiss and then live all happy

    isn't that how it works?

    can't wait for more...

    "I am scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend or sister or confidant, but never quite somebody's everything."

  6. #36
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    24 Oct 2003
    I never really thought about Chloe's reaction to Lex's penthouse before, but reading this, it does make a lot of sense that she'd feel a bit uncomfortable and out of place. But I agree with the others, the girl seriously needs to lighten up. Maybe she can just move in with him?

    Oh and I really loved this part:

    "Mint chocolate chip!"

    "Go to Hell!" yelled Chloe from behind the door.
    They're so cute even when they're arguing. I the way you write Lexy!

    Need more soon!

  7. #37
    NS Full Member kirt30's Avatar
    Join Date
    28 Feb 2003
    i love this story and can't wait for you to add the next part

  8. #38
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
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    27 Dec 2003
    Chloe, do not let your need to be independent ruin things with Lex. Lex needs to ralise that chloe's not like the others, she wants him not his money. Can't wait for more. :biggrin:
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


  9. #39
    NS Full Member campbti's Avatar
    Join Date
    13 Feb 2004
    Fabulous!!! Can't wait for the next part. This is an amazing story, very realistic. :biggrin:

  10. #40
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    West of Gotham
    Chapter Six - Part B

    A/N: OK, here’s the second part of the chapter. It was interesting to see the range of reactions to Chloe and Lex’s behavior. I really enjoyed writing these two parts and I’m glad that I get to share them with you. Thanks for honest FB and keep it coming.

    Some time later…

    Lex heard Chloe's bedroom door open and her steps on the hallway floor but he didn't look up. He was sprawled on her sofa with his eyes glued to the television. The only mildly interesting thing he had been able to find on any of the 200 channels was a History Channel documentary. It suited his mood.

    Out of the corner of his eye, he watched her pick up the discarded brochure and smooth it out before dropping it on the coffee table. Then she stood on front of the couch and motioned for him to move his legs. He did, once again without tearing his eyes from the television. She sat next to him and neither of them said a word for a few minutes.

    Finally Chloe broke the uncomfortable silence.

    "What in God's name are you watching?"

    "History's Greatest Natural Disasters."


    "It was this or the American Kennel Dog Show."

    Chloe picked up the remote and hit the 'power' button.

    "We should talk."


    Chloe chewed on the corner of her lip for a minute before sighing heavily. "I'll go. There is a teeny, tiny possibly that I may, just may, have overreacted to the apartment thing."

    Lex sat up a little at his end of the couch. "Teeny tiny?"

    "Yes, teeny tiny." Chloe replied with steel in her voice.

    "O-kay, teeny tiny. Whatever."

    "Anyway…" she continued with a glare. "I should have at least heard you out and I apologize for that. And for the yelling."


    "*However* my point about the way you handled it is still valid."

    "Excuse me?"

    "You heard me."

    "Weren't you just apologizing to me?"

    "I was."

    "But then at the end, you really weren't."

    "I was, but I was also pointing out your culpability in the matter."

    "Which is?"

    "The trying to run my life thing."

    "Chloe, I am not trying to run your life, please stop saying that I am."

    "I'll stop when you stop doing it."

    Lex pinched the bridge of his nose. "You know, as apologies go, this one falls a bit short."

    "I'll say."

    "You think I need to apologize here?"

    "Yes, and I'm still waiting."

    "What do I need to apologize for? You said yourself, you overreacted."

    "A little bit, but you still implied that the way I've chosen to live isn't good enough."

    Lex held up his hands. "No, I didn't mean it that way; I am not going to apologize for you misinterpreting what I say."

    "And think."

    "I don't think that."

    "Oh really, Sherlock?" said Chloe, crossing her arms. "You said that you wanted something better for me, better than this… Exactly how was I supposed to interpret that?"

    Lex looked confused, a very rare look for him. "I just meant that I wanted…I wanted…Aw, fuck!” he muttered, slamming his palm against his forehead. “I’m an ass.”

    "We have a winner."

    "Chloe, I don't know what to say."

    "'I'm sorry' is good start."

    Lex frowned. This was unfamiliar territory for him.

    "'I sincerely apologize' is a good alternate if you feel the need to use more syllables, what with your big brain and all."

    Lex covered his mouth with his hand to hide his smile but it was too late. "You're insane, you know that, right?"

    "Says the man who thought that yelling 'mint chocolate chip' was an effective way to end an argument."

    Lex pulled her closer to him on the couch. "I'm sorry, Chloe. I'm sorry if I implied…"

    "Ahem." interjected Chloe

    "And * thought* even if it was unintentional, that this place wasn't good enough for you. I care about you and my inclination is to make sure you have the best of everything."

    "That's very sweet of you, Lex. But for now, can we just agree to let me decide what's best for me?"



    His face broke into a grin. "I’m thinking! OK, I agree. And I really am sorry."

    "See? Lightning didn't strike when you said it." quipped Chloe as she pressed her lips to his.

    Their kiss became deeper and soon he tried to pull her closer but she resisted and broke away.

    "One more thing…I'm guessing this need to buy me the best of everything isn't going to be an easy habit to break so I think we need some rules."


    "Yes, Rule #1: No extravagant gifts."

    "You're going to have to be more specific there."

    "No apartments... or big stuff like that."

    "That's still pretty vague by my standards."

    "Oh for the love of…you know what? We’ll work out the details later. It's late, we still have to do our sight-seeing and then we have to come back here and have lots of make-up sex, so we should get going."

    "Agreed," replied Lex.

    Neither of them moved. Not an inch. Finally Chloe broke the silence again.

    "Here's the thing, the Golden Gate Bridge has been there for over a century. I don't think it's going anywhere."

    "So, if we switch the order of those things…"

    Chloe leaned back onto the couch and pulled Lex on top of her, "Brilliant plan…"

    Lex's penthouse…later that evening…

    "Chloe, I can call ahead and arrange for us to go in the back entrance and avoid all the photographers," offered Lex as he fastened his cuffs. He was speaking loudly, as he was in his closet/dressing room and Chloe was on the other side of the wall in the bathroom, fixing her hair… and whatever else she did to get ready.

    "Nope, we'll do the paparazzi walk and get it over with," came her reply. "We have to do it sooner or later, might as well do it now. Fast and painful, like pulling off a Band-Aid."

    "You know, a lesser man might be offended that a woman was describing an evening out with him in such a way."

    "Good thing you're not a lesser man."

    "Good thing." Lex turned to put on the tie he had chosen, only to find a different one was currently draped over his suit. It was a nice one, but not the one he selected.



    "What happened to the tie I was going to wear tonight?"

    "I picked a different one."

    "And why did you do that?" Lex was partially amused, and partially annoyed what Chloe had done. On one hand, it was very nice to have her here, in his home, bantering with him as they got ready for an evening out. It was more than nice; it was something straight out of one of his better dreams. On the other hand, dammit, he could pick his own ties!

    "The one you picked didn't go." she called out, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

    "Didn't go? Chloe, I'll have you know that I've been dressing myself for quite some time now, and I know for a fact that that tie went perfectly well with my shirt and my suit…"

    Chloe stuck her head into the dressing room and Lex could see that she was all but laughing at him.

    "Calm down, Rich Boy. I know you can dress yourself just fine. Of course your tie didn't clash with your outfit; however it did clash with *mine*."


    Chloe snickered and her head disappeared again.

    Lex automatically began to arrange the tie she chose around his neck without further protest. Now that was a good reason if he ever heard one… God, he'd make sure the *car* didn't clash with her outfit if it meant she had a good time tonight… Though neither of them had dared say it out loud, tonight was obviously huge step for them. They would be seen in public in Metropolis for the first time - many people would see them and jump to the logical conclusions about the relationship. Perhaps some of them would even recognize her from six, now closer to seven, years ago. No pressure.

    He slipped into his jacket and checked his reflection in the full-length mirror one final time before looking at his watch.

    "Chloe? Are you almost ready?"

    "Two minutes… Damn, I left my earrings on the dresser. Can you get them for me?"

    Lex walked to the bedroom and spotted two small gold items on the dresser. He scooped them up and turned towards the bathroom, then he froze.

    "Wow." he said.

    Chloe was standing in the doorway with her hand outstretched, but Lex barely registered the gesture. He was busy taking in the rest of her.

    She was wrapped, quite snugly, in a sleeveless, gold silk dress that ended just below her knee. She had piled her hair very loosely on top of her head and applied only slightly more make-up than she usually wore. She did a little spin for him when she caught him staring.

    "What do you think? I guess you're not the only one who can dress themselves, huh?"

    Lex only moaned a little in response when her little pirouette reveled that the dress dipped very low in the back, revealing a great deal of creamy skin. She obviously remembered what he had liked about her little black dress in San Diego.

    "My earrings?" she said, extending her hand again.


    "Earrings. The pieces of jewelry in your hand that I asked you to bring to me."

    "Right, earrings. Here." Lex handed them to her, one at a time, so she could put them on. "You look incredible, Chloe. There's no way we can sneak into this thing unnoticed now."

    "I'll take that as a compliment, I guess, although I didn’t pick this dress to attract anyone's attention but yours." Chloe smoothed her hands down the front of the silky fabric.

    "You already had mine…" replied Lex as he circled behind her. He dropped a kiss on the back of her neck, smiling when she shivered. She always did. "The dress certainly doesn’t hurt, though. You won't be cold?"

    Chloe shook her head and held up her wrap, a black and gold brocade coat about the same length as her dress.

    "Perfect," replied Lex. "Ready?"

    "Not really, but if you can deal with Gabe the Samurai Chef, I can do this." Lex laughed as he slipped his arm around Chloe's waist and led her out of the suite.

    End Chapter.

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