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Thread: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

  1. #31
    walking with cavemen Senior Member Zannie's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Chapter Five is now posted. I think a lot of you will be pleased with the developments in that chapter!

    Thanks so much for all of you who are leaving comments either here or on the Advent Calendar posts. I really appreciate it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Esther25jm View Post
    I love those stories, too! I usually get them a bit more in the HP fandom (ah, Draco/Hermione), so when I see it with Chlex, I'm all kinds of giddy. I'm so glad that you love them and have written the Advent Calendar fic around it. Truly a wonderful chapter and can't wait for more!
    I definitely think Draco/Hermione might lend itself more to arranged/forced marriage fics than Chlex. Although surely there aren't stories of Draco's parents arranging a marriage with Hermione, are there?

  2. #32
    Mrs. Smith Senior Member JosiCuervo's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Still loving the Christmas fic, Zannie. And now I'm super excited that you'll be writing a Chlex forced married fic! That's awesome!

  3. #33
    walking with cavemen Senior Member Zannie's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Quote Originally Posted by JosiCuervo View Post
    Still loving the Christmas fic, Zannie. And now I'm super excited that you'll be writing a Chlex forced married fic! That's awesome!
    Huh? Is that a joke? Or are you trying to trick me into writing yet another fic. I think Married for Christmas will be the only "forced" marriage fic I'll be writing any time soon!

  4. #34
    Mrs. Smith Senior Member JosiCuervo's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Quote Originally Posted by Zannie View Post
    Huh? Is that a joke? Or are you trying to trick me into writing yet another fic. I think Married for Christmas will be the only "forced" marriage fic I'll be writing any time soon!
    B-but...you know you want to do a real one!! Yunno, all angty and horrified and the like. With lots of sex. *nods*

  5. #35
    walking with cavemen Senior Member Zannie's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Quote Originally Posted by JosiCuervo View Post
    B-but...you know you want to do a real one!! Yunno, all angty and horrified and the like. With lots of sex. *nods*
    Heheh. Leave it to you to believe the only "real" forced marriage fics involve lots of sex.

    I actually would love to write one where the rating could be higher. I had smut scenes appear in my mind fully formed for Married for Christmas but just couldn't use them!

  6. #36
    Fan Artist, Fanfic Lover Senior Member Esther25jm's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Quote Originally Posted by Zannie View Post
    Chapter Five is now posted. I think a lot of you will be pleased with the developments in that chapter!

    Thanks so much for all of you who are leaving comments either here or on the Advent Calendar posts. I really appreciate it!

    I definitely think Draco/Hermione might lend itself more to arranged/forced marriage fics than Chlex. Although surely there aren't stories of Draco's parents arranging a marriage with Hermione, are there?
    Freaking LOVE ch 5!!! That workout was HOT!! No other words can describe it for me right now because, well, it was sexy! And the dinner...love them!! Great update!

    Yep, they totally do. Actually, I've read one or two where the Malfoys have forced Hermione to marry Draco. One is stil a WIP, but the other is complete. Both are very good, but the WIP is darker and angstier than the completed story.

    The finished story has Draco having to marry a Muggleborn before a certain age because of a will/curse that one of his relatives created before he died. Lucius manipulates Hermione into marrying Draco, while he's trying to find ways to destroy the will. I wish I could remember the name of the story because it's very good.

    The WIP is a Veela!Draco story, another genre I love, which has the Malfoys kidnapping and forcing Hermione to mate/marry Draco in order to save his life. It's much darker than I expected, but very good. Definitely in character, and so far, doesn't look to be changing towards a lighter mood.

  7. #37
    walking with cavemen Senior Member Zannie's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Quote Originally Posted by Esther25jm View Post
    Freaking LOVE ch 5!!! That workout was HOT!! No other words can describe it for me right now because, well, it was sexy! And the dinner...love them!! Great update!

    Yep, they totally do. Actually, I've read one or two where the Malfoys have forced Hermione to marry Draco. One is stil a WIP, but the other is complete. Both are very good, but the WIP is darker and angstier than the completed story.

    The finished story has Draco having to marry a Muggleborn before a certain age because of a will/curse that one of his relatives created before he died. Lucius manipulates Hermione into marrying Draco, while he's trying to find ways to destroy the will. I wish I could remember the name of the story because it's very good.

    The WIP is a Veela!Draco story, another genre I love, which has the Malfoys kidnapping and forcing Hermione to mate/marry Draco in order to save his life. It's much darker than I expected, but very good. Definitely in character, and so far, doesn't look to be changing towards a lighter mood.
    Oh, I see how the stories would work. I was wondering why the Malfoys would want Draco to marry Hermione. But if there was a curse, will, etc., forcing him to marry a Muggle, then it would make sense.

    There's a built in tension to that relationship that might make those storylines compelling - what with the obvious reasons Draco and Hermione would have to hate each other. I can definitely see why they would be good stories to write, and potentially very dark.

    Thanks so much for your feedback!

  8. #38
    Fan Artist, Fanfic Lover Senior Member Esther25jm's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    Quote Originally Posted by Zannie View Post
    Oh, I see how the stories would work. I was wondering why the Malfoys would want Draco to marry Hermione. But if there was a curse, will, etc., forcing him to marry a Muggle, then it would make sense.

    There's a built in tension to that relationship that might make those storylines compelling - what with the obvious reasons Draco and Hermione would have to hate each other. I can definitely see why they would be good stories to write, and potentially very dark.

    Thanks so much for your feedback!
    Mmm, that's what makes me love these characters, and others, together. I love conflict, obstacles, and the good girl(boy)/bad boy(girl) dynamic. It's what makes Chlex so fascinating to me, along with Draco/Hermione & Spike/Buffy.

    You're welcome!! I'm really looking forward to their next destination, which is going to be fun!!
    Last edited by Esther25jm; 6th December 2010 at 00:21.

  9. #39
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    I am totally stuck on this fic. Love it! Can't wait to read the next update.

  10. #40
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2010 - Married for Christmas

    It appears that I’m going to be trying to play catch-up with all the chapters written so far. *rolls up sleeves* ok, let’s get started. It’s all going to have to be short reviews…

    Chapter One

    The marriage itself was awesome. I loved the ironic twist that Chloe and Lex managed to wear matching clothes to the wedding. LOL! Of course, it’s all too possible that Chloe might have chosen Lex’s favourite colour subconsciously on purpose? In any case, it was definitely funny seeing them both seeing each other for the first time, and realizing that they were matching, lol!

    hmmm, I know that Chloe was slightly embarrassed. But I wonder whether Lex felt embarrassed, amused… or perhaps gratified at what he thought was a sign on how perfect they were for each other?

    It was pretty depressing to find out that Lex has established a [I]habit[I] for himself to sleep in a bedroom separate from his wife in all his previous marriages? All I can say is that it’s no wonder that all of Lex’s previous marriages have been such abysmal failures if he cannot open himself enough, even to his [I]lawfully wedded wife[I] to share the same bedroom space as her. I can see why Chloe was so shocked by the news. She’s definitely NOT going to tolerate separate bedrooms once she and Lex decide that this is a marriage for real

    *I* know that the marriage wasn’t real, and Chloe knew that the marriage wasn’t real… but it was still unnerving (for both myself and Chloe) seeing how coolly and casually Lex was treating it… like a professional business arrangement only. Yes, I know that he was sticking to the terms of their agreement and arrangement. But it was still unnerving, and I was glad to see that Chloe felt the same, when Lex said that he was going to spend his wedding night working on his business reports and such… rather than ‘bonding’ with his wife… or at least relaxing.

    I think it was unsettling for Chloe because, even if it was fake, the marriage was still an intense and disorientating experience for her. Seeing Lex adjusting so smoothly and coolly to his new marital status, without seeming the slightest bit disturbed or ruffled, must have been slightly maddening for her.

    “You could phrase things as questions rather than commands.”

    He let out a breath. “Fine. Chloe, would it be too much trouble for you to not go out on the balcony right now and make yourself a target for tabloid photographers and snipers?” His tone was chilly and smug.

    Despite her annoyance with his arrogance, she had to fight a snort of amusement at his ironic question. Trying to keep her lips from quivering, she said, “Fine. I won’t go out. Thanks for asking.”

    His mouth twitched, almost imperceptibly. “No problem.”
    ROTFL! Despite Lex’s cool and professional attitude towards this marriage, it was still good and somehow soothing to see him rearing up in protectiveness for Chloe’s sake. He might be acting like she’s not all too important to him as a person, but it’s moments like these that would reassure Chloe that he DOES care about what happens to her. At the very least, he cares about whether she lives or dies. He’s willing to show that level of care and concern for her at least.

    LOL! And I loved the way that they’re sense of humour match up and speak so eloquently to each other… so easily and smoothly. Beautiful!

    “Thank you,” she said spontaneously. “Seriously, Lex. I know you’re going to great lengths to keep me safe. Thank you.”

    He glanced away. “It’s nothing. You know I have my own reasons for doing so.”

    “I know that. I’m not saying there’s nothing in it for you. But you’re helping me and I appreciate it. Thank you.”

    “You’re welcome,” he said in what was almost a mumble. Then he took his plate and glass of champagne and went into the other room.
    heeee! Like I mentioned, I’m absolutely certain that Lex is desperately in love with Chloe, and came up with this whole fake marriage scheme in order to… well, perhaps just to protect her for a short while before divorcing her… but perhaps to use this time of marriage to woo her and win her affections…?

    In any case, I LOVED the way that Lex was so obviously embarrassed about Chloe’s assumption that Lex is only using her as a pawn in his schemes. That SHE is not his top priority in this marriage scheme. He’s also embarrassed because Chloe is expressing gratitude to Lex for protecting her for motivations other than his true ones. He probably feels a little like a rat for lying to her like this, and making himself out to be more noble than he really feels.

    Chapter Two

    heee! Chapter two was fascinating, because we got to see Chloe adjust to becoming ‘Mrs. Luthor’. I wonder whether she felt a little anxiety ridden about losing her identity, and being known purely as Lex Luthor’s wife from here on in? But, I guess she hasn’t really thought that far ahead as yet.

    Not only was Chloe getting used to the new name, but she was also getting used to the Luthor lifestyle… with all its pros and cons. The perks of being a Luthor were pretty immense, such as private jets and vacations to wonderful destinations in expensive hotels. heeee, not to mention the beautiful, stunning and amazing present of a lovely new laptop and smartphone as a (fake)wedding present. Awesome!!

    BUT, the reporters, photographer and the ‘benefit’ of having Lionel Luthor as a friggen father in law can be considered massive deal-breakers in of themselves. Let’s not forget the annoyance of being constantly on guard from being followed or tracked. Or having your equipment hacked into at any given moment by any interested party. Where the heck are you supposed to keep you porn if you’re constantly scared of having your personal laptop hacked into by some random, curious and adventurous teen?

    Still… it IS a mighty pretty laptop. lol! Perhaps it offsets having Lionel Luthor as a father in law after all.

    She blinked a few times, trying to orient herself. Her eyes instinctively landed on Lex at his workstation across the room. He’d been watching her. Even in her groggy state, she was somehow sure of it.

    But when she could focus on details, his eyes were directed on the monitor in front of him.
    heh… I wonder just how long, and how intently and intensely Lex was watching Chloe as she was sleeping. I wonder whether it’s going to happen again… perhaps every night during their marriage…? Lex is nothing if not an obsessive creature of habit after all, lol!

    “Well, it’s not because men aren’t interested in me,” she insisted, smoothing down her hair which was probably tangled around her face after her nap.

    The truth was, she had never been as popular with men as girls like Lana and Lois. While she knew very well there was nothing wrong with her, she had never had men chasing her. She just wasn’t one of those girls.

    “Of course, they’re interested in you. Why would you think I implied differently?” Lex looked annoyed, almost grumpy. “Why wouldn’t they be interested in you? You’re smart and beautiful and—“ He broke off his words, as if he hadn’t intended to say as much.
    heeee! What was that last word?!? Oh, are we EVER going to find out?!? Amazing? Sexy? Perfect?! What was on the top of Lex’s tongue there?!?

    heh… but I did love how Lex was actually grumpy when hearing Chloe getting so defensive about how she IS a desirable person, who could be considered attractive to men. Lex was actually slightly angry that Chloe would think she was anything less that the perfect picture of ultimate desire and beauty for any man.

    heh… and I also liked how Lex ‘narrowed his eyes’, becoming even more quietly outraged when Chloe described herself as not Lex’s type since he ‘wasn’t into blondes’. LOL! I’ll bet Lex was just barely restraining himself from marching over to Chloe, grabbing her, and showing her just exactly how into blondes he really is!

    Chapter Three

    I think on the third day Lex decided that it would be safer to distance himself from Chloe. Obviously Lex found himself revealing far too much of his real feelings to Chloe… almost letting slip how much he admired and wanted her. So he probably decided that maintaining his physical distance from Chloe was the best way to protect himself, and keep his secrets to himself.

    This chapter also made me realize that perhaps Lex didn’t marry Chloe in order to secretly and deviously woo her after all. Perhaps he DID marry Chloe purely to protect her from Lionel.

    “But I don’t like to feel trapped. I don’t like to feel like I don’t get to choose what happens to me. And don’t like feeling like you’re secretly making all the decisions and leaving me in the dark.”

    “Is that how you feel?”

    It suddenly struck Chloe that Lex was barely dressed. He smelled clean and his body was gorgeous. And, for some reason, the sight of his bare belly above his low-slung towel made her want to grab his sides and squeeze hard.

    “Yes,” she managed to say, raising her eyes back to his face. “I do. I get carted around in a car all day. You hole up at your desk and barely talk to me. And then a bodyguard tells me I can’t do what I wanted to do.”
    I think Lex would have stuck to his plan to keep a physical (if not emotional) distance from Chloe indefinitely if she had not complained about how he was ignoring and neglecting her. Lex might not be willing to let Chloe know how deep his care and regard for her actually runs… but that doesn’t mean he can shut off his regard for her well-being. If Chloe’s upset, feeling trapped and bored… then Lex has to try and fix the problem. Even if it means risking his sanity and secrets by spending some extra time with her.

    I was beyond delighted to see Lex actually join Chloe during the evening to watch television with her. It really wasn’t necessary, and it goes strictly against his presumed rule to minimize the time he spends with her… but he HAS to make sure that Chloe doesn’t feel alone and isolated while she’s supposed to be in his care.

    “Look at her,” she breathed, leaning forward as the leopard climbed a tree, dragging her kill with her to keep it from being claimed by the lions and hyenas. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

    Lex didn’t respond. And, when she turned to look at him, she caught him looking at her instead of at the television.
    heeee! I loved this. I loved the idea that Lex couldn’t help himself from staring at Chloe while she was so mesmerized and enthused from the images on the television screen. Heee, and I’ll bet Lex knew that he was only making the situation worse for himself by torturing himself with Chloe’s presence and close proximity this way. But he still couldn’t’ help himself! Awesome!

    And more than that. Lex actually experienced a near kiss from Chloe, when she woke up groggy, enticingly tousled and half-asleep with a dreamy smile on her face in his arms. ROTFL! Can you imagine how he must have berated himself later for being a masochist who placed himself in such a position? ROTFL!

    *sigh* a near kiss… and on the third day no less. LOL! Lex and Chloe don’t stand a chance in resisting each other much longer, LOL!

    heee! And I almost forgot to comment on how delicious it was to see Chloe walk in on Lex while he was freshly clean and glistening from the shower. *drooool* Yummy!!!

    Chapter Four

    I was so grateful and happy to see that Lex had NOT decided to, once again, separate and distance himself from Chloe after the ‘near kiss’ from the previous evening. Perhaps I was right in my first assumption that Lex is hoping to use this month in order to subtly woo Chloe and win her affections after all…?

    She gasped indignantly. “It’s only six-thirty! You woke me up at six-thirty!”

    “I’ve been up for hours. You should be glad I waited as long as I did.”

    She made a few choked sounds of outrage, but was distracted when Lex handed her a mug of coffee. After she took a sip, she glared at him, “You’ve had that the whole time and just now gave it to me?”

    Lex chuckled and stood up. “You know me. A master strategist. I had to wait for the most opportune time.”
    Lex’s plans to accompany Chloe on a roam around the city was a sweet, lovely gesture. BUT, dammit, six friggen thirty in the morning?!?? Are you kidding me?!? And more than that, Lex actually claims that Chloe is lucky that he didn’t wake her up at five-thirty or something. I’m impressed that Chloe restrained herself to only throwing a pillow after him, rather than a show… or a bedside table lamp.

    heh… I guess the coffee offer mollified her… a little bit, lol!

    Things were little weird and awkward—and they argued about half of the time—but they were interacting with more familiarity than one would have expected in a situation like this.

    Lex wasn’t an easy man. But he’d been surprisingly good-natured with her. He’d even laughed a lot.

    She wasn’t fool enough to think that it was because of her feminine appeal. He hadn’t come on to her. Not once. Whatever attraction he’d once had for her had obviously faded with time.
    I had already gathered that this was the status of Chloe’s feelings and assumptions concerning Lex. But it’s still very helpful and satisfying to get a quick summary of her attitude towards Lex over here. LOL! I wonder just how much Lex would gape in disbelief knowing that Chloe believes that he is no longer the slightest bit attracted to her. Would he be appalled knowing that Chloe is THAT unobservant and/or insecure. Or would he be relieved knowing that he’s managed to hide away his desperate desire for her so efficiently and completely?

    In any case, it’s good to know that Chloe at least considers them both to be on friendly terms, even if there’s no romance or intimacy in their marriage. She doesn’t trust him completely, but she does trust him to a much deeper extent than she would have thought possible, and that’s a great build-up to the inevitable ‘real marriage’.

    It was great to hear that both Chloe and Lex had fun exploring the city. LOL! I noticed a couple of lines (about Chloe walking down a set of stairs, and feeling great accomplishment at her achievement) that I remembered from another story. Perhaps from Irrevocable? I enjoyed it then, and I enjoyed it now

    LOL! It was fun seeing how Chloe was deriving such delight from teasing Lex, by pretending to linger longer at sights while he tried to hide away his impatience at her slowness, LOL! I firmly believe it’s good for Lex to be forced to wait on someone.

    heee, and it sounds darned useful to have a billionaire as a holiday partner. I cannot imagine how useful and amazing it would be to vacation with someone who can have the museums and various tourist spots opened up for him alone during odd times of the day. Not only do you get the convenience of viewing the sights within on your schedule… but you also get the perk of enjoying a vast, empty and quiet museum, all to yourself. WOW!

    Chloe studied him, trying to scrutinize him as closely as he always scrutinized her. “That would explain the marriage. And your keeping me safe. But why are you being so nice to me?”

    Something flickered in Lex’s eyes, and she wondered if she’d hurt him with the question. “You’d expect me to be otherwise?”

    “Well, I knew you wouldn’t hurt me or be cruel toward me in any way. But you could accomplish what you want and still ignore me most of the time.”

    Lex gave a half-shrug. “This plan will be more successful if we get along. If we’re . . . friendly.”
    That has got to be the most ridiculous explanation I’ve ever heard. Lex is seriously trying to explain and rationalize his friendliness by claiming it’s all a part of his long-term scheme to use Chloe as his pawn?! ROTFL! And the remarkable thing is that Chloe is actually falling for that explanation. I really think if she was thinking more clearly, and not allowing her own insecurities shade her judgement, she would be able to tell that Lex being nice to her doesn’t accomplish anything except allow Lex to lingeringly enjoy her presence and company.

    But I was glad to see that Chloe asked about Lex’s inexplicable ‘niceness’ in the first place. She did note the strangeness of him displaying these outward trappings of affection and companionship when he, strictly speaking, really doesn’t need to.

    Lex’s expression—which had been mild and even the whole time up to now—twisted into something she recognized as anger. “Aren’t they?” he asked, a little roughly.

    For the strangest reason, his shadowed urgency suddenly made him feel more Lex-like – as if the mild stranger had transformed back into the Lex she’d always known.

    “No, they aren’t. Helping me doesn’t give you the right to pry into my affairs. “

    “If I don’t know why you let yourself get trapped like this, then I won’t be able to figure out how to keep it from happening again.”

    “Let it go, Lex,” she snapped, angry and oddly mortified at how Lex clearly seemed to think she was a fool who got involved with dangerous men and couldn’t seem to fix things on her own. “I’m not talking about this with you.”

    “What are you trying to hide from me?” he demanded, taking her forearm again but this time holding her more tightly. “How did you get involved with my father at all? It wasn’t . . . it wasn’t . . .” He trailed off, reluctant to say the word.
    wow! Until Lex started this line of questioning I always believed that Chloe had only accidentally stumbled across the sensitive information that she had picked up about Lionel. I really thought that she was investigating some random line of inquiry, and then surprisingly and shockingly came across Lionel’s involvement in whatever sordid affair she was looking into.

    But now, after Lex’s interrogation, I find myself wondering whether Chloe somehow went looking into something that she knew was connected to Lionel…? His suspicions and certainty that Chloe was looking deliberately into Lionel’s dealings now makes me wonder whether Chloe was targeting Lionel’s dirty dealings on purpose… but found a little more than she bargained for…?

    Chloe’s reluctance to get into the specifics about her investigations only makes me (and Lex) more suspicious about the circumstances that led to Chloe needing help hiding from Lionel. Why is she being so secretive and elusive and vague. And WHY does she actually seem frightened by the prospect of Lex digging deeper, and interrogating her a little harder for answers. Curiouser and curiouser!

    heee! And I loved the way that Lex suddenly changed from the civil, polite veneer that he’s been presenting to Chloe for all this time to someone a lot more familiar to Chloe and to the readers. He’s showing himself to be intense, domineering, obsessively needy and intent to find out the truth behind Chloe’s actions. I love it! I even love his semi-obnoxious claim that he’s entitled to Chloe’s secrets because all of her secrets are his personal concern somehow… at least the secrets relating to the Luthor family.

    That being said, I was so proud of Chlow, not allowing herself to be bullied by Lex when he was being domineering, needy and intense in his interrogation. This was, all in all, a fantastic and intense scene, and I loved the new tone that it brought to the fic! heh… even it if did destroy the light-hearted interaction that they were enjoying earlier today.

    Chapter Five

    I didn’t know what to expect from Day five. After all, Lex and Chloe spent a very companionable and engaging day together the previous day… ending in a rather intense argument at the end of that day. So I really didn’t know what to expect the next morning. But it appears that Lex decided that the morning required some time and space away from Chloe in order to regain equilibrium and perspective… not to mention work off some of that angry tension and sexual energy with a heavy work-out session.

    And I really enjoyed the irony that Chloe woke up feeling just a tad needy, needing to meet up with Lex to find out exactly where they stood with each other. LOL! This is usually always the tone of all Chlex relationships, isn’t it? When they argue, Lex wants to get away to lick his wounds, while Chloe want to come in closer and fight to the bloody end to ‘clear the air’ between them.

    It appears that reaction is the same, even when they’re [I]not[I] involved in a defined relationship with each other, lol!

    I also liked how Chle considered and felt ‘vaguely ill’ at the idea that Lex wanted to work off his tension with a beautiful, shapely brunette. But I was so, SO pleased to see that she reconsidered that decided that Lex was not going to be cheap and crass enough to slip off to a one-night stand with another woman… not while he’s married to Chloe. It might be a fake marriage, but Lex would not consider it worth the risk to indulge in a cheap one-night stand during this month long marriage. Plenty of time to indulge in such things after he becomes a fresh divorcee again.

    LOL! I loved that, in the end, Chloe herself ALSO decided independently to work out her own aggressions, restlessness and frustrated energies with a good, intense work-out session. Isn’t it fantastic to see how their mind work alike, LOL!

    heee! And I loved when Chloe entered the gym room, and spent a good couple of minutes admiring the tone of her husband’s fine-tuned body. The description was just yummy! And I ALSO loved the idea of Lex discreetly spying on Chloe as she stared working up a sweat during her own work-out. heeee!! Yummy times two!

    I can even see that Lex gave her a discreet and subtle compliment as to how fine she looked during her workout session Chloe might not have picked up on the compliment… but I KNOW it was there!!

    I was glad to see that Lex managed to work out a good number of his issues in the morning, and was able to go back to civil and polite behaviour with Chloe during the evening. Taking her out to dinner was a GREAT way to reconnect and carry on the light-hearted and companionable interaction that they had started the day before.

    “If the ogling gets too obnoxious,” Lex said blandly, gesturing toward the door in what was obviously a signal for her to get moving, “Then you can wear my jacket.”
    squeee and also LOL! Lex might be acting like he’s only dryly teasing Chloe… but I firmly believe that he DOES indeed feel a sense of jealous possessiveness about the ‘display’ that Chloe is putting on for the lechers in the restaurant. *wistful sigh* it’s too bad that Chloe doesn’t believe that Lex was serious about how irresistibly hot she looked. She only thought he was teasing (or mocking). Oh well, she’ll eventually and inevitably find out different.

    “You’re not,” she breathed, her giddiness fading a little. “You don’t have good Christmas memories?”

    He licked his lips and looked away from her, toward the roaring fireplace. Finally he said, “Not one.”

    Chloe sipped her wine, fighting the ridiculous urge to scoot over and put her arms around him. It seemed so horrible that he didn’t have one good Christmas memory. She asked softly, “Not even with your mother?”

    His expression twisted slightly and he still didn’t meet her eyes. “There were some good times, when I was young. But no memory is pure, without something . . .” He trailed off.

    She understood what he meant. None of his good memories of his mother were without the taint of his father.
    heeee! I can already tell this is a set-up for an awesome moment that’s going to come later in this story. Chloe is SURE to set up some kind of amazing, sentimental and beautiful Christmas celebration with and for Lex… determined to create ONE pure, beautiful Christmas memory for him. Even if Chloe and Lex are not ‘together’ by Christmas, she’s STILL sure to do it! I can’t wait to see his reaction to her efforts.

    Chloe got up quickly, without objection. And she knew that—likely before dawn tomorrow morning—she and Lex would be leaving Quebec, before their presence here could hit the news.

    They’d be winging their way in a private jet toward another place in the world, the second city in less than a week.
    *sigh* oh dear… that damned reporter!!! He’s essentially destroyed Quebec for Chloe and Lex!!! Just when they were settling in for a lovely trip too. Oh well, perhaps they can go vacationing somewhere warmer? Or some place more exotic or older? There’s a whole world of vacation spots to choose from, and a private jet gives them full access to everywhere! Actually, it’s not all that bad… just requires a small adjustment in location, that’s all… right?

    I look forward to reading the next chapter… and all new chapters for the upcoming month!!!! squeee!!
    Last edited by somethingeasy; 6th December 2010 at 17:10.

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