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Thread: A Sparrow Mends "R" (completed)

  1. #31
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    :biggrin: Wnderfull Stuff!!!! And Yay! :chlexsign1:

  2. #32
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ColumbiaBlue@Jul 12 2004, 11:36 PM
    That's it. I'm writing TPTB's of Smallville and demanding they let you on their writing team. You'll be in charge of writing all Chlex scenes and story arcs. *sigh* The show would be so much better if there were scenes like *this* in it. Chloe and Lex's trust in each other is so refreshing. More soon, please!

    ~Manda :
    What she said. I know this is Chlex friendship but they have some really good chemistry already. That's all I'm saying! :biggrin:

    More soon.

  3. #33
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Please come back soon and update this wonderful story!! :applause: I love it!! :love: I agree with ColumbiaBlue, you definitely should write for Smallville!! It would make the show soooo much better!! :yay2: More soon please!! :wave: :chlexsign4:

  4. #34
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    A/N: Thanks again for all the great reviews and wonderful encouragement. It means a great deal to me.

    Chapter 4

    The Talon at 7:30 in the morning was a surprisingly scary place to be. It seemed that every person who worked in Smallville made the Talon his or her preferred coffee to go stop. Business people, plant workers, and teenagers were everywhere at once, all shouting out different orders. It was complete chaos.

    And Lana was nowhere to be seen. Thankfully, the assistant manager was on the scene, and she soon wrangled all of the customers into a single, albeit impatient line.

    Chloe gratefully grabbed her coffee, and checked her watch. She still had half an hour before she was supposed to meet Lex. She took out the articles about her mom, and reread them for what seemed like the hundredth time.

    She wanted to make sure that she didn't miss a single piece of information and she needed to be prepared with all of her facts before she interrogated Dr. Baxter. She was so immersed in her work that she failed to hear Clark walk up to her table, so when he spoke, she literally jumped out of her skin.

    She jerked her arm, spilled her coffee, and dropped her articles right at Clark's feet. She looked up into her friend’s face, and tried to keep her irritation from showing.

    Clark took one look at Chloe's expression and smiled bashfully at her, an apology already on his lips. Before he could even speak the words, Chloe held up her hand and said, "Save it Clark. I know you didn’t mean to scare me."

    She then bent to gather up the scattered articles before Clark could see what they were about. Clark also stooped to help her, anxious to make amends. He stopped in confusion when he read one of the headlines. Why would Chloe be researching a crime that happened in Metropolis over 10 yrs ago?

    He opened his mouth to ask her that question, when Lana walked out from the backroom, carrying a box. Chloe watched greatly amused as Clark seemed to freeze, unsure of what to do. She could see the indecision etched on his face. Should he rush to the aid of Lana, or should he question Chloe?

    Luckily for Chloe, Lana chose that moment to trip, and Clark thrust the articles into Chloe’s hand, mumbled an apology to his friend, and then practically broke a leg to grab the box from Lana.

    Seeing her opportunity, Chloe grabbed her articles, put them back in her folder, finished her coffee, and was on her way out the door, before either teen realized she was gone.

    She breathed a sigh of relief when she stepped outside. Chloe appreciated Clark’s concern but she didn’t need to be talked out of her investigation and she was already nervous enough without being second-guessed.

    Chloe closed her eyes and willed her nerves to disappear. She didn’t open them again until she heard Lex’s car pull up to the curb. She looked at him and smiled in gratitude. If anyone had told her a year ago, that Lex Luthor would have become a friend, she would have laughed her head off.

    But then again, last year was when all of their troubles started. His marriage to Helen Bryce, and her agreeing to work for Lionel could have been the ruination of their lives, but they survived their mistakes, and had a close friendship to prove it.

    Chloe watched as Lex rounded the front of the car, and opened the door on the passenger side for her. He saw the tension in her face, and tried to put her at ease. “Chloe, I’m stunned that you’re waiting for me. I came fully prepared to drag you out of The Talon with coffee spilling from your mouth.”

    She laughed at the truth in that and replied, “I would have killed for another cup, but, well, Clark happened.” It was actually scary that Lex didn’t need clarification of that answer. He understood Chloe’s reference, because he had often been on the receiving end of Clark’s misplaced over-protectiveness.

    Chloe stepped into the car, and sat down, placing her bag in front of her. Lex walked back to the driver’s side, and got in. After they both put on their seat belts, he continued his question. “Did he start questioning you about your interview?”

    Chloe shook her head, and grinned cheekily. “He was about to, but Lana needed saving so I was off the hook.”

    Lex smiled, and turned the ignition, shaking his head at Clark’s total absorption when it came to Miss Lang. “What is he going to do when she leaves for Paris?’’

    Chloe didn’t answer, she knew it was a rhetorical question, and she didn’t have the time or energy to worry about what Clark would do when his obsession moved to another continent.

    She had her interview with Dr. Baxter to occupy her, and she soon fell silent, lost in her thoughts. Soon, very soon, they would be in Metropolis and she could begin to find the answers she was seeking.

    ************************************************** *****************

    Chloe stood up angrily, “What the hell do you mean, this interview is over? I haven’t asked a single question!” Chloe knew that getting angry was not the way to get results, but she was beyond caring. “We drove 3 hours to get here, and our appointment was for 11:30am. You kept me waiting for an hour, and now your refusing to answer my questions? What exactly is going on here?”

    Chloe had been getting the run around since Lex had dropped her off, at Metropolis University. Apparently, Dr. Baxter had been less than impressed that her meeting with young Mr. Luthor was actually to be an interview done by Miss Sullivan.

    Chloe knew the meeting was not going to go well, when Dr. Baxter had swept into her office, eating a sandwich, and explaining that she could only give Chloe 10 minutes. Chloe tried to calm her rising fury, and instead, smiled politely at the older woman and asked her if there had been an emergency.

    Dr. Baxter had looked back at Chloe and her only reply was, “No.” She didn’t offer any type of excuse, and didn’t even try to hide her contempt for the teenage reporter.

    Chloe was used to people raising their hackles when her questions started hitting too close to home. However, she was not used to being disliked for simply being a reporter. She preferred to gain people’s animosity the old fashioned way: by asking them questions until they started crying for mercy.

    Chloe understood that Dr. Baxter was probably disappointed that she didn’t have an opportunity to talk to Lex herself and possibly get more money out of him, but it didn’t explain her ending the interview before it had even started. Chloe looked at Dr. Baxter again, and noted her defensive posture, and her white-knuckled grip on her chair. Add that together with the small fact that she avoided looking directly at Chloe and it equaled up to Dr. Baxter’s being afraid.

    Again, Chloe was at a loss, because she hadn’t had an opportunity to instill any fear, and she wasn’t immature enough to believe that her reputation at The Torch has preceded her. No, this fear was coming from another source. Her mind went over all the information that the articles offered, and she came up with only one possibility, and that was Lillian Luthor, or rather, the Luthor name. Chloe took a deep breath before she spoke, and prayed her hunch was correct.

    “Dr. Baxter, I can’t leave yet, I haven’t asked you any questions about Dr. Flint’s death, or who you suspect was behind it.”

    Dr. Baxter looked surprised and answered her with, “You must not have researched thoroughly enough, Miss Sullivan, the murderer was caught and put away.”

    Chloe narrowed her eyes, and tried to keep her anger in check. “My research ends with the ALLEGED murderer being placed in your facility, where she disappeared 12 yrs ago. Care to explain that?”

    Dr. Baxter’s face paled, and she pointed her finger at Chloe. “I know exactly who you are, and don’t think your coming here will help your mother. I did my best to treat her, but she was too far gone.”

    Dr. Baxter sat back down in her chair, and her complexion was decidedly green. She looked sick and badly frightened, as if she had said too much. Chloe took advantage of her weakness to keep questioning her. “Do you know where my mother is? After all, you were in charge of keeping her safely under lock and key. How do you explain her absence?”

    Dr. Baxter drew back as if slapped “Claire Sullivan was an unstable woman, who I deemed to be more of a danger to herself, than others. I reported that to the court, and she was released. Why she didn’t return to her family is not my concern. I did my best as her psychiatrist.”

    Dr. Baxter drew a shaky hand through her graying hair, and spoke in a resigned voce. “Now please leave, Miss Sullivan. I do not have the answers to why your mother left, or where she is now.”

    Chloe was now beyond furious. None of what Dr. Baxter had said was ever reported in the papers, and Chloe could guess why. Somehow, her mother got involved in a cover-up regarding Dr. Flint’s death, and it was too much of a coincidence that the Luthors were involved. She wanted Dr. Baxter to know that she hadn’t even begun to convince Chloe about her mother’s guilt.

    Chloe gathered her bag up, and paused at the door. “I would be careful Dr. Baxter. There are few people who live to tell about a successful partnership with Lionel Luthor.”

    Dr. Baxter’s face filled with fear, and for a moment Chloe had sympathy for her, but it was quickly replaced with anger. She swept out of the room without a word, and went to meet Lex, leaving a stunned Dr. Baxter in her wake.
    Last edited by Kit Merlot; 7th June 2009 at 20:50.

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

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  5. #35
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    Cambridgeshire, England.
    hmy: :biggrin: Woah! The plot majorly thickens!! Fantastic. More soon!!!!! :yay:

  6. #36
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    You are so the best!! Thank you so much for the update!! I can't wait til Chloe talks to Lex about her interview with Dr. Baxter!! I can't wait for your next chapter!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

  7. #37
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    24 Oct 2003
    Great update. I especially liked Chloe's thoughts during the interview with Dr. B. So, since Chloe's obviously not going to be satisfied with that for an answer, what will she do next? Update soon please!

  8. #38
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Oh the plot thickens. I can't wait to see what happens next. Good update. :clap:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #39
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    A/N: Okay, I am reposting Chapters 5-9. Many thanks to newbatgirl for being the wonderful friend and beta reader she is :biggrin:

    Chapter 5

    There was nothing duller than a meeting with his lawyer, and Lex was grateful that it was almost finished. He was now solely in charge of Luthorcorp, and he had to attend to all business matters, even the mundane ones. Because as much power as he now possessed, he still had to approve the toilet paper allotment that each plant received each month. My God, how could he stand the excitement?

    Lex stifled a yawn and hoped the other man didn’t notice, when his cell phone rang. He thanked his lucky stars, glanced at his watch, and figured that it was Chloe. He hoped that she had gotten some answers to her questions, but somehow he doubted it.

    He could remember his father's fury when he would ask Dr. Flint for an update on Lillian’s condition. Dr. Flint would just give general and rather vague responses to Lionel's genuine concern about his wife's deteriorating mental condition.

    Lex had no doubt that his father had been worried about how Lillian's severe postpartum depression would affect her, and her ability to care for Julian. However, Lex also knew that Lionel was looking out for his public image as well. If Lillian’s mental illness did not improve, Lex had no doubt that his mother would have found herself in a private asylum, located somewhere remote and far away from Metropolis.

    He grimaced slightly at the morbidity of his thoughts and checked the caller display. Yes, it was Chloe all right, and he answered the call on the second ring with his customary, "Luthor." He released a breath that he hadn't realized he had been holding, and waited. He expected to hear Chloe's cheery voice but, instead, all he heard was silence.

    Puzzled, he listened more closely. He knew that the call was from Chloe’s cell phone, and he tried to quell the panic that rose in his chest that something awful had befallen his friend. Lex was two seconds from having his secretary call the FBI, when he heard breathing. "Chloe, is that you? Is everything okay?"

    He heard the caller take a heaving breath, and clear their throat. "Lex?" He sighed in relief when he recognized Chloe’s voice, but she didn’t sound like herself. Lex made a quick decision and spoke again. "Where are you?"

    He could hear the effort that it took for Chloe to speak in a normal tone. "Still at the University. I went to get coffee, and I just....” His jaw clenched when he heard how miserable she sounded. "Don't move. I'll be there in 15 minutes."

    He clicked off the phone and clipped it to his pants pocket. First, he would find Chloe, and try to comfort her as best he could. Then, he would destroy Dr. Baxter, both professionally, and personally.

    He nodded his head, and strode purposefully out of the Luthorcorp building. One of the secretaries called out to him, "But Mr. Luthor, what about your other meetings?"

    Lex didn’t break stride as he answered. "The meetings will have to be rescheduled. I have personal business to attend to.” And with that final word, he was gone.


    It had taken Lex exactly 8 minutes to find Chloe. She was at a table in the cafeteria, and appeared to be absorbed in the afternoon edition of The Daily Planet.

    Lex approached her table slowly, unsure of the best way to announce his presence. Should he call out her name, or just sit down next to her? He paused, and tried to figure out which way would cause her the least amount of stress.

    Before he could run through his choices again, Chloe spoke. “I’m disappointed. I expected half of the Metropolis Police department to have swarmed in here to keep an eye on me. You’re losing your overprotective touch.”

    Lex smiled in relief when he heard the snarky tone to her voice. Obviously, her spunk was returning if she was able to tease him. She turned to face him fully and smiled back at him. Maybe it wasn’t one of her megawatt Chloe smiles, but it was better than her bursting into tears.

    He quickly walked up to where she was sitting, and pulled her into his arms. He was glad that she hadn’t flinched when he touched her, because he needed to make sure that she wasn’t physically harmed in anyway. He pulled Chloe closer to him, and was rewarded when she relaxed against him, and buried her head into his chest. She apparently needed comfort as much as he needed to give it.

    The pair stayed there like that, with their arms wrapped around each other for what seemed like hours, but was in reality minutes. Finally, Chloe spoke. “I’m glad that you’re here.” Lex couldn’t quite hear her, because his shirt muffled her voice, but he got the gist of what she said.

    “Do you want to tell me what happened?’ Lex could feel Chloe tense, and he instinctively tightened his hold on her. She knew that she would have to relate what happened sooner or later, so she reluctantly pulled away from Lex’s arms and looked up at him. “This is a very long story. Are you sure you have the time?”

    Lex grinned at her. “For you? I’ve got all the time in the world.”

    Chloe led him back to her table, got both of them two extra large coffees and began to relate the story of finding the articles on her mom, her arrest for murder, going to the private facility and subsequent release from the same facility.

    At that point, Lex interrupted her. “But Chloe, that doesn’t sound plausible. A judge would never release a patient who was deemed dangerous, even if it was only to herself. You didn’t find any court documents proving Dr. Baxter’s claim that your mom was released?”

    Chloe shook her head. “The only court documents I found pertained to my mom being institutionalized. There was nothing about her being only a threat to herself, and even if that were true, would a judge just release her so she could hurt herself? No, something is definitely not right about this whole set up.”

    Lex nodded in agreement. “I have a feeling that Dr. Baxter knows more than she is saying.” Lex then paused, unsure of how much to reveal of his mother’s mental problems. “Chloe, are you aware that my mother was also a patient of Dr. Flint?”

    Chloe looked relieved that Lex mentioned it. “I’ve been trying to think up a subtle way of asking about you mom. I know this is a difficult subject for you, but it seems too coincidental that both of our mothers had Dr. Flint as a psychiatrist. I’m just not sure how it all fits together.”

    Lex looked thoughtful as he considered his words. He knew very little about his mother’s treatment, but he could remember his father always seemed to hover around him and Julian whenever Lillian would come back from her appointments.

    It was almost as if Lionel was afraid to leave his wife alone with their children. Lex shook his in disgust at where his mind was going. The last thing Chloe needed was more proof, though intangible, as it was, that her mom had planned to hurt her that night. Yet, Lex couldn’t quite shake the feeling that their two mothers' fates were somehow related.

    He stood up and extended his had to Chloe. “It’s time we were headed back to Smallville, don’t you think?”

    Chloe placed her hand in his, and allowed herself to be pulled up. Neither chose to comment on the fact that he didn’t let go of her hand. “Always have to be the practical one, don’t you!”

    Lex tried to remain stern, but ruined the effect when his lips started to twitch. “Sullivan, somebody has to keep you in line.”

    Chloe tried to look indignant, but she burst out with a laugh. “Luthor, are you sure you’re the man for the job?” And with that, Chloe pulled her hand out of his grasp, and ran for his car, leaving a startled Lex to contemplate her words.

    Chapter 6

    When Lex dropped Chloe off at her house, he felt how angered and frustrated she was, and how hard she tried to hide it. He wished he could do more to help, when he was struck by an idea. He had a file cabinet full of papers, old calendars, and discarded notes from when his mother was alive.

    Perhaps one of those documents could shed some light on Dr. Flint and his medical practice. His father packed them up when Lillian died, and Lex had never had the heart to look at them. It was time to change that. He decided to keep his search to himself because he couldn’t bear for Chloe to be disappointed again.

    He shook his head at his own sentimentality and realized that Chloe was talking to him. She recognized his blank look, and rolled her eyes at him. She repeated that she knew that her dad would be waiting dinner for her, and did Lex want to stay? He declined, and told Chloe he knew that Gabe would want to question her alone. Besides, he knew that Gabe grew concerned when he and Chloe spent too much time together.

    Gabe never voiced any disapproval of Lex and Chloe’s friendship, but he didn’t wholeheartedly embrace it either. Chloe tried never to give her dad any reason to distrust her relationship with Lex. They were friends, nothing more. She knew it and Lex knew it, but everyone around them seemed to need convincing every once in a while.

    Chloe was very grateful that Lana was working at The Talon, so she and her dad could talk freely. She told him about Dr. Baxter’s evasiveness, and her claim that Claire was released from her facility and back into society with the court’s permission.

    Gabe’s reaction was identical to Lex and Chloe’s, with the addition of some very colorful expletives. Chloe then explained how Lillian Luthor had also been a patient of Dr. Flint’s at the time of Julian’s death.

    At this news, Gabe became very still. Chloe noticed his rigid posture, and reassured her dad that they were in no danger of any repercussions. Lionel was in jail with his bank accounts were frozen. Lex was in charge of Luthor Corp., and they were still under his protection.

    Gabe knew that Lionel was not a threat from jail, but he still had contacts. He knew that Lex was looking out for them, and it alleviated some worry, but now he had to concern himself with exactly WHY Lex was protecting them. He hadn’t missed the closeness between his daughter and his boss. He just didn’t want to contemplate how deep their bond went.

    For her part, Chloe didn’t want her father worried, but she wanted to keep him apprised of events. All he could do was make her promise to be careful, and do not do anything foolish.

    After dinner, Chloe was looking forward to an early night; she was physically and emotionally drained. She was just heading to her room when the doorbell rang. She went to the door, and was surprised to see Clark Kent standing there with a load of books in his arms. Her curiosity peeked, she opened the door and let him in.

    “Hey Clark, you do know that Lana’s working at The Talon tonight, right?”

    Clark nodded and had the good grace to look ashamed. “I’m actually here to see you. I’ve got your homework assignments.” Chloe thanked him, and wondered to herself why Lana didn’t just bring them home with her.

    Clark answered the unspoken question. “Lana was going to bring them, but I told her I would. I kind of wanted to talk to you.”

    Chloe waited for him to speak, but she was mentally prepared to tell him off. The last thing she needed right now was for Clark to ask her to help him research something. She sighed and looked at Clark and was shocked by what she saw. Her friend looked gravely serious, and appeared to be in deep contemplation of what he was going to say next.

    “Chloe, I know you’re working on some mysterious assignment, and you probably don’t want to talk about it. I just want you to know that if you need any help, I’m here for you.”

    Chloe’s eyes widened in disbelief, and then she laughed, amazed at her friend’s unexpected generosity. Clark smiled at her shocked expression, secretly pleased that he had surprised her. He hugged her, and was out the door in a matter of moments.

    Chloe stared at the door for a minute, and wondered if she had dreamed that her normally sanctimonious friend had actually matured. She shook her head in amusement, and started walking towards the stairs when the phone rang.

    She stopped and waited. “Chloe! Phone!” Chloe barely resisted the urge to stomp her feet in frustration. ‘Christ, what does a girl have to do to get some sleep around here?’

    Chloe took a deep breath, and mustered the nicest tone she could. “Hello?”

    “Hey, Chloe, I’m glad I caught you. You weren’t sleeping yet were you?” At the sound of Lex’s voice, all of her fatigue vanished.

    “No way! You know that I’m a total night owl. What’s up?” She could hear Lex shuffling papers around, and she figured he was looking for something.

    He started to talk with little preamble. “Chloe, I have some news for you. I found some of my mother’s old papers, and some of them are about Dr. Flint, and her sessions with him. You have to read them”

    Chloe could here the excitement in Lex’s voice, and she didn’t even pause. “When?”

    Lex chuckled at Chloe’s tone. She would have been at the mansion in 10 minutes flat if he’d asked her. “Can you meet me tomorrow night at 8 o’clock? I have meetings in Metropolis all day tomorrow, and then I need to finish up at the Plant. I hope that’s okay.”

    Chloe would have met Lex at 4 am if he would have asked. “8 o’clock it is.” They said their good nights, each knowing that the other wouldn’t have any peace until they met again.


    The next day at school seemed to drag for Chloe, more so than usual. She stared so hard at her watch she practically bored a whole though her wrist. She managed to get through her classes, and escape to The Torch, but that didn’t even offer the relief that it usually did.

    Her mind wandered towards Lex and what information he had uncovered. She looked at the clock and nearly cried in relief. It was 6 o’clock and she could head home for dinner, and then it would be that much closer to 8 o’clock.

    Finally, after what seemed like hours of torture, it was 7:45pm. Her dad wished her good luck, and told her to be careful. Chloe grabbed her keys, and her bag, and headed for her car. She arrived at the plant with minutes to spare. She noticed that the lot was partially filled because the plant’s second shift was run with a skeleton crew.

    Chloe got out of her car, to stretch her legs, and walk off some of her nervous energy. She began to make a circuit of the lot, counting off the cars as she walked. She noted 3 cars, 1 SUV’s and 5 pick-up trucks.

    As Chloe walked, another SUV pulled up. ‘Okay, make that 2 SUV’s.’ she thought wryly. Chloe was on her third go around, when she saw movement in the corner of her eye.

    Too late, she had failed to notice that one SUV she had passed had their back door partially open. Hands grabbed her roughly, and tried to lift her off the ground. Chloe twisted out of their grasp, throwing her and her two assailants onto the pavement.

    Lex walked out of the plant, already checking for where Chloe was parked. He saw her car immediately, but did not see her. He headed for her car, and when he passed the first truck, the sight before him caused his skin to grow cold.

    Two men stood over a third, smaller figure that Lex immediately recognized as Chloe. She was being lifted up, and about to be placed into an open van. Lex didn’t remember if he called out to the men to stop, or when he began to run towards them.

    The men heard him, dropped Chloe back onto the ground, leaped into their SUV, and sped away before Lex had even gotten to Chloe’s prone body. He reached her, and was sickened to see Chloe’s hair, drenched in her own blood.

    He grabbed his cell phone, and dialed 911. He soothed Chloe’s hair off her face, careful of her head wound. He grasped her hand, and brought it up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on her palm.

    He began to whisper to her, telling her to hold on, that help was coming. Internally, he raged at himself, he knew what had happened to his mother, and what had almost happened to Chloe’s mom. And now Chloe was lying unconscious in a parking lot after trying to investigate Dr. Baxter.

    People had a nasty habit of getting hurt or worse when they tried to find out about Dr. Baxter. Lex cursed himself for not placing better security measures around the plant.

    He was going to find the men responsible for hurting Chloe, and then he would turn his attention towards Dr. Baxter. She and Flint got away with destroying too many people’s lives. Now, Chloe was injured. It was going to stop there. He would make sure of it.

    Chapter 7

    Gabe Sullivan pushed through the doors of The Smallville Medical Center, and headed straight for the Emergency Room. The nurse recognized him immediately, and waved him to Chloe’s cubicle. He closed his eyes briefly, and tried to squelch the fear that had become almost second nature to him since he and Chloe had moved to Smallville.

    No matter how many calls he received, his heart still nearly stopped. He should have been immune to the fear that possessed him whenever he was told that Chloe had landed in the Emergency Room again. He loved his daughter, but one day, she was going to be the death of him.

    He grasped the privacy curtain and called out softly, “Sparrow, it’s Dad. I’m coming in.” He didn’t hear Chloe respond so he tentatively pulled the curtain aside. He blew out a sigh of relief when he saw his baby girl sitting on the hospital bed with a bandage on her forehead.

    She looked pale and her shirt was stained with her blood, but she appeared to be okay. When Chloe spied her dad, she smiled and said, “Hi Dad. Fancy meeting you here.”

    He rolled his eyes at her behavior, and asked instead, “How are you, and what the hell happened?”

    Chloe’s expression dimmed slightly, “I’m okay, and I was almost kidnapped.”

    Gabe’s felt his knees start to buckle. “What do you mean, ‘almost’ kidnapped?”

    Chloe grabbed her dad’s hand. “Dad, sit down and let me tell you what happened. I was waiting for Lex at the plant when two guys tried to grab me and throw me into their van. Lex stopped them, and I got dropped on my head. Hence, ‘almost’ kidnapped.”

    Gabe winced at his daughter. “You were dropped on your head? Do you have a concussion?”

    Chloe quickly shook her head, and immediately wished she hadn’t. “No concussion, just a fierce headache. The doctor’s getting ready to release me.”

    Gabe nodded, and glanced around the waiting room. “Where’s Lex? I mean, shouldn’t he be here, barking orders at the staff?”

    Chloe looked slightly crestfallen as she answered. “He had some phone calls to make. He said he would see me back home.”

    Gabe saw Chloe’s pained expression, and he rushed to reassure her. “Then you’ll see him at home. After all, Lex has always kept his promises to you, hasn’t he?”

    Chloe smiled softly, but she didn’t reply. Lex did keep his promises, especially to her. He would be astonished to hear that Chloe was losing faith in him.

    Gabe smiled gently at her and asked instead, “So what exactly is Lex planning on doing to these would-be kidnappers?”


    When Gabe pulled into the driveway, neither Sullivan was surprised to see Lex’s car already parked there. Gabe got out of the car, and walked around to Chloe’s side to help her out.

    Chloe smiled gratefully at her father when he put his arm around her to help her up the steps. Neither noticed that Lex had opened the door when he saw them pull into the driveway.

    Lex surprised himself and them when he yelled, “I expected you back 20 minutes ago. Did you get lost coming home?”

    Both Gabe and Chloe stepped back in shock at the irate expression on the billionaire’s face. Lex frowned when he realized just how out of control his outburst was.

    He sighed, and ducked his head in embarrassment. “Gabe, Chloe, I’m sorry for shouting. I was just anxious for Chloe to come home. I have some news for her. But that doesn’t excuse my behavior.”

    He looked apologetically at the father and daughter and ended his speech with a quiet, “I’m sorry.”

    One look at Lex’s contrite expression was enough for Chloe. She walked up to him, and grabbed him by the shirtfront. “Now, how am I supposed to thank you for saving my life, when you’re hollering at me?” Lex looked startled then started laughing, grateful that she had forgiven him so quickly.

    They both looked at Gabe who had a thoughtful look on his face. “Lex, you saved my daughter’s life. There are no words to express my gratitude.” And with that, Gabe crossed the room and engulfed the couple in a hug.

    After a minute, Chloe finally broke the silence. “Dad? Kind of need to breathe now.” Gabe released them both, and wiped his eyes. “You two go into the living room. I’ll be out with some coffee.”

    Lex turned to Chloe, and silently held up a manila folder. Lillian’s journals. In all the excitement, Chloe had almost forgotten about them, and she was glad to see that Lex hadn’t. These files could contain some evidence proving Flint’s misdeeds that could also lead to Baxter being implicated.

    Lex led Chloe into the living room and handed her the folder. Chloe appreciated Lex’s sacrifice of not only his privacy, but his mother’s. Yet, Lex had no qualms about giving Chloe his mother’s personal journals. The fact that he trusted her so implicitly was a welcome change to being mistrusted at first glance because she was a reporter. Chloe picked up the journal and she began to flip through it.

    ‘Tuesday evening, July 6th - Dr. Flint told me to write all my thoughts down in this book, that it might help me understand my feelings regarding….it. I know that Lionel wants me to be more attentive, but I can’t. It’s ruining everything. I know Alexander was excited, but now he looks worried. Another person I’ve disappointed.’

    ‘Friday, afternoon, July 16th - The vitamins are rather foul-tasting but Dr. Flint has assured me that they will help me have more vitality and patience with it. I know Lionel would like to have a ‘more functioning family unit’ but I am having trouble sleeping. My dreams are dark.

    ‘Monday, morning, July 26th - The noise in the penthouse is overwhelming. Everyone seems to be pounding their feet while they walk. Why is everyone shouting? It is loudest of all.’

    ‘Sunday, night, August 8th- Alexander is truly a godsend. He hates it when I say this but he is his mommy’s angel. I worry for him. He is more sensitive than his father realizes. He watches over us, but he takes too much to heart. He is its only protector.’

    ‘Thursday morning, August 19th- - Dr. Flint has increased the number of vitamins I take to help improve my strength. But all the pills seem to do is make me sleepy. Yesterday, I slept from 8pm to 6am. I must have needed it, but it kept crying, and Lionel is going to talk to the Dr. about reducing my dose.’

    Saturday, September 25th. - It cried again, but it always cries. Alexander picked it up and I tripped him. Lionel shouted but I turned him off. Redness colors everywhere. I can’t seem to find my dolly. The light hurts my eyes; I didn’t know the moon was so bright.’

    Chloe looked at the rest of the journals in confusion. “Lex, these entries don’t make any sense. I don’t think I understand.”

    Lex’s expression had been grim throughout Chloe’s silent reading and now he spoke up. “Chloe, these don’t make any sense because my mother was drugged. The pills she was taking weren’t vitamins; they were an experimental new drug that Flint was trying to get FDA approval for.”

    Chloe was stunned. “Doesn’t a patient have to give his or her permission to be given an untested drug? Your mother seems to have believed she was taking vitamins! And how do you know for sure she was drugged?”

    Lex looked sickened at what he was about to reveal. “I’ve had Flint and Baxter investigated so many times over the years, that I know every research grant they have ever received. At the time of my mother’s death, my father gave Flint permission to use my mother has a guinea pig for his new drug. He eventually got FDA approval, but just barely. Mysteriously, Luthorcorp helped finance several of the empanelled doctors’ research efforts. And Flint was on the receiving end of several of those benefits.”

    Chloe swallowed hard, and tried not to look too horrified. “Are you saying that your father paid Flint off to drug your mother?”

    Lex sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “It certainly looks that way doesn’t, it? I always knew my father was ruthless, but I thought he genuinely loved Mom and Julian. Looks like I was wrong.”

    Lex turned away when he said this, and tried to cover his hurt and anger. Chloe saw the pain in his eyes, and without a word, she embraced him. Resting her head on his shoulder, she silently patted Lex’s back, seeking to give him the comfort he needed.

    Lex placed a kiss on her hair, pulled her closer to him, and he rested his chin on top of her head. The pair stayed that way, each taking comfort from the other’s presence.

    Chapter 8

    Chloe left Lex in the living room with the excuse that her dad might need her help in the kitchen. In truth, she wanted to give Lex an opportunity to collect himself. She knew that he would feel awkward about his emotions getting the better of him.

    Gabe glanced up as she walked into the room. "I’m glad you’re here. The coffee's almost ready, and Mrs. Kent dropped off your favorite pie today. Do you want a piece?"

    Chloe smiled at her dad's question. Since when did she turn down a slice of homemade pecan pie? Especially if it was homemade by Martha Kent, whose personal mission statement was, "Cake out of a box? Are you nuts?!"

    But she decided to humor him, and answered anyway. "Do I want a piece of pie? Is a bear Catholic? Does the Pope..."

    Gabe interrupted Chloe before she could complete her joke. "Chloe Kathleen Sullivan, there will be none of that. All of those hours of religious education, and for what? Jokes about the Pope! You’re lucky your grandmother's not here!"

    Chloe opened her mouth to defend herself, when a smooth voice intervened. "I hate to interrupt a touching family moment, but what does a man have to do to get coffee around this joint?"

    Both Sullivan’s turned to see Lex, leaning against the kitchen wall with an amused expression on his face. Chloe knew that if she stepped closer to him, she would see the pain that he was trying to hide, so instead, she grinned cheekily. "Lex, you're just in time for Mrs. Kent's famous pecan pie. Grab a seat."

    Lex crossed the room and sat at the kitchen table, grateful for Chloe's not asking if he was okay. He appreciated her concern, but he needed to stay focused on the problem at hand, namely linking Flint and Baxter to the tragedies of their mothers’ lives. That was the one thing that could truly bring him any peace.

    After the coffee was poured, and the pie sliced, the trio lapsed into silence, each occupied with their own thoughts. Finally, Chloe broke the silence. "Dad, I know I've already asked you this, but could you tell me again about the pills Mom was taking?"

    Gabe looked thoughtful for a minute. “Dr. Flint prescribed anti-depressives for your mom that he helped design at his research lab at Met U. She had to sign a release form, promising not to sue if any medical problems arose from taking the drug. And just for the record, she made that decision of her own free will. And, like I told you before, the pills had been stabilizing her moods. But then….”

    Gabe trailed off, and looked mystified. Chloe turned to Lex, not sure how to ask her next question, but Lex seemed to be able to read her mind. “I may have been 11 at the time, but I remember times when my mom was herself, the way she’d been before Julian was born. But the majority of the time, she was crying, and muttering to herself. Julian’s birth was not the joyous event that my father had planned.”

    Lex tried to keep the bitterness out of his voice, but he was none too successful. Julian’s death, and his mother’s declining health were all the product of his father’s selfish desires. Lex clenched his jaw, and reminded himself for about the thousandth time, that his father was in jail, and paying for his crimes. But sometimes, that didn’t seem enough.

    Chloe placed her hand over Lex’s to comfort him. She could imagine how painful this must be for him, but she could sense that he was holding something back. She didn’t want to push him, but he clearly had something on his mind.

    Lex turned his palm over and grasped Chloe’s hand. He knew that it was time to reveal the secret that had been weighing on him since Julian’s death. He had no doubt that he could trust both Sullivan’s’, but the need to protect his mother was still foremost in his thoughts.

    He thought for a moment, and came to a swift conclusion. He squeezed Chloe’s hand gently and looked directly at her. “Chloe, Gabe, what I am about to tell you can’t leave this room. Please promise me that you will keep what I’m about to tell you to yourselves.”

    Both father and daughter nodded their heads. Lex took a deep breath and spoke. “Chloe, I know that you were only 5 at the time, but do you remember when my brother died?”

    Chloe looked worried, and shook her head. “I only remember my mother crying over the news story. She kept saying that it was a tragedy for the poor mother. Dad?”

    Gabe nodded in agreement. “Yes, Claire was deeply affected by reading about Julian’s death. And yes, it was in all the major papers. There isn’t a person in Metropolis who didn’t know of Julian Luthor’s death.”

    Lex smiled without humor. “Unfortunately, the story becomes even more tragic because Julian did not die from SIDS. My mother smothered him with a pillow.”

    There was a horrified silence as Chloe and Gabe looked at Lex warily. Gabe was the first one to speak. “Lex, how can you be sure? The coroner at the inquest would have noticed any sign of foul play.”

    Lex replied bleakly, “Ordinarily that would be true, but there wasn’t an inquest. The Luthor family physician examined Julian’s body, and signed the death certificate. After that, he was cremated.”

    He paused for a second, steeling himself for what he had to say next. “Besides, I watched my mother lift the pillow off of my brother’s face when she was sure he had stopped crying.”

    Gabe’s face paled in shock at what he just heard. He would never have imagined that Lex’s childhood had been this terrifying. Gabe opened his mouth to offer Lex some words of sympathy, but he found he was speechless.

    What could he say to a man who had seen the ugliness that Lex had? Instead, he just stared at his boss, amazed that Lex had turned out as well as he had.

    Chloe was as equally stunned as her dad, and equally overwhelmed as to what to say to him. Lex had witnessed his mom killing his brother and he kept it to himself. She knew without asking that he had no one to share the burden with.

    She suddenly understood why he had been such a wild teenager. He probably took whatever solace he could, and in any form he could. Anything to dull the pain of the terrible secret he kept.

    Lex must have felt that Chloe and Gabe’s silence meant a form of condemnation against his mother. He blurted out, “You have to understand that it was those damn pills that Flint gave her. They made her even worse. Before, she would be momentarily sad, but then she would be laughing and smiling again.”

    Once he began talking, he couldn’t seem to stop. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat, to no avail. “My mom would always read to me, and she was never too tired to listen to my plans. Then Julian was born, and she seemed to cry all the time. But she was getting stronger. It was my father’s idea for her to see Flint. And, then things got worse.”

    Lex realized that he had started to raise his voice in his agitation, and he lowered it, trying to gain control over his emotions. “I blame Julian’s death on my father and on Flint. My father allowed my mother to be little more than a guinea pig, and Flint drugged her till she was hallucinating. They are responsible for Julian’s death. My mother was as much a victim as Julian.”

    “I don’t think anyone would doubt that, Lex,” Gabe said calmly. “Flint may have been guilty of negligence in your mother’s case, but that doesn’t explain Claire’s reaction to the drug. I just don’t see the connection.”

    Chloe looked pensive for a moment, and then replied. “We may not be able to see how they’re linked, but I know it’s there. You didn’t see the fear in Baxter’s face when I mentioned Lionel Luthor’s name. There is more to this then we’re seeing.”

    Lex leaned forward on the table, looking intently at Chloe. “The question remains how far are you willing to go to find the answers out?”

    Chloe didn’t hesitate in her response, her eyes never leaving Lex’s face. “As far as I have to.”

    Lex smiled in response, and offered a silent prayer to whomever would listen, thanking them for Chloe. He couldn’t have asked for a better partner in crime, or a closer friend.

    Gabe’s expression tightened, and looked back and forth between his boss and daughter. “Exactly what are you proposing, Lex?”

    Lex paused, unsure of how to begin. “We’ve already gone through the official route. Chloe made an appointment at Baxter’s office, but Baxter was not forthcoming with any information. I think it might be time for something more extreme, something more along the lines of unofficial channels.”

    Before either could question what exactly ‘unofficial channels’ meant, the front door opened, and a familiar voice called out, “I’m home! Chloe, where are you?”

    Chloe blew out an irritated breath, and waited for the inevitable. Lana raced into the kitchen, followed closely by Clark. Both teens rushed over to Chloe and embraced her. Lana started crying, “I’m so glad that you’re okay. I don’t know what I would have done if something terrible happened to you! You’re the only family I have left!”

    Gabe kept his expression neutral, but Lana’s dramatics were beginning to wear thin. He would have gladly have pointed out that Lana still had an aunt and a biological father who could be considered family, but thought better of it. The truth would just confuse her more that she already was.

    Clark didn’t say a word. He hugged Chloe, and sat down near Lex. But Lex could see that his friend was worried, and he prepared himself for the interrogation when Lana left the room.

    Chloe smiled at both of her friends. “See guys, I’m fine, and I’m not going anywhere.” She wanted to continue strategizing with Lex, but she couldn’t be blatantly rude. And in her heart, she knew Lana meant well. She just didn’t always know how to express herself.

    Lana looked relieved at the news. She didn’t think she could handle being abandoned by another person she loved. She opened her mouth to tell Chloe her fear, when Gabe interrupted. “Lana, Chloe’s had a rough day. How about we let her get some rest, okay?”

    Lana agreed, and stood up to leave, expecting Clark to stand as well. She furrowed her brow in confusion when Clark not only remained sitting, but his eyes were pinned on Chloe. She paused, unsure of what was happening.

    Clark finally looked up and saw Lana standing. He leapt to his feet, and spoke rapidly. “Lana, I have to talk to Lex and Chloe for a minute. I’ll see you in school, okay?”

    Lana couldn’t hide her surprised expression. “But, Clark I…”

    But Clark had already resumed his seat next to Chloe, and he didn’t seem to hear her question. She silently left the room, a hurt and confused look on her face.

    Gabe watched her leave the room, and knew that Clark was in for the guilt trip of his life. He shook his head, and went over to give Chloe a kiss. “Don’t stay up to late, Sparrow. You still need your rest.”

    He then turned to Lex and shook his hand. “Lex, I’ll see you at the plant. I know you’re my boss, but I don’t want you keeping my daughter awake until all hours, you hear?”

    Finally, he nodded to Clark. “The same goes for you. Or I’ll tell your mother.”

    All three smiled at Gabe’s little joke and told him good night. Before Clark could start, Lex turned to him and said, “Chloe has been through a very traumatic experience. Do you think we could put off the third degree until tomorrow?

    Clark looked at both of his friends a minute before he spoke. “Guys, whatever you’re planning, I want in.”

    Chapter 9

    Chloe stared in shock at Clark, and wondered if she had heard him right. Did Clark just offer to help them commit a crime? It was true that Lex hadn’t actually spelled it out, but Chloe could see where he was going with his reference to “unofficial channels.”

    It was a euphemism, and even Clark would have to know what that meant. And Smallville’s Farm boy was willing to ride shotgun. Yet, Chloe still wanted to make sure he knew what he was getting into.

    “’IN?’ Clark, what the hell are you talking about?”

    Clark ignored Chloe’s outburst, and kept his eyes focused on Lex. “I want to help you get the people responsible for hurting Chloe. I know that’s what you were discussing before Lana and I arrived. I think you could use my help.”

    Chloe rolled her eyes, irritated that she was being excluded from the conversation. “Two things: first, I am in the room, so don’t talk about me as though I’m not here. And second, what makes you think we need any help?”

    Clark’s eyes moved to Chloe’s. “So, you are going after whoever hurt you.”

    Chloe opened her mouth to deny it, when Lex interrupted. “Why do you want to help us?” He could see that Chloe was dangerously close to telling their mutual friend where he could stick his suggestion, but Lex didn’t see the problem with accepting his offer.

    Clark had saved them both from certain death on more than one occasion. He was a trustworthy friend, who could be counted on in a crisis. True, he had a moral code that was usually inflexible, but only when Clark deemed it to be. This must be one of those more flexible times. Lex paused, and waited for Clark’s answer.

    Clark took a deep breath before he answered. “I offered to help because I don’t want any of my friends getting hurt.” Clark then turned to look at Chloe. “I told you I’d help you if you needed it, and I think you need it.”

    Chloe bristled at Clark’s implication, when he surprised her yet again. “Chloe, I’m not implying that you and Lex can’t handle whatever you’re planning, but I think I should come along as back up.”

    Lex nodded his head at Clark’s offer, and looked at Chloe for her reaction. “Chloe, I think this is a good idea. Clark’s always helped us in the past, and we can always use more muscle.”

    Chloe still looked worried, unsure of how much Clark needed to be told. She was also confused, considering that she didn’t even know what Lex was planning. But, Clark surprised her for the third time that night. “Guys, the only thing I want is to keep either of you from any serious injury. Just tell me what you’re planning; that’s all I need to know.”

    Lex and Chloe exchanged glances, glad that their friend did not need chapter and verse on what had transpired. They gave Clark a brief review of Drs Flint and Baxter and their search for evidence against them. Clark nodded his head in understanding, and asked where they were going to look for this evidence.

    Lex explained that they needed to find Flint and Baxter’s patient files from twelve years ago. He was convinced that if they could find out what had transpired between Claire and Baxter while she was under her care, that it would help shed light on Flint’s murder.

    Lex didn’t say it, but Chloe knew he wanted to finally put his mom and Julian’s ghost to rest. Claire and Lillian both suffered under Flint’s care, and Baxter held the answers to why. They just needed to get her to tell them what she knew.

    Chloe pointed out that the records would probably be at the facility Baxter had taken her mom to. All they would need is to locate the facility and find the records. Before Chloe had finished speaking, Lex had taken out his phone and dialed his assistant, giving her the information he needed researched. He ended the call, and told Clark and Chloe that they would have the location by the morning.

    Lex and Clark said goodnight to Chloe, with promises from Lex to let her know what was the next step in their plan. She somehow knew that it wouldn’t involve them going to the front door and politely asking for the records. She just hoped Lex wouldn’t call in his own personal Delta Force.

    True to his word, Lex called Chloe at 6:30am. He kept his comments brief and to the point. The facility was located in a rather seedy section of Metropolis. The three of them would meet at Chloe’s house at sunset and go to the facility. Lex would get them inside the building, and they could poke around, and hopefully uncover enough dirt to bury Baxter.

    Lex would tell Clark of the plan, and it would be up to Chloe how much of the nights’ activities to tell her dad. She decided to tell him everything; she didn’t want any secrets separating them anymore. Gabe, to his credit, didn’t ask how they were getting inside the facility. He just hoped that Claire’s records would still be there.

    Chloe couldn’t explain it, but she felt a sense of excitement building in her stomach that told her they were on the right track. She often had that feeling right before a break in a story would happen. It was strictly intuitive, but it had never let her down before. Chloe just felt that soon they would have the answers to her mom’s disappearance.


    Chloe, Lex, and Clark stared at the building in front of them. Chloe turned to Lex and asked him incredulously, “THIS is Baxter’s facility?! It’s a dump!”

    Clark nodded his head in agreement. “I was kind of expecting something a little more grand than a warehouse. How did Dr. Baxter care for patients in a place like this?”

    The warehouse was not in the best of shape. Trash was everywhere, and there did not appear to be any working lights. It looked as if a person hadn’t stepped inside of it for at least ten years.

    When Lex had been told the location of the facility, he had been surprised. The location was one of Metropolis’ worst slums. But, he decided to reserve judgment till he saw the place. Once he saw that it was nothing more than a warehouse, he let his mind wander.

    Lex could hazard a guess as to what this building actually was, but he didn’t want to upset Chloe without proof. But one look at Chloe’s face showed him that she was already on her way to guessing what he suspected.

    “Baxter never had a facility,” Chloe said slowly. “This was always a warehouse, storing God knows what.” Chloe closed her eyes, stunned by how easily Baxter had duped the courts. Who knows what happened to her mother after being released into Baxter’s care? And more importantly, who knew if her mother was actually even still alive?

    No, she wouldn’t allow thoughts like that to enter her brain. They would find out what happened to her mother, and bring Baxter to justice. She was positive, and now all they had to do was prove it. Chloe turned to her friends, and asked, “Ready to do some crimes?”

    Neither man smiled, but Chloe could see the beginnings of a smirk forming on Lex’s lips. He pulled out a key card from his jacket, and walked towards the door. He ran it through the scanner, and heard the lock click.

    Lex reached out and clasped Chloe’s hand in his, and smiled to reassure her. Clark pulled the door open, and waited for Lex and Chloe to stand beside him. The three friends took a deep breath, and walked into the warehouse.
    Last edited by Kit Merlot; 7th June 2009 at 20:58.

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  10. #40
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    19 Jan 2004
    West of Gotham
    :blush: Awww, you're sweet. Glad you reposted!

    Now, about that next chapter...

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