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Thread: Sanguis quid Ligurat (NC17)

  1. #3701
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Sanguis quid Ligurat (UPDATED 30/11-Ch133) Rating: NC17

    more please write more i really can't wait for the next update i hope it will be soon.

  2. #3702
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Sanguis quid Ligurat (UPDATED 30/11-Ch133) Rating: NC17

    Apologies, work and illness kept me from posting...... ... Ok on with the smut, I mean story Fiona

    Chapter Hundred and Thirty Four – The After Party and Mating Night

    Three hours later and Chloe still hadn’t spent more than five minutes in Lex’s company. After the applause following Lionel’s announcement Chloe and Lex found themselves dragged in opposite directions. Congratulations, dancing and various other forces conspired to keep them apart. The separation was driving them both crazy. Lex wanted nothing more than to take his mate to their bed and fuck her into exhaustion, and Chloe wanted nothing more than to let him.

    “Chloe you two keep staring at each other like that and you’ll both either spontaneously combust or go for it in the middle of the floor,” said Elena with a grin.

    “Oh god Elena,” groaned Chloe, “without putting too fine a point on it, I am so horny,” she finished in a harsh whisper. “And if it wasn’t for the fact that my dad is still around… well let’s jut say everyone in the room would be getting a live x-rated show.”

    “It’s to be expected,” said Elena,” Lex’s demon is calling to you, you can feel it because of Lex’s blood and you’re ready to answer. Don’t worry Bella, your dad and Byron will be leaving in about fifteen minutes and then you and Lex can *slip* away, or put on your show,” she added with an evil grin. “Now let’s snag some more of that delicious and sinfully expensive champagne.”

    With another groan Chloe allowed herself to be dragged over to where the drinks were being served.


    “Go for it Lex,” grinned Lucas, “go on, just go over there and take her.”

    “Don’t listen to him Lex,” said Karl, “he bet me that you wouldn’t be able to control yourself and I said you would, so just hold out for about twenty more minutes.”

    “As much as I want you to win your bet Karl, I don’t know if I can last twenty more minutes,” said Lex, his eyes on Chloe.

    “Her dad and Byron will be leaving soon and then she is all yours,” grinned Karl, “in every sense.”

    “Karl, would you mind getting Lex and I another drink,” said Lucas.

    Karl glanced between the brothers and smiled. “No problem Lucas, “ and with that he walked off.

    “What are you up too?” asked Lex, eyeing his brother with suspicion.

    “Do you feel any different since the mating?” answered Lucas with a question of his own.

    “I do feel different Lucas, and as clichéd as this may sound I feel… complete,” replied Lex. “I also feel like my demon and I are finally in harmony with each other.”

    “Big sap,” muttered Lucas good-naturedly. “But seriously bro, congratulations. Man I never imagined that Chloe Sullivan was your mate. I mean, you couldn’t stand each other at the start, hell I even thought she and I may get together… and now look at her, your mate… your wife!”

    “Yes she was a rather annoying creature when I first met her,” grinned Lex, thinking back to their initial meeting. “My demon knew she was the one from the beginning, I just took a little while longer to catch up.”

    “Always the slow one Lex,” grinned Lucas, “you never saw what was in front of you.”

    “Just remember Lucas, when your turn comes around I am going to enjoy every moment of teasing you,” smirked Lex. “And I’ll have Chloe by my side helping me.”

    “I’m trembling already,” drawled Lucas.


    As much as she loved her father, Chloe was never happier to see him go. She stood at the main doors to the castle with Lex and the others and they watched Andrew drive away with Gabe and Byron to the airport, and Anna, who decided to join them, saying it had been ages since she had been in England and also it would be rude of her not to make sure that Gabe was taken care of properly.

    As the car disappeared further into the distance the crowd made their way back to the room. Chloe and Lex lingered behind and when everyone had gone into the room Lex pushed Chloe against the wall and kissed her hard. Chloe responded immediately, wrapping her arms around Lex’s neck and pulling him closer. Lex dropped his hands to her ass and squeezed her through the silk of her dress, causing her to moan into his mouth. He pulled her against him, and her moans increased as she felt how hard and ready he was.

    “Lex please don’t ravish your mate against the wall where anyone can see,” Lillian’s voice sounded behind them.

    Lex released Chloe’s mouth and they sagged against each other.

    “Just a little while longer my dears,” she continued, “and then you can disappear.”

    Lex lifted his head from Chloe’s shoulder and looked into her eyes, he bit back a groan when he saw the lust and desire in them.

    “Soon love,” he whispered.

    “It bloody better be,” growled Chloe, and then smiled at him.

    Lillian laughed to herself as she watched them.


    Lex gripped Chloe’s hand tighter as they made their way towards the door, stopping every now and then to accept more congratulations. After Lillian *disturbed* them, Lex had promised himself that they would spend no longer than thirty minutes before making their escape.

    After exactly twenty-seven minutes in the room Lex politely excused himself and taking Chloe’s hand began moving to the door.


    Lionel sidled up beside his wife, slipping an arm around her waist as they watched Chloe and Lex. “Is everything ready?” he asked.

    “Yes, hence why I’m not stopping them from leaving,” replied Lillian. “Oh it was a wonderful ceremony, I am so happy for the both of them.”

    “I have warned Lucas to stay far away from the east wing,” said Lionel.

    “Hope whatever you threatened him with works,” grinned Lillian.

    “I told him how disappointed you and I would be if he disturbed Lex and Chloe,” replied Lionel, pulling his wife closer. “I also might have mentioned that I would give Lex and Chloe Carte Blanche in whatever revenge they wanted to take out on him.”

    Lillian laughed out loud and her eyes landed on her youngest son who was currently chatting with Karl and Elena. “Very good Lionel.”

    “And there they go,” whispered Lionel, and he and Lillian watched as Lex and Chloe slipped out of them room. “Let’s dance my darling!” and he led a giggling Lillian out onto the floor.


    As soon as they had reached the stairs Lex and Chloe breathe a sigh of relief. “Now Mrs Luthor,” he grinned, his eyes flashing gold, “how quickly do you think we can get up these stairs to our bedroom?”

    “Why don’t you show me Mr Luthor,” replied Chloe huskily.

    In a flash Lex swept Chloe up and over his shoulder and ran up the flights of stairs and quickly down the corridor to the east wing, he came to a stop outside the door to their *new* bedroom.

    He set a laughing Chloe onto her feet and she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, “I hope *everything* tonight is not going to be over so quickly,” she said a moment later.

    “Minx,” growled Lex playfully and swept her into his arms again, “I believe tradition dictates I carry you over the threshold,” he said with a wink.

    “It does, and we mustn’t upset tradition,” grinned Chloe, as she leaned forward and opened the door.

    Lex pushed the door open with his foot and carried Chloe across the threshold.

    “Oh wow,” they both gasped.

    Rose petals of various colours covered the floor, couch and most of the furniture. In the centre of the room stood a huge four-poster bed, decked out in dark blue satin sheets and pillows. The room was bathed in a soft blue light; making it seem like it glowed slightly.

    Kicking the door closed, Lex slowly crossed the room and gently deposited Chloe onto the bed. He stepped back a little and smiled at her as he began undoing his shirt. Chloe licked her lips as she watched him.

    “Ever since I saw you walking towards me at the ceremony I have wanted nothing more than to make love to you,” he said, slipping the shirt off. He reached out and gently grasped her leg; pushing the dress up to her knees as he slipped off one shoe then the other.

    “I wanted nothing more than to let you,” she replied.

    “And the moment the ceremony was over I wanted us to disappear to this room,” he continued, kicking off his own shoes and socks.

    “But forces were at work to stop us,” said Chloe with a laugh, a laugh that turned into a soft moan as Lex slid his hand up her leg to her thigh.

    “No forces here,” he smirked, gently pushing her legs apart.

    Chloe sat up a little, leaning on her elbows as she looked at Lex who had settled himself between her legs. Smirking at her he placed soft kisses on her stomach through the dress and moved slowly up her body.

    “MMM,” she sighed as his mouth reached her breasts and he laved his tongue around her nipple, the material of her dress darkening with his saliva.

    “I think this qualifies as a force,” he murmured, and brushed the straps of her dress off her shoulders and pulled at the front of her dress until her breasts were bare. “Much better,” and his mouth returned to her nipple.

    “Much, *much* better,” moaned Chloe, lying back and stretching her arms over her head, as he licked and sucked one nipple then the other.

    Moving his lips up her neck Lex brought both hands up to cup her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples. He swirled his tongue over the mark on her neck, causing Chloe to move her hips against his, the scent of her arousal getting stronger.

    Moving from her neck he looked down at her, Chloe smiled at him and he dipped his head and caught her lips, which parted immediately, her tongue reaching out to his. The kiss was passionate, lips and tongues sliding against the others. Lex’s hand increased their pressure on her breasts and Chloe grinded harder against him, rubbing her dampening sex against his erection.

    Their kisses increased in ardour as Lex divested Chloe of her dress and she returned the favour by pushing off his pants, they still had the black silk ribbons around their wrists. Lex groaned as his cock bobbed against her panties.

    “This has to go,” he murmured against her lips, and slowly moved down her body again, his lips burning a path over her skin. Chloe spread her legs wide and her eyes shot open as she heard Lex laugh.

    “I like this,” he groaned, running his hand over the front of her panties, “Vamp Girl, very apt I think. Any more surprises for me love?”

    “Take them off and see,” whispered Chloe.

    Wasting no time Lex tugged at the same strings on the sided and Chloe lifted her butt and hips as Lex slid the thong off. He brought the underwear to his face and sniffed hard, inhaling her scent, before tossing the garment over his shoulder.

    He quickly returned between her legs and was greeted by the sight of Chloe’s bare sex, completely shaved and smooth.

    “You like?” she breathed.

    “Mine, all mine,” Lex growled and his eyes turned gold. He brought his hands up and gently parted the lips of her sex, her scent invading his senses, “gods Chloe,” he groaned as her glistening pink flesh called him. He ran his tongue over the flesh, savouring her taste.

    “Oh fuck,” moaned Chloe, arching slightly off the bed.

    Lex’s hands moved to her thighs and he gripped them tightly as his tongue feasted on her, swirling and curling inside her, his nose rubbing against her clit, causing her cry out his name each time it did. Lex’s demon was in rapture, when it had seen his mate’s bare sex, shaved for him it drove him crazy and her taste was intoxicating.

    Chloe was close; she could feel it building inside her. The entire ceremony had been a form of foreplay and the enforced separation from Lex after it until they managed to slip away had only increased her need for him. The feeling of his fingers digging into her thighs, his tongue deep inside her, licking and sucking only fuelled the feeling.

    “No,” she cried out as Lex pulled his mouth away.

    Grinning at her quivering sex he let his fangs descend and covered her again, sucking her clit into his mouth, gently scraping his fang against it.

    “Sweet fuck,” cried Chloe, “oh god Lex.”

    He loved that she was so vocal, and his demon purred inwardly as she babbled for more. Well if that’s what his mate wanted that’s what she would get. Releasing one of her legs he slid two fingers deep into her pussy, curling them inside her and rubbing against the sensitive walls of her sex.

    “Oh yes,” groaned Chloe, angling her hips to take his fingers deeper.

    He fucked her hard with them, fingers and tongue bringing her to the peak.

    “That’s it…that’s it,” she gasped, the pressure building. “Oh Lex,” she screamed as her orgasm hit her hard.

    Lex drank her down, mouth and fingers still working her sex, loving the feeling of her contracting pussy.

    Minutes later as she came down from her climax Chloe pushed him away. “Too much,” she gasped, breathing hard, slowly getting her body under control.

    “Only the beginning,” smirked Lex, crawling up her body.

    Through half-lidded eyes Chloe took in his vamped-out visage, his chin wet with her juices.

    “Your turn Lex.”

    He allowed her to push him onto his back. As she leaned in to kiss him, Chloe trailed her hand down his chest to his cock where it lay hard and heavy against his stomach. Lex groaned into her mouth as she ran her thumb over the head, spreading the pre-cum that leaked profusely from it.

    Chloe released his mouth and brought her hand up and slowly licked her thumb, sucking it gently.

    Lex growled and his eyes flashed.

    “MMM, tasty,” grinned Chloe. “Please sir, can I have more?” she asked coyly.

    “Fuck Chloe,” groaned Lex.

    “I’ll take that as a yes.” And she moved down between his legs. Lex watched her, shivering at the lust in her eyes and she slowly swirled her tongue around his cock. “Yes love, like that,” he gasped, as she sucked the head into her warm mouth, one hand pumping him the other rubbing and caressing his heavy balls. He could feel the necklace she still wore against his thigh, the combined sensations driving him wild.

    Chloe took him deeper, bobbing her head up and down, as Lex moved his hips in time with her.

    “CHLOE,” he cried out as she released his cock and blew over the head, “oh fuck,” he cried as she did it again.

    “Let it go Lex,” she whispered, before taking him deep in her throat again. Her hand worked between his legs and she gently circled his anus.

    Lex growled and snapped at the air, his fangs glistening. He could feel his balls tighten and his cock swell.

    Chloe felt him thicken in her mouth and pressing her thumb against his anus she worked it inside.

    That was it from Lex; with a howl he arched off the bed, burying his cock in her throat as he came hard. Chloe swallowed what she could but released him from her mouth as he continued to cum.

    When Lex opened his eyes Chloe was once again beside him, grinning at him. “We’re all sticky!”

    “Well, let’s not shatter the mood,” he whispered pulling her mouth to his and kissing her, thoroughly exploring her mouth with his tongue. As they kissed he twisted their bodies till she once again lay beneath him and he was cradled between her legs.

    Chloe groaned into his mouth as she felt him hard and ready again against her thigh, and her own pussy throbbed in anticipation.

    Lex reached between them and gripped his cock, pumping it a couple of times he placed it at Chloe’s entrance.

    “Yes,” Chloe moaned as he released her mouth.

    Staring into each other’s eyes Lex slowly pushed inside her. Chloe’s eyelids fluttered and she closed them and moaned his name as he buried himself deep.

    “We’ll make love later,” murmured Lex as he took her hands and guided them behind her to hold onto the bar above the headboard. “Now love, now I need to fuck you...hard,” he growled, his gold eyes flashing. “Need you so much,” he grunted as he let his demon take over fucking her, sliding his cock in and out, the bed jerking each time he slammed into her.

    Chloe breathed hard, gripping the bar tightly as she raised her hips to meet him. Their stomachs slapping and sliding against each other as Lex moved hard. She could sense the change in him, knew the demon was in control. Lex hooked his arms under her legs and lifted them higher, throwing one over his shoulder as he spread her wider.

    “Lex,” she gasped as he slid deeper.

    His hands then covered her on the bar as they fucked even harder. He stared down at her, his gold eyes flashing as he grunted with each thrust. His mouth dropped to her bouncing breasts, licking and sucking them before sinking his fangs into one soft mound.

    Chloe gasped, her breath catching as her pussy contracted when his fangs pierced her. Lex moved to the other breast and sank dove his fangs in, growling as Chloe’s pussy tightened even more around his cock.

    The entire bed shook with the force of Lex’s thrusts, and both he and Chloe grunted each time his cock buried deep in her.

    “Do it Lex, please, do it,” groaned Chloe, tilting her neck to the side, “yours all yours.”

    “YES,” he growled and moved to her neck all the while his hips moving harder and faster. Chloe was on the edge, she just needed to feel his fangs in her neck and she would explode.

    “Ours,” grunted Lex as just as his cock nudged that spot inside her he buried his fangs into her neck.

    Chloe screamed, long and loud as her body exploded. She could feel and hear the blood rushing through her as she came… hard, her pussy squeezing Lex so tightly inside her. He drank down her blood, taking more than he ever had before.

    He released her neck, blood dripping form his fangs as Chloe continued to come. Sliding a hand behind her neck he lifted her face to his mark. “Please love, please!”

    Chloe sucked the flesh into her mouth and bit down hard, breaking the skin. With a howl and scream of her name Lex explode inside her, sending stream after stream of cum deep into her as her still contracting pussy milked him.

    They collapsed into a sweaty tangled heap of limbs as their bodies continued to hum and throb with the force of their climaxes.

    It was about 10 minutes later when Lex lifted his head to look at Chloe. Feeling his eyes on her she opened her own and smiled lazily at him. “Wow,” she said.

    “Yes, that’s a good word for it,” he grinned, before kissing her gently.

    “I don’t know how it’s possible,” she whispered after they parted, “but I *need* you again.” And she did, her body was throbbing, and she could feel his cock hardening again in her pussy.

    “The bond,” murmured Lex, placing soft kisses over her face, “our bodies aren’t sated…yet. And I did have this goal about us fucking into exhaustion,” he added with a smirk as he slowly moved his hips, shifting his cock inside her.

    Chloe gasped, her body reacting. “Good goal to have,” she groaned.

    Grinning Lex began moving, slowly, savouring the feel of every inch of his cock sliding into her wet warmth, and the way her breasts rubbed against his chest.

    The talking stopped as the room once again began to fill with the sounds of their pants and gasps.

  3. #3703
    NS Member
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    Re: Sanguis quid Ligurat (UPDATED 06/12-Ch134) Rating: NC17

    Sooooo HOTT!!! Write more soon!!!!!!!

  4. #3704
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
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    Re: Sanguis quid Ligurat (UPDATED 06/12-Ch134) Rating: NC17

    that's really all there is to say......wow

  5. #3705
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Sanguis quid Ligurat (UPDATED 06/12-Ch134) Rating: NC17

    Excellent work, Fi.

    The post mating ceremony activities has begun

    The smutty parts were just beautifully written--WELL DONE!

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

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  6. #3706
    NS Full Member katieandjason's Avatar
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    Re: Sanguis quid Ligurat (UPDATED 30/11-Ch133) Rating: NC17

    I was sitting at work, exactly like this - - when I received word that Sanguis had been updated. Which led me to feeling like this - . And then I read the damn thing, and now I feel like this - , and I definitely want to call up my boyfriend and do this - .

    Holy. Fucking. Shit Fiona! That was unreal. You know what, next time I start getting impatient I'm just going to think back to this scene and remember that the hottest sex EVER comes to those who wait. I mean, really, I hardly ever quote things b/c I figure the writer already knows the story and the reader has just read it so why rehash. However, the drive and heat and passion in this scene requires multiple reposts. Step back everyone, I don't want anyone to get burned from the heat coming from their screen.

    Quote Originally Posted by ruafair
    “We’ll make love later,” murmured Lex as he took her hands and guided them behind her to hold onto the bar above the headboard. “Now love, now I need to fuck you...hard,” he growled, his gold eyes flashing. “Need you so much,” he grunted as he let his demon take over fucking her, sliding his cock in and out, the bed jerking each time he slammed into her.

    Chloe breathed hard, gripping the bar tightly as she raised her hips to meet him. Their stomachs slapping and sliding against each other as Lex moved hard. She could sense the change in him, knew the demon was in control. Lex hooked his arms under her legs and lifted them higher, throwing one over his shoulder as he spread her wider.

    “Lex,” she gasped as he slid deeper.

    His hands then covered her on the bar as they fucked even harder. He stared down at her, his gold eyes flashing as he grunted with each thrust. His mouth dropped to her bouncing breasts, licking and sucking them before sinking his fangs into one soft mound.

    Chloe gasped, her breath catching as her pussy contracted when his fangs pierced her. Lex moved to the other breast and sank dove his fangs in, growling as Chloe’s pussy tightened even more around his cock.

    The entire bed shook with the force of Lex’s thrusts, and both he and Chloe grunted each time his cock buried deep in her.

    “Do it Lex, please, do it,” groaned Chloe, tilting her neck to the side, “yours all yours.”

    “YES,” he growled and moved to her neck all the while his hips moving harder and faster. Chloe was on the edge, she just needed to feel his fangs in her neck and she would explode.

    “Ours,” grunted Lex as just as his cock nudged that spot inside her he buried his fangs into her neck.

    Chloe screamed, long and loud as her body exploded. She could feel and hear the blood rushing through her as she came… hard, her pussy squeezing Lex so tightly inside her. He drank down her blood, taking more than he ever had before.

    He released her neck, blood dripping form his fangs as Chloe continued to come. Sliding a hand behind her neck he lifted her face to his mark. “Please love, please!”

    Chloe sucked the flesh into her mouth and bit down hard, breaking the skin. With a howl and scream of her name Lex explode inside her, sending stream after stream of cum deep into her as her still contracting pussy milked him.
    It's just so damn primal. Maybe it's just me, but I say Goddamn! that turns me on. I can just picture Lex, and replace Chloe with myself. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrowl.

    Now, the rest of the update... Um, it was really sweet? I love how they only waited until Gabe left, not caring about what anyone else saw or thought. Lucas was a dear, and was that foreshadowing set up in regards to his mate? Oh, and heh, Lillian giggled. It stuck out to me because it didn't seem like something the distinguished matriarch would do. I loved it.

    PS: I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. And that work sucks for you. And that I can't end world hunger. And that I can't figure out a way for you to get rich off of this story so you don't have to work. But I'll do what I can, and in the meantime make sure you get quality time with yourself.

  7. #3707
    seeking a happy ending. meeaz's Avatar
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    Re: Sanguis quid Ligurat (UPDATED 06/12-Ch134) Rating: NC17

    that was hot hot hot!!!
    <3 yams.

  8. #3708
    NS Full Member Goldielocks's Avatar
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    Re: Sanguis quid Ligurat (UPDATED 06/12-Ch134) Rating: NC17

    oh woah,....damn that was hotttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!

  9. #3709
    Mrs Dean Winchester Senior Member pipersmum's Avatar
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    Red face Re: Sanguis quid Ligurat (UPDATED 06/12-Ch134) Rating: NC17

    Primal Lex how hot is that That smut was extremely hot I need a cold shower after reading that You promised us very hot sex and thats exactly what we got!! Thankyou
    I never thought it was possible but this story just gets better and better and i look forward to it every week

  10. #3710
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Sanguis quid Ligurat (UPDATED 06/12-Ch134) Rating: NC17

    I actually squeeled when I found that you had updated. Then, I started to read your update. OH.....MY.....GOD!!!!
    I was so anxious for this chapter & you have not disappointed me. Totally HOT!!! I don't even think I can really say anything more than that. This chapter was completely worth the wait. You've done an amazing job with this story. I'll definitely be reading this a few more times tonight.

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