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Thread: "The Wish" NC17

  1. #21
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    *collapses in envy*

    This story is so good I wish my name was on it.

    More very soon, please?
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  2. #22
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Jun 2003
    This story just keeps getting better and better!

    Wonderful update! :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:


  3. #23
    NS Full Member zelda's Avatar
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    20 Apr 2003
    Author's note: I wanted to write something a little introspective from Clark's POV. I thought something in-depth about his super senses and how he processed information from them might be interesting. Hope you like.

    Chapter 4 "Awareness"

    Clark was waiting in the fortress. He knew Chloe was close long before she stepped into the barn. It surprised him sometimes how unaware he was of his surroundings despite all of his senses. His father said that teenagers were notoriously distractable. He didn’t tell him how capable they were of complete focus on a certain thing when they put their minds to it.

    Clark smelled the engine to Chloe’s car, and heard it when it was over a mile away. She parked near the end of his driveway and he felt the most delicate of air currents up in the barn that had been made by the sudden stop of her vehicle. With the breeze came the smell of her sweater. It was the new pink one. It hadn’t been washed enough times to get rid of the scent of the dye.

    Chloe was nervous. Clark could hear her fast breathing and when he closed his eyes, and concentrated, he could distinguish her rapid heartbeat. There were so many things about her that hadn’t consciously registered in his brain till now. She had bathed and wore body lotion that carried the essence of Lavender. He knew it was lotion because it carried a hint of glycerine without the heavy smell of the alcohol that was present in most perfumes. He used his X-Ray vision to look down the road where she was walking slowly. He heard the shuffle of her feet and identified it as her running shoes. If she had been wearing her usual choice of footwear, he’d have been able to feel a distinct vibration of wooden heels smacking on the ground.

    Clark cursed himself for observations that he should have made earlier. If he had been paying attention to Chloe’s non-verbal cues, he would have figured out something before now. What was the point of being able to hear her nervousness, smell her skin, and feel her shoes from nearly three hundred feet away if he couldn’t get the slightest clue as to what was going on inside her head. She stepped into the barn; he didn’t move from his spot near the window. Chloe walked up the stairs slowly.

    "Did I miss it?" she asked softly. Clark dropped his head and didn’t answer. Bravely she went on. "I always thought this was the best seat in the house for watching the sun set on Smallville, I envied you your quiet moments out here." She joined her friend at the window and leaned on the sill. She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. "I never had a fortress of solitude when I was younger." She said after a few minutes. "I always felt alone, even when I was surounded by noise." Clark glanced at her.

    "How could you feel lonely in Metropolis?" He asked. She turned to look at him.

    "Biggest cliché is to feel alone in a crowd, but it’s a good one." She shook her shaggy blond head, "I felt especially alone when I was with my friends. Then I moved here." She placed a hand on his arm. "You made me feel like I was a part of your life from day one. When you give your friendship, you hand people a little piece of yourself to carry with them. It’s not something you even have to try to do, or something you could stop yourself from doing, it’s just the way you are." She linked their fingers "That’s why it killed me to lie to you, Clark. I wouldn’t have lied about something this important except that I was protecting Pete’s family. He’s one of the few people I love as much as you." She turned away and looked west as the last rays of orange light disappeared over the horizon. "I didn’t tell Pete that I knew how much trouble his mother was in."

    "How did that happen, anyway?" Clark asked. "He didn't go into detail that day in the Torch office." He covered their linked fingers with his other palm.

    "Lionel was upset over a ruling she made in a former employees case against him. He decided to ruin her and run the Rosses out of town."

    "So you went to Lex?" He asked, but he started answering his own questions. "You went on that Friday when you said you were sick after lunch." Things were starting to fit into place like a puzzle. "I saw you leave school, but you got back late, then Pete came in and was saying something about the inquiry against his mom being dropped." Clark shrugged, "He didn’t tell me much about it to begin with; but when he told you about it, you looked like you were going to vomit." He turned her around to look at him. "Did Lex he ask you to sleep with him in exchange for saving the Rosses?"

    "Yes." Chloe saw his jaw tighten, and she was quick to speak again. "He knew that he was constantly being watched by his father and that he needed to convince him that he was a cruel, heartless monster." She could see from his expression that Clark wasn’t convinced of Lex’s good character. He cocked his head for a moment as if he was listening for something.

    "Did you invite Lex here tonight?" He asked.

    "No." She said, honestly, "But I do know that he plans to come by." He started to pull away but she stopped him. "You need to hear the whole truth before you go making any judgements, Clark." Her voice was firm."

    "I don’t know if I can believe anything he has to say." He shook his head and walked away from her. "When did he tell you about the plan to trick his father?" He saw her hesitate a moment.

    "It was just after he grabbed me and kicked the door shut." Clark’s mouth tightened.

    "Tell me the truth, Chloe. Did he hurt you?" His pale eyes bored into hers now. She knew she had to tell him the whole truth for her part in it.

    "My wrists were bruised, and he left a few bite marks that I covered with make-up."

    "Bites?" Clark did not look amused. "So he really was forcing you at the beginning?"

    "He let me go as soon as the door was closed and told me everything." Chloe said, she could hear the slam of a car door and footsteps coming close to the barn. "Clark, everything happened very quickly," she said, her voice rising slightly, "and as much of a jerk as he was to use me, I did go over there with the intention of sleeping with him."

    "That’s no excuse, Chloe." The voice was Lex’s. He was walking up the stairs now, he carried a six-pack of beer under one arm. "I had no business getting you into this mess."

    "We agree on that." Clark said, his face was a mask of tension. "I can’t believe you would use a person’s concern and loyalty to forward you own adgenda." Lex stood there and took his friend’s scorn.

    "Clark," said Chloe, stepping up and putting a hand on his arm. "Lex had to give up a lot to get the Rosses off the hook, it’s not for you to forgive, it’s for me." She turned him to face her. "I lied to you, and I need your forgiveness on that." She turned and walked away, she knew that Lex needed to talk things over with Clark and they wouldn’t be able to speak as frankly if she was present. She touched Lex on the arm on her way out and he caught her fingers.

    "I’ll be in touch." He said softly. She met his gaze and held it for a few seconds before descending the stairs and walking back to her car. She’d have normally sold her soul to be a fly on the wall during that conversation, but this time, she didn’t want to hear what they had to say.

    Clark crossed his arms and looked at Lex.

    "She’s right that it isn’t for me to forgive anything more than the lies." He said, "But you’re not the man I thought you were, Lex." He leaned back against the window sill. "I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the tape. I thought to myself that it had to be a mistake."

    "From everything you described, it sounds like what happened."

    "What did happen?" Clark sat down on his old couch. "I heard some of it from Chloe, but I want to hear about it from you."

    "No you don’t." Lex said, shaking his head, "I was in rare manipulative and ruthless form, Clark; even for me." He twisted off the cap of one of the beer bottles, it was expensive imported beer. He offered it to Clark who refused.

    "I need to hear it." Lex shrugged and sat down in a chair across from the couch.

    "It was my birthday," he began, "And my father was joining me for lunch in order to discuss what my birthday wish was going to be this year."

    "I remember you telling Chloe about that on tape."

    "Well, I had gotten it into my head that I would use my wish to make my father leave Smallville or stop interfering with the plant and with local businesses when Chloe came by." He rubbed a palm over his face. "She was so angry and powerful when she walked into my office." He closed his eyes, remembering her. "Most women don’t come to my office with her kind of agenda; she wasn’t asking a single thing for herself, she just wanted to save her friend’s mother. And I saw an opportunity to help the Judge."

    "Since when do you care about the Rosses?" Clark asked, "Pete has hated you since you blazed into town."

    "My father did a lot of things to deserve scorn and retribution, I've been trying to make up for that as well as get a little Karmic credit for some of the stuff I've pulled." He sipped the beer.

    "If you were going to ask for your father to leave the Rosses in peace, why did you need to involve Chloe?"

    "If Lionel Luthor thought his only son was going soft on a local family, he’d crucify me." Lex said honestly. "He doesn’t understand anything without an ulterior motive. So I had to convice him that I was blackmailing a high school girl into sleeping with me in order to gain his understanding. Hell, he was philandering bastard, he’d definitely understand making a sacrifice for a young piece of ass." Clark turned to him sharply.

    "Don’t say that-"

    "It’s not how I see her." Lex cut in. He sighed and stood, walking to the window, taking off his jacket. It was dark now; no more sun peeked over the horizon. "She and I made the deal, part of it was that no one would ever find out what happened. She didn’t want Pete to know because, quite frankly, there was no way he’d be able to repay her for something like that. Or, he might think of her as a whore. Maybe his hatered of me would drive him to do something rash like you did. Maybe he wouldn’t believe her and he’d think it was an excuse she used to get into my bed, and that she liked it." He turned his head and Clark saw his sharp profile. "I can assure you that she did not gain any pleasure from what we did-what I did to her." He paused, then returned his gaze to the dark sky.

    "What happened in your house?" Clark asked. He was feeling calmer now, but still upset. He stood up and turned on a lamp.

    "I wasn’t planning things the way they happened. I was just going to close the door and tell her to leave crying a little while later. But my father started asking staff members about Chloe. I was afraid he would suspect a ruse or that Chloe actually wanted me. I was trying to protect her by ensuring that my father wouldn’t go near her for fear of a lawsuit. When she arrived I acted like a bully. You saw most of it, the breaking glass, demanding that she take off her coat so I could look her over." He stopped for a moment and his expression tightened with pain, he tipped the bottle up again."I’m sure you saw me grab her and tear her dress." Clark nodded, remembering how he’d felt when he’d seen his best friend run his hands roughly over Chloe’s young body. "I left the door open so that the video camera in the hallway would pick up most of what happened."

    "You knew about the tape?"

    "Yes, but I had to make it look good and I selfishly didn’t trust Chloe to go along with it. I pinned her down on the bed-"

    "And started to fondle her." Clark snapped, standing and starting to pace. "Despite her asking you to stop."

    "Then I let go and took off my shirt, giving her an opportunity to get away; when I kicked the door shut I held her still for a few moments and then took her back to the bed and told her to shout again. I jumped on the bed with her and she yelled at me to stop. I told her then that it was a trick. Once I explained, she was still shaken but she understood. And she let me break her shoe. She even worked up a few tears before leaving the house."

    "That’s it?"

    "Then I sent her the replacement dress and shoes."

    "And the orchid."

    "And the orchid." The two men stood in silence for a few minutes. Then Lex spoke again. "I don’t know why she forgave me. I used her and abused her to make my life easier."

    "I’m still having trouble believing all of this actually happened."

    "You shouldn’t be." Lex said, "I’m a really bad person, Clark. I’m just the lesser of two evils in this town." He sat again. "I did it for a good cause, but it doesn’t change what I did, and I’m sorry for lying to you, I was trying to protect Chloe from needing to admit that she was ready to sleep with me in order to save Judge Ross."

    "But she was trying to help a friend."

    "Wouldn’t matter if people found out. They wouldn’t see the tape, they wouldn’t know how scared she was. I know, I’m a fucking scary guy, Clark."

    "I don’t think I understood that till I saw what you were capable of." Clark was starting to understand a little about Lionel Luthor. "Your dad was going to sit there and let you rape a sixteen-year-old."

    "As far as he knows, he did just that."He finished the beer and set down the empty bottle. "My father would lose no sleep over the emotional and physical damage that I could have done to Chloe that night." Clark felt a different kind of awareness creep over him. He saw the sorrow etched in Lex’s features. He couldn’t imagine what it must have been like gowing up with a sociopath for a rolemodel. He could actually see why Lex had done what he did, though he didn't agree with it. But, he told himself; he hadn’t really hurt Chloe.

    "I can forgive you for lying to me, Lex." Clark said, "Because I believe you were protecting Chloe." He hesitated. Lex opened another beer and downed half the contents in one swallow.

    "I know you want to ask me something, Clark, Now’s your chance because we’re not going to talk about this again. It’s too easy to slip around other people." Clark nodded. "And make sure it’s something you really want to know, because, tonight I’ll answer you."

    "Did you want to-" he started, then scratched the back of his head, his next words came out in a rush. "When you had her…under you on the bed, did you want to-" He pursed his lips. "You probably could have gotten away with it, Lex, did you want to do it for real?"

    Lex rolled the beer bottle across his forehead. Then he picked up an unopened one and tossed it to Clark. The teen caught it and twisted off the cap. He took a big swallow and tried not to wince at the bitter lager taste.

    "I knew I could get away with it," he said at last, "and I told her that night that no one would believe her if she tried to bring up charges." He rubbed his scalp, "When I was touching her I got a little excited, but I’ve had women in many ways, and I didn’t want Chloe like that." He finished the beer and opened another one as Clark sipped at his. "Not struggling, not crying, not scared." He didn’t look at his friend. "That image isn’t something that leaves a man’s mind for years. It haunts dreams, it appears suddenly at the sight of a familiar face or smell."

    "How do you know that?" Clark asked, beginning to understand how far Lex had come since his wilder days.

    "I have amends to make, but not tonight."

    The two sat and drank beer till it was gone, four for Lex, two for the underage farmboy. Eventually, as Lex was getting ready to leave, Clark asked him,

    "Are you going to see Chloe again?"

    "I’m giving her some time to decide if she wants to see me. Then I’m damn sure going to try and make this up to her."

  4. #24
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN
    Originally posted by zelda@Nov 27 2004, 07:44 AM

    "Are you going to see Chloe again?"

    "I’m giving her some time to decide if she wants to see me. Then I’m damn sure going to try and make this up to her."

    I've only ever enjoyed about a handful of Clark pov stories. Your chapter 4 is one of them.

    Also, please hurry on the making it up to Chloe. :worship2:
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  5. #25
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    I appreciate Lex's honesty with Clark!! I don't think he would have accepted anything else!! Thanks for the update!! Post again soon please!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

  6. #26
    I am soooo not an addict tiger04's Avatar
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    24 Jun 2004
    CA, USA
    I really like this story. I hope that you will post more soon.


  7. #27
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Jun 2003
    Wow, that was intense! Your version of Clark is very un-annoying, very well done!

    :yay: :worship2: :chlexsign4: :worship2: :yay:

  8. #28
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
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    04 Mar 2003
    again i say how much i love this one..especially the Clark and Lex conversation.

    Please, update again soon!


  9. #29
    NS Full Member zelda's Avatar
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    Author's note: I originally had one long chapter to end the story with a lot of loose ends tied up very quickly. I always felt like I was shoving this under the rug to get it finished so I'm breaking it up a little and cleaning it up some.

    Chapter 5: Privelage

    "So what are you wearing to the big bash?" Chloe asked, sprawling on Lana’s bed. Now that Lana had been living with the Sullivans for over two months, they were falling into a familiar routine. Lana had stopped pussy-footing around; she liked the laid-back way that Gabe Sullivan ran his house. Now, Lex was holding a cabin fever party at the indoor atrium located in the Luthor mansion. All of the employees had been invited as well as family and friends. Gabe had proudly announced that he would be happy to escort the two prettiest ladies in Smallville. Despite a general distrust for anything Luthor-related, most people were getting excited for a little escape from the reminder that winter was going to stay for a while longer.

    "The invitation said to dress for warmer weather," Lana said, weeding through her closet, "so probably this." She extracted a lovely gown that had a rose colored lining covered with a sheer, sage over dress.

    "You’ll look hot." Chloe said nodding her approval. The warm colors would make Lana glow.

    "What about you?" The dark haired girl asked. "The party is tonight and you haven’t been shopping once."

    "I have remained uninspired by the local fashions." Chloe said dramatically, pressing a palm to her chest.

    "What about that white dress?" Lana asked. "I know you still have it and the silk slingbacks. It would be perfect."

    "I don’t know." Chloe said, wrinkling her brows. Lana didn’t know the whole story behind the dress, and she didn’t know if the Luthor’s party would be the perfect time to debut the white satin creation. She cocked her head to the side, then again, why not? Lex had given her the dress, it was only polite that he see her wearing it right? "Maybe you’re right." Chloe said, nodding. "It would be perfect for the occasion." In more ways than one. The remainder of the Saturday was spent with a quick trip to the Talon, and a manicure for both girls, they agreed that winter was the only necessary excuse for lavishing attention on their hands. They took turns showering and fought over the full-length mirror.

    "You girls planning on making an appearance tonight?" Gabe called up the stairs. "How fashionably late do you want to be?" he chuckled.

    "Coming, Dad." Chloe called, slipping simple pearl studs in her ears and her feet into the fabulous shoes. Lana winked and grinned, smoothing her own brightly colored gown over her hips.

    "Just one last touch," Lana said, opening her bureau drawer and pulling out a small plastic container. "I remembered the day you got the dress and I thought this might look nice with it." She smiled shyly. "Since it's a summer party."

    Chloe was temporarily speechless. Inside the clear container was a flower. Lana opened it and handed it over. It was another Orchid, though not the same as the one Lex had given her.

    "Lana, It's beautiful." It was a dark purpleish pink with a yellow center. It had a mild scent to it and the end had been wrapped in silk and attached to a small clip. She looked up at her friend. "That was incredibly thoughtful of you. When did you have time to do this?"

    "I might not work in the flower shop anymore, but I still have connections. I made a call while you were getting your nails done and a friend of Nell's made it and sent it to the Talon. It was in the beg with the pastries we got for your Dad." She shrugged. I know that yellow is a great color on you, but I thought that this would be the ultimate 'Fuck You' to winter and I was hoping to convince you to wear the white dress."

    Chloe laughed at Lana's logic. Though they had little in common and the girl's sweetness got on her nerves sometimes, Lana was a very kind young woman.

    "Help me get it on straight." Lana fussed with Chloe's hair which had been tightly curled and sprayed instead of flipped as usual. The flower contrasted well with the pale garment she wore and put a glow in her cheeks that winter had stolen. Since she was appearing in public, and with her father, Chloe had also opted for undergarments. She'd worn a convertible bra and thong in seamless cotton in order to avoid any embarrassing lines under the dress.

    When they made their appearances at the top of the stairs, Gabe whistled his approval, then hurried them into their coats and into the car. When they arrived, a red-coated man parked the car. The girls walked into the main hallway, each holding one of Gabe’s elbows.

    Chloe hadn’t been to the house for a social visit since she’d interrupted Clark in the midst of his attempted maiming of his best friend while trying to defend her honor. It looked very different with it's garlands or live, flowering plants that clung like ivy or were discreetly attached to nealry every surface of the entryway. She excused herself to stop in the washroom closes to the atrium to check her makeup and hair. She reapplied her lipgloss and touched the orchid briefly. Next to her stood a vase of pink lillies. They complimented the veins of pink that ran through the marble on the walls and sink top. Like everything in the house, it was perfectly decorated.

    Clark hadn’t told them for certin if he would be attending the party. His family had received an invitation, but knowing Jonathan Kent’s dislike of the Luthors, he warned them that his presence might be nil so they didn't look for him. They were led through a dimly lit hallway, down some stairs and through a pair of glass doors into the atrium. The sight of a tropical garden blooming while surrounded by winter took Chloe’s breath away.

    "Welcome." Gabe smiled and offered his hand to Lex who was walking up with a curvy brunette attached to his side. "I hope you like the décor." Lex continued, he looked at Lana and Chloe. "Looks like you managed to snag two dates, Sullivan, nicely done." He signaled to a man in a tuxedo to take the guest’s coats. When Chloe removed her long jacket, she didn’t look at Lex right away. When she did, she noted that he was looking her over from top to bottom. With her father standing too close, he said nothing. But he gave her a secret smile and raised his eyebrows in appreciation. Lana spotted one of her friends from school and excused herself. Chloe’s dad pulled Lex into conversation, leaving Chloe standing next to Lex’s companion.

    "Hello." The woman said, in a lightly accented husky voice. Chloe wondered if she smoked. "My name is Marie." She held out a hand decorated with many rings. She was wearing a sarong and skimpy bikini top with a flowered lei. Chloe shook her hand politely and introduced herself.

    "Chloe Sullivan." She looked around her at the brightly colored blooms that seemed to fill every crevace of the room. "It’s beautiful here, I’ve never seen this room before." The woman gave a large smile and practically purred.

    "It is one of my favorite rooms in the house. I enjoy coming here a lot." Chloe blinked with surprise. Marie was staking a claim, and being very obvious about it. She was trying to make a point to the high school reporter that meant "I belong here, you obviously don’t."

    "Then I’m sure I’ll enjoy it as well." Chloe said, stiffening her spine. She told herself it was just to piss of the painted hussy, and not because she cared about Lex's affections. Her thinly veiled jibe was not lost on the french woman; Marie tighened her red lips slightly and raised an eyebrow. Clark walked up to them, dressed in khaki pants and a loud Hawaiian shirt.

    "Hi, Chloe." He said, he took in her ensemble and whistled. "You look great." Then he wiggled his eyebrows at her, "nice...orchid you've got there."

    "Thank you, the orchid was from Lana and I'm glad you made it," she said, then she turned to Marie and introduced her old friend to her new adversary. They shook hands and Clark asked innocently if she worked for Lex.

    "Yes." Marie said with the slightest chill in her voice, "But I like to think of Lex as a personal friend." Her eyes strayed to Chloe on the last word and the reporter did not miss her meaning. Inclining her head, she took Clark by the arm and asked him if he could help find the beverages. The young man led her away, tossing a glance over his shoulder.

    "Did I detect a bit of frost on the ivy?" He asked. "How do you know her?" He led her around a large shrub and revealed a small bar being serviced by a man wearing a crisp white shirt and black pants. Chloe ordered a tropical fruit juice and shook her head at Clark.

    "I’ve never met her before in my life." She admitted. "She just took a dislike to me immediately and started acting all posessive of Lex. As if I'd be some kind of threat."

    "She's probably doing that to any woman who looks better than she does." Clark said, absently.

    "Clark!" Chloe said, surprised, "That's an incredibly sweet thing to say."
    "I have my moments, but you really look a lot classier than that girl," he replied, smiling. He looked very pleased with himself.

    Pete joined them later, he was wearing a t-shirt with a red cross on it, red shorts and had a whistle around his neck.

    "Chloe," he said giving her an appreciative nod, "you just let me know if you feel faint, cause I'd be happy to give you a little mouth to mouth."

    "I'll remember that." Pete had warmed up enough to lex over the last few months to allow his date to drag him to the party tonight.

    The beverage that the bartender had made was very sweet and refreshing. Chloe sipped her drink and caught her father’s eye. He beckoned her over to him. She and Clark walked over to be introduced to some of Gabe Sullivan’s co-workers.

    Unseen behind a clump of bushes, Lionel Luthor spoke to his butler, Jacob about the conversation he'd heard between the Kent boy and Chloe Sullivan in regards to Lex's date.

    "Keep an eye on Marie." He instructed.

    "Sir?" Jacob asked, confused. "You don’t want me to follow Miss Sullivan?"

    "Marie may be shallow and superficial, but she's practically psychic when it comes to sensing romantic competition, I’m sure she has good instincts about when her prey is about to slip away, I'll stay close to Miss Sullivan." Jacob nodded and walked away. Lionel smiled to himself. He wondered why a woman who shared his son’s bed would feel threatened by a high school reporter who seemed to hate his son.

    "What are you smiling about, Dad?" Lex’s voice interrupted his thoughts. As usual, his son was cool and polite, but always suspicious.

    "I think you may be neglecting your date, Son." He said before turning away and carefully making his way to the bar and getting himself a drink. Lex narrowed his eyes at his father’s retreating form. He knew the man was up to something, it was as natural as breathing. But he did wonder about his sudden interest in Marie.

    The sound of Chloe’s laughter caught Lex's ear and he turned to watch her as she listened to an amusing anecdote that one of the workers was telling. She looked beautiful in the gown and the flower in her hair gave the expensive gown a more casual and carefree look. The guests’ dress ranged from shorts and a t-shirt, to the more elegantly clad board members. Lex felt cool fingers slide along his arm to settle in the crook of his elbow.

    "What has you so preoccupied, Lex?" Marie pressed her ample breasts to his side. He detected tension in her voice. "You haven’t danced with me yet." She pouted prettily at him. He smiled and led her onto the torch-lit dance floor and proceeded to dance, holding her close. He did watch Chloe over her shoulder and caught her gaze on them a few times. He kissed her hand and excused himself after two songs, telling her he had to play host. He saw her glance behind him and her brows came together with disaproval. Lex looked around and saw Chloe talking with Clark and Lana. His own gaze apparently fell too long on the pretty blonde because his companion lay a less-gentle hand on his and whispered a suggesstion to him that had him raising his eyebrows.

    "I can’t leave the party now." He said, placating her. "Even for that." She pursed her lips and stalked away from him. He knew he was taking a risk showing any deference to the alluring Miss Sullivan. Marie could be very vindictive when she sensed opposition or compteition. He didn’t want Chloe to have to deal with that. She'd been very unhappy that he'd found her an apartment instead of allowing her to stay at the mansion indefinitely.

    Marie worked for his PR department and he'd had her staying with him when he first hired her after meeting her in Paris. She did a very good job, but he told her firmly that though he enjoyed their intimate relationship, he liked to keep his space to himself. He continued to mingle, and kept an eye on Jacob. He knew the man was acting as his father’s spy and he didn’t want there to be anything to report.

    Jacob stole away from the fringes of the crowd in order to make his way to the where Lionel was waiting.

    "Well?" The man asked expectantly.

    "He hasn’t approached Miss Sullivan directly, but Miss Marie appears to think something is amiss, she left in a huff after a few dances with Lex." Lionel looked thoughtful. "Does our young reporter friend seem ill at ease here?" he aasked.

    "Not at all, but my son has kept his distance and she is with her father and Mr. Kent." Lionel paused.

    "Do you still wish me to add something to her drink?" Jacob didn’t like the idea of drugging someone, but he didn't dare to let his employer know.

    "I will try to catch her alone, when I do, you make your move, you’ll need to be quick on this one." .

    Chloe, Clark and Lana were walking around the maze-like garden. There were so many bushes and hanging plants that a person could almost forget that she wasn't on a tropical island. The atrium was huge and there were skylights, but since it was evening, most of the light came from strategically placed tiki torches and twinkle lights in nearby trees.

    "This is absolutely amazing." Lana said, leaning in to inhale the fragrance of some pretty white blossoms that freckled a little shrub potted next to a stone bench. Chloe agreed, sitting down on the bench and setting her drink beside her. Clark shyly asked Lana to dance. The girl accepted and they excused themselves, promising to return shortly. Chloe closed her eyes, breathed in the smells of the surrounding greenery, and tried to imagine that she was miles away from snowy Smallville. It would be easy to lose herself when in the presence of such a fabulous illusion. She didn’t hear footsteps approach, but was jarred from her reverie by a familiar voice.

    "Miss Sullivan." Chloe stood quickly and turned to face Lionel Luthor. She said nothing. He was standing close by, but not making any moves toward her. Thought he still used a cane and wore dark glasses, he looked quite comfortable with his surroundings.

    "Mr. Luthor." She answered. She had no intention of getting into an argument tonight. She didn’t want to give this man any reason to make her father’s life difficult, so she told herself firmly to keep her temper in check.

    "I’m told you look quite lovely this evening." His voice was smooth. He was probably a regular charmer with the ladies. "I’m delighted that you decided to attend this evening. I wanted the opportunity to speak to you."

    "What about?" Chloe asked, on her guard. Unfortunately, she did not notice the hand that reached through the bushes behind her to drop a small white pill into her fruit juice. "

    "The last time we met," he began, taking a step toward her, "I wasn’t able to really talk to you, I thought we might take this opportunity to discuss a few things." Chloe glanced around her, she felt fairly isolated being out of sight from any other guests. Telling herself that she was perfectly safe, she gathered her bravado about her and stood her ground.

    "I don’t think we have anything to discuss, and I’m not certain why you think we need to have any kind of ongoing relationship." She didn’t know how much he had figured out about the night she had gone to the mansion. And she didn’t feel like giving anything away.

    "I just wanted to appologize to you on my son’s behalf." He said, raising his palms in a defensive gesture. "I know that Lex’s treatment of you wasn’t very kind," Chloe couldn’t believe what she was hearing, "but I just want you to know that I did not raise my son to be quite so forward with his attentions." To her surprise, he reached forward and placed his hand on her shoulder, rubbing circles with his thumb against her soft skin. "That fragrance you're wearing is enchanting, is it-"

    "Frankly, Mr. Luthor," she interrupted calmly, dropping words like icicles from her lips, "I think it is very bad form to make excuses for your son when you yourself did nothing to… curb his actions." Lionel frowned and she continued. "And you will remove your hand from my body, or I'll remove it from your wrist."She picked up her drink and walked past him, but before she had taken a few steps, his voice made her stop.

    "I can only imagine that you look as delectible as you smell." Chloe did not answer, but kept walking, till she turned a corner and ran straight into Lex.

    "Chloe?" he said, catching her distressed expression. "What’s wrong?" They were away from prying eyes so he dared to put his hands on her shoulders. She shuddered and he removed them, thinking she was suddenly afraid of his touch.

    "Your father just approached me to try and discuss things with me." She told him about their conversation and shuddered again when she repeated his parting shot at her. "Why does he feel it necessary to try and harass me now?" She raised her glass to her lips and wished that it was more than just fruit juice. She gulped the cool liquid and took a calming breath. Understanding, Lex cautiously placed his palms on her arms again, this time at her elbows. When she didn't shrug them off he rubbed comfortingly.

    "I’ll think of some way to get you out of this," he said. "You shouldn’t be caught up in the games he plays with me." He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a gentle hug which she accepted, much to his secret delight. He knew it was dangerous to show favor and affection with so many people closeby, but the urge to hold her had been irresistable. He depositd her back with her father and took his leave, looking for his father and Jacob. He spotted neither man, but he was certain that at least one of them was still lurking around somehwere.

    "Having a good time, sweetheart?" Gabe asked, his daughter. She smiled and nodded, finishing her drink. Lana and Clark had finished their dance and rejoined the small cluster of people that included both Sullivans, and some other men and women whose names Chloe instantly forgot.

    After a few minutes, Chloe started feeling a little lightheaded. She excused herself to go the bathroom. The enormous, marble-floored washroom was wavering in and out of focus. Her ears started to ring and she leaned on the sink for support. Her head felt funny, like when she'd accidently overdosed on cold medicine and had drank too much caffiene. She turned on the water taps and ran a hand towel under it. She dabbed at her sweaty face and neck. She felt dizzy and she was trembling.

    Beside her, a large, glass vase held white roses in it. She looked at the vase closely. She remembered the flowers that Lex had sent her, and the one that he'd left her on the floor of his hallway. She shook her head, trying to clear it. Something was wrong. She could have sworn that there had been different flowers here earlier.

    "Pink." She said out loud. "I know they were pink."

  10. #30
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    Ooooooooh . . . I'm so glad you didn't try to cram too much of this into one chapter. Lionel plots are always so amazingly evil.

    Although you definitely have my sympathies on wanting to hurry a story through. Updates are hard work and I try to appreciate each one. :biggrin:

    And so my thanks.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

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