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Thread: Accidents Happen (NC-17)

  1. #21
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Man, how cute are the two of them together? Great job. Yeah, and if Lex loving cures you of sickness, I'll willingly go to the hospital.


  2. #22
    Just a Guest!
    A/N: Glad you guys are enjoying this one still. Let me know when you start to get sick of it and I’ll wind it down.

    Ch. 19

    Lex sat down on his bed at home. He was still a little in shock that they had actually kicked him out.

    ‘You’re not still sulking are you?’ Chloe’s voice came through in his head.

    ‘No. What gave you that idea?’

    Chloe pictured him sitting on his bed, with an expression much like the one he was wearing. Lex furrowed his brow.

    ‘That’s weird,’ he thought.


    ‘It’s almost identical to what I’m actually doing.’

    ‘Really? I was just kidding,’ Chloe thought.

    ‘Great,’ Lex thought sarcastically.

    Chloe bit the inside of her lip. She felt bad that they sent Lex home just because they said she needed rest.

    ‘I’ll have to do something to make it up to him,’ she thought. Lex arched an eyebrow and flopped his back against the bed.

    ‘Thinking to yourself again. Never a good sign, Sullivan,’ he teased. Chloe smiled and shook her head lightly. ‘So, how are you going to make it up to me?’

    Chloe pictured him sitting on the bed again.

    ‘I’m lying down now,’ he corrected and altered the image to fit his position in reality. Chloe was going to roll her eyes, but she decided to just go with it. She pictured herself coming into the room and walking over to him. Lex smirked and changed her outfit to the hospital gown he had seen her in just an hour before. Chloe started laughing when she saw the gown.

    ‘You’re joking, right? I hate to break it to you, but hospital gowns aren’t exactly a big turn-on, Lex.’

    ‘It worked earlier,’ he thought smugly. Chloe blushed and Lex somehow sensed it. ‘Wow! I got a blush out of you,’ he thought in a proud voice. Chloe sighed.

    ‘Okay, that’s it. I don’t know why I felt the need to console you anyway.’

    A pleased grin crawled across Lex’s mouth.

    ‘Because you love me,’ he thought.

    ‘What?’ Chloe asked in confusion, completely forgetting her slip in the moment of passion earlier.

    ‘Because you *love* me,’ he thought again.

    ‘Lex,’ Chloe thought hesitantly. Lex’s eyes drifted closed and he pictured the two of them together in his room. He saw Chloe walking over to him and climbing on the bed to straddle his waist. The warm tingle of arousal spread through Chloe’s body and she let out a moan when her image slowly slid down Lex’s cock. ‘Oh, God.’

    Lex watched his fantasy play out, with an image of Chloe starting to bob up and down on top of him. He was only vaguely aware that the strangled groans were actually coming from his throat and not just from his imagination, but at this point he didn’t care. In the dream, he could feel Chloe’s inner walls squeezing tight around him and he let go inside her. His breathing slowly returned to normal as the image faded away.

    ‘That was ---’ he trailed off and shook his head lightly. ‘I don’t know if I’ll be able to live without being able to do that with you once they find a way to cure us.’

    ‘I’m sure you’ll survive.’

    ‘Well, I’ll still have the real thing,’ he thought smugly.

    ‘Ye-ah, about that ---’ Chloe was pulled out of her thoughts by a knock on the door. “Come in.”


    ‘One of your ‘specialists’ is here,’ Chloe thought. The man greeted her with an uneasy smile and she noticed the folder in his hands.

    ‘Which one?’

    ‘How should I know?’

    “Well, I’ve got some good news and some bad news for you,” the doctor said. Chloe placed a fake smile on her lips, but inwardly prepared herself for the worst.

    ‘Okay, I’m dying. No big deal. I can leave the Torch in Clark and Lana’s hands and ---’

    “What?!” Lex yelled, cutting off her inner ramblings.

    “How about I give you the good news first?” The doctor asked, forcing Chloe to temporarily abandon what she was sure was going to be a very angry Lex. Chloe nodded.

    “I could use some good news,” she mumbled.

    “Well,” the man started with the uneasy smile again, only proving that there was indeed bad news on the horizon, “We think we’ve come up with something to help you.” Chloe’s eyes widened with the doctor’s words.

    “You can fix us?” She asked excitedly.

    ‘They can fix us?’

    “Not exactly,” the doctor said. “The only thing we’ve been able to come up with will be able to counteract one of the chemical’s effects in your body, allowing your estrogen glands to return to normal.” Chloe creased her brow and tilted her head.

    “That’s good – right?”

    “You won’t be in imminent danger of dying anytime soon, so yes, it’s good news,” he said. Chloe smiled and felt a sudden urge to hug the older man.

    ‘I’m not dying! Well, I am, but I won’t be,’ she clarified.

    ‘Go over that again,’ Lex thought.

    ‘Hold on. He’s just about to tell me the bad news.’

    The doctor placed the folder in his left hand and ran his right hand around his neck nervously.

    “The bad news is that even with the new information about the meteor rocks; we can’t seem to find anyway to get rid of the chemical altogether. We’re still researching of course, but it could take years to find a way to neutralize or dispose of it, and in the meantime ---”

    “Lex and I are stuck together,” Chloe finished for him. The specialist nodded and gave her an apologetic look.

    “I’m sorry. I wish I had better news for you,” he said.

    “It’s okay,” she responded. He gave her a nod and then started to turn away, but stopped and swung his head back around.

    “Oh! They’ll be bringing up your first dose of SMRC-24 in a few minutes,” he said. Chloe frowned.

    “So, am I going to have to take this cure, or whatever it is, for the rest of my life?” She asked. The man shook his head.

    “We’ve calculated that with your body size, it should take five days with a dose every hour to get your system back to normal – or as back to normal as we can make it,” he answered. “And if our testing proves accurate, then your glands will build up sort of a barrier, so they won’t allow the chemical back inside.” Chloe faked a grin and nodded absently.


    “Any other questions?” He asked.

    “You haven’t come up with anything for Lex at all?”

    ‘You’re concerned about me?’ Lex asked, feeling a little tug of emotion at his heart that she would care enough to ask. He knew she said she loved him, but he knew enough from her demeanor afterward that she had probably said it in the heat of passion.


    “I’m afraid not,” the doctor said and shook his head. “But we’re still trying.” Chloe nodded and watched the man leave the room, and then she let out a sigh.

    ‘I suppose you’d like to be filled in,’ she thought.

    ‘That would be nice.’

    ‘To sum it up: they’ve come up with something that’s supposedly going to keep me from dying, but they haven’t found a way to completely get rid of the chemical in our systems or its other effects on our bodies.’

    ‘But you won’t be dying anymore?’

    ‘No, but I have to stay here for five days – which, really, is *almost* like death,’ she joked. Lex grinned and shook his head. How Chloe was able to still keep a light-hearted attitude about the situation was beyond him.

    ‘I’ll visit you every day if that will help.’

    ‘You don’t need to,’ she thought. ‘After all, it looks like you’re going to be stuck with me for a long time.’


  3. #23
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Getting tired of this story? Never! En contraire cherie, I want more, and I want it now!


  4. #24
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Aw they are stuck together for life. One good thing they can't lie to eachother.
    :lol: More please.... :biggrin:

    Hope :chlexsign1:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #25
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    YAY!!! I love this fic so much- has to be one of the greatest chlexies ever I love how you're writing Lex.

  6. #26
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    Umm, yeah, we wont get tired of it, certianly not before you do, so keep those chapters coming.

  7. #27
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    01 Jan 2003
    I can't believe that I didn't know about this fic! I love it so far - I can't believe how much I've enjoyed reading this (lucky me got 19 parts in a row&#33.

    But now I need more. Like, now. Now!


  8. #28
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    26 Feb 2003
    ooooooooh an update. i must have done something right!! :biggrin: i'm *very* happy you aren't killing Chloe. even happier that they haven't found a cure.

    keep updating...

    : Sway

  9. #29
    Just a Guest!
    Chapter 20 - this part takes place a few days later


    “Le-x,” Lionel strung out his son’s name in a sneer as he walked into his office at the plant. “Would you care to explain this to me?”

    Lex glanced up from his computer monitor to see his father holding out some sort of file; which, as if on cue, he threw on Lex’s desk. Lex didn’t even get a chance to look at the documents that lie within before Lionel started his semi-rant.

    “It wasn’t enough that you had the nerve to berate *me* for doing experimental testing, but then you do some of your own?” Lionel asked accusingly. “And I suppose you thought that I wouldn’t find out?” He pursed his lips and tilted his head to the side, a sure sign that he was about to change tactics. Lex inwardly scoffed.

    ‘Great,’ he thought sarcastically, ‘now I get to listen to another long-winded speech on why I should partner up with him.’

    ‘Your dad?’ Chloe guessed.

    ‘Who else?’

    ‘Are you giving him that dry stare you do?’ Chloe teased.

    ‘Dry stare?’

    ‘I’m not sure I can describe it much better than that, hon.’ Chloe’s eyes widened and then she cringed when she realized she had thought ‘hon’ on the end of her sentence. ‘Oh my God, I didn’t just say that.’ Lex coughed into his hand, but was inwardly laughing at her reaction to her own statement. ‘Shut up. Go deal with your dad or something.’

    ‘Whatever you say sweetheart,’ he thought. Chloe noticed that he didn’t emphasize the term of endearment, and she seemed a bit flustered that it didn’t bother her. Lex turned off his computer and pushed his chair away from his desk. “To my knowledge, you don’t hold any sort of patent on the meteor rocks,” he told his father.

    “You stole one of my best researchers, Lex.”

    “Yes, I did,” Lex admitted with a nod of his head. He gave his father a small smirk and folded his arms across his chest. “You should be more careful about renewing people’s contracts if you want to keep them working for you.”

    “Le-x,” Lionel strung out again in tone that Lex thought made him sound like a whiney three year old. “You’re missing the big picture. I don’t care about some random scientist.” He took a few steps closer to his son.

    ‘And here it comes,’ Lex thought.

    “But to have you back in the fold ---” Lionel paused and Lex had to force himself not to roll his eyes at what was supposed to be a convincing look on his father’s face. “It’s your destiny, Lex.”

    “Ah. Well, there’s the thing about destiny, Dad,” Lex said, taking a step closer to him, “I like to make my own.” With that, Lex turned on his heel and walked back to the position behind his desk. He started to pull the chair up without looking at Lionel. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do today.” Lionel narrowed his eyes for a second and pursed his lips, but he finally gave Lex a curt nod that Lex wasn’t looking up to see. Lionel made it all the way to the door before stopping and turning his head halfway around.

    “Speaking of work, what *did* you need my cellular chemist for?”

    “That’s confidential,” Lex said with a small smirk curling the corners of his lips upward. ‘And I wouldn’t tell you anyway.’

    Chloe snickered.

    ‘It’s so nice that you and your dad have such a loving relationship,’ she said sarcastically. Lex rubbed his eyes after his dad left the room.

    ‘I don’t suppose you have anything else on him?’

    ‘Why?’ Chloe asked. Lex blinked in surprise.

    ‘Is that a ‘yes’? How could you keep something like that from me --- with our voices in each other’s heads and everything?’ He asked, hoping he didn’t come off sounding too affronted by the information.

    ‘I’m amazing,’ she responded in a mock-serious tone. Lex let out a sigh of relief and Chloe arched an eyebrow. ‘What?’

    ‘Nothing,’ he lied. ‘So, you were going to tell me what else you have on my father?’

    ‘I was? I don’t remember agreeing to that,’ she thought as a teasing smile lit up her face.

    ‘You’re hilarious Sullivan,’ he thought dryly.

    ‘I try.’ She groaned when the nurse came in to give her the hourly injection of SMRC-24.

    ‘What’s wrong?’

    ‘They’re going to put more of that green goop into me,’ she complained.

    ‘Hmm. Well, I would tell them not to, but it’s saving your life, so I’m not particularly inclined to do that,’ he thought. Chloe scoffed.

    ‘That and they can’t hear you,’ she thought.

    ‘That too,’ he agreed with a grin.

    “Ugh,” she grimaced as the green liquid made its way down her IV cord.

    ‘Does it hurt?’

    ‘No, I’m groaning about it because it’s so much fun,’ she quipped.

    ‘I could take your mind off it,’ Lex thought suggestively. Chloe’s eyes widened and the nurse gave her a strange look.

    “Is it worse than normal?” The older woman asked.

    Lex pictured them kissing, their hands running over each other’s naked bodies and Chloe felt her heart start to pound against her chest.

    ‘Lex, don’t do this,’ she thought, letting her eyes flutter closed.

    ‘Don’t do what?’ He thought with a smirk. He sat back in his chair and closed his eyes as well.

    Then he did something that Chloe wasn’t expecting. He changed the image of them together to her back being leaned down against his desk and him kissing his way down her body. Chloe’s breathing grew ragged as she felt her body flush with anticipation. She let out a whimper and the nurse frowned. She held up the back of her hand to Chloe’s forehead and let out a ‘tsk’ before leaving the room to retrieve a thermometer. Lex daydreamed about kissing her inner thigh and Chloe could practically feel his smooth head underneath her fingertips.

    “Lex,” she moaned in a hushed voice.

    “Mmm --- Chloe,” he said, his volume just as low as hers. He pictured himself darting his tongue out to lick her slit from top to bottom.

    Chloe started writhing in her bed and when the nurse came in again, the concerned frown appeared to be a permanent fixture on her face. Her patient had been on the mend one minute, and then after she received her injection she was warm, sweaty, and squirming around in her bed with her eyes closed. The nurse didn’t take it as a good sign and made a mental note to let the doctors know as soon as possible.

    Chloe and Lex let the shared image play out in their minds. Lex was thrusting three fingers in and out of her while circling her clit with his tongue and Chloe had her hands clenched until her knuckles were white at the sides of the desk.

    ‘Lex, oooh, right there,’ she thought, her words coming through in the daydream. Her body started to shake as her orgasm rolled through her and the nurse shook her head. There hadn’t been anything in the girl’s paperwork to suggest seizure activity, so it must be a side-effect of the experimental drug. She quickly left the room and closed the door behind her. As if he sensed that the woman left, Lex pictured himself positioning himself at her entrance and then plunging his cock into her depths in one swift movement. “Lex!”

    Her inner walls clamped around him as he brought her to climax a second time with his entrance. He groaned her name and started a steady rhythm of pumping in and out of her. Chloe squeezed her inner muscles and Lex let out a strangled cry of her name as the thrusting came faster and faster.

    The nurse slowly opened the door and pointed to Chloe as the doctor stepped in behind her.

    “See?” She asked in a whispered voice. Chloe’s body was flailing about as her third and final orgasm took hold of her body. She let out a series of struggled moans as she let the pleasure encompass her. The doctor frowned and nodded, walking toward the bed to examine his patient. Chloe’s breathing was labored, but her body started to come to a still in exhaustion. Her eyes slowly opened and she squinted as they focused on what was going on in the ‘real world’.

    ‘Oh, crap,’ she thought. ‘How long have *they* been here?’


    ‘The nurse and a doctor,’ she explained.

    “Chloe?” The doctor asked. Chloe turned her head to look at him. “It looks like you’re back with us now, but you gave us quite a scare there.” Chloe gave him what she hoped would pass as a questioning look. “It seems that the drug has brought on some seizure activity, so we’re going to do a few tests. Alright?” He didn’t wait for her to give him an answer before he turned and left the room. The nurse gave her a compassionate smile and followed the doctor out the door.

    “I can’t believe this is happening,” Chloe said under her breath.


    ‘They saw me,’ she thought.


    ‘No, Lex. They *saw* me.’


    ‘They think the drug is bringing on seizure activity now,’ she thought. Lex smiled broadly and started laughing out loud. ‘That’s not funny.’ His laughing only got harder. “Argh! You are *so* going to pay for this, Luthor!”


  10. #30
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    "No, Lex. They *saw* me" ROTFLMAO

    Soo good, I think I will never get tired of this story! Oh and more dirt about Lionel? Dish it, I wanna see the devil burn *g*

    Hope to find the next part soon. And get Chloe out of the hospital, give them a chance to really do it!


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