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Thread: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Completed 7/11/08

  1. #21
    No charge for awesomeness
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    Awesome chapter Superag. Can't wait to see what happens next. Chloe is definitely in an interesting position now with him.

  2. #22
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    This was quite an interesting chapter!

    I like that Lionel is as deeply worried about Lex as he is, and that he wants to make amends. Hopefully, he's not too late.

    I'm not trying to be rude, but I wonder at Chloe's vindictiveness. Yes, I understand her anger at Lex's kidnaping her and her mom and even her anger at Lana's death, but I've never thought of Chloe as the type of person who delights in other peoples misery. That seems more like a Lana trait.

    And I'm also loving that Lex thinks Chloe's his wife and she's pregnant with his child--that is an awesome twist

    I can't wait to see what happens next, especially how Chloe reacts to Lex's delusions.

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  3. #23
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    Wow I am confused and I can't wait to see where else this goes. Chloe chill on the hate that is usually Clark's m.o.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  4. #24
    Imperial Dragon Senior Member Impress's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    I find it interesting that Clark is the one to tell Chloe to hear what the Luthors have to say. The twist at the end was great. Update soon, because I want to see Chloe's reaction and how they explain it to Lex.

  5. #25
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    Wow!!! Just simply amazing. Please update!!! I can not wait to se what happens next, especially when they tell Lex that Chloe is not his wife>>>>>>

  6. #26
    NS Full Member Sunflower's Avatar
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    This is very very very good! This is great! I'm in love with this fic and I can't wait for more!!
    By the way thanks for the quick update!
    Last edited by Sunflower; 12th April 2008 at 20:22. Reason: forgot to say something

  7. #27
    NS Full Member
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    Great start! I can't wait to read what happens next. Please update again soon.

  8. #28
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    A/N - THANK YOU for all the awesome awesome feedback. I really love to hear what people think of what's coming and how certain things may irritate and enlighten readers about certain aspects of the fic. This is next part but I keep writing before the ideas go poof! In the spirit of dedicating chapters to music, this is inspired by Uninvited by Alanis. Enjoy!

    Chapter 3 – Deeper into the Mind of a Delusion

    “Lex, I don’t think…”

    Lex grabbed her hand with both of his as he pulled her closer to him. “Chloe honey, don’t say it.” Gasping for air, he squeezed her hand harder as Chloe noticed his pulse rapidly increasing.

    Chloe attempted to pull away, concerned for the first time about Lex’s condition. Pulling out of his grip, she started toward the door.
    “Chloe, please don’t walk out on us. I love you.” Chloe stopped in her tracks. She hated this man, but the intensity and pleading in his voice told her that this was not the same Lex. Turning back and looking in his direction, he held one hand out to her and whispered please repeatedly. Her feet felt like lead. She was tempted to let him think they were over, finished. She wanted to crush him and say there was no baby, but the mere fact that the he spoke of that first was a sign there was so much to the past he had imagined while comatose.

    Chloe walked back over and took his hand uncomfortably. She watched Lex look into her eyes and then to her stomach several times without either one of them saying a word. “Lex, I just think you need to rest. I just want you to give yourself some time to recover.”

    Lex looked over at the window and back at Chloe. “What’s he doing here? I thought we had an understanding. You were going to stop seeing Clark and give this a chance.” Chloe glanced back at Clark and then at Lex. “And my father. Tell him to go to hell.” Chloe sighed; some things don’t change.

    Chloe pulled the chair up to Lex. Her mind twisted through the few ramblings that Lex had just spouted off and tried to piece together where Lex exactly was at. He was completely delusional. “Lex, Clark’s my friend.” She carefully tread on certain open ending phrases to let him fill in the holes.

    Lex turned away from her and glanced out the window at the man talking to his father. Clark had betrayed him in the worst way. They were the best of friends. He had been Clark’s mentor of sorts for his love life woes all through high school. Lex knew he had been more than the absent husband for many months, but he promised he would change. He had no reason to keep Chloe; she obviously was over them.

    “The kiss I walked in on was not friendly,” Lex flatly stated without looking in her direction. Chloe’s mouth dropped as she tried to compose herself.

    “Lex, he’s in love with Lana.” Grasping at straws, Chloe dug for more information from her supposed husband’s head.

    Lex turned to her and wrinkled his forehead in confusion. “Who?”

    “Lana Lang. High school sweetheart.” Lex gripped Chloe’s hand and stared at her in disbelief.

    “Honey, should we roll a bed in here for you?” Lex halfway giggled and coughed, leaning over and gasping for air.

    “Take it easy, you’re still weak.” Chloe grasped around his back and held him in place from rolling off the bed. Pulling back up into the pillows, Lex took deep breaths, clutching at his chest. “Hurt?”

    “Hard to breath.” Lex took another breath. “Who is Lana? We’re talking about us, and I don’t want you seeing Clark while we are trying to put our marriage back together. He just complicates things. So, if this Lana person makes him happy, but I can’t imagine that he’s in love since four days ago.” Closing his eyes, Lex grinded his teeth in agony of speaking so long that his chest ached again.

    “Four days ago?”

    “Yeah, when I caught you two and then drove the car into a streetlight on Bonaventure. I was so angry, but,” Lex stopped and coughed as Chloe sat with her hand still in his. “How can you forget? You were in the ambulance.”

    Chloe sat back in the chair and pulled her hand from his. His delusion was completely a new fabricated life of epic proportions. She was married to Lex, still not sure how long but cheating with Clark. And Lana. Looking back at Lex, she watched him twirl his wedding ring around his finger and shook her head.

    Her anger still boiled but she couldn’t fathom walking away from the strangest story of her lifetime. It was too deliciously good. “Yeah, I guessed we shouldn’t talk about it, so I didn’t bring it up.”

    “So, you’re leaving. And the baby?”

    Chloe sat like stone, afraid of what to say. He was too weak to hurt her; it was her turn to get him back. “I need some time.” Chloe stood up and stared at Lex from the end of the bed before quietly slipping out of the room.

    Lex watched as she met her father and Clark in the hall. His wife of one year was pregnant with their first child. He had been gone more than he had wanted to but his father wanted the merger to take place. Lex turned on his side, pulling his hands up around his face sobbed between his coughing fits. She was gone. “Don’t leave me Chloe,” he whispered to himself.


    Chloe walked back into the hallway and watched the door close behind her. She walked up to Clark and Lionel and looked at them. “I guess you heard everything.”

    Clark carefully nodded, knowing Chloe was completely uncomfortable with the idea that her and Clark were an item, especially under the circumstances that Lex had put together in his head. “This is just odd; why do you think that this is happening? He remembers nothing of reality.”

    Clark listened into the room and touched Chloe while Lex wasn’t looking. “He’s hurt, and I don’t mean because of this.” Clark leaned in and whispered to only Chloe, “He’s crying and whispering pleads for you to stay.”

    Chloe acknowledged Clark and looked through at the man that she still couldn’t tell if he was playing her. Lionel glanced in at Lex and scratched his beard again. “Clark, under these new found revelations, maybe we should talk out of his view.” Chloe looked at Lionel and Clark and rolled her eyes.

    “Sure,” Clark answered and walked down the hall out of Lex’s view before finishing the conversation.

    Lionel paced back and forth in the hallway while Chloe tapped her foot impatiently. Her story was laying in the bed down the hall. Time was being wasted. Still gripping his forehead like his son’s bad habit, Lionel spoke. “How about this? Chloe, he thinks you two are married and …”

    “Stop there.” She started nervously pacing in the opposite direction that Lionel had been walking. Looking at the two as if they again were ganging up on her, she scorned both of them. “I’m not…”

    “Chloe, you’re the only that can get to wherever his mind is. You have to.” Clark pleaded.

    “And what? Pretend to love that man. He used my mother and almost got me killed – he can rot in hell. You can’t honestly think that I just move back in the mansion with that!” Lionel grabbed her, keeping her from running out the door. She was flushed and irritated.

    Clark moved to her and took her from Lionel’s hand. “We will be there the whole time.” Clark moved her back and gripped her shoulders. “Look, from the way Lex is acting, he is not himself. If he tries to re-enter his world without someone, he’ll hurt himself.”

    Chloe couldn’t believe Clark was actually advocating for the man. This man wanted to expose Clark’s secrets and ruin the rest of them. He had married their best friend for secrets. Chloe shook her head repeatedly, thinking to herself that Clark should serve some time away too. “No. I'm not going to wait around for him to find out who he is and then return to destroying us all? I don’t think so. If he realizes he’s living in a dreamworld, maybe he’ll collapse.” She looked over at Lionel sitting in the chair against the wall and realized what she had just said.

    Walking over and kneeling next to Lionel, she saw his face draw up in anguish. “I’m sorry Mr. Luthor, but I can’t.” Chloe stood up and picked up her bag and headed for the door.

    “Wait.” Chloe stopped midstep and saw the doctor walking up to meet the three of them. “I have some information for you from the last tests.” The doctor handed the folders to Lionel and waited for him to flip through the contents. “Can we talk in private?” Chloe looked over at Lionel and then the doctor.

    “They are privy doctor.” The doctor glanced at Clark and Chloe before beginning.

    “As I spoke to you earlier. He has come through the comatose state in decent fashion. He has some weight loss that we can work on, but the Hypoxia is our major concern. The bedside Microdyalysis did make a difference. He pulled out of the coma much faster than expected. But I am concerned about his awareness. According to his records, the woman he was married to is not you miss. His present memories are from his comatose state and his amnesiatic and delusional state is not out of the ordinary.”

    “How long do the states last?” Clark asked concerned for the effect on his friend.

    “We have seen patients snap out of the trancelike delusions within hours and sometimes never. The pattern depends on the amount of memory loss that occurred during the Hypoxic state. I have him scheduled for an MRI again tonight to see if there has been any improvement.”

    “Well, what is the present diagnosis?” Chloe chided. Lionel continued to listen to the doctor while flipping through the most recent tests and monitor logs.

    “He’s suffered substantial memory loss, some memories are … gone for now. The MRI’s from earlier confirm that there was massive damage. Do you have anything of substance that would confirm the same?”

    Chloe glanced down the hall and back at the doctor, “Yeah, he thinks we’re married and I’m pregnant.”

    The doctor covered his mouth and tried not to laugh as the three stopped and scowled at him for his unprofessionalism.

    “I have you know Miss Sullivan is one of the few women that are qualified enough to be with my son.” Chloe gasped at the direct compliment. She had never expected to be accepted by Lionel. Lionel caught her eyes and smiled softly. “Now, if you could just analyze why he remembers her and has made up such a story and knows nothing of his dead wife.” Lionel saw Clark and Chloe gulp at the again mention of Lana. It had been a long day.

    “I’m sorry sir. I will continue keeping you informed, but for comparison sake. He was under for a good ten minutes and in a coma for two weeks. This could be close to permanent to him. I would just suggest to ease him back into what he doesn’t know because he’s going to not understand much of it.” The doctor took the records from Lionel and walked back into the small office and closed the door.

    Lionel stared back at Chloe who leaned against the wall, clutching her purse and waiting for the hammer to drop. Chloe took a deep breath and waited.

    “What?” She answered angrily, giving up on her fight against the two men and their crazy idea.

    “Just tell me how this all is going to work. I feel like I’m right back to where I was in the middle of the Luthor family screw up three years ago.”

    Lionel approached her and leaned against the wall next to her. “You won’t be alone this time. Clark and I will be there the entire time. If the doctor is right, you being in the house with Lex will be a way for you to get to his information.” Lionel turned and reassured Chloe of her safety. “We can undo what Lex has done.” Lionel waited for her reaction. “Save Clark’s secrets.”

    Clark stared at her from across the hall and crossed his arms. “Chloe, it’s up to you, really.” Clark turned and glared in Lionel’s direction insisting he lay off.

    “But all his memories are things we don’t even know. And when he gets home, it’ll be Lex Luthor this and that all over the media and reminders of his previous ‘life’. How do you just do away with real life like that?” Chloe closed her eyes when she realized this was Lionel Luthor she was talking to. Turning to him and then biting her lip, “You’re going to pay to have his reality adjusted aren’t you while we play the happy couple and I dig up his dirt.” Chloe slid down in the floor and fiddled with her purse.

    Digging out a mirror and her lipstick, she fixed her hair and lips. “Thank you. And I meant what I said to the doctor. I honestly wish I could take back three years ago.” Lionel sighed and waited for her decision.

    Chloe looked away from Lionel and shoved the articles back in her purse. Standing back up, Chloe adjusted her shirt and rolled her eyes on last time before heading down the hall. Clark ran up behind her and grabbed her hand. “Go home Clark. Remember, we can’t be seen together. I’ll call you later.” Clark let go of her arm and watched her carefully stroll back into the hospital room.


    Chloe sat down in the dark room and stared at the monitor marking his heart rate. It had returned to normal while the three of them had been talking. Dropping her purse silently on the small table, she looked at the clock and wondered how long he would sleep. She hoped for a long time.

    The idea was a good one she agreed. If they could undo all his damage, including 33.1 and the meteor freak round up, it would be worth it. She had taken an acting class in high school as a credit. She could pretend. She reanalyzed what she knew already. They were already having problems, so the intimacy issue would be nothing to worry about. But the ring was; he would at least hope she would wear her ring. And exactly how pregnant was she? The whole hoax screamed undercover investigative reporter.

    “Hey,” she heard softly in her direction. Turning she gingerly smiled a fake smile and nodded in his direction. “Still hate me?”

    “You really don’t want me to answer that.” Chloe felt her acting could only take her so far, but he asked the magical question. “Are you feeling any better?”

    Lex strained to move on his side and groaned as he shifted his weight. “Uncomfortable. My chest hurts bad.”

    “Hitting the steering wheel probably packs a punch.”

    Lex groaned and halfway smiled at the statement. Staring into Chloe’s eyes, he reached out for her. Pulling her hand further away, he pulled back. Chloe just watched him writhe in bed, clutching his chest and scratching. “Feels like I’m on fire.” Gasping for air, Lex started to shake.

    “Lex?” Patting him on the shoulder, he shook harder as she grasped his arms and tried to hold him down. Reaching over his body, she held him down and pressed the call button. She pressed her body against his as his breathing seized. “Lex, calm down. HELP!” She grabbed the opposite rails and continued to throw her weight on his body and screamed for help.

    “Back up,” the nurse instructed as he pushed past Chloe and placed the bag over his mouth and the other nurse jabbed an epipen in his thigh.
    “Oh my God, what’s wrong with him?” She watched his movements slow as the nurses continued to hold him down. She watched the nurse wipe his face with a washcloth and toss it in the linens. His eyes rolled back into their normal position and his body stilled.

    “It’s common in these cases. The nervous system is pretty shot in Hypoxia victims and he’s going to have seizures. They should get better after awhile.” The nurses released their grips and headed for the door. “Call again if you need anything.”

    “Wait. What is awhile?”

    “They progressively get better in months,” the male nurse answered. Handing Chloe two pens, he smiled. “If it happens again, stick him with this in the thigh and then hit the button.” The nurse closed the door as Chloe stared at her hand. This was definitely not going to be easy.

    She waited for half an hour before he finally came around. “You had a seizure.” Briefly waiting, she touched his hand, “It was kind of scary. They told me to stick you with this if it happens again.”

    “Thanks in advance. So?”

    “About the ring – I kind of took it off and it fell into a drain at the … mall.”

    Lex turned and smiled at her. “It was a ring; I’m just glad you’re here.”

    Chloe sat in the seat next to the bed and watched him move and scratch his chest more. “I’ll get you a new one when we have the money.”

    Chloe stared at Lex as her mouth dropped open. “What?”

    “Dad let me go. Different business perspectives.” Chloe had no words for the twisted life that Lex continued dropping in her lap.

    “How are we going to take care of…” Chloe felt weird fishing for information by using the fictitious baby as bait, but Lionel canning Lex and Lex just taking it was something new. Suspecting there was more to the story, she was pretty sure at this point that they didn’t live at the mansion either.

    Lionel and Clark better work fast to arrange things for his arrival home. Recording the information mentally, she knew she had to call them soon.

    “The baby? We’ll make it – your new job at the Planet is going to help. Did you get to the doctor yesterday for your 12 week appointment?”

    Almost automatically, Chloe looked at him and nodded, “Yeah, everything is fine. Don’t worry.” She smiled and touched his hand slightly as the female nurse came in with two trays of food.

    “I heard you were awake; I brought you some food.” The nurse laid the trays down and started out the door. “Mrs. Luthor? Can I speak to you a moment?” Lex nodded for Chloe to go as he pulled the tray up to him.
    Chloe adjusted the table to his level and followed the nurse out the door. Her resistance to needing to be ill at the drop of Mrs. Luthor was great, but she bit her lip. “Yes?”

    The doctor came out of the office and smiled at her. “Mr. Luthor informed me of the change in plans in regards to your name. I just wanted to let you know that in light of seizure, Lex will not have an MRI tonight. Other arrangements have also been made. Mr. Luthor has tapped the call button system and is now able to keep all of us informed of the reality that we are to follow.”

    Chloe shook her head and understood. Lionel worked fast. Now, she just needed to get Lionel and CLark to the mansion and start digging. “Can you do me a favor? Somehow ask for Lex’s address. I don’t think he lives at the mansion if you get my drift.”

    The doctor nodded and went back to his office. Chloe watched as the doctor went in and had a conversation with the man that was her husband. The thought ran an evil prickly shiver down her spine. He wasn’t a man, he was a monster until proven otherwise. Loathing every moment that she had to spend with him, she knew at least she was sitting on the best story she could write. Perhaps it would actually get her the desk that Lex thinks she has right now.

    Handing her the form, Chloe thanked the doctor and stared at the address. Metropolis. They lived in a house in Metropolis. This address wasn’t familiar. She quickly texted Clark the address and threw the form on the counter before rejoining her husband.

    “Hey, you finished already?”

    “Not really hungry.” Chloe nodded and opened her tray up and ate silently as Lex flipped through a sports magazine. She noted the odd half interest in the magazine, being as Lex cared nothing for sports.

    When she finished, she moved the table out of the way and sat back in the chair next to the bed and sighed. Glaring at Lex, she closed her eyes when he pressed the on button for the television. Felling a choking sensation come over her, she prayed silently not to have to deal with his reality being fractured.

    “In the news today, Luthorcorp announced the dismissal of executive vice president, Lex Luthor. No additional statements were made by the CEO Lionel Luthor. The press is curiously making their own assumptions, including that the two are not seeing eye to eye on the company’s most recent acquisitions and the strain of Lex Luthor’s marriage.”

    Wow, he’s good Chloe thought to herself as the news went into the weather report.


  9. #29
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/12/08

    Wow Lex certainly did make quite a difference to his new world. Bravo for him not remembering Lana, works that he would block her out completely, and if I must say it is the better way to live. Though I find it odd that his dream world with Chloe is similar to the dream world he lived with Lana in Lexmas. Well odd in the disturbing way, it actually makes good sense that he'd fall back on that existing dream.

    I like that Chloe is the manipulative one for once, and I can certainly see while she's reluctant to do this because she doesn't want to be in close proximity to Lex. I wonder how long she can keep up the idea that this is just something she is doing for Clark and a story before it starts to take a toll on her.

    I didn't even think about how difficult it would be to keep up the lie for the outside world. And Lionel's report actually seems to fit for the world that everyone else knows.

    So if this continues to last for a while, will Chloe have to go so far as to wear a pregnancy belly?

  10. #30
    No charge for awesomeness
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    Re: The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Updated 4/11/08

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    Lex looked over at the window and back at Chloe. “What’s he doing here? I thought we had an understanding. You were going to stop seeing Clark and give this a chance.” Chloe glanced back at Clark and then at Lex. “And my father. Tell him to go to hell.” Chloe sighed; some things don’t change.

    “The kiss I walked in on was not friendly,” Lex flatly stated without looking in her direction. Chloe’s mouth dropped as she tried to compose herself.

    “Lex, he’s in love with Lana.” Grasping at straws, Chloe dug for more information from her supposed husband’s head.
    In this state it is incredibly believable that Lex truly thinks all of this happend. That's what I am loving about this story. I myself had a similar experience in real life. Mine lasted only hours and it was VERY much like Lex's reaction. You truly DO believe the alternate reality is happening. It is completely a dream like state that is incredibly vivid and detailed. It's all you remember when you wake up.

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    Lex turned to her and wrinkled his forehead in confusion. “Who?”
    You know I like to think of her as utterly forgettable as well

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    Clark carefully nodded, knowing Chloe was completely uncomfortable with the idea that her and Clark were an item, especially under the circumstances that Lex had put together in his head. “This is just odd; why do you think that this is happening? He remembers nothing of reality.”
    Again. In this dreamlike state he was in he invented what he really wanted I'm guessing. That's what I did too.

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    “And what? Pretend to love that man. He used my mother and almost got me killed – he can rot in hell. You can’t honestly think that I just move back in the mansion with that!” Lionel grabbed her, keeping her from running out the door. She was flushed and irritated.
    Sometimes I forget about all of that crap he's done to her. Thanks for the reminder. It's snaps me out of the yummy chlexy goodness that I love.

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    “I have you know Miss Sullivan is one of the few women that are qualified enough to be with my son.” Chloe gasped at the direct compliment. She had never expected to be accepted by Lionel. Lionel caught her eyes and smiled softly. “Now, if you could just analyze why he remembers her and has made up such a story and knows nothing of his dead wife.” Lionel saw Clark and Chloe gulp at the again mention of Lana. It had been a long day.
    I love how Lionel threw that compliment in there for her. I kind of wonder if he means it or just said it to sway Chloe's decision over to his side.

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    Lionel waited for her reaction. “Save Clark’s secrets.”
    Again Lionel manipulating. Evil or not some things just don't change.

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    “You’re going to pay to have his reality adjusted aren’t you while we play the happy couple and I dig up his dirt.” Chloe slid down in the floor and fiddled with her purse.
    This is going to be quite the facade to have to keep up. It's going to be very interesting to see and I for one can not wait.

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    The idea was a good one she agreed. If they could undo all his damage, including 33.1 and the meteor freak round up, it would be worth it. She had taken an acting class in high school as a credit. She could pretend. She reanalyzed what she knew already. They were already having problems, so the intimacy issue would be nothing to worry about. But the ring was; he would at least hope she would wear her ring. And exactly how pregnant was she? The whole hoax screamed undercover investigative reporter.
    It really is a dream assignment for Chloe. I can see her really losing herself in the story. Hopefully she will rethink the intimacy issue later

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    “About the ring – I kind of took it off and it fell into a drain at the … mall.”

    Lex turned and smiled at her. “It was a ring; I’m just glad you’re here.”
    I love how she lost it in the drain at the mall. It's what a Luthor wife would do.

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    “The baby? We’ll make it – your new job at the Planet is going to help. Did you get to the doctor yesterday for your 12 week appointment?”
    Things are going to get a little hairy when her belly doesn't grow. Think Lionel will be pumping her with the same preggo hormones Lana received? Ah, the dangers of fake pregnancy that we have been warned about. *sigh*

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    “In the news today, Luthorcorp announced the dismissal of executive vice president, Lex Luthor. No additional statements were made by the CEO Lionel Luthor. The press is curiously making their own assumptions, including that the two are not seeing eye to eye on the company’s most recent acquisitions and the strain of Lex Luthor’s marriage.”
    This is going to be very interesting indeed. Great job Superag. Can't wait for MORE MORE MORE!!!!!

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