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Thread: Dream Within A Dream (NC17)

  1. #21
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    In a house on a street, in a city in a state, in a country on a continent, on a planet in a universe
    *chomps on crispy M&Ms* *blinks* Noooo...want moooorrrreee!!! *looks up pleadingly* Please?

  2. #22
    Just a Guest!
    heeheehee. I feel kinda bad for the fact that Clark and "Chloe" split up, I mean of course it frees the way for Chloe and Lex which is always great but like Chloe was waiting for that for so long, maybe i'm just gettin soft lol.

    Write more soon hon!


  3. #23
    Canon Whore Not An Addict's Avatar
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    28 Dec 2002
    Kansas, U.S.A.
    Oh . . . my GOD . . . hee, a happy for me! And when I so desperately needed one. Thank you! This is just perfect. :biggrin:

  4. #24
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Jesus! This is so damn funny! You have to update like now!!!!

    And even if you have to put all your other fics on the back burner, I need more, now!! Hurry up honey! This is too good to wait ´for!!!!


  5. #25
    Join Date
    26 Mar 2003
    WOW... That was great. Can't wait for more.

  6. #26
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    clol: I laughed out loud, my sister gave me a funny look...

  7. #27
    NS Full Member
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  8. #28
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    So funny I laughed out loud like everyone.
    more please ?

  9. #29
    Members lexpixie's Avatar
    Join Date
    21 Apr 2003
    [COLOR=purple]okay...this is a very interesting story...i love it. i can't wait untill the next post!! :

  10. #30
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    Chesapeake, Va
    Chapter 3: Clark plays the field

    Lex stilled for a moment before turning hazel eyes over his own body. "You know, I have yet to find out if you're a natural blonde, can't wait until i take a shower tonight."

    Chloe gasped and ran a hand over Lex's bald head. She grinned wickedly. "Okay, I agree, we can take showers, but no lingering in certain places, get it?"

    Chloe watched as Lex shot her a mega smile. "I'm serious." his voice reinstated and he tuned it down a bit.

    "Fine, but that goes for you too."

    Chloe let herself grumble and took a demanding gulp of coffee. The cell phone on the table in front of her rang and she looked at Lex. "I played hooky today."

    Hazel eyes narrowed onto blue ones. "Well i took your history test today, and you passed."

    Chloe straightened up and smiled as widely as she could with Lex's mouth. "Thank you."

    Lex nodded and looked down at his phone that Chloe was about to answer.

    "Luthor." Chloe said and shrugged at Lex's smirk.

    "Lex, son, did you forget I'd be arriving today." Lionel's voice came over clear as daylight.

    "Oh, father, I didn't realize today was Monday. Why are you visiting again?" Lex scoffed and Chloe nearly giggled into Lionel's ear.

    "Lex, really, you know we have a meeting to discuss the closing of the plant, I really wish you'd get your priorites straight and out of a certain brunette doctor." Lex watched as his skin paled considerably.

    "I'll be there soon." Chloe flipped his phone shut and rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands. "I forgot you're engaged."

    Lex sneered and shrugged. "Actually we broke it off last week. It wasn't working."

    Chloe let a dim smile come over his lips. "Good."

    Lex stared at her in amusement. "What's that supposed to mean?"

    "I don't have to worry about that annoying little wench." She stood up to go and Lex followed, Lana watched as Chloe followed Lex out of the Talon and wandered what they had been talking about for so long over there.

    When Chloe arrived at the Luthor Mansion she took in a deep breath. 'He wants to close the plant.' shaking her head she decided maybe she should just avoid him for the rest of the day, she pulled the car into the garage and headed around the side of the house. Entering through the kitchen she nearly jumped out of Lex's skin as Clark turned around to his best friend.

    "Hey Lex."

    She nodded. "Clark." Making her way through the kitchen as quickly as possible to avoid him too, there goes my only hiding spot.

    "Lex, can I ask your advice?"

    She turned around slowly. "Sure, Clark, what can I do for you." Ignoring the overwhelming urge to roll those beautiful blue eyes up into that beautifully bald head.
    "It's Chloe." She still in place.

    "What about her?"

    "She's just acting so distant. You know I only gave her a chance because Lana turned me down, she didn't want to hurt Chloe, but now, Chloe's acting just as crazy."

    Chloe tilted Lex's head to the side. "If you don't like her like that then why are you here right now?"

    "I don't know." He shrugged and stepped closer to her. "I just feel like there's something wrong."

    She smirked gracefully. Winning points when Clark took a step back. "I think you should go over and talk to her right now, who better to be truthful with than the subject of our conversation?"

    Clark nodded in acceptance. "I will, thanks." he turned and walked out of the kitchen, leaving the produce cart on the counter. Chloe picked up a pear and bit into it, she sat down at a barstool and looked up at the clock. While she should have been thinking about Clark, and the plant closing, all she could really think about was taking a shower.


    Lex sat indian style on Chloe's front porch reading the Daily Planet on the laptop in Chloe's lap. Her left breast itched but he vowed it would pass, however for the last half hour, it had only gotten worse. He took a sip of a mango smoothie her father had made for her.

    "Chloe." Lex looked up at the familiar voice.

    "Clark." he turned his eyes back down to the screen in front of him.

    "Anything good?" He sat down beside her and leaned back on his hands looking at the computer screen.

    "Cut the bullshit, Kent, what do you want?" Lex closed the computer in front of him and took a stronger sip this time.

    "I'm confused about our relationship. I want to take it slow, and you jump to the next level. Like on Saturday." Clark reiterated when he noticed the confused look in her eyes.

    "what about saturday?"

    "You know, up in the loft..."

    "No! If you ever tell a soul about that night I swear to god you'll have one less man organ to wave about." Lex stood abruptly. 'Chloe and Clark had sex, Chloe and Clark had sex.' he could already feel the smoothie coming back up.

    "Chloe, woah, it was just a kiss." Lex looked down at Clark and breathed in deeply. 'It was just a kiss.' He repeated to himself. 'Thank god!'

    "Which was why it surprised me when you went all nuts today." Clark added and much to his surprise Chloe nodded in agreement.

    "Honestly, Clark, you just took me by surprise." Lex managed to get out. What he really wanted to do was beat Clark to a bloody pulp for getting to kiss Chloe and him not to. He ran her tongue over her teeth and imagine being in his own body and doing the same thing. Starting to feel a tingle between Chloe's thighs he shut off the thought immediately.

    Clark stood and hovered over her. "I want to be with you, Chloe. I know you think I want Lana, but I don't, I want you." He closed the distance and Lex raised a small knee and connected with Clark's groin. Out of surprise Clark doubled over and gasped for breath.

    "I told you not to touch me." Lex stated proudly with a grin and picked up Chloe's laptop and drink heading inside.

    A/N: No, I can't have them doing eachother in eachother's bodies. Do you know how difficult for me that would be? But I do promise you a little shower action....okay , a lot!!!!! But that will be up before midnight, hopefully. Sorry this chapter was so short, had to set up the Clark thingy.

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