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Thread: Here's for the night [PG13] {complete}

  1. #21
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    I really enjoyed your two updates!! Now I just hope that their discussion goes well!! Please!! :biggrin: :chlexsign4: :biggrin:

  2. #22
    Just a Guest!
    You know, everyone's going to hate me for saying this, but you really could have ended it with that last chapter. It would have been the perfect semi-sweet ending that the fic needed. That said...I've never been one to complain about getting more. So if you want to keep writing, then by all means.

  3. #23
    NS Full Member flower's Avatar
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    19 Apr 2003
    Here’s to the Night.

    Author's note: I hope you all enjoy the last chappie, because people, I think I did a pretty good job and enough is enough. Otherwise I'll spoil a perfect good story, what ye say?
    Please read&review!

    Luv F

    His eyes snapped open.
    An empty space next to his naked body mocked him.
    Looking around, he quickly recognized Chloe’s dumpster that was her room, but nowhere was his lover to be found.
    Grabbing his boxers he made his way down the stairs like a hurricane. Where was his woman? Running, tripping over his boxers he was trying to put on without much success, he almost hit his head against a low hanging, antic lamp from Chloe’s grandmother. Like he cared.
    As he entering the living room the only thing he found where cushions, sofas, candles and leftovers of Chinese food.
    The door to the kitchen was open and the smell of coffee greeted his nose. Jumping over the sofa, thank you god for the excursive otherwise Chloe’s neighbour would had to call an ambulance for him, he ran into the kitchen.
    No pregnant Chloe eating ice-cream like he dreamt about last night. Panic flew him around the throat. No, she couldn’t have left!

    The fresh air was all she needed at the moment.
    When she had opened up her eyes that morning, laying against Lex his body, she felt like the roof was going to fall down upon her and Lex, crushing the life out of them both…Well, all three of them.
    She had dressed herself quickly, not wanting to wake Lex from his peaceful sleep, and had entered her car with a steaming cup of coffee.
    Without thinking, and driving threw a couple of red lights; she had found herself standing on the wide area that was Lex’s privet beach.
    Stripping of her clothing she slowly entered in the water, walking in until her bellybutton and dove under, letting the warm water massage her naked body.

    After a couple of deep breathes, Lex could feel the fear slip away from his body.
    Entering his mansion, he let himself fall on the sofa. A soft thud as he landed and some cushions slightly moving underneath his weight.
    Here he laid, a despaired man, with a woman how left him in her bed that morning.
    Wasn’t that supposed to be his job?
    Normally Chloe would wake around two PM, finding a little note, written by himself, and a red rose lying next to her on his pillow. He would excuse himself because of his sudden absents.
    Standing up he made his way over to their bedroom, well his bedroom witch he shared with her without a second of doubt after their first date. That had never happened to him before, but she was special to him. All the others had seen his guestrooms but Chloe wasn’t a part of all the others.
    Their bedroom, a room with in the centre of it an enormous camasutra bed with black/red sheets and cushions, a gigantic wardrobe and a bathroom witch he couldn’t complain about, had a perfect view on his private beach.

    As soon as he saw her, he could feel his hunger for her.
    She just stood there, letting the waves wash over her, her back turned towards him. She was covered by water until her ass, how was perfectly round like an apple. Her marvellous curves and her strong shoulders glowed in upcoming sunset. Her wet hair and long arms.
    All he could do was hoping he still had enough manhood to stand straight when he would walk over to the beach, take her in his arms and make her promise never to freak him out like that ever again.

    She had closed her eyes, letting the warm wind caress her skin as she let the events of the last days moll threw her head. She smiled at the verbal judo during the love making, the love burning in his eyes as he looked at her and the strong fingers between her tights.

    A scream.
    Water splashing around.
    A low chuckle.
    Lex’s charming wooing had taken her by surprise, and Lex made a mental note about doing it more often. His long, strong arms under her knees, his muscular upper body pushed against hers.
    Her giggled as he kissed her neck will she flowed above the ocean.

    “Lex! Put me down you ass!” She squealed as he bit down in her neck, sucking her salty skin as he held on to her.

    “No,” he muttered, licking and nibbling her neck. “You screwed me over by leaving this morning without a note, now I screw you.” He petted himself as he felt her get damp, and not by the water.

    “Lex!” But she was too late. He turned her around so he could look into her eyes, his hand firmly on her neck so she couldn’t move her face.

    “No Sullivan, you left me once making me feel al misery and sick to my stomach and you did it again this morning, after I finally was allowed to sleep in one bed with you again, I felt like dying. Chloe, how hard is it for you to understand I can’t live without you?” His once harsh words now brought tears to her eyes. He did love her.

    “But the B-”

    “I don’t know what got into me that night when I told you that I didn’t want a kid, but now, there is a baby-foetus-thingy inside of you and I never felt so blessed and happy with this little miracle. If there is anything I want, Chlo, then it is you as my wife, my Ms Luthor, and a little brad to jump me in the middle of the morning when he wants to play with me in the garden.
    Damn Chlo, I even let the man make the house baby proof!” His eyes burned into hers, waiting for a proper answer.

    “Even if I will marry you, you idiot, I’m not going to change me name!”

    He blinked.
    Again he blinked.
    Suddenly a warm laugh escaped him as he pushed her body firmly against his damp body pushing his lips passionate on hers, never letting go.
    Never, ever, ever.

    The End.


  4. #24
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Sweet ending.

    Hope :chlexsign2:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #25
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    15 Oct 2003
    Loved it!!! And the end was so cut! Great job!


  6. #26
    Just a Guest!
    Aww...what a sweet ending. :biggrin:

  7. #27
    NS Full Member marrycherry's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    i just read all the updates together, and i loved it

    great job!!!!!! :yay:


  8. #28
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    You gave me the happy ending I begged for!! Thank you so much!! Your ending was perfect and I so enjoyed your story!! Thanks again!! :chlexsign4:

  9. #29
    NS Full Member flower's Avatar
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    19 Apr 2003
    *Big hundred watt smile.*
    Yeah, you guys liked it :biggrin:

    I just came back from my holiday in the snow *pounds at the black spots on her back caused the falling of the snowboard.* And durning the ride home I hade this brainstorm for a sequel...

    What you guys think?
    Heavy pregnant Chloe,
    An overprotected husband and an arrogant superhero trying to steel Chlo away?

    Please tell what you think,
    Should I continue or will it ruin a perfect story?

    Please tell...

    X F

  10. #30
    NS Full Member marrycherry's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    YES!!!!!!!!! :yay: :yay:

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