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Thread: Startling Revelation (NC-17) *Epilogue part 2 updated 5/21/07*

  1. #241
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 5-12-06 Chapter 10 (Part2) * (NC-17)

    Great update!!! Thank you for having Chloe be so understanding to Lex instead of punishing him for missing the party!! She is exactly what he needs in his life!! Can't wait for more!!

  2. #242
    Members Kitty Black Cat's Avatar
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    01 Apr 2005
    in the province of Québec, in Canada

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 5-12-06 Chapter 10 * (NC-17)

    Can either of them say I love you already!!! I swear people.... Anyway, this is really good. You're doing wonders with this. And I love the parts about Lois and Clark. I'm not specifically a fan but in this fic you've got me hooked on every small detail. I love how Chloe and Lois tease each other, i think you created a good relationship between the two. And it was a good idea the "I killed a man". I like how you showed Lex in the last chapter. Please write more soon!!!!

  3. #243
    Members JDS's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 5-12-06 Chapter 10 * (NC-17)

    U rule!!!! but you already knew that didn't you? hehe I love this part! I feel for Lex though that couldn't have been an easy day

  4. #244
    Mrs Dean Winchester Senior Member pipersmum's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 5-12-06 Chapter 10 * (NC-17)

    Fantastic update Kimbo I am glad Chloe was able to support Lex in his time of need. I wonder who will submit first and confess their love for each other???? The smut was really good and I love the way you write Lois! LOL.

    I can't wait for more soon

  5. #245
    NS Full Member
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    24 Jan 2004

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 5-12-06 Chapter 10 * (NC-17)

    I pretty much got the impression that Lex was going to stand Chloe up, but I guess he 'did' have a good reason. And I'm glad Chloe didn't over react, that she was able to understand, even more so then Lex himself.

    The Lois/Clark stuff is just funny as hell, hes turned that boy into her 3am booty call. ; )

    I can't wait to read more, update soon!

    ): )

  6. #246
    NS Full Member BellaMR's Avatar
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    01 Sep 2004

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 5-12-06 Chapter 10 * (NC-17)

    I'm just reading this for the first time and I love it. Thank you for writing such a great story. I can't wiat to read more.

  7. #247

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 5-12-06 Chapter 10 * (NC-17)

    I am loving this story! I really can't wait for the next chapter!

  8. #248
    Kill Lana
    Join Date
    12 Nov 2005

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 5-23-06 Chapter 11 * (NC-17)

    Thanks for all the feedback once again! It really keeps me going. This next part is pretty long and i thought about cutting it in half, but i thought, what the hell. anyway here’s the next part…

    Chapter 11

    “Why are you going on this date again?”

    Lois glanced back at Chloe with a frown of annoyance. “Because I was asked.”

    Chloe raised an eyebrow, confused by her cousin’s sudden change of heart. “What about Clark?”

    Lois groaned as she reached for her belt. “What about him?” She huffed as she struggled to put it on. “This doesn’t even match!”

    “What do you mean what about him? Aren’t you two still sleeping together?”

    Lois gave her a duh look. “Of course we are.”

    Chloe shook her head even more confused. “Then why on earth are you going on this date?”

    “Because I was-”

    “Don’t even say ‘because I was asked again’.” Chloe cut in. “What’s going on?”

    Lois threw the belt down and reached for the next one. “Nothing. Just because Clark and I are sleeping together doesn’t mean I can’t date other people.”

    Chloe nodded. “Okay.”

    “He doesn’t own me.”


    “And I certainly don’t own him.”

    Chloe nodded her head vigorously. “No owning. Got it.” She really had trouble understanding Lois sometimes. Well, understanding Lois’s brain when it came to guys. More importantly, Chloe couldn’t understand Lois when it came to the subject that is Clark. She couldn’t understand why her cousin was denying her feelings for Clark. Why she simply couldn’t see it was just more than the great sex. That Clark was really good for her. She knew if Lois would simply stop being in denial, she could be so very happy.

    “Stop giving me that look.” Lois harrumphed, but the slightly guilty look on her face revealed all.

    Chloe blinked as she met Lois’s eyes in the mirror. “What look?”

    Lois pointed. “That look.” She turned to face Chloe, still pointing. “That same look I give you when you’re acting foolish about something.”

    “You aren’t acting foolishly. ” Chloe said innocently.

    Lois threw her hands up as she sat next to Chloe with a huff. “Liar.” She groaned out loud. “I am acting foolishly aren’t I?”

    “Pretty foolish.” Chloe agreed with a nod. “What’s going on Lo?”

    Lois shrugged. “I don’t know,” She whined looking at Chloe with a slightly desperate look. “Did I mention that Kansas farm boys freak me out?”

    Chloe giggled. “Once or twice.” She gave Lois a look of concern. “What happened?”

    “Clark happened,” Lois said with a snort. She looked away from Chloe as she spoke. “He said-he…god!”

    “Lois!” Chloe’s eyes were wide.

    Lois cringed as she said her next words. “He said he loved me.”

    “Oh,” Chloe gasped. “He did?”

    Lois rolled her eyes. “Yes!” She answered incredulously. “Right when he was coming.”

    Chloe rolled her eyes. That was just like Clark. “And I’m assuming it bothered you that he said it during sex?”

    Lois shook her head with an angry scowl. “It bothered me because I knew he meant it.”

    “Oh.” Chloe’s frown deepened. “Huh?”

    Lois stood up and began to pace. “Smallville can’t love me. We have absolutely nothing in common. He’s black and I’m white. He’s oil and I’m vinegar. He’s-”

    “Cut it with the analogies I get it.” Chloe cut in holding up her hand. “Look, I’m sure you two have something in common.”

    Lois crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Like what?”

    Chloe thought for a moment before smiling. “The great sex. You two are great in bed together. That’s a start.”

    Lois rolled her eyes. “That doesn’t count. Sex isn’t something you have in common with someone. Plus, he’s totally weird, constantly asking if he’s hurting me every second.”

    Chloe pursed her lips as her look turned slightly ominous. She couldn’t imagine how incredibly hard it must be for Clark to control his strength every waking moment of every day. “There has to be something you may like besides the sex.”

    Lois sighed feeling put upon. “He listens when I talk.”

    Chloe frowned. “Clark listens?”

    Lois glared at her, and Chloe held up her hand.

    “Okay, Okay. So he listens. You like to listen to me, so there you go. Something you two in common.”

    Lois paused in thoughtful consideration before frowning deeply. “What the hell am I even doing anyway? Ugh! Why did he have to say that? He’s messed everything up.”

    Chloe smirked at her cousin, feeling sudden amusement. She had never seen Lois so worked up before. Even though she was surprised, she wasn’t confused. She knew exactly why Lois was being so overly dramatic, and it amused her to no end. “You like Clark.” She said in a sing song voice.

    Lois snorted. “I do not.”

    Chloe nodded standing up. “Uh huh. You do. You like Clark, and you know it. You’re just too chicken to admit it.”

    “Fine!” Lois hissed. “I like him. Are you happy now?”

    Chloe‘s eyes turned soft. “You like him a lot don’t you?”

    Lois sighed. “Yes, okay. I like his muscles and his stupid puppy dog eyes. And-”

    “His personality,” Chloe helped softly. “His sweetness.”

    Lois sat next to Chloe with another huff. “What’s wrong with me?”

    “Nothing, you’re just temporarily confused.” She tilted her head at the bewildered look on Lois’s face. “What is it?”

    Lois glanced sideways at her. “Why is it that I can help you with Lex, but I can’t even help myself?”

    Chloe shrugged. “Its always like that, and besides you wanted to see me happy.”

    Lois frowned deeply at that. “So I don’t want to see myself happy?”

    “I don’t know,” Chloe answered with a shrug. “Do you?”

    “Of course!” She sighed shaking her head. “Its just, the way he looks at me. Like I’m his everything. It scares the shit out of me.”

    Chloe sat back momentarily stunned. Those words were the same words Lex had uttered to her a few night ago. Although his facial expression had given nothing away, she knew the words meant more than he actually admitted.

    “I’m a girlfriend aren’t I?” Lois asked laying back with a groan. “When exactly did I become a girlfriend?”

    Chloe grinned knowingly. “Pretty much that first night. You‘ve been Clark-”

    “Shut up!” Lois stared up at the ceiling forlornly . “I can’t go out on that date huh?”

    Chloe shook her head. “Nope.”

    “What am I going to tell this guy?”

    Chloe sighed as she lay back as well. “Well, you could tell him you caught the Ebola virus or something.”

    Lois laughed shaking her head. “What’s your take on this girlfriend thing? Is it as good as people say it is?”

    Chloe shrugged with a small smile. “Well, I wouldn’t really know.”

    Lois turned to look at her. “Excuse me while I say huh?”

    Chloe shrugged again. “I honestly don’t know what Lex and I now. I mean, we still act the same around each other, but we really don’t do the things couples are suppose to do.”

    Lois’s eyes widened. “Couples do things?”

    “Ha ha.” Chloe said, but her glared faded when she noticed her cousin was serious. “Of course they do.”

    Lois shook her head. “All of that responsibility. I can’t handle it. Clark is just going to have to find someone else to worship.”

    Chloe snorted clearly not believing her.

    Lois glared. “I’m serious!”

    Chloe winced as something dug into her back. She sat up slightly, reaching for the offending piece of metal. “Uh, Lois, Why is there an egg beater in your bed?”

    Lois paused then, “You don’t want to know.”

    “Ew!” She threw the egg beater down and stood up quickly glaring as Lois began to giggle. What kind of freaky sex was she and Clark having exactly? “Remind me to burn this outfit later on.”


    “I must say I’m a bit disappointed Sullivan, the last story you gave me was less than stellar.”

    Chloe stared at Harrower with a deep frown. “It was?”

    Harrower nodded, blowing a hefty dose of cigar smoke into Chloe’s face. “Yes it was! The one before that wasn’t one to write home about either.”

    Chloe blinked, her eyes watering from the smoke. “But sir-”

    “I’ve given you extension after extension on that Platman industries article, and you’ve given me nothing.”

    Chloe shook her head. “But, its not complete yet. I need-”

    “What I need is something from you that’s worth putting in my newspaper.” he sighed at the slightly forlorn expression on her face. “Look Sullivan, I think I’ve been favoring you too much. I know Platman industries has moved its operation, and I have no doubt you’ve been working very hard on this assignment-”

    “Yes,” She agreed quietly . “I have.”

    He sighed again. “But I need something now. I’ll need something on my desk, by tomorrow morning.”

    Chloe was already turning to leave. “That’s fine sir.”

    “And Sullivan?”

    She sighed turning to around with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Yes boss?”

    “I’m counting on you for it to be good.”

    Chloe turned her face set with conviction. “Oh, it’ll be good. I promise you that.”

    Harrower watched as his door slammed shut with a small smile on his face. “What a strange girl.”


    “You’re still here?”

    Chloe looked up at her co-worker Murphey with a small smile. “Yeah, Just finishing up this article.”

    “Harrower working you too hard again?”

    Chloe snorted. “Isn’t he always?”

    Murphey laughed. “You love it and you know it. I’m gonna head out. Don’t work too late.”

    “I won’t. See you Monday!” She called.

    Chloe proofread her article for the third and last time before saving and printing it. She pulled it out of her printer with a small smile on her face, satisfied with herself and her work, she placed it into the folder and dropped it into Harrower’s mailbox. She glanced at her watch, frowning when she noticed it was almost eight. She hurried back toward her desk pausing before printing out another copy of her article so she could show it to Lex.

    “My my if it isn’t ms Sullivan.”

    Chloe grinned as she pulled Helga into a tight hug. “Hi Helga!”

    “Well look at you.” Helga breathed, pulling away with a smile. “So how are you my dear?”

    For reasons unknown to Chloe she felt her ears grow hot at the way Helga was knowingly grinning at her. “I’ve been all right. I’m sorry I haven’t been by to visit, I’ve been kind of busy.”

    “Oh nonsense my child,” Helga said with a wave of her hand. “You’re here now, and besides Mr. Luthor has updated me on what you’ve been.”

    There was that smile again. That smile that said I know what you’ve been up to. That smile that had Chloe’s whole face heating up.

    “Mr. Luthor is in his study. Gathering the last of his things I’d imagine.”

    “Oh I almost forgot he was leaving for Metropolis tonight.” Chloe smiled at Helga. “Will you be making the move as well?”

    Helga smiled. “Yes, but I’ll be living on my own this time.”

    Chloe’s smile faded. “You aren’t working for Lex anymore?”

    “No No child I am, I’ll just be working part time this time.” Helga smiled that smile of hers again. “I don’t think I need to watch over him any longer.”

    Chloe laughed nervously. “Okay.” They both paused in front of Lex’s study. “Hey could you do me a huge favor?”


    “So do you like it?”

    Lex handed Chloe back her article with a small smile. “Its very good.”

    “Yes, I know.” Chloe said exasperated. “But do you like it?”

    His approving of her article meant more to Chloe than she would care to admit out loud.

    He looked up at her with an amused smile. “Yes, Chloe I like it.”

    “Good,” she breathed with a wide smile. “It isn’t too poetic is it?”

    He moved to stand in front of her, so close his chest brushed up against her own. He bent his head until his forehead touched hers. “Its very poetic,” he breathed, his warm breath tickling her lips. “That’s why I like it so.” His eyes glanced down at her lips before meeting her gaze again. Chloe stepped back when he stepped even closer, her butt hitting the edge of the high table with a soft thud. He smirked and reached around her for a book. He stepped back with that same smirk on his face. “That’s why I like all of your articles.”

    Chloe’s fingers gripped the table as she tried to calm her suddenly frazzled nerves. He was a tease. She knew he was a tease because he had just teased her. He knew she knew he was a tease, and she had a sneaking suspicion that he liked that she knew. Shaking her confusing thoughts, she raised an eyebrow at him. “You read my articles?”

    “Of course I do,” he answered as he packed the rest of his things. “I especially liked the last one you wrote.. ParkView avenue, the slums of Metropolis.”

    She laughed with a shrug. “There’s Nothing like poetically calling the rich raunchy-” She paused at the look on his face. “Not that you’re raunchy or anything.”

    Lex shook his head. “You’re a strange woman Chloe.”

    Her eyes widened in astonishment. “This coming from the guy who wrote the book on strange.”

    Lex chuckled. “Touché.”

    She sighed. “It doesn’t matter anyway because Harrower hated them.”

    Lex snorted. “He’s a crackpot.”

    Chloe raised an eyebrow. “Crackpot? You’ve been reading those 18th century novels again haven’t you?”

    Lex laughed. Before he opened his mouth to answer, he looked up when there was a soft knock at the door. “Helga, is there something you need?”

    Helga, still smiling that knowing smile of hers entered the study. “I’m just here to inform Ms. Sullivan that the favor she’s asked of me is ready.”

    Lex gazed curiously at Chloe who was smiling widely at Helga.

    “Okay, thanks Helga.”

    Helga winked at her. “No problem dear. Mr. Luthor.” She turned to leave.

    Chloe smiled as she watched Helga leave before turning to Lex who had fixed her with a questioning stare.

    “Chloe, what are you up to?”

    She grinned at him. “I hope you like surprises.”


    “I hate surprises.”

    “Yes,” Chloe sighed, as she led Lex through the castle by the hand. “You said that already. Four times in fact.”

    “Just thought I should drill it in for you.”

    Chloe snorted, gripping his hand tighter. “You just like being in control.”

    He gave a ghost of a smile. “True. Where are we going exactly? it seems like we’ve been walking forever.”

    “Its not my fault you live in a big ass castle. Turn left.” She directly, holding in her giggle as he stumbled.

    He frowned deeply, and she could see the little vein appear on the top of his head to indicate he was getting really annoyed. “Just why do I have to keep my eyes closed?”

    “Because,” She explained slowly. “It’s a surprise.”

    “Yes, we covered that but-” He trailed off. “We’re outside?”

    “Mmhmm, keep em’ closed!”


    “Almost there.”

    “Will you at least tell me where-”

    “The back of the castle,” she cut in. “Now keep those eyes closed please.”

    She could tell by the way he pursed his lips that he wanted to say something else, but he didn’t. She was grateful for it. “Okay,” she said as they stopped walking. “Open them.”

    White glass candles all lit in the form of a large circle in the grass. A blanket, a bottle of champagne on ice along with two flutes laid in the middle.

    Chloe glanced up at Lex to see him staring down at his surprise with a look she couldn’t read.

    “I know its completely cliché and extremely mushy, but I thought we should celebrate you leaving Smallville. Celebrate your last night living in this castle….” She trailed off when he looked down at her, his unreadable expression now gone, and in its place was the softest expression she’s ever seen on him.

    “Its not cliché,” he said and she raised an eyebrow. “Okay maybe a little.” He corrected smiling slightly. “But I like it.” He grasped her hand in his own and together they stepped over the candles.

    “I was going to do strawberries, but I thought those might be a bit much.” She explained as they sat onto the blanket.

    “Yes, don’t want to pull too many of those cliché cards,” He said as he reached for the bottle of champagne, easily popping the top. “Hand me those glasses.”

    Chloe did as asked, holding both glasses while he filled them. “I think I might have a whole deck of those.”

    Lex took the glass she handed him. “I think almost everyone does.”

    Chloe smiled slowly at him. “Even you?”

    “No,” He said with a snort. “That’s why I said almost everyone.”

    “Ahh yes,” She sighed. “Lex Luthor is mysteriously different from everyone else.”

    “See,” He said patting her shoulder. “Now you’re getting it.”

    She rolled her eyes and held up her glass. “A toast, to change. And, new beginnings. I just want you to know that Metropolis is different from Smallville. The people are different. So I advise to stay to yourself and don’t talk to strangers.”

    She giggled at the annoyed look on his face.

    “You’re funny,” He said without malice. “I told you you’re strange.”

    “Okay,” she said still giggling. She cleared her throat and held up her glass again. “Seriously now, to new security because frankly your security here at this castle sucks.”

    Lex nodded. “Very true.”

    “Mmhmm,” she continued. “And to no more beatings because you’ve had a lot of those while living here. Also no more attempts on your life because you’ve had a lot of those here too. Also no more getting shot. God your life here in Smallville has sucked.”

    Lex chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. “Don’t forget the two murderous wives. I think I was safer staying in Metropolis in the first place.”

    Chloe shrugged. “I don’t know about that one. I mean you’ve done good things for this town too. You’ve kept a lot of people employed. Plus, if you never came here then we would never have met, and that would be a shame.”

    He slowly reached out, and put a piece of hair behind her ear. “Yes,” he said softly. “It would.”

    The look he was giving her made Chloe want to melt into a puddle at his feet. Or preferably jump him. She knew she had to be giving Lex the same look from the way his eyes had suddenly darkened to the point where they looked black. Her eyes fell down to his adams apple which bobbed as he swallowed the rest of his drink. She suddenly felt her mouth go dry . Her body had grown incredibly hot. She reached for the bottle, and poured herself another drink.

    “Careful,” He said softly. “Champagne gives you headaches.”

    She paused in her drinking, and slowly lowered her glass down as she stared at him. She didn’t think she could fall any harder for anyone than when she did at that very moment. Her father always said it was the little things that counts, and Chloe was a big fan of the little things. He knew the small detail about her headaches with the champagne, and she knew he probably knew much more about her.

    Her hands must’ve had a mind of their own because while she was in her thoughts, they had suddenly wrapped themselves around the back of Lex’s neck, and was slowly pulling his head toward her own. Before she had time to think, his lips were on hers. Softly kissing her into submission. Her mouth opened, and she moaned as his tongue slid slowly against her own. Excitement raced up and down her spine when Lex unfastened her blouse and bra.

    “Here?” She breathed, nearly purring with the pleasurable sensation of his warm hand moving up her sides to cover her breast.

    Lex squeezed and molded her breast, lightly flicking his thumbs across her nipple. “Here,” he murmured, pulling her down to nuzzle her neck. He moved back, and lifted her slightly so he could suck her nipple into his mouth.

    “Okay,” she gasped, tightening her hold on his shoulders. “I hope you don’t have cameras back here.”

    “No,” His other hand slowly pulled up her skirt, until it was bunched around her waist. “My security sucks.” He sent an exploring finger between her legs.

    Chloe felt slightly embarrassed at the rush of moisture she felt dampening her underwear and his hand, but her pleasure quickly outweighed that. “Oh yeah,” she gasped, moving her hips slightly. “I almost forgot.” Her body shook when his thumb suddenly pressed against her clit. She pushed him backward so hard, his arm flew out and nearly knocked over one of the candles. “Watch it.” She breathed, bending over to kiss his throat.

    “That’s the last thing I’ll need,” He breathed, his hands caressing down her back as she sucked on his throat. “I can already see the headline… ‘Lex Luthor dies from horrible cliché accident.’”

    Chloe burst into laughter, so loud that her voice echoed throughout the field. She sat up still giggling. “The irony alone would kill me.”

    He smiled up at her, his eyes soft as he watched her laugh. He caressed the side of her face. “You have the most interesting laugh Chloe.”

    Her laughter slowly died, and she smiled down at him. “Is that good or bad?”

    “Very good,” he informed, cutting off all conversation to stroke her moist sex.

    “Oh, that’s good.” She whispered, rocking against his hand. Her fingers moved to unbutton and unzip his pants, lifting up so he could slide them down his waist. She gripped his cock in her hand, stroking and squeezing him. “Lex?” She breathed when he suddenly pulled her hand away.

    “I don’t have a condom.” He said not bothering to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

    She pushed him back when he tried to sit up. “Its okay,” She said, gripping him in her hand again. “We don’t need it.” She sat up slightly then slowly slid down, closing her eyes at how deep he went. She wasn’t going to last long. She could feel it. Could already feel the familiar tingling in her belly. Spasms shuddered through her when his hips suddenly jerked forward. She slid her eyes opened halfway, and looked down at him to see him looking up at her, and she could tell by the strained look on his face that he was taking great effort to force himself to remain still, letting her slide up and down on him, her tight cunt squeezing and pulling on his cock. Chloe felt her climax approaching. She moved faster and harder, her muscles straining with the effort, making him grunt on every downward slide.

    “That’s it,” he groaned, squeezing her waist with his hands. “Come Chloe…harder.”

    “Fuck!” She leaned forward, her hands resting on his chest. She moved harder, her breast jiggling from the effort, and ripples of pleasure spread through them both as hes suddenly began to thrust his hips upward.

    “Chloe,” He said suddenly. “I won’t last much longer unless you…oh fuck, yes.. Tighter!”

    “Lex,” She panted. “I’m.oh..uh god..” She squeezed her inner muscles down, clenching them around his cock tightly as her climax got stronger.

    He pulled her down on him, holding her as his hips jerked, flooding her insides with his warmth. Her body shook as she tried to catch her breath. “Shit.”

    Lex chuckled. “Yeah.”

    Chloe felt herself growing incredibly tired. She felt Lex nudge her slightly.

    “Don’t fall asleep, god knows what creatures run around here at night.”

    “Meteor mutants.” She mumbled into his chest. She sighed when she felt his arms tighten around her.

    “That’s comforting.” He murmured.

    Silence descended upon both of them as they both settled deeply into their thoughts.

    “Tell me a secret.” She breathed quietly.

    He sighed. “I’m really happy.” He said quietly, his breath tickling her ear.

    She grinned against his throat. “That’s good.”

    “Just waiting for the sky to fall on my head at any moment now.”

    “Cynic,” She said, raising her head to look down at him. “I won’t let it.”

    He gave her a rueful glance. “I highly doubt your ability to catch the sky.”

    She gave him a half smile. “Your sarcasm is lacking tonight.”

    He shrugged. “Incredible orgasms do it to me all the time….” He trailed off, and looked away from her for a moment before turning back his face set in a serious mask. “Thank you Chloe.”

    She smiled brightly at him. “You’re welcome. Now can we go back inside ? My ass is getting kind of cold.”


    Chloe arrived at work the next morning with a surprise of her own waiting on her desk. A vase of purple lilacs with a card sticking out of them.

    “Someone’s in love.”

    Startled, Chloe looked up from her gift to see the intern Veronica standing over her desk with a small smile. “Huh?”

    Veronica laughed shaking her head. “I said someone’s in love. Look at you, you’ve been smiling since you walked into work today.”

    Chloe waved her hand, and turned away. “I have not.” she turned back to Veronica. “Have I?”

    Veronica giggled. “Oh yes. You have. Plus the flowers. Who’s the lucky guy?”

    Chloe shook her head as she glanced down at the card she held in her hands.

    I’m borrowing one of your cards this morning. I hope you don’t mind….

    She shrugged. “Just some guy.”

    Veronica snorted. “Well, whoever he is, he sure must be doing his job in order to put that look on your face.”

    “I’m just having a good day,” Chloe explained. “My article was a hit.”

    Veronica gave her a look that said she clearly didn’t believe her. “Mmhmm, I’m sure that didn’t put that look on your face,” she glanced at her watch. “Its getting late, and it’s a Saturday. You better go home to your cutie.”

    Chloe shot her an annoyed look as she waved her off. “Goodnight Veronica.” She reached for her phone as it rang. “Daily Planet, Chloe Sullivan speaking, how may I help you?”


    She frowned. “Hello? Hello? He-”

    “If you value your own life, don’t print the second part of that article bitch.”

    Chloe frowned deeply. “Excuse me?”

    “Print the second part of that article and you’re dead! You hear me bitch? dead!”

    Fear and panic gripped Chloe as the dial tone sounded into her ear. She slowly hung up the phone. She was just threatened. Her life was just threatened at her own job. She stood up, and quickly gathered her things, reaching for Lex’s gift to her last. She hurried out of the office, quickly hurrying down the hall toward the elevators. She pressed the down button four time, silently wiling the elevator to move faster.

    “Come on,” She whispered, gripping the vase in her arms tighter. “Hurry. Hurry. Please hurry,” She whispered, silently cursing herself for forgetting her pepper spray.

    She was so busy worrying about the elevator, she didn’t see someone approaching her from behind, but she noticed when that someone reached out for her shoulder.

    “Ahh!” She screamed, turning around to face Larry the security guard standing there with a frown.

    “You forgot your I.D.” he said holding it up.

    She sighed. “Gee, Larry.” She snatched it up and stepped onto the elevator as the doors slid open. She reached for the close door button and paused. “Could you…walk me to my car please?”


    The knife in her throat cut deeply into her skin. She stared up at her faceless captor with fear into her eyes. “Please…”

    “Shut up bitch! I’m going to slit your throat!”

    “No, please!” her cries went unheard as the knife dug deeper into her throat.

    Chloe woke with a scream stuck in her throat, her heart hammering loudly inside her chest as the last remnants of her nightmare faded away. Sweat beaded her forehead. Her mouth was dry and her palms sweaty. She closed her eyes tight as that voice that threatened her life was heard inside of her head. She couldn’t shake the panic that there was a possibility that they knew she where lived also.

    She glanced at the time, sighing when she noticed it was four in the morning. Without thinking, she reached for her cell phone, and started dialing.

    “Luthor here.” A sleepy voice answered on the third ring.

    The deep voice suddenly calmed her, and she closed her eyes, took a deep calming breath before letting it out slowly, along with the blinding panic that rose inside her. “Hi.”

    She could hear him moving around in bed on the other end. “Chloe?”

    She hugged her legs to her chest. “Yeah,” She laughed nervously. “Sorry for waking you.”

    “No. No that’s all right…” he said, sounding suddenly alert. “What’s the matter?”

    She closed her eyes, feeling touched that he could tell something was wrong. “Oh, um..I had a very bad nightmare.”

    He was silent for a long moment the. “Are you all right?”

    “No,” She admitted softly. “I’m not. Could you come over here? Please? I kind of don’t want to be alone.”

    “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” He hung up.


    She heard the soft but demanding knock at her door at exactly 4:15, and she quickly hurried out of her bed, and toward the door, peaking in the peephole before opening it to reveal a half dressed Lex standing in the doorway a worried expression on his face. She pulled him inside, and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him as tight as she could. “Thanks for coming over.” She mumbled, her voice shaking slightly.

    He grasped her arms in his hands, and pulled away so she could look at her. “What’s wrong?”

    Chloe didn’t answer, her face crumpled and she began to cry.

    He gave her a pained look, obviously not use to her crying. “Chloe?” He breathed worriedly.

    She shook her head, trying in vain to wipe at her tears that continued falling. “I’m sorry,” She rasped. “I can’t stop. I’m just so scared.”

    He eyed her for a long moment before grasping her hand in his own. “Come on,” He said quietly. “Lets go lie down.”


    “I keep hearing that voice in my head, and it just really scared me you know?”

    Lex nodded, running his fingers through her hair. “And the number came up unknown you say?”

    She looked up at him. “Yes…” She trailed off at the look on his face. “What are you up to?”

    He shook his head, and pulled her closer. “Nothing you need to be worried with.”

    She frowned. “They threatened my life Lex.”

    “Yes,” He said softly. “They did.”

    She swallowed at the look on his face. The same look he used whenever he was going to do something drastic. “Hey,” She said, placing her hand on his face. “You know you don’t have to do anything crazy right?”

    He smiled slightly. “Define crazy.”

    She sighed. “Lex-”

    “They threatened your life Chloe, and I completely intend on finding out whoever they are.”

    She felt annoyed with the knowledge that he thought he could fight her battles for her. Turned on with the knowledge that he thought he could fight her battles for her.

    Her frown turned into a small smile as she changed the subject. “Thank you for the flowers. Lilacs are my favorites.”

    The hard look in his eyes softened slightly. “You’re welcome. Now sleep.”

    She snorted. “Just like a Luthor,” She said sleepily. “He thinks he can get me to fall asleep just because he says so.”

    Lex gave her an amused look. “Goodnight Chloe.”

    She didn’t respond because she was already snoring softly into her pillow.


  9. #249
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
    Join Date
    09 May 2005

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 5-23-06 Chapter 11 * (NC-17)

    Really great update! The smut was hot! I really like Lois beiong in love with Clark. Who is after Chloe? I hope she's gonna be alright! So happy you updated & can't wait for more.

  10. #250
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
    Join Date
    09 Jan 2006
    In the lab.

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 5-23-06 Chapter 11 * (NC-17)

    You chapters are so jammed back with good stuff. I love this update.

    Poor Lois, she in deep. I love her in this she so funny. The smut was very nice. I like it when they make fun of there sappy moments. The card with the flowers was great.

    “Okay,” she gasped, tightening her hold on his shoulders. “I hope you don’t have cameras back here.”

    “No,” His other hand slowly pulled up her skirt, until it was bunched around her waist. “My security sucks.” He sent an exploring finger between her legs.
    This had me rolling. His security does suck.

    OMG who is after CHloe. I hope she takes Lex's help.

    Wonderful work can't wait for the next update.

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