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Thread: Possession (NC17)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN
    Originally posted by zelda@Jan 24 2005, 10:56 AM

    Chloe was at work at the magazine where she was a columnist when her desk phone rang. She answered it and followed the instructions she was given. She left her purse, her coat, her keys, and walked out of the building without a word to anyone. A limo waited by the curb and she got in without question. She knew she was being tested. Boris wanted to know that she would drop everything for him and she did.

    "So Marcus doesn't sleep with you?"

    "Marcus is too into the twins to be interested in anything but making me miserable." She looked at the drapes and felt a tiny tear slip out of the corner of her eye.

    "You're lying." A gloved hand caught the tear and fingers closed on her chin. "Has he touched you?"

    "Why do you care?" She started to move away from him and this time, when he tried to stop her she opened her mouth to shout. The man was too fast, however and she found herself pinned to the mattress with his hand covering her mouth again.

    "If you try to scream again, I'll hurt you." He fastened his hand around her throat. "Answer the question."

    Oh, Chloe, you're a magnet for trouble and for some reason you're too proud to ask for help. I hope she gets more cautious because the paragraph where she just walks into a car was chilling.

    And I know you were probably referring to the Lex and brunette smut, but damned if Bruce Wayne breaking into a gal's bedroom doesn't seem pretty hot, too. He reminds me very much of Lex when faced with a Chloe in trouble.

    Great opening chapters. I'm intrigued by everything, especially the idea of a grown-up Chloe risking herself to save a teenager in a situation that has parallels to her own past with Lex. How many years after graduation from Smallville High is this set?
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  2. #12
    Destroyer of Mullets
    Join Date
    04 Jan 2004
    Originally posted by zelda@Jan 24 2005, 02:56 PM
    "Yeah, that's right, Bitch. Take what Daddy Lex gives you."
    Oh God. I can see it now, "Chlex: The Musical". It was a hard knock life for Orphan Chloe until she was plucked from an evil compound and (ahem) possessed by a mysterious bald billionaire who liked her to call him Daddy.

    In conclusion and in no particular order, "Dearie, dearie me", "Yaaay, zelda", "Get off Lex, you brunette trollop", "Oooh, Bruce, you scamp" and "More pleeeeease!"


  3. #13
    NS Full Member zelda's Avatar
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    20 Apr 2003
    A/N: Okay there are scenes of violence and hints of past violence.
    Lex faced Bruce at the breakfast table after sending his companion home. She'd been very tired so she hadn't complained, probably eager to get home before he tried to have her again. She'd been a pretty good sport about the whole thing, only complaining about their last round making her a little sore. Bruce hadn't commented on Lex's choice in women until asked.

    "So what did you think of Julia?" Lex sipped his coffee and thanked Alfred who placed a plate in front of him. Bruce regarded him over the newspaper he'd been reading.

    "I'm sure she's a lovely girl," he said, noncomittally. Then added a jibe. "Nicer when she's had some sleep." Lex caught the comment and laughed.

    "She'd have probably been game for an additional partner if you'd been interested." Bruce put down his paper and raised an eyebrow at his friend. "What? Don't you like brunettes?"

    "Sure I like them just fine," Bruce answered, "but I don't like to share." He sipped his own coffee. "Given my druthers, I prefer clever blondes to vapid brunettes."

    "Ahhhh." Lex sat back and crossed one ankle over his knee. "I wondered when we'd get back to the subject of the enchanting Chloe Sullivan."

    "She didn't seem to want to talk to you." Bruce took a bite of toast and chewed thoughtfully. "Did you two part on bad terms?"

    "In order to 'Part' we'd have needed to be together," Lex said. "And we were never an item." He narrowed his eyes at his friend. "But I didn't tell you about her, so I wonder what makes you think she's clever? I mean, she got herself into trouble with the Ukranaians. You've got to be pretty stupid to do that." Bruce didn't answer. "You've done some checking on her, haven't you?"

    "I just wonder why you weren't more interested in what happened?"

    Lex shrugged.

    "Hey, she gets out in four months, I'll ask her then." He realized his mistake as soon as he'd said it. Bruce grinned evilly.

    "And just how do you know that she 'gets out' in four months?"

    "Okay, so I asked around a little. She and I were actually...friends once."

    "You gonna do anything about the current situation?" His blue eyes cut into Lex's. "Or do I have to." Lex smiled and sipped his coffee.

    "I think I might make an offer to Boris Vashenko. Another trade-off for her." Bruce's features darkened a little but he just nodded. "I'm going to go back to the game room tonight and see what I can do with Marcus."

    "Count me in, but we take your car."


    Chloe had just finished dressing when there was a soft knock at her door. It was opened by one of the gaurds and Sasha walked in. She started to stand up but he gestured for her to remain seated. He treated her like a favored pet more than an employee. He smiled briefly and sat in one of the other chairs.

    "Good morning, Mr. Vashenko."

    "Good morning, Sullivan," he replied. "It has come to my attention that Marcus has been spending a lot of time at the game room in that club he goes to." Chloe nodded.

    "He plays chess there with Lex Luthor."

    "You know this Mr. Luthor?"

    "I know of him." Sasha frowned and she felt her mouth go dry.

    "You know I hate it when you are less than truthful with me, Sullivan." He gestured with his hand and Chloe stood up, raising her shirt over her head and turning around, placing her hands on the vanity. She kept it on her arms in front of her and automatically bit down on the fabric while Sasha loosened his belt. "I know you appeared as a witness in court against his father, and you tell me that you only know of him?" His accent always got heavier when he was angry. The first lash of the belt hit her ribcage and she bit down hard to keep from crying out. after the fifth, Sasha stopped. "Tell me what you know about him."

    "Why do you-" her words were cut off by another lash from the belt, Since she'd let go of her shirt, she couldn't hold back the cry that escaped her lips. Then she gasped out her answer. "We had a common friend and a common enemy, we weren't even close friends. I just helped him put his father in jail for a while." Sasha's cool palm soothed over the marks he'd left on her. After eight months of this, she still hated herself for craving the gentle touches he gave her. She knew it was like Stockholm Syndrome, and though she certainly didn't love the man, she was forced to rely on him for protection, instruction, and approval. When he punished her, it was never sexual, and when he soothed her, it was like being petted as a dog.

    "What would his interest be in Marcus?" Chloe knew better than to say she didn't know. She improvised.

    "It depends on what Lex thinks he can get out of Marcus." No lash came, but Sasha didn't pet her either. She took it as a signal to continue. "I haven't spoken to him in years, but from what I can recall, Lex could be really sneaky about getting what he wanted. He would always use subterfuge. Anything he asked for directly was refused by his father so he'd find ways around that."

    "He sounds like a clever man, do you admire him?"

    "He protected me once, and he failed me once, I can't trust him completely, but I do appreciate his resourcefulness." She debated about satisfying her curiosity. "Has he been troubling to Marcus? They seemed to be friendly."

    "Do you watch them play chess?"

    "Not usually," she replied. "Marcus doesn't like me in the room when he plays. He says I bring him bad luck." Sasha laughed and Chloe releaxed a little. "I usually wait in the hall with one of the guards."

    "My son seems to find you very fascinating." The cool hands were over her head now. He pulled her shirt back down and smoothed it carefully. "He has asked his grandfather about you many times." Chloe stiffened and turned around to face Sasha. "My father has refused, but with Marcus' birthday coming up, he might just say yes." Chloe fought to keep her facial expressions under control. "But I don't think you want that."

    "I know that I belong to your family, and if Boris says yes, I can belong to anyone he wants." She raised her chin, unable to stop her words. "And other than your little 'discipline sessions' you can't touch me either." She knew that Sasha had become interested in her after about six weeks into her captivity. He'd become protective of her in regards to the other staff members and family members. Eventually that changed to something bordering on obsession. Since he couldn't fuck her, he beat her instead. He knew he was creating a bond between them, the pain he inflicted made her crave the comfort he gave afterward. She was a slave with no options but to submit to whatever she was dealt. Today was no different, and her mouth got her a visit from the family doctor and the inability to do anything but lay on her stomach.

    Bruce sat back like before and watched as Lex systematically allowed Marcus to win the first round of chess. He also encouraged the other man to drink large quantities of alcohol. Bruce excused himself and went to look for Chloe but didn't find her in the club. He returned to the table and gave Lex a look.

    "So where's your little blonde watchdog tonight?" Lex eyed the board, as if concentrating. "Is it her night off?" Marcus barked with laughter, spraying Lex with droplets of spittle. He wiped them away discreetly.

    "That stupid bitch doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut. She won't be up and around for a couple of days."

    "What did you do to her?" Bruce had stepped away from the wall.

    "I didn't touch her," Marcus looked disappointed. "My father is the only one to punish her." He seemed to realize that he'd revealed personal information and shut his mouth, eyeing the dark-haired man carefully. "Why do you care so much?"

    "Just trying to figure out how well Lex's Rolls is going to be treated," he said. "Best way to figure that is to see how a man treats his other possessions." Marcus' cell phone rang and he answered it. Bruce took the opportunity to step into Lex.

    "Get it done quick, I'm going now." Lex didn't dare to argue. "I'm going back to the bar, anyone want a refill?" He didn't wait for the replies, but made his exit. As soon as he was clear of the room, Bruce pelted down the hallway and out of the club. He knew that Lex would be driving over to the compound so he hailed a cab. He got out within a block of the compound and slipped into the bushes. he had worn all black for a reason, and his shoes were discreete climbing shoes that looked fairly normal at a glance. He knew that Lex would have questions about how he'd gotten in, but he'd tell him that he bribed the guards or something.

    Chloe lay on her bed, feeling the soaked material of her shirt cling to her skin. It wasn't blood, no the doctor had cleaned the injuries she'd sustained from the leater belt, but he'd given her nothing for pain so she was soaked in sweat. She didn't hear anyone enter her room, but again felt the presence of someone else. Fear made her move quickly and she bit her lip to hold back her cry of pain as her torso twisted to see who was there.

    "Who are you?" The man in her room was tall, probably a little over six feet. He had broad shoulders, dark hair, and a hard jawline. He stepped forward and she shrank back, wincing in pain as she did. He stopped and held out his hands, palms out. Chloe was panting with exhaustion and her arms were trembling.

    "I'm not going to hurt you Chloe." his voice was soft but familiar. "I came to take you out of here."

    Chloe nearly wept with relief and frustration. "You can't," she said, struggling off the side of the bed. "If I run, I forfeit my end of the bargain and my friend dies." She backed away from him when he came closer. "Please, I can't go with you." She was dizzy and tired and standing up made all the blood rush away from her head. She swayed on her feet and Bruce walked up to catch her before she fell. "God, don't touch me!' She said as his hand came in contact with her lower back.

    "I'm here to help."

    "Who are you?" Tears ran down her cheeks and she fought back sobs of frustration. "Why come now?" She was pale and breathing heavily. Bruce knew the signs of shock. It could be from trauma or injuries, he didn't know, but she was about to drop.

    "My name is Bruce Wayne, and I can help you." Chloe fainted but he managed to catch her before she hit the floor. There was a knock at the door as Bruce was lifting her body onto his shoulder. The first guard through the door got a foot in the middle of his chest and flew into the second. Hoisting her slightly to adjust for her weight, he headed for the window when he heard the click of a hammer being drawn back on a pistol.

    "Stop!" ordered the voice. "Drop the girl and turn around." Bruce fought his rage back into the little ball where he kept it inside and turned around calmly. He knew Sasha Vashenko on sight. "I said put her down."

    "What did you do to her?"

    "What I do to Sullivan is none of your fucking business." The other two guards were regaining their feet and once they had their weapons drawn, Vashenko put his away and started forward. The look in his eyes was one of desperation. "Just give her to me." He held out his arms.

    "Not in this lifetime."

    "Kill him." The two guards raised their pistols before another voice broke in, speaking Ukranaian. They spoke too rapidly for him to understand, but when Boris Vashenk came into view, he knew that Lex had come through.

    "But she belongs to me-us." Sasha said, correcting himself quickly.

    "No," came another voice in the hallway. Lex stepped into the room, looking around it with disdain. "She belongs to me now." Lex was cool and barely gave Bruce a glance. "I made an arrangement with your father to trade her for something else."

    "What?" Sasha looked at Boris.

    "Your foolish son." Boris had spoken in his native language, but this time Bruce understood. "We let the girl go with them, and then Marcus comes home."

    "You deal with these men?"

    "The guards told me the truth, Marcus got himself into this mess, he is unhurt-"

    "And I'd be well within my rights to deliver him in the same condition that my acquisition is in." Lex spoke rough but understandable Ukranaian. "Should I do that?"

    "Take your slut and go." Lex slapped Sasha with an open palm. "You strike a member of the Vashenko family?" Sasha was red-faced, more from embarrassment and rage than from pain.

    "You might be able to get one of us," Lex said calmly, gesturing for Bruce to take Chloe out the door. "But no family would ever try and take both Luthorcorp and Wayne enterprises on." He smiled. "If one of us dies, the other will wipe out everyone in your whole family," he paused, "Right down to the babes in arms."

    "Over one little girl?" Boris eyed him.

    "It's about honor," Lex said. "I owe her one." He let Bruce pass by him carying his precious burden, Sasha's eyes followed the blonde's limp form. "Guess I can do whatever I want with her now, can't I?" he taunted. Sasha spit on his shoe.

    "I think you'll find I've left a lasting impression." Boris took his son's arm and restrained him while the two men and Chloe left.

    Bruce carried her down to the Rolls where he got into the back seat with her. Lex sat in the passenger seat and Alfred drove.

    "Should we stop at the hospital, Master Bruce?"

    "No, just get the medical supplies from home and bring them to my room when we get there." It was dark and Bruce didn't dare to check her injuries in a moving vehicle.

    Lex's stomach was tied in knots. He didn't know what had disturbed him more, the sight of Chloe's limp form with a few smears of blood coming through her shirt, or the look on his friend's face while he held her. Bruce was attached already. He was always weak when it came to the wounded doves. It might make taking Chloe away more difficult. The game had been easy enough, he'd just maneuvered Marcus into a spot where he'd had to offer up himself or look like a coward. Then Lex had taken him with three quick moves and beaten feet over to the compound. Once they were inside the gates of Wayne Manor, Lex called the Vashenko compound and just barked out where to find the youngest son. Lex had hired extra hands to take Marcus to a warehouse downtown and now that they had Chloe, the men would leave him there for his family to find.

    Bruce carried Chloe gently, feeling the stickiness of blood soak through her shirt. She was starting to come around and Lex tagged behind, silently observing. She moaned when he set her down on his large bed, then he rolled her onto her stomach. He ripped the t-shirt from the collar to the hem in the back and parted the two sides. Lex sucked in a breath at the angry-looking wounds on her back.

    "Leather belt." Lex walked around the other side of the bed and took off his jacket. "Looks like he really worked her over." The welts were various lengths and depths. Some were merely raised and red while others had broken the skin. The worst ones were on her shoulders where it looked like the skin had been torn from the edges of her shoulderblades. Alfred cleared his throat from the doorway and Bruce nodded him in. He approached carrying a tray laden with first aid supplies. Bruce first sprayed on antiseptic with pain-releiver to take the edge off her discomfort. She started to wake.

    "Lex, hold her arms and talk to her, just don't let her move." Bruce was already opening packets of gauze and he handed Alfred two vicodin and asked him to get some water. Lex didn't bother to ask where he got the prescription painkillers. One billionaire to another, they both knew they were esy to come by. Chloe opened her eyes and turned her head. She felt hands on her upper arms and tried to move.

    "It's okay, Chloe." The voice was familiar. "You're safe now." Her eyed focused on a familiar face. She whispered his name; he smiled gently. "Yeah, I guess it's been a while. We didn't get to talk the other night." He kept his voice calm. "I'm here with Bruce and we're going to take care of your back, so just try not to move." Alfred returned with the glass and a straw. Lex took his hands away from her arms and told her to open her mouth. She did and he popped the pills in and pressed the straw to her lips. She swallowed but kept her eyes on him.

    "What's going on?" Her eyes were bright and her skin was hot, he guessed that the fever was making her a little confused. "Where am I?"

    "You're in my house." Chloe turned her head to look at Bruce. "Hi," he said, quietly. He was distracted for a moment, then began asking her questions. "Were you given medical treatment at all?"

    "The Vashenko's doctor," Chloe said, haltingly. "He wiped up the blood and gave me a couple of pills, he said it was antibitotic." She was forcing the words out. Lex and Bruce exchanged glances. She was fighting the urge to remain silent. Given that she'd been a possession for eight months, Bruce was impressed that she was able to say anything at all. He waited until the pankillers started to work, then he washed her back gently with soap and water. He re-applied the antiseptic spray and lightly dressed the wounds with gauze pads. Since so many of them ran together, he didn't try to attach them to her sensitive skin with tape, but allowed the antiseptic to stick the pads to her and used lighter, gauze bandages to cover them.

    Chloe had stayed still, but still hadn't slept. She was trembling with exhaustion but couldn't seem to loose consciousness. Bruce hated to give her more drugs. He called his psychiatrist, a man he'd seen as a little boy and the Doctor came over immedately. Even in the middle of the night, good doctors still made housecalls.

    "Thanks for coming." Bruce shook Dr. Banks' outstretched hand. He was a little man, non-threatening and kind. He'd been as much helt to an angry and grieving boy as possible.

    "You sounded like you needed me." Bruce filled the man in on the basics of Chloe's physical condition as well as what emotional damage they'd been able to figure out. The man asked to be alone with Chloe and spent several minutes coaxing a few answers out of her. He'd dealt with a lot of abuse and before leaving her, though he knew it must have hurt, he gently lay a hand on her back and petted her. The gesture made the tension drain away and she fell asleep.

    "What's the verdict?" Lex introduced himself and the doctor hesitated. "Doc, I'm technically responsible for her and as far as she sees it, I'm her owner. I need to know how to help her.

    "Since she doesn't have any family, and you are..." he prompted significantly.

    "Uh, her fiancee,' Lex answered, catching the doctor's drift.

    "Right, well, Miss Sullivan is most likely suffering a modified form of Stockholm Syndrome. She actually mentioned it to me and said she knew that what she was dealing with could have effects."

    "You mean she's in love with Sasha?" Bruce's voice was a fierce whisper.

    "Not exactly, but for eight months, she's had no choice but to rely on him to meet her basic needs. I'm guessing she's had no real affection from anyone in those months and with the beatings, she's been even more starved for some kind of relief. She managed to tell me that Sasha would treat her like a pet, doling out abuse with one hand, and soft touch with the other. Since she's barely had any other contact that she'll talk about, I'm guessing that the two are tied together."

    "So you got her to sleep by petting her?" Lex looked at the bedroom door.

    "Yes, for now it worked because she'd been recently abused." He took off his glasses and polished them. "I couldn't begin to do more than scratch the surface of what she's going through. The fact that she can even speak out, even a little, against her captors is remarkable."

    "She's always been smarter than the average bear," Lex said. "If she knew what was happening to her, she might have been able to put her issues more into her conscious mind rather than letting them program her."

    "How do you know so much about mind control?"

    "I've been brainwashed." He looked at the doctor and Bruce who stared at him. "I got better."

    A/N: Before anyone sends upset posts, there have been many studies dome on the effects of long-term abuse and power. The way Chloe feels, and the way her hang-ups will come out is not that far off from what psychologists have found. keep in mind, eight months of this when you have no way to fight back cane make a lasting impression.

  4. #14
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    I've heard exactly the same things about abusive situations. How horrible for poor Chloe!! Thank goodness Bruce and Lex came to her rescue!! However, is Lex still planning to treat her like a slave? If so, I hope she can stay with Bruce!! Excellent update!! :worship2: :chlexsign4: :worship2:

  5. #15
    Imperial Dragon Senior Member Impress's Avatar
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    Imperial Palace
    interesting so far. While I'm an avid Chlexer, I have to say that I want Chloe with Bruce if Lex is still planning on being an ass.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    18 Jun 2003
    wow, i've taken psychology classes and you pretty much hit the nail on the head with that thing. This is a great story and I can't wait for the next update. ^_^

  7. #17
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    I'm very happy Chloe is free, but I hope Lex and Bruce don't use her recent traumas as a way to control her. I loved the contrast between the Batman rescue and the Luthor wheeling and dealing. Two gorgeous, wounded, sneaky men, both of them for Chloe.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  8. #18
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
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    27 Dec 2003
    That was hmy: hmy: :worship2: . The way you described Chloe's emotional trauma and how she'd come to rely on the drops of affection handed to her despite the abuse was totally realistic. glad that Bruce and Lex (he does care) came through. But 2 friends, one girl, both with different intentions, I forsee trouble ahead. Hope they can help her through this though. More soon please.
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


  9. #19
    Maybe not so done? Reese's Avatar
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    Coast to Coast, USA
    "Count me in, but we take your car."
    OK, so there wasn't a whole lot of funny around but that part cracked me up

    Amazing story so far! I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. Such a great job of developing the relationship between Chloe and Sasha that I'm *really* looking forward to seeing how Bruce and Lex will deal with the after effects.


  10. #20
    NS Full Member zelda's Avatar
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    A/N:Okay, nothing too scary will happen in this chapter, just a little insight into Chloe. The ending may make some people angry and feel free to vent it if you wish, but just keep an open mind.

    Chloe's injuries healed quickly with the help of Bruce's hovering attention. Her private sessions with his psychiatrist helped her to at least voice all of the pain and frustration and helplessness she'd been bottling up for close to a year.

    "Tell me about Nick." Dr. Banks and Chloe were seated in Bruce's study, the doctor in an easy chair, and Chloe on a cushy ottoman. She still preferred not to have her back against anything.

    "Nick Sawyer and his mother lived in my building when I first moved to Gotham," Chloe began. "I spent a lot of time at the apartment because I could do a lot of my column work from home." She smiled. "That's a nice way of saying that the magazine didn't want to give me a desk just yet. But anyway, Nick was barely fourteen when I moved in and he used to show up at my door from time to time."

    She relaxed a little bit at the memory. "He was a good kid, and his mother worked second shift so she wasn't at home during the evenings. I didn't usually have other plans so Nick would come over and watch television or use the internet. He was a good boy and cleaned up after himself."

    "Did you have other friends in Gotham?"

    "No, I really just knew the people from work, and I didn't spend enough time actually inside the building to get to know anyone."

    "Sounds like the big city life was different than what I understand you came from."

    "Well, I was born in Metropolis, but Smallville brought out a lot in me that I try to keep with me."

    "You left Smallville, there had to be something you wanted to leave."

    "Yes, the good times were great, but the bad things that happened to me were all very traumatic. I suffered a lot of injuries at the hands of various citizens. Eventually, the small-town values stayed there, but I could never predict when a single individual was going to deviate from those values and try to hurt me."

    "You've given it a lot of thought."

    "When you're a captive, you tell yourself that you don't miss home. Eventually, you have to give yourself reasons for it."


    "Right, well the building we lived in was kinda old, and I was sleeping one night when a fire started on the floor below me. I had no idea what was happening until my apartment was filled with smoke. Nick was only fifteen at the time but he ran upstairs to get me." She shuddered with the memory of the thick smoke that had come up through her vents and through her open window. "It was hot and smoky and I couldn't see anything. I called out to him because I heard him shouting through the door. The last thing I remember is him kicking down my door."

    "A fifteen-year-old?"

    "Pretty impressive. But according to the firefighters, he'd hoisted me over his shoulder lke he's seen in the movies and got me to the elevator." When he gave her a look she shrugged. "I know, use the stairs in case of emergency, but as strong as he was, he still wouldn't have made it down five flights carrying me."

    "It was incredibly heroic."

    "It was more than Id have ever expected him to do for me."

    "That's whay you went to the Vashenkos?"

    "He risked everything for me, I had to try and help. Besides, I was sure I knew what I was getting into." Her voice was tinged with bitterness. "I had a vision in my head of being a servant in a velvet prison. Someone who would have to wear scanty clothes and polish shoes on my hands and knees." Her voice broke off and she wiped away a few tears.

    "Sounds like you had been watching some movies."

    "I guess at first it was better than I thought. I was given the illusion of freedom because I went out in public all the time. I just had to stay with Marcus and do little errands like an assistant and report back to his father if he was getting into trouble. Since he knew why I was there, he usually tried to avoid it, but eventually his interest took a diffrent turn."

    "Marcus?" The doctor looked at her curiously.

    "Yeah, he approached me a few times and said he was going to ask his grandfather if he could 'have' me, but for some reason Boris always said no. I saw very little of Boris himself, but in a strange way, I liked him. he was like an omnipotent being." Her shoulders slumped and Dr. Banks held out a tissue for her. She blew her nose and rubbed her eyes. "In the strange little world where I lived, he was like a small God."

    "I can see how it would appear that way to you." She didn't look happy. "Miss Sullivan," he began.

    "Please, call me Chloe, I haven't heard my first name spoken in a long time. It was always 'Sullivan' or 'You' or even "Bitch'."

    "I'd be happy to call you Chloe." He smiled gently. "How is your back feeling?"

    "Itchy, but better." She got up and paced. "This is all so unreal to me, I mean, one minute I'm a prisoner to a crime family, the next, I'm being rescued by an old friend and a complete stranger." She slid her hands into the pockets of her jeans. "But still, it feels the same. Bruce bought all my clothes, I still feel like a prisoner, and I know that I've just changed owners."

    "You know you're not a prisoner here."

    "Maybe not in reality, but I don't think I know how to be anything else yet."

    "Have either of the men tried to make any sexual overtures towards you yet?" Chloe shook her head violently. "Are you afraid that they might?"

    "Not exactly afraid," she answered. "But my feelings about sex have changed over the past few months. I had the trendiest clothes so I could be seen in public with Marcus, but I spent so much time trying to avoid...turning anyone on."

    "You said you felt protected by Boris."

    "Right, but he could have chosen to give into the demands of anyone who asked, and I'd agreed to their terms. I'd have been stuck."

    "Do you think it's luck that you got out without becoming intimate with anyone?" His tone was slightly scolding.

    "No." She clenched her hands into fists. "I know that Boris didn't really care about me. I was just another thing to hold over his son and grandson." She started to cry. "I hate feeling meaningless." Dr. Banks stood up quietly and walked to her. He gently put his hands on her shoulders.

    "You are anything but meaningless, Chloe. You've survived an experience that would put most people into an institution. And you've done it with your wits about you." He squeezed gently and felt a different kind of energy run through her body. She wasn't afraid of him, but his comforting touch was bringing up her fight or flight response. He slowly backed off, not wanting her to feel as if she repelled him. They continued to talk, but he could tell that the touch, however subconscious, had triggered something in her.

    When the session was over, he ordered her to go swimming to stretch her bruised muscles and maybe she'd feel better. When she'd left, Bruce came in.

    "How's she doing?"

    "Remarkably coherent about her situation. Without a true confidant for eight months, she probably spent time internalizing her own struggle. You said she was educated, she most likely used it to her advantage to keep a hold over what was happening." The doctor looked troubled.

    "What is it?"

    "I'm only going to say this because Chloe said I could disclose to you what I felt necessary or helpful." He pressed his lips together. "I think she only said that to please you, but nevertheless, I'll take the loophole."

    "Just tell me."

    "Her ability to recieve touch is skewed. Deeply enough that the slightest sign of affection seems to trigger stress in her that seems to worsen over time. It's like she's done something wrong and is just waiting for a parent to come home and punish her." The doctor clenched his fists angrily. "I see a lot of things in my work, but it never gets easier when you hit a wall like this."

    "A wall?" Bruce's brow furrowed. "You mean she can't get past this?"

    "I mean I can't talk her past her physical blocks. She needs something else to help her."

    "Like what?"

    "I work with people who have sexual problems as well as just physical." he looked at the cieleing. "I need to consult with some former patients."

    "Doc, what's wrong with her?"

    "Bruce, that question is too big to answer right now. I'm not saying not to touch her, just be careful, sometimes trying to help can harm." He headed for the door, "I'll be gone for the next week and a half, you can reach me by phone and Chloe can call me anytime."

    Bruce walked to the private swimming pool and watched as Chloe swam laps. He still sickened when he thought about her old injuries, the scars that had been revealed under the fresher welts. She told him, while under the influence of the painkillers, that she never went out in the sun because she was afraid that a tan would reveal the scars more. She was probably right.

    Chloe noticed him and waved, but didn't stop swimming. Bruce waited patiently for her to finish. She eventually came to rest at the edge of the pool and slipped her goggles up on top of her head. There were marks around her eyes from the goggles that made her look like a racoon. They would fade quickly and he was reminded of how resilient the human body could be when it wanted. The human mind was just as determined to protect itself and he was fighting the protections that she'd put in place herself.

    "Feeling better?" Bruce bent down beside the pool. She shrugged, avoiding his gaze directly. "How's the back?"

    "Healing up, but the exercise helps too."

    "I talked to Dr. Banks, he said he'll be out of town for a little while, but you can reach him by phone and he'll be calling to check up on you." Chloe looked alittle tense at first, then she seemed to force herself back under control.

    "Um, I know you don't want to hear any more thank-yous, but I just want to tell you how much help Dr. Banks has been." She scissored her legs and boosted herself out of the water to sit next to Bruce. She wore a simple, red racing suit that zipped up the back, covering her fully. "I've really never met anyone like him before."

    "You're not getting a case of transference are you?" Bruce reached up automatically and ran a palm over her wet hair. "Cause he's happily married with three grandkids." Chloe chuckled, but he could see the tension in her shoulders. He remembered the doctor's warning and was about to say something when a voice cut in from the behind them.

    "How's the water?" Lex was leaning against the doorway, hands in pockets, pose casual.

    "Great," Chloe said, turning toward him. "You should come swim." Lex shrugged and removed his jacket and watch. Then he walked to the edge of the pool and dove in. Chloe laughed and Bruce joined her. Lex came up for air in front of his two friends. He grinned evilly at Bruce.

    "Come on, Man, the water's fine." When Bruce balked he raised an eyebrow at Chloe. "Guy's so stiff all the time, he needs to know how to relax." With a quick movement, he lunged upward and siezed his friend by the shoulders and hauled him into the pool. In spite of her earlier nerves, Chloe laughed at the two men wrestling in the water in their expensive suits. Lex had Bruce in a headlock and was dunking him under the water and shouting for him to say 'Uncle'.

    "Chloe, you've gotta help me here!" Bruce was flailing around dramatically. With a giggle, Chloe stood on the side of the pool and launched herself at the pair. Lex released Bruce and caught the flying female body, closing his hands around her hips. Her momentum carried them both underwater in a tangle of arms and legs.

    For a moment, Chloe forgot everything. She was back in Smallville with Pete and Clark, this was just another summer day at the lake and they were going to goof around and tease Clark about his shyness. Then Lex's hand slipped around her waist and he stood up, pulling her with him. Bruce was laughing and Chloe was tucked under Lex's arm like a package and she squirmed to get free.

    "Alright," lex said, rubbing his hand uover his face. "I say we call it a draw." He ruffled Bruce's hair affectionately and shifted so that Chloe was in his arms securely. He started walking towards the shallower end of the pool slowly, bearing her weight as she went from buoyant to heavy. She had an arm slung around his neck and was twisting one finger around inside her ear, trying to get the water out. Bruce and Lex were chatting amiably about a football game that was going to be playing on television that night.

    Chloe was fine, then her weight settlled fully against Lex who lifted her out of the water and walked up the shallow steps of the enormous pool. She was dangling from his arms and he tightened his grip his grip on her ribs and knees, pulling her close to his chest. It was very close to an embrace. It was friendly, and gentle, and far too intimate. She started to shake. Lex didn't seem to notice as he set her on her feet and tossed a towel at her head. She walked out of the room without another word leaving the men to talk football.

    Bruce started to interrupt Lex's tirade about the Gotham Knight's Quarterback but he held up a finger to get him to wait. When the sound of running feet had faded with the slamming of Chloe's bedroom door, he turned to his friend.

    "She freaked a little," Bruce said. Lex nodded in agreement.

    "Yeah, I think she started to feel normal for a little while, I noticed her reaction but I didn't want to alarm her by bringing it up in front of you." He stripped off his shirt and shoes, then slung another towel over his shoulder. Bruce did the same and they stood in their sodden trousers and wondered what to do.

    "Do you think, I should give her a sleeping pill or something?"

    "I don't think so," Lex replied. "While I was in Metropolis, I boned up on everything I could read about the Dominant/Submissive lifestyle."

    "You think she's into that stuff?"

    "Not intentionally. But she's been programmed to recieve affection only as a reward for abuse. She's convinced, on a subconscious level, that if she's feeling good, there has to be something bad that she's done and needs to be punished for it."

    "Like when she'd had the beating and the doctor petted her like a dog, she was finally able to sleep."

    "I don't want her to be doped up all the time," Lex said, adamantly. "My Mom was, even wbefore she got sick. It was Dad's way of handling her."

    "So what do we do?" Bruce sat heavily in a metal chair. "Pet her to sleep?"

    "Actually, I think that would be counter productive." Lex saw Bruce's sharp look but continued. "I know that this isn't going to sound good, but I think she needs something else from you." The dark-haired man shook his head.

    "Lex, I've tried a few kinky things in my life, but I've never been into beatings."

    "You've got her room wired, don't you?"


    "Can you check on her and see how she's doing?" Bruce was embarrassed that Lex had figured out about the cameras. They changed into dry clothes and went up to his study and he turned on his computer. He had her room wired for sound and visual. The color picture came up immediately and they saw Chloe walk out of her bathroom, dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. She was pacing nervously, laying down on the bed, getting up, walking around some more, and eventually twisting and pinching at her arms and legs. "Do something, Man," Lex said. "She's going to hurt herself if you don't do something."

    "I don't have the slightest idea how to hurt someone without really hurting them." He looked at Lex. "But you do." He watched the other man harden his face into a mask. It was his business face. He stormed out of the room and down the hall.

    Chloe dug her nails into her thighs, waiting for the pain to give her the relief she needed, but she couldn't bring herself to hurt enough. She told herself over and over again that she was free. She wasn't in the compound anymore. She was allowed to rest. She could dream, she could eat, she could talk without fear. But the wall she'd built up wasn't crumbled by a few affirmations and a couple of therapy sessions. She knew she was going to be in for another sleepless night.

    She flung herself onto her bed and buried her fingers in her hair, giving a fierce tug. She knew Bruce was watching. She had a privacy screen and a bathroom for purposes of changing, and she knew that the camera was there for her own good. It actually helped her to wean herself from the idea that she was a prisoner.
    She couldn't act normal, not even when she knew he could be watching. She cried into her pillow until she heard the door open.

    "Stop crying." Lex's voice was sharp, but not angry. He was silhouetted in her doorway. She sniffled and swallowed her tears. He slid his jacket from his shoulders as he watched from across the room. Chloe's stomach clenched with fear and anticipation.

    "What are you doing here?"

    "You can't ask for help, but I'm giving it anyway." She couldn't see his face, but Lex watched her closely. He slowly began to unbuckle his belt and her saw her breathing increase and her eyes were riveted by the motion of his hands. he slid the leather out through the loops in his trousers and crossed the room, closing the door and leaving her in darkness.

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