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Thread: Sexual Statistics (R) Updated: May 13, 2009

  1. #11
    NS Full Member toryjhay's Avatar
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    Re: Sexual Statistics (R) Updated: March 03, 2009

    Man, that was cruelly cut short. but incredibly interesting! more soon please!!!!

  2. #12
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Sexual Statistics (R) Updated: March 03, 2009

    Well I can say without a doubt that I never read a story like this. Very hilarious and entertaining. I am glad that you both are crazy enough to cook up this crackpot ficlet. Please continue and wow us. x]

  3. #13
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Sexual Statistics (R) Updated: March 03, 2009

    A/N: Blue: The plot thickens....as do Chloe's data points
    A/N: Sabby: Plot? What plot?

    “And,” she said offhandedly, “you scored much higher than he did in the area of kissing, as well.”

    He tried to wipe the smug smirk of his face, but somehow it got stuck there. Until he realized that Chloe was pouting as she stared at her paper work. His eyebrow went up at that, but he dismissed it as a technicality. Of course a woman would rather be seduced slowly than ravished in the span of a few minutes. Unless of course the ravishing was done in the right way.

    “Alright, but I would think that if you gave the right signals, the first point shouldn't be too much of a problem.”

    He leaned back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap. “As for the second point, is that really important, since you said yourself that you were after sex. Kissing the partner is not strictly necessary to have good sex.” Lex should know, he'd had quite a bit of practice in that field.

    “Technically speaking, yes,” Chloe said distractedly. She was now looking at other various parts that Lex and Greg differed on. “But if I’m kissing you and you’re very skilled at it then I’ll get very turned on and things will be much more pleasurable for both of us.”

    She looked at a highlighted portion of her notes and sighed again. Greg was looking less and less acceptable next to Lex. It wasn’t fair. Lex wouldn’t give in and just do her so now she was left with a substandard version of what she wanted.

    Lex chuckled, shaking his head. “Technically speaking, if you are 'horny' as you put it to begin with it won't take much to get you turned on,” he stated.

    Watching her intently he could almost see the wheels in her head grinding. The pout on her lips had become more pronounced and her tone was decidedly more and more unenthused about the whole idea. Good.

    “You want to get laid, and there's your object. He's number three on your list, he's closer to your age and not a meteor mutant. From the files he's also quite attractive. He fulfills the purposes you set in your list, so what's still keeping you?”

    Hearing Lex reiterate all the Greg had going for him, instead of focusing on the negatives as she was, helped Chloe to pull herself out of her stupor. “You’re right, Lex.” She closed the binder with a flick of her wrist.

    “And, I’m sure that I’ll be able to instruct him if he’s doing something not quite correctly.” She chuckled as she reached for her jacket behind her. “That was the one area where he had you beat.”

    Lex's brows went up at that. “Excuse me?”

    Now he wasn't arrogant enough to presume he was a perfect lover, because such a thing did not exist outside the boundaries of cheesy romance novels, but he did think of himself as considerate enough to change tactics when it was needed. Trying to remember if he'd ever encountered a situation where he'd refused to be that considerate or been instructed to do something differently, he came up empty handed. Which meant that one of his former lovers had not had the guts to approach him about it, but had turned around to tell Chloe about the particular flaw, probably in length and width.

    “Would you care to explain that in a little more detail?”

    Chloe looked up at him, noticing the slightly tense set of his shoulders. She hadn’t meant to insult him. Explaining herself she said, “Well, some of the women described you a control freak. Even in the bedroom. That if they suggested something or needed something different that they didn’t get it.”

    True, it had been a very small percentage of the women but the fact was there anyway. Almost feeling the need to make Lex feel better, which was ridiculous because he didn’t need that from anyone, she added, “They didn’t say that it took away from their pleasure, they just noted it is all.”

    Lex inclined his head in acknowledgement, mulling over that thought. He really would like to know who had imparted that particular information on Chloe. Or how she'd found most of his past lovers anyway. He'd thought up until now that she'd gotten her information only from a few of them, seeing as the vast array of one night stands... Oh, of course. Chloe had investigated the case against him when he'd been framed for murder. She'd gotten the 'diamond earring' list. That would explain it.

    “I'll be sure to take note of that in future,” he commented, then swiftly brought the conversation back to Chloe, knowing he had to do something before she went through with her plan. “So, are you going to change your plan or will you assault him like you did me,” he asked.

    As she stood up she heard Lex’s words and she put her hands on her hips as she declared, “I did not assault you. I admit that I was blunt with you but that’s because I thought that you could handle it. It’s not as if I crawled over to you and started to unzip your pants.”

    She started to mutter to herself as she walked over to his desk and picked up a few of the pieces of paper that were still on it. “But to answer your question, no, I won’t go about it that way with him. You and I have a familiarity with each other that I don’t have with Greg.”

    “Assaulted you,” she grumbled as she shoved the paper back into her bag.

    Seeing as she was about to pack up and leave, he had to think of something to keep her there for a bit longer. He steadfastly ignored the mental image her words had brought to mind and soldiered on.

    “Well, all familiarity aside, it was a verbal assault. Not to mention it was something I never would have expected coming from someone like you,” he left his sentence vague, hoping to goad her.

    Somehow, the thought of Chloe sleeping with some random guy, even though now most risks were removed still didn't sit too well with him.

    Chloe plopped back down into her chair, her coat and binder quickly forgotten. “Do I even want to know what you mean by the phrase ‘someone like you’?”

    She didn’t know why, but what Lex thought about her actually meant a great deal. She was royally screwed.

    Lex allowed himself a fierce mental 'Yes!' while he smirked at Chloe. Now for the hard part, keeping her in her seat without shackles involved. Another mental image to put aside.

    “I've said it before, Chloe. You're intelligent, attractive, you have a sense of humor. It just seems unfitting that you would have to assemble a list of men for the purpose of finding a partner. Be it for sex or otherwise,” he stated.

    Flattery will get you everywhere. At least he was sure he'd heard that before. Not from his father, that was for sure, but it did definitely work on most women and he hoped that Chloe wasn't the complete exception to the rule.

    Her eyes narrowing on Lex, Chloe remembered what his partners had said about his use of flattery. But, she supposed that it didn’t apply because he wasn’t trying to get her into bed. Quite the opposite, in fact.

    Once she had that established in her mind she allowed herself to smile over at him. Her first real smile of the day and it felt good to do so. “Thanks, Lex, but if the rest of the male population actually agreed with you on that fact, I wouldn’t have to be doing this.”

    Leaning back in her chair she said, “I realize that others will agree with you…in a few years. I know that teenage boys don’t often see anything past the surface. I just don’t want to wait that long in order to be with a man.”

    Lex leaned back in his chair, propping his chin on his fingers as he regarded her slowly. “You make it sound like Smallville only consists of teenagers and old men,” he quipped. “I know for a fact that that is not the case, so why don't you simply try to meet someone older?”

    A little lower he added, “Casual sex is not all it's cracked up to be, believe me.”

    When Lex was being totally rational it was hard to argue with him. Not that this was an argument. Chloe needed him to understand where she was coming from and why she was doing this. Yes, there were men a few years older than her wandering around the town. But, she didn’t come into contact with most of them.

    Even though she was being brazen in the way that she was going about this that didn’t mean that she wanted to approach a complete stranger and ask him for sex. Sure, she could try and get to know one of the older men. Hope that they didn’t care about being seen with a high school girl and then work from there. But, it just took too much damn time. And, god forbid that she somehow ended up in the friend zone. All of her work would have been for nothing.

    “Trying to meet someone older has its own drawbacks.” Chloe stretched out her legs in front of her for a moment before continuing on. “There’s a stigma associated with an older man hanging out with teenage girls without a good reason. You are friends with Clark and friends with his friends so it works out fine for you. But another man…”

    Chloe shook her head. “This is a small, small town. There would be whispers probably followed by a stoning. Besides, I don’t really know anyone older. I don’t want to approach a total stranger for this. It would just be too weird.”

    Lex's brow arched. “And the town pariah going out with one of the innocent young girls of the city would not lead to a stoning? I beg to differ, you should know better than most how people still think about me.”

    But he had to give her that much, she was right about the drawbacks of trying to find an older man to go out with. “I can understand though, why you wouldn't want to approach a stranger. At least you know this, what was his name, again?”

    “Greg. He’s a decent guy from what I know about him,” Chloe began slowly. She was trying to psyche herself up to do this. Her run at Lex had ended in disaster so now she was a little gun shy. Then again, she doubted that Greg would have as many reservations as Lex.

    Thinking about what Lex had just said she added, “But, you’re misunderstanding about this again. It’s not about me dating him. It’s about me having sex with him.” She looked at her watch and yawned. She’d been up late last night getting the last of the data together. For all the good it had done her with Lex. The Talon would be closing soon. If she wanted to approach Greg today she was going to have to get a move on.

    “I was more thinking about the approaching part, it shouldn't be easy if he's a virtual stranger,” he commented.

    Noticing that she was itching to run off again he thought on his feet. “You look a bit tired, can I offer you something to drink? A coffee, maybe?”

    He had to keep her in place, somehow, until he'd managed to talk some sense into her. It just wouldn't do to let her run off and sleep with a random guy. He could understand the itch, but damnit, she was too young and too, well she just couldn't get into this kind of trouble. Not if he could do something about it.

    If Lex told her she looked tired it wouldn’t bode well for her seduction plan. No one wanted to bang someone that looked half dead. And, well, if they did she didn’t want to be with that guy anyway.

    “Tea would actually be great,” she smiled over at Lex. He could really be quite nice when given the chance. Not that she’d tell him that. He’d most likely have her disappeared for even thinking something like that.

    Lex nodded, a bit surprised that she'd forgo coffee for tea. However, he made no mention of it. “No problem,” he said as he reached for the intercom. “Enrique, please bring up a tea 'cubano' for Miss Sullivan.”

    Now he only hoped that Enrique remembered the code for what it was. Sure enough, there was a miniscule pause before his manservant answered in his usually stiff tones. “Right away, sir.”

    “Thank you,” he answered and disconnected the intercom.

    “I'm still interested to know, do you know him personally? Otherwise it might get a bit difficult to convince him that your offer is genuine. I mean I've seen a lot in my days and I still thought you were yanking my chain.”

    Chloe nodded. “We’ve had a few classes together and done some group work. He’s not a total stranger but he’s not my best friend, either. I suppose that works in my favor.” She placed her jacket on the arm of the chair and got a little more comfortable.

    “That way he knows that I’m not some crazed psychopath. Besides, after my total crash and burn with you perhaps I’ll be a little more eloquent so I don’t scare him off.” Chloe pondered what her best move was. She wanted to do it in a public place so Greg wouldn’t be freaked out by what she was suggesting.

    It might be difficult to get him alone once they were actually in a public place, though. His friends always seemed to be around. Well, she’d deal with that once she was actually in his presence.

    She heard a knock at the door and then Enrique came in the room carrying a steaming cup of tea. She took it out of his hands and said, “Thank you, Enrique. You’re a life saver.”

    Enrique was far too professional to make a back handed comment at this juncture but he did shoot Lex a quick look, arching an eyebrow lightly in inquiry. With a small bow, he answered, “Miss Sullivan,” then turned and left the room in his brisk but silent stride.

    Lex had ignored Enrique's look and turned back to Chloe, watching her taking the first small sip of the tea. She wouldn't taste anything but simple chamomile, and that was exactly the way it should be. However, the sedative put in the drink would conk her out in less than 20 minutes from now, so all he had to do was wait and keep her in place until she'd finished her drink and nodded off.

    Smirking lightly, he turned back to the conversation. “That sounds like a wise idea. And I believe that not using the word 'mating' might also help a great deal.”

    Chloe sputtered in her tea succeeding in both embarrassing herself and spilling some of the liquid on her shirt. She dabbed at the material with the napkin that Enrique had placed on the saucer.

    Clearing her throat, she took another sip of the tea. It was amazing. She was sure that it must have some secret rich man ingredient in it that made it that yummy. Perhaps some nice virgin blood or something of the like.

    Finally finding her voice she said, “Yeah, maybe that was coming on a little strong. But I thought putting it in clinical terms would make it easier for you. With Greg I’ll be a little softer, I suppose.”

    She tried not to be rude as she yawned again. “Excuse me,” she murmured before taking another sip of tea. She hoped that the caffeine would start to kick in. At least she didn’t have to drive back to the Talon, she was sure that Lex would have a car waiting for her downstairs when she was ready to leave.

    Chloe settled back in her chair. “I’m sorry about the yawning, I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

    Lex suppressed the victory that was seeping into him as he watched the spiked tea take effect. “That's alright, I'm sure the tea will help soon,” he answered. “Did this little project of yours keep you up, or why the lack of sleep?”

    As long as she didn't think about getting up and leaving, things would be perfect. Well perfect until she woke up again, that was. He knew there'd be hell to pay. But once he had her confined to one of the guestrooms, he could reason with her until she gave up the silly notion of sleeping with random men. If she needed an orgasm so bad, there were always toys, or something.

    As her body started to relax Chloe decided it was best that she put down the cup of tea..after one last sip, that was. It wouldn’t do to drop it on Lex’s nice rug. She placed it on his desk and then leaned back into the chair. She didn’t even notice that she had pulled her legs up under her in order to get more comfortable.

    Nodding, Chloe said, “Yes, it’s a lot of data to compile.” She yawned again. “And,” she murmured, “I was nervous about approaching you.” Damn, she had to get out of here soon. She wasn’t supposed to tell Lex that. But her body wasn’t listening to her brain. It was quite content to curl up a little more.

    Lex had the silliest urge to scratch his nose and cackle evilly, like Devilicus in the Warrior Angel comics did whenever one of his plans worked out. He stifled the urge, however, and instead just waited for Chloe to nod off completely, letting the silence stretch until Chloe's eyes drooped and completely fell shut.

    “Chloe,” he asked silently, trying to test if she was still awake.

    Chloe made a noncommittal noise in her throat. Lex’s voice was very far away but she tried not to be rude and answer him. It was a lost cause, though. After making that one attempt to speak to him, she fell asleep.

    Getting nothing but a small noise in answer, Lex tried again, a little more sure and louder.

    “Chloe, are you awake?”

    Not receiving any answer, he got up from his chair and rounded the desk, moving over to where Chloe was curled asleep in the chair. Breathing a sigh of relief when she didn't react to his touch on her arm, he bent down to pick her up. “Oomph” she might look delicate, but light as a feather, she wasn't. Lex struggled with the weight for a moment before he had her in a comfortable position, one arm behind her back and the other under her knees.

    “One day you're going to thank me for this,” he mumbled as he made his way out of the office, thankful that Enrique had left the door slightly ajar instead of closing it completely.

    He carried her down the hallway into the next guestroom - the door left wide open thanks to aforementioned thoughtful manservant - and placed her on the bed. When he'd settled her somewhat comfortably and pulled off her shoes, he left the room and closed the door behind him with a snick, turning the lock with an equally silent sound and effectively trapping Chloe inside the room.

    Fortunately, they were up on the third floor already, which meant that she wouldn't try climbing out the window. The sheets also weren't nearly long or strong enough to try anything stupid. Some harebrained escape plan could have put a severe dent in his mission.

    Now all he had to do was figure out what to say to Chloe when she woke up in approximately six hours, or tomorrow morning, which ever happened first. And of course he'd have to inform Gabe that his daughter was staying in the mansion. Damn.


  4. #14
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    Re: Sexual Statistics (R) Updated: March 13, 2009

    Got tired of listening to her stroke his ego huh? Well, this will be fun explaining to Gabe.

  5. #15
    Imperial Dragon Senior Member Impress's Avatar
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    Re: Sexual Statistics (R) Updated: March 13, 2009

    I can't wait to see how he explains this to Gabe. Oh Lex, just give in already. Good work. More soon.

  6. #16
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Sexual Statistics (R) Updated: March 13, 2009

    This is interesting!! After Chloe asks Lex to sleep with her, she is going to wake up in the mansion!! Hopefully she won't lose her memory and think that they slept together!! I wonder how Lex is planning to explain this to Gabe?!! I think that Lex was smart to lock her in, who knows all of the trouble Chloe could get into alone in the mansion!! However, I think it would be funny if Chloe was able to get herself out!!

    This story is so fun!! I love Chloe and Lex's interaction!! It's sweet how Lex is trying to do what's best for Chloe!! Can't wait to read what Chloe's reaction is when she wakes up!!

  7. #17
    Fan Artist, Fanfic Lover Senior Member Esther25jm's Avatar
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    Re: Sexual Statistics (R) Updated: March 13, 2009

    Hehee, this is fantastic! Love this story! Can't wait to see Lex's explanation to Gabe and find out Chloe's reaction to being locked in Castle Luthor.

  8. #18
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Sexual Statistics (R) Updated: March 13, 2009

    Lex is not serious? He is so going to get a butt whipping from her.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #19
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Sexual Statistics (R) Updated: March 13, 2009

    Good ol' Enrique who is helpful and doesn't ask questions when his employer needs to drug teenage girls. Well maybe Lex can make it up to her by sleeping with her. I don't care if it completely defeats the purpose. I love that Lex got offended by her data.

  10. #20
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Sexual Statistics (R) Updated: March 13, 2009

    I really love how Lex is so concerned about Chloe and her reputation--good man!

    Can't wait to see Gabe's reaction to Chloe's sleeping at Lex's house

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