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Thread: Deep In The Heart (R)

  1. #11
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    05 Mar 2003
    Chesapeake, Va
    Disclaimer in Chapter 1

    A/N: I know I posted this before, and it's a slightly
    different angle than the last one I wrote for those of
    you who actually got to read it. But seeing as how I
    didn't save the last one I wrote, I stuck to the same
    premise, only reworded it. Enjoy...

    Chapter 4: Memories...

    Max turned his head and saw Lex watching from the
    hall, Chloe's head rest against his shoulder as they
    sat side by side on the couch. Slowly his lips
    quirked upwards and with eyes still watching Lex he
    let his lips touch base on her forehead. Stormy blue
    eyes narrowed sharply as Lex watched the young man
    provide Chloe with the comfort she had once turned to
    him for. "I should probably get going." Max's voice
    broke upon the room. Chloe lifted her head to look up
    at the man beside her.

    "Thanks, Max. You've been wonderful." She smiled
    wearily at him and gasped as his lips brushed against
    hers. Was that supposed to be friendly? Her mind
    sped as thoughts of what the hell he was doing shot
    through her endlessly. His lips hardened on hers and
    her eyes shot a panicked look to Lex's figure leaning
    in the hallway. With one look from her Lex stepped
    forward and rest a hand on the man's shoulder,
    squeezing the muscle underneath with just the hint
    that it was time for him to go....NOW.

    Max shrugged his hand off and stood. Chloe's hand
    felt her lips in awe. "What the fuck was that?" Her
    voice carried low and undertoned with every inch of
    hostility she felt growing deep inside her. "Max."
    She shook her head and then realized Lex was holding
    the door open for him. Her eyes darted from Max's to
    those familiar ones of her exhusbands. "Goodnight,
    Max." The absolute feral comment dripped from Lex's
    tongue as Max smiled at Chloe and stepped out the
    door. Turning to say his goodnights he was met by the
    door slamming against his nose.

    Chloe's confused, deer-in-headlight, eyes searched
    Lex's. "I have no idea..." She shook her head
    slightly, her eyes still connected to his across the
    room. "I don't know what got into him." Suddenly not
    caring about what had just happened and the
    realization of her son, her only son being taken from
    the comfort of their own home, she began to berate
    herself. Here she was confused and appalled at a pass
    made on her by her neighbor, yet her son was out there
    somewhere with god only who knew and her stomach
    rolled as she felt the uneasiness of the whole day
    settle into her. "I think." Her hand covered her
    mouth as she flew from the couch to the kitchen and
    threw up stuff she hadn't even realized she had
    consumed. Lex came up behind her, pressing his cold
    hands to the back of her neck.

    "I, can't...Lex." His name rolled off her tongue as
    she collapsed onto the floor and sobbed as hard as she
    could into her hands. Lex knelt beside her, he had
    been biting his tongue in the presence of company, but
    now, he had no choice but to console her with
    meaningless words. His hand ran through her hair as
    it landed on her nape once again and he pulled her to
    him. "Shhhh." He whispered things into her hair that
    weren't quite audible, and his low soothing voice
    controlled her emotions as she settled against him.
    "It's okay, baby." His term of endearment had her at
    an undecision, not sure if she should stiffen in his
    embrace or pretend as though nothing had ever gone
    wrong in their lives. As if she could rewind five
    years and do things differently. As her inner voice
    attempted at advising her to move away quickly, the
    shrill ring of her phone made her jump back.

    She stood quickly, Lex following closely as she
    reached the phone and the reciever was pressed close
    to her ear. "Hello." Control overrode her, from
    being a Luthor for half of a decade, she still had a
    few tricks up her sleeves. Surprise was only evident
    in her gut as her voice took on an unemotional tone.

    "Miss Sullivan." A low steady voice captured the
    hairs on the back of her neck and she stilled at Lex's
    hand on the small of her back.

    "This is she." Lex's brow furrowed as his hand
    dropped from it's resting place and he moved beside
    her, to take in her outward appearance.

    "Are you ready to meet some of my demands?" The
    masculine voice had her hooked.

    "Depends." She was playing hardball with an absolute
    psychopath, as all that she knew, and Lex's eyes on
    her nearly broke her resolute composure.

    "I really don't think you are in any position to make
    deals, Miss Sullivan." A noise carried over through
    the phone and the sharp sound of glass broke on the
    other end. "Your son, Chloe, he's quite the fighter."
    The man muttered as Chloe sank down onto the
    coffeetable. Her eyes closed breifly until she felt
    hands on her shoulders, easing the knots away slowly.
    Leaning slightly into the all too familiar feeling she
    had to remember one thing, there wasn't a chance her
    and Lex would ever be what they one time were. He was
    a married man. No matter how much she wanted to
    change that. "Miss Sullivan." A rather impatient
    tone carried over.


    "Do we agree that you will meet my demands."

    Tired and hurting and wanting just to curl up in the
    past, have strong reassuring arms wrap around her as
    they had so many times before. "Anything." She
    sighed in agreement.

    "Good, now, I'd like to know how exactly Lex Luthor
    fits into your life."

    "I don't see how his involvement in my life is of any
    concern to meeting your demands." Her voice stern and
    hard, Lex dropped his hands and took a seat on the
    couch, watching her back as the tension was ever so
    present thorughout her body.

    "Well, Miss Sullivan, that's where I should make
    myself clearer. I want you to deliver 50 million
    dollars to me."

    "Done." Chloe's voice held a bout of confidence. She
    would get the money, she could get the money, but she
    knew the only person she couldn't turn to was the man
    sitting behind her.

    "Perfect. You have 24 hours to make the drop. I'll
    call you back in the morning with the details." The
    phone disconnected and Chloe stared down at it in her

    "That's it?" The anger she felt bubble deep inside
    her, finally won over and seconds later the offending
    object connected with the wall.

    "Chloe." Lex's hand was on her elbow and he pulled
    her towards him. She turned on the coffee table and
    stared back at his concerned eyes. Worry lines
    clearly etched where there were usually none present.
    "What do they want?"

    Chloe let him pull her over on to the couch and she
    tucked her feet in beneath her leaning back, her eyes
    closed against the stillness of the room. Her heart
    pounded at a steady rythym and she could only faintly
    hear her own breathing as her head pounded through her

    "Fifty million."

    Lex shook his head and pulled her closer to him,
    tucking her into his side. "That's fine." Chloe
    stiffened as she realized he was going to pay it and
    she leaned her head back to look up at him. His money
    wasn't welcome and he could see that. "You weren't
    going to ask me for it, were you?"

    Chloe leaned back into his side. "No, I have a friend
    I can get a loan from."

    "Anyone I know?" Sounding more like a sigh and that
    he was already pretty sure where she'd be getting the

    "Probably." His lips touched the top of her head and
    she relaxed further into him.

    "You three can stay at the penthouse, Chloe, I'd like
    you to."

    She shook her head solemnly. "Somehow I don't think
    your wife would appreciate the company, and I want to
    be here in case anything else happens."

    "Are you going to keep the girls here with you?"

    She shook her head again. "No. I'll call my father
    and they'll be safe with him back in Smallville."

    Lex nodded in agreement. There was a long pause, it
    surprised Chloe how comfortable she was to sit with
    him after all these years of being apart.

    "What are you thinking?" Lex's voice cut through her
    peaceful thoughts of their past.

    "The past."

    "Me, too."

    "I don't hate you." She suddenly felt the need to lay
    it all out there, hoping that it sounded like she
    actually meant it, which she didn't.

    "Yes, you do." Lex sighed and bowed his head to lock
    his eyes with her. "And I don't blame you."

    Her gaze stilled at his lips and she tentatively
    brushed hers against them. She had wondered what it
    would feel like after so long. His lips stayed soft
    and pliable as her eyes fluttered close and she
    deepened the kiss.

    Lex's arms were around her in one swift move and she
    was pulled onto his lap. Her hands on either side of
    his face, she directed his head to tilt as her tongue
    slid against his. His arms tightened around her waist
    pulling her hard against him.

    It felt too right. After all this time, there was
    still the chemistry she remembered. She felt at ease
    in his arms. It reminded her of the times they spent
    laughing and smiling, it reminded her of the first
    time she kissed him. The first move she'd made on

    She knew she may not have him for long. She knew it
    wouldn't work between them. But for tonight, she
    needed him, and tonight, she would have him.


  2. #12
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Can she have him now, please? *whiney voice* And now you've got me all paranoid...is the neighbor in on it? Who's the fifty million dollar guy? And why aren't they smutting it yet? *gains control of self* Great stuff, as usual. I can't wait to see what lengths the two of them will go to in order to get their son back.


  3. #13
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    I don't like this Max person, could he have done it? There would have been time for him to get home and make the call, and he knew that Lex was there. More soon!

  4. #14
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    28 Feb 2003
    It's getting intriguing. :huh: Lex needs to drop his wife and get his family back together.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    31 May 2003
    Definitely intriguing. Is Lex's new wife going to figure into Chloe and Lex sleeping together... technically, he's being unfaithful... (again)?

    ::ducks shoes hurled at her by other Chlex fans:: :hammer:

    Love it. Very worried about the reminders of this being an 'angst' fic though. :sad: I'm terrified of the ending, and we're not even close to there yet! lol!

    Love it. Good job keeping up the tension, the emotions are a tangled mess, just as they are in real life -- no clear cut, easy solution to everything. Kudos for taking the hard writers path, it makes for an intensely rewarding product, and great read!

  6. #16
    NS Full Member jem's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Jun 2003
    i alternate from nc17 fanfiction forum to la la land...
    thanks for writing again.... aw this is so emotionally complicated.... great stuff
    i do so like green eggs and ham
    i do so like them...sam i am
    –Dr Seuss “Green Eggs And Ham”--

  7. #17
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    26 Dec 2002
    Max leaves and then they get the phone call... how convenient. If he's not bad, then he's an arsehole for making a move on her! Bad timing much?

    On another note: "Yes, you do." Lex sighed and bowed his head to lock his eyes with her. "And I don't blame you."

    Neither do I. I'm sorry, I'm still mad at him for believing his father over his own wife and, because of that, I'm not entirely hating the fact that this is in the angst section. Loved this chapter; can't wait for the update. :

  8. #18
    Just a Guest!
    Wow, great story!! But it makes me so sad that Chloe and Lex got into this situation and that it took something like this for the truth to come out. Can't wait for more :yay:

    btw: who the heck is Chloe going to just call and ask for a $50m loan??? You've got me all curious now. :unsure:

  9. #19
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Chesapeake, Va
    Chapter 5: Demands...

    Lex hissed her name as her lips wet a path from his ear to his jugular. She sat back and looked at him. "I missed you." Her fingertips trailed a sensual trail across his cheekbone down to his chin. He opened his mouth, she placed her fingers over his parted lips. "Just, just let me." He nodded and she removed her fingers, her lips meeting his softly. Lex's hands gripped onto her hips and loosened, each time grinding her into his aroused state. Chloe sighed onto his lips and ran her hands up his chest to his shoulders.

    her left hand then proceeded back down his chest, over his stomach and pulled the belt quickly from its buckled place. Once her hand was inside his pants Lex's breathing shallowed and she squeezed tightly, turning her wrist as she stroked his length. Lex's eyes shut tight, knowing it was wrong, and that he shouldn't be doing this. But her touch sent a spark quickly shooting to his spine and up his sternum, resting comfortably in his heart. All too familiar hands, heating his body. It wasn't until he felt her lips wrap around him, that he gasp. His eyes opened wide and his hands rest on the back of her head. He could die right now, and be a happy man.

    Lex gasped her name as he came in her mouth, her throat working diligently as she swallowed every last drop of him. Licking her lips, she gently tucked him back into his pants and zipped him up.

    The pained look on his face had her smile up at him. "Don't worry, I won't make a habit out of it." he nodded in acceptance, figuring it had to do with being in control. She resumed her position beside him and curled into his arms, he held her tight, knowing that she needed the reassurance that he wasn't going to leave her just yet. Within minutes she was sound asleep and he let his eyes focus on everything in the room, from one peice of furniture to another. His gaze ended on the window.

    It was early morning when she woke from the phone. It's remnants somehow peiced back together and placed in the charger. Strong arms still wrapped around her. His breath near her hair. He spoke at a loud whisper. "You need to answer it." She nodded and lunged for the phone on the fourth ring.


    "And how are you this morning, Chloe? Nicely rested I take it. Quite the excursion you had with Mr Luthor last night, is that right?"

    Chloe throat seized on her. Her mouth parched as she realized that whoever it was, had seen her on her knees.

    "What do you want from me?" Her voice choked out a sob.

    "My money, and I want it today. Are you up for a drive, Miss Sullivan?"

    "I want to speak to my son." She stated without conviction. "I need to know that he's okay."

    "He's fine." The voice snapped and Chloe flinched from the sudden abruptness of the voice.

    "Mom?" Joey's voice sounded shaky. Chloe covered her mouth, breathing out a sigh of relief at the same time. Lex was now standing beside her, her knees buckled and his arms circled her waist from behind, his ear on the other side of the phone. Tears slipped past her cheek and ran to the hollow of her throat.

    "Joey. Sweetie, are you okay?"

    "Yeah, Mom, I'm okay."

    "Did he hurt you?" Her voice at a notch just above a whisper.

    "No. I'm okay."

    "God, Joey, I love you so much, I'm going to get you back. Stay strong sweetie." Chloe's voice grew stronger with each word until she almost believed what she was saying. She glanced to Lex's face the phone seperating them and saw the unshed tears in his eyes. His brows creased together, fending off the tears.

    "Happy now?" The low voice caught her off guard, expecting to hear more from her son.

    "Where do you want me to drop off the money?" Chloe's hand held tight onto Lex's still resting around her waist. he squeezed her fingers, showing her support as his eyes focused on the male voice.

    "I wish it were that easy Miss Sullivan. See, I know you haven't contacted the police again yet, but I don't know if you will or not. I'll give you two hours to get the money, I'll call back with directions then. If you haven't guessed by now, your apartment is wired and under surveillance. If anyone disconnects either taps, the deal is off." The phone went dead and Chloe's hands began to shake. Lex extracted the phone from her hand before she dropped it.

    He led her to the couch and set her down easily. "He's okay." His hands enfolded hers and she shook her head.

    "I need to call someone." She took the phone from him gently and dialled a number she knew all too well.

    "Wayne, here."

    Chloe breathed a sigh of relief. "I know it's early there, but I need a loan."

    Bruce yawned and stretched. He immediately recognized the voice from the other end. Chloe Sullivan, once Chloe Luthor. She had done a bit of journalism in Gotham after her divorce. Her second Life Style peice on him would be gracing newspaper stands everywhere next month.

    "What can I do for you, Chloe?"

    "I need to borrow fifty million dollars."

    Bruce emitted a low whistle. "Should I ask what this is about?"

    "Life or death, Bruce." Lex's spine stiffened as he fixed her coffee in the kitchen. He hadn't been one hundred per cent sure of who she was going to call, but Bruce had been near the top of the list, knowing she had spent some time in Gotham with him for a few months recently.

    "Okay. I'll do this for you Chloe, but as soon as that money is in your possession, I want to know everything."

    "Deal." She hung up the phone and placed her head in her hands.

    "Bruce Wayne, Chloe?" Lex handed her a cup of coffee.

    "Don't, Lex, please." Her voice wounded she sipped at the heavenly liquid as it ran down her throat and hummed in appreciation. "I just want to get this over with."

    Lex nodded, deciding not to press matters any further. It was none of his business if she spent time with another man. Even months for that matter. He didn't even know she was living in Metropolis until yesterday. "Do you want to talk?"

    Chloe shook her head and her hand shook as she reached for the phone again, it's ringing endlessly echoing in her ears.

    "Hello?" She had slept last night, but her dreams had consisted of her and Lex and their children. Everything she couldn't possibly ever have.

    "Chloe, honey, is there something the matter?" Chloe shuddered with relief.

    "Dad." Her voice broke and uncontrollable sobs broke through to the other end. Lex took the phone from her to speak with Gabe.

    "Gabe, it's Lex."

    "Lex." He could tell the he was a bit confused.

    "Chloe needs you to watch the girls for a little while."

    Gabe's brow furrowed together. "Ummm, okay, is everything okay there?"

    "Yeah, yes. Everything's fine."

    Gabe immediately picked up the code word that meant 'trouble' at work. He had worked with LexCorp long enough that he could tell, the word 'fine' in this sentence meant the complete opposite and that more than likely, something or someone was in danger.

    "Okay, well, you can drop off the girls anytime, really. Afterall, it is the weekend, and I did miss them last weekend."

    Lex nodded an affirmative at Chloe and she shut her eyes softly leaning her head back on the couch. "They'll be on their way as soon as they wake up."

    "I'll be looking forward to it. Tell my daughter I love her and that she should call me when she gets a chance."

    "Will do, Gabe."

    "Thanks." Gabe hung up the phone and paced. Something wasn't right, but they obviously couldn't talk about it. He ran his hands through his hair and called Jonathan and Martha's, he needed to track down Clark.

    Lizzie and Lily came around the front of the couch still holding hands. "There's a strange man in the bedroom." Chloe looked from one girl to the other and up at Lex's narrowing eyes. She jumped up from the couch and over the back of it running to her bedroom.


  10. #20
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Oh good chappy. And three guesses as to who's the 'strange man' in her bedroom. Could he be wearing..oh I dunno..a lot of spandex? :biggrin: can't wait to see what happens next. And something tells me there is more behind this kidnapping. Update soon babe


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