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Thread: Keep 'em Coming (complete) NC17

  1. #11
    NS Full Member flower's Avatar
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    <jumps from chair and dances around teh room laughing her ass off>
    GO BLAIRE&#33;

    FloweR :blush:

  2. #12
    NS Full Member
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    22 Jun 2003
    Glasgow, Scotland
    :biggrin: Fan-fuckin-tastic&#33;

    I can&#39;t believe you&#39;ve just started what looks like another great story&#33; I hope this means that &#39;Smut&#39; isn&#39;t going to suffer...? :

    See, now I&#39;ve got all these Chlana ideas in my head... hmm...

  3. #13
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    Chesapeake, Va
    *waves* hi yes, I&#39;m blaire...nice to meet you all.

    I do not write the fic Smut and almost nothing But.

    Thought I&#39;d remind you all of that, seeing as how I&#39;m so frequently mistaken for blue and sab.

    and yes, an update will be soon.


  4. #14
    NS Full Member
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    Shit, now I feel like an idiot *blushes profusely* I&#39;m sorry, hon, the beginning was so much fun I lost track of the real world. Oh, that&#39;s bad manners. Sorry Sabby and Blue as well, for getting confused. *slinks away to think about what she&#39;s done*

  5. #15
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Chesapeake, Va
    Chapter 2: Playing Dirty

    Chloe woke up the next morning, refreshed after
    spending an hour the previous night in the huge tub in
    her penthouse of a bathroom. Her and Lana were on the
    same floor as her father but thankfully they had a few
    rooms to separate them. She grinned at herself in the
    mirror remembering the antics her and Lana had pulled
    on Lex. She silently wondered what he was thinking as
    he listened to them faking everything. She was more
    than shocked that Lana had played along. But by this
    time, nothing that the pretty pink princess did was
    too shocking. Chloe had slowly learned, by rooming
    with Smallville&#39;s very own darling, that there was
    more to Lana than met the eye. And she was glad that
    she wasn&#39;t such a prude.

    Lana walked into the bathroom stretching. "Hey, what
    are we doing today?" She sat on the edge of the
    jacuzzi and watched Chloe brush her teeth.

    "I was thinking we&#39;d go shopping. Dad has a
    conference meeting this morning, so I figured we could
    hit him up for a free lunch, sound good?" Chloe
    looked over at Lana waiting for a reply.

    "Yep, sounds like a plan to me." Lana&#39;s smile fell a
    little remembering what they had done last night.
    "How do you think your dad took the little incident?"

    "Last night?" Chloe raised her eyebrows at herself in
    the mirror, giving it little to no thought. "He knows
    we were just messing around."

    Lana let out a sigh of relief. A slow grin spread
    across her face, wiping away any traces of tension.
    "How do you think Lex took it?"

    Chloe let out a small laugh and looked over at Lana.
    "By the way he performed afterwards, I doubt he&#39;ll
    forget it anytime soon."

    Lana grinned and left the bathroom to get dressed and
    ready for the day. Chloe&#39;s mind however, roamed to
    what it would have been like in Lex&#39;s room last night.
    Grinning at the thought of Lex and Gabe facing each
    other in the conference room this early morning, she
    left the bathroom humming to herself.


    Gabe sat down at the large conference table reserved
    for LexCorp. To his left sat another employee and to
    his right sat Lex Luthor. The man&#39;s name he heard
    screamed last night. His face turned a light shade of
    pink, at the thought. He shook his head slightly and
    rubbed his temples. "Everything okay Gabe?" Lex
    leaned over a little talking under his breath.

    "Fine..." Gabe&#39;s voice trailed off weakly. "Just
    fine." Silently he added to himself, &#39;Except I walked
    in on my daughter and her roommate faking orgasms and
    slamming the headboard of my bed, the one I had to
    sleep in last night, against the wall to get your
    attention.&#39; He sighed inwardly and focused on the
    task at hand.

    Lex smirked at Gabe&#39;s answer, remembering the night
    before and if Gabe would really be fine knowing what
    his daughter was doing with Lana. He hadn&#39;t been
    aware that the two young women would be accompanying
    his plant manager on his business trip to Metropolis.
    &#39;Wonder how long that&#39;s been going on...&#39; His
    thoughts trailed off until Gabe stood and cleared his
    throat to start the conference. The subject being the
    opening of a new plant in Metropolis.


    Chloe stood at the rack in the lingerie store. "Oh,
    my, god, look at this." She held up the skimpy
    leather g-string and turned it around to show it to
    Lana. Lana giggled and bit her lip tentatively.

    "I can&#39;t think of any guy that would wear that." Her
    eyes met Chloe&#39;s and she blushed furiously as she
    realized Chloe obviously could. "Who?"

    Chloe&#39;s lips curled devilishly, "Have you ever
    wandered what Smallville&#39;s resident playboy wears
    under those nicely tailored suits?"

    Lana cringed at the thought of her boss. "No. And
    don&#39;t ever give me that visual again."

    Chloe swung the undies by the tiny plastic hanger.
    "And what visual would that be?" Her grin growing
    dangerously evil by the second.

    "A very very very bad one." Lana turned and headed
    over to the boring underwear section. Chloe hung the
    undies back up and perused the rack of lace and
    leather. After finding a few things in her size she
    headed over to Lana.

    "What are you doing over here?" Chloe asked

    "Shopping, why?" Lana eyes the under garments in
    Chloe&#39;s hand suspiciously. "What did you find now?"

    Chloe held up a pair of crotchless black lace
    underwear, the shade of Lana&#39;s face paled dramatically
    and then rushed with blood. "You like?"

    Lana shook her head and looked away, not able to keep
    the smile from her face. "Are there any more over
    there like that?"

    Chloe grinned and grabbed Lana&#39;s arm pulling her back
    over to the rack of goodies.


    Lex let out a deep breath as employees filed out of
    the conference room. "So, Gabe, would you care to
    join me for lunch?"

    Gabe shrugged, not able to meet his boss&#39; eyes and
    replied, "Actually, I&#39;m meeting Chloe and Lana about a
    block away in about," He looked down at his watch,
    "Fifteen minutes."

    Lex nodded and straightened his tie.

    "But, you&#39;re more than welcome to join us. It&#39;s not
    any place fancy, but food&#39;s food, right?" Gabe had no
    idea why he just offered for Lex to join them for
    lunch. He cursed his good natured self as Lex nodded
    a reply.

    "That sounds good."

    Gabe forced a quick smile and then let it turn into a
    frown. "I hope they remembered."

    Chloe sat beside Lana in a booth, the steam from her
    coffee wafting the fragrance of what could have been
    the worst cup of java up to her nose. Lana looked
    down at the black tar and scrunched up her face. "I
    should show them a thing or two." Chloe let out a
    small laugh. She didn&#39;t want to hurt Lana&#39;s feelings
    and tell her she couldn&#39;t make coffee worth a damn
    either. The only reason she drank coffee at the Talon
    was because she enjoyed the atmosphere and being
    served by Lana or her fellow classmates.

    "Yeah, you should." She smiled at the brunette and
    noticed her attention turned somewhere else. "Oh,
    god, you&#39;ve got to be fucking kidding me." Chloe
    groaned as her father and Lex walked straight to their

    "Is the act still on?" Lana whispered gently nudging
    Chloe with her foot.

    Chloe grinned and beared it. "I think that would be a
    wise idea by the way he&#39;s looking at us."

    Lana nodded and as Lex approached the table he saw
    Lana&#39;s hand disappear under the table, presumably
    resting on Chloe&#39;s thigh. Gabe also noticed the
    action and shook his head as he sat down across from
    Lana, Lex having already taken his seat across from

    "So are we ready to order?" The waitress stood beside
    the table, popping a big peice of pink gum at them.
    Chloe looked over at Lana and smiled.

    "Cherry pie please." Lex choked on the coffee that
    had been placed in front of him. Not only had it
    assaulted his taste buds, but Chloe&#39;s comment on top
    of that nearly pushed him over the edge.

    "With whipcream." Lana added and Gabe shot them both
    dirty looks telling them to behave. Chloe pat Lex&#39;s

    "You okay?" Her head tilted to the side in all
    sincerity as she put on an innocent look.

    "Fine...fine." Lex muttered as he wiped his mouth
    with a napkin. "Dessert actually sounds good. Do you
    have chocolate cake?" Chloe pulled her hand back and
    eyed him suspiciously. He was playing dirty. And she
    was going to enjoy every second of it.


    A/N: Don&#39;t worry about it , it happens a lot more often than you&#39;d think.

  6. #16
    NS Full Member
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    :blush: Its still not very good manners on my part. Ok I&#39;ll stop going on about it now&#33;

    That was great&#33; What a shame Gabe&#39;s there too, I&#39;d love to see how far those minxes would take things to get Lex going... BTW, your Lana is fabulous&#33; Who ever would have thought that the pink one could be so much fun&#33;

    "Phonecall for Gabe... very important emergency phonecall..." Just a suggestion&#33; :lol:

  7. #17
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    That was good. :lol: More please...

    Hope :chlexsign2:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #18
    Angel undercover!
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    clol: That was just *sooo* hilarious. I loved it and I can&#39;t wait to see what else Chloe and Lana have in store for Lex *grins madly and eagerly waits for the next update*.

  9. #19
    Just a Guest!
    :hehe: :smut:

    Oh i am alovin this story already&#33;&#33; cant wait for the update&#33;

  10. #20
    7 comes on too strong
    Join Date
    15 May 2003
    Heehee...I love this&#33; :biggrin: Who&#39;s idea was it for the story???


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