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Thread: Lionel, Tigers, and Chloe, Oh MY! Completed (R) Sequel to "Bleeding Heart"

  1. #11
    NS Full Member Krysia's Avatar
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    Re: Lionel, Tigers, and Chloe, Oh MY! (1/?) NC-17 Sequel to "Bleeding Heart"

    I figured that the scrap of lace the guy found were her panties, and I think I would die if I knew Lionel was anywhere near my panties And the horrible possibilities of what he can do with them....What he can imply to Lex. That's just evil, and I love it I also loved the line about the Devil having blue eyes. And of course the end. I can't wait to see how Lex will confront Chloe. Greta story

  2. #12
    Mrs Dean Winchester Senior Member pipersmum's Avatar
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    Red face Re: Lionel, Tigers, and Chloe, Oh MY! (1/?) NC-17 Sequel to "Bleeding Heart"

    This was great to read I loved Lex ringing up to tell her his bed was cold
    Silly Chloe though only thinking it was a one off and glad that Lex isn't going to let her go
    Under the pounding jets of the freezing water I realize two things. One, she can lie to me over the phone but she can’t lie to my face and two, I am going to have her again.
    Loved that last bit

  3. #13
    NS Full Member LaLa's Avatar
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    Re: Lionel, Tigers, and Chloe, Oh MY! (1/?) NC-17 Sequel to "Bleeding Heart"

    Fantastic! So much emotions! I love that story and I want more please! Hurry! lol

  4. #14
    Fairy Dust Bitch welshy's Avatar
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    Re: Lionel, Tigers, and Chloe, Oh MY! (1/?) NC-17 Sequel to "Bleeding Heart"

    That was really good, I can't wait for more

  5. #15
    NS Full Member yasmine32068's Avatar
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    Re: Lionel, Tigers, and Chloe, Oh MY! (1/?) NC-17 Sequel to "Bleeding Heart"

    I thank you!


  6. #16
    Lex's Gypsy Girl
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    Re: Lionel, Tigers, and Chloe, Oh MY! (1/?) NC-17 Sequel to "Bleeding Heart"

    a challenge! I love it!

  7. #17
    NS Full Member yasmine32068's Avatar
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    Re: Lionel, Tigers, and Chloe, Oh MY! (2/?) NC-17 Sequel to "Bleeding Heart"

    Lionel, Tigers, and Chloe, Oh MY! (2/?) NC-17

    Yasmine 32068


    Summery: After an unforgettable birthday, Chloe is left trying to regain her equilibrium after having her world turned upside down. This is the sequel to Bleeding Heart which can be found in the NC-17 Completed section.
    Disclaimer: I am just borrowing these guys. Nothing funny going on here except for bad writing 

    Skipping school was easy enough. My father took one look at my face Sunday afternoon and sent me right to bed. I guess there is something to be said for the face of misery. By Monday afternoon I found myself systematically going through every movie that we owned trying to stomp my feelings for Lex back into its proper place.

    A sharp bang on my front door caused me to groan as I heaved myself off the couch. I glanced down at myself and saw my fuzzy blue slippers, a faded pair of sweatpants and my oldest tee shirt. A glimpse of my face in the hallway mirror showed red rimmed eyes, and matted hair. I jerk the door open with a prepared ‘thank you, so and so for bringing my homework by’ speech on my lips. What I was not expecting was Lionel Luthor standing on my door step.
    “Ms. Sullivan, I can see that you are keeping up with today’s fashions,” he says . His eyes sweep my body with a barely contained condescension.

    “I’m sorry,” I tell him. “But the dimensional gate back to hell is TWO houses down,” as I try to close the door.

    He actually had the nerve to step around me and enter my house, his glacier cold eyes sweeping his surroundings as he takes it all in, the craggy lines of his face twist into a mocking resemblance of Lex’s smirk.

    “Well, I guess that is a good thing to know if hell was my destination this afternoon,” he tells me coldly. “And here I thought that I would simple stop by to wish you a belated happy birthday.” He continues as he steps around me and takes in the mess in my living room. I can feel the icy hand of dread shifting and settling in my stomach. He reaches into the pocket of his coat and hands me a scrap of cloth.

    “You really should not leave such delicate object lying around.” My face is burning as I realize that it’s my panties from the other night.

    “What makes you think that they are mine?” I ask him presenting a blank face.

    “You were seen leaving the mansion in the predawn light,” Luthor says snidely.

    A harsh bark of a laughter escapes from my throat as I try to hand the torn panties back.

    “Well, I hope that you didn’t pay too much for this information on your son because that was a wasted bit of money,” I tell him mockingly. “Anyone who knows Lex Luthor’s taste in women knows that he leans towards tall skinny brunettes.” I wonder briefly if we had enough soap in the house to wash away the slimy feeling that I was getting.

    “Well, I am concerned about, Lex,” he says with feigned hurt. “He is involved with several delicate business matters that could be jeopardized. I would hate to see his business dealings suddenly suffer because of an attachment to,” He gestures in my direction. “Someone who isn’t in his social league,” his distain for me was open on his face. “And I would hate to see harm coming to you because of your involvement with Lex.”

    “You know what I have always found amazing, Mr. Luthor,” my eyes burning with my anger and my hand clenches spastically on the panties. “One people always seem to take sick delight in twisting something as harmless as a friendship and two people always seem to underestimate high school students,” my voice is dripping with ice as I advance on him.

    “I mean after all I do want to be an investigative reporter.” A flicker of uneasiness passes through his eyes.

    “What makes you think that I don’t have this entire house wired? After all I have to practice somewhere.” His eyes slide away from mine uncomfortably. I move closer to him and watch with a secret delight as he backs out of my front door.

    “If I were you the next time you are passing this way and feel a need to intimidate a high school student. Just stop two doors down and do your self a favor,” I say with scorn. “Hop that dimensional gate back to hell.” I slam my door in his shocked face.

    I draw in a shaky breath as I head for a shower. A small voice in the back of my head wonders what I had done with my research on Voodoo. I really wanted to cover a doll of Lionel Luthor with pins and needles. I knew I had to find out where he had gotten his information and muzzle the source. There was no way that I was going to let Lionel Luthor hurt Lex because of me.


    That evening I found myself sitting in the deserted Torch studying information on the catering service that Lex had hired. I knew that his staff at the mansion had been personally hired by him when he took residence there. He was if nothing else thorough in protecting his personal space. Slowly the scent of Chinese food invaded my senses and my tummy rumbled reminding me that I skipped dinner. I glanced up from my monitor and looked around. Lex was leaning against the door frame of my office.

    “I thought that you might be hungry,” he said as he held up a bag of take out. My heart skipped a beat and I could feel my pulse race.

    “Thanks, Lex. I’m starving,” I say to him with a smile and do my best to act casual. The look in his eyes was more intense then usual and I could suddenly sympathize with prey animal. I felt like a bunny being stalked. I casually close the file of information that I had been working on and bring up a file of the weird to cover it. He strolls over and sets his bag down on the edge of my desk, his eyes flicker to my monitor.

    “Your father said that you were sick,” he continues as he spreads dinner out on the table and scans my face.

    “It must have been one of those twenty-four hour things,” I tell him with a shrug.

    “You know, Mr. Luthor,” I say with a smile as I grab a couple of sodas out of my mini fridge. “If you ever want to give up the billionaire business man/playboy gig, you’d make a great waiter.” I am rewarded by a smile and a chuckle.

    “Well, you know Ms. Sullivan,” he says with an amused twinkle in his eye. “Kitchen duty was one of the many forms of punishment that they tried to use to get me to reform my misspent youth.”

    “You had kitchen duty?” I ask him fascinated as I pause in the mists of sipping my egg drop soup. I could see a rebellious Lex Luthor paying for his youthful sins with his hands in dish water up to his elbows. A giggle escaped me as the scenes played out in my mind. I freeze at the offended look in Lex’s eyes, my mouth curled in a warm smile.

    “Did you deserve it?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

    “Of course,” he replied with a smile and a laugh.

    Lex discarded his business suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt. We ate together in a companionable ease and laugh at each other as he tried to teach me how to use chopsticks. He leaned over to adjust my fingers on the chopsticks when the piece of chicken that I was holding broke free of my fragile grasp and smacks him wetly on the cheek.

    I let loose with a peal of laughter at the expression on his face. I reach forward to wipe the sticky sweet and sour sauce from his cheek with my finger when his hand reaches up and gently grabs my wrist. Everything inside me freezes at the look in his eyes. He pulls my sauce covered finger into his mouth. His teeth gently scrape against the sensitive pad of my finger and it feels like a molten fire has taken up residence in my loins. With each gentle tug of his mouth my nipples tighten. My breath is starting to come in little pants.

    “Sweet and Sour Chloe sounds like a perfect desert,” Luthor says. His eyes hot with desire. I jerk my hand back.

    “Don’t do this, Luthor,” I tell him while trying to calm my stampeding hormones.

    “Do what Chloe?” he says reaching for me. “Don’t admit that you blew my mind away the other night?” He draws me into his lap and for once I have no quip to use. His lips nibble at the sensitive skin of my neck causing goose bumps break out across my body. I bury my face against his neck, drinking him in.

    “Don’t tell you that I had a damn hard time sleeping in my bed last night because I still smell you there even after my staff cleaned the room?’ he says softly. He slid his mouth up to capture my earlobe with his teeth.

    “Don’t tell you that I was distracted at work today wondering what you’d look like wet in my shower?” His kiss was demand and full of fire. There was no hesitation in it. His tongue impatiently demanded entrance to my mouth.
    Dimly I realize that I am being conquered. He shattered each of my defenses so easily. Our hand tore and pulled at our clothing and each others. The first thrust of his hard body shoots fire directly into my womb.

    My body clenched hard against his and the first tendrils of my orgasm wash over me. He tears his mouth from mine and my name is distorted by his guttural growl. I stare into his face sharing my pleasure with him. His jaw locked tightly as his hands grip my hips trying to control my frantic bucks. The look in his eyes was of intense concentration. I claw franticly at his shoulders, whimpering as my pleasure sharpens and tighten harshly.

    He adjusts my hips and he is suddenly sliding against the spot in my body that makes me scream with pleasure so sharp that it borders on pain. I feel him struggling to control his body but he is fighting a loosing battle. With a torn groan he pulses inside me and his smooth control shatters.

    For a long moment there is nothing but the sounds of our harsh breathing. He draws me close his head resting against my chest. My hands dance a mindless pattern across his back as he listens to the frantic beating of my heart. I slowly come back into myself. A part of me should be feeling some sort of embarrassment at what just occurred but my feminine side is delighting at the look of peace that dances across Lex’s face. Gone was the hard self deprecating man and I caught a glimpse of the man that I wanted to call lover.

    “Wow,” I say softly dreading what I was about to do to protect Lex. “Talk about a lapse in sanity,” I struggle with an effort to keep my voice light. I draw away and my legs tremble with an effort to stand.

    “Chloe this isn’t what I had in mind,” he gestures and runs a shaking hand across his face. I begin to straighten my disheveled clothing and glance at him.

    “Of course not, Luthor,” I grin at him. “I am a little to short for supermodel material.”

    “That isn’t what I meant,” he becomes still watching my movements with a wary eye. I toss the remnants of our dinner in the garbage. I meet his eyes and smile. Inside I am cringing at the carefully guarded expression on his face.
    “Hey, you were a great rebound guy but face it Lex, it would be impossible for me to have anything more then that with you.” I tell him.” Just hit the lights when you go.” I couldn’t take it anymore and I spin on my heels grabbing my purse as I go.

    Damn her. I slam the door of my car a little harder then usual. She knows how to just say the right thing to leave me speechless. I gun my motor and peal out of the drive way. I meant what I had told her. Her sweet face would pop up out of nowhere. I picked up my phone more times then I care to count to call her. I will not be dismissed so easily, I thought savage. Feeling better my thoughts turn to figuring out how to secure my next conquest with the sultry Ms. Sullivan.

  8. #18
    Members angelines's Avatar
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    Re: Lionel, Tigers, and Chloe, Oh MY! (1/?) NC-17 Sequel to "Bleeding Heart"

    need more need more.
    soon soon soon
    too good can't for a complete sentence

  9. #19
    NS Full Member kirt30's Avatar
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    Re: Lionel, Tigers, and Chloe, Oh MY! (1/?) NC-17 Sequel to "Bleeding Heart"

    loved the fi can't wait for the next chapter

  10. #20
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Lionel, Tigers, and Chloe, Oh MY! (1/?) NC-17 Sequel to "Bleeding Heart"

    Oh my that was HOT!!!! Lex needs to win please...

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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