View Poll Results: Which story is your favorite?

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  • One

    1 4.55%
  • Two

    1 4.55%
  • Three

    2 9.09%
  • Four

    1 4.55%
  • Five

    5 22.73%
  • Six

    8 36.36%
  • Seven

    1 4.55%
  • Eight

    3 13.64%
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Thread: NS Fanfic Challenge - #6 November 2009 - "Pregnant Pause"

  1. #11
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    Re: NS Fanfic Challenge - #6 November 2009 - "Pregnant Pause"

    These were all wonderful again as always. Although I was very moved by some of the more angsty undertakings, I went for the fluff. Call it holiday induced. Good luck to all the writers.

  2. #12
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: NS Fanfic Challenge - #6 November 2009 - "Pregnant Pause"

    Story One – Choices

    This was a great story, and I loved the irony of the title. On one hand, it seems like all choices are being taken away from our Chlex couple. They initially chose to separate and never see each other again after one brilliant, beautiful night. They both chose to move on and try working out relationships with other people; Lex with Helen, and I assume Chloe went back to pining after Clark again.

    And yet, the pregnancy came along which seemed to destroy all options and all choices… except in the end Lex seemed to come to one final, beatific choice that he wanted to be with Chloe, and he chose to raise a child with her. *sigh* what a pretty, happy ending

    Story Two

    Kind of silly, and the characters seemed rather superficial… but still good for a bit of amusement. I did however like the description of Lex trying to struggle into the sofa in order to get away from the video. I thought that was nicely done, although it could have been explored further.

    Story Three - Unexpected Fate

    This was a fun fic. I liked how it began touching on the plain physical discomfort of being pregnant. Most pregnancy fics tend to gloss over all the grosser aspects of pregnancy and only focus on the happy couple cooing at each other, LOL!

    Awesome… Lois made a cameo appearance. I always enjoy seeing her making a quick stop in a challenge ficlet.

    I really enjoyed the way that Lex was practically groveling at Chloe’s feet within minutes of her coming into his office. It was so obvious that he was completely whipped. Even when they’ve apparently broken off their relationship, he still can’t help himself from proving what a doormat he is for her. Excellent! It was good to see that Lex is flexible and pliable in this fic, and therefore Chloe is most definitely going to NOT have to deal head to head with a control freak taking charge of her child’s life.

    Granted, it might have been fun to see Lex acting like a tiny bit of a control freak, but I still enjoyed the happy ending.

    Story Four - Leap of Faith

    This fic was a lot of fun to read. I really liked how the perspective kept shifting between one and the other, showing the reader both sides of the misunderstanding. It’s always great fun seeing the Chlex couple struggling through miscommunication, and making each other’s lives and misery because of the lack of communication. But even better than the fun of communication corss-signals is seeing the moment when the two of them finally lay their souls bare open for each other, and they realize just how silly they’ve been all along, LOL!

    Story Five - The Perfect Announcement

    squeee! This came so close to being my favourite fic from the collection this month (until I read the fic after this one). Actually, I’m still highly tempted to vote for this one. It was so damned funny, sweet, insightful, surprising and FUN!!!

    ROTFLMAO! I loved Chloe coming up with these completely ludicrous methods of telling Lex that she was pregnant. Let’s admit it, ALL of us women have always had idle thoughts about how to ‘break the big news’ to our significant others…. Especially with a first child. It’s one of the very few pleasures of pregnancy after all… having the right to throw someone else’s life into complete, chaotic turmoil with a few words

    The funniest thing was seeing how Chloe’s main concern was not using this as the world’s most funnily vicious prank on Lex, BUT actually finding some way of telling him the news without him freaking out on her. Although, I highly approved of her temptation to send off a kidnapping-ransom note, ROTFLMAO!

    And then… in the end… after all that, Lex comes in and steals her thunder with barely a flinch! The jerk! Chloe had better spend the next six months forcing him to make midnight runs for pineapples and watermelons at 3am every day from this day forth.

    Awww… wonderful, sweet funny fic! I enjoyed every second of the reading!

    Story Six - Crossing in the Night

    oh wow! WOW! I thought story five was my favourite, until I read this one!!! First of all, I loved the sneaky start which suggested a fic that was funny, ludicrous and silly (in a hilarious kind of way of course). I had to laugh at the obsessive way that Lex was keeping a paranoid eye on Chloe, making sure that she didn’t get her daily (hourly) intake of caffeine on his off-chance belief that she was pregnant.

    ROTFL! Can you imagine Lex following Chloe around everything, trying to keep her away from coffee?! The guy would have ended up having a nervous breakdown before the first day was half over.

    And then it turns out that it’s not a silly-fic, but actually an angst-fest in clever, brilliant disguise! Wow! I cannot get over imagining the sheer guilt and horror Lex must have felt when he first discovered that his sense of distrusting paranoia led him to not only torture his innocent beloved, but also to kill off their child. He must have been devastated… although not nearly as devastated as he undoubtedly deserved.

    And Chloe… omigosh, poor Chloe must have been beyond heartbroken. First discovering that the man she loves is wooing another woman… and then finding out that he had her kidnapped and tortured to the point of inducing a miscarriage. I’m actually amazed that she’s recovered so well. Most other women would probably have been driven into a state of near irrevocable depression.

    And that bastard, Lex simply cannot leave her alone to grieve and recover before he’s trying to set things back ‘the way they were’. Does he REALLY think that he can whitewash over the past and pretend it never happened… in this brutal and heavy-handed way no less?!?

    It was a pity that Chloe had t seek refuge behind the protection of a man that I don’t really think she loves… but I can’t fault her decision. She can’t be with Lex after everything he’s put her through… especially since he’s showing no signs of changing from the kind of domineering, self-centered person who would have a girl kidnapped and brutally tortured to ensure his own safety.

    This was a fantastic fic, and I HATE that it ended on a cliffhanger, because I desperately want to see it continued! Pretty please?!??

    Story Seven – Unflinching

    woah! This was a really terrifying story. I loved the buildup, detailing Chloe’s torment, indecision, terror and resignation. And through all of it, I loved the way that her resolve carried her through the worst of the fear and torment to do the thing that she knew to be the best thing for herself, even if it was the hardest decision that has ever had to be made.

    I was most especially unnerved by the feeling that most of Chloe’s decision to abort came from the identity of the father. Chloe might have been able to keep a child from some other random guy, but NOT Lex Luthor… because he was sure to become a scary, controlling, domineering bastard the moment he knew that Chloe Sullivan was pregnant with his child.

    Great story. I appreciate that this is a tough subject to cover, and I wanted to commend you for a job well done!

    Story Eight

    wow! Here’s yet another story that made my choice for ‘favourite’ damned hard this month!!! Five, six and eight... made the choice near impossible!!!

    I loved the sneaky, vicious way that this story started, suggesting that Lex was chasing after some unknown brunette, having an affair with her, impregnating her while he was married to Chloe. The story stared off with me mad as heck at Lex, and ready to tear him to pieces… until I started to get into the backstory…

    Oh dear gods! I cannot describe the ache I felt on Chloe’s and Lex’s behalf… watching both of them turn from a life of perfect, contented happiness into a life filled with desperation, despair and unfulfilled longing. It was really fascinating seeing that Chloe was the self-destructive one on the relationship this time instead of the usual suspect (Lex). Most of the time, it’s Chloe who has to be the understanding, sensible, patient one while Lex goes off on an insane tangent. Which made it rather satisfying (in a horrific way) to see Lex acting as the quickly fraying thread to reality holding Chloe together.

    Chloe really WAS going overboard and slightly insane in her obsession, and I’m glad Lex recognized it and tried to put a stop to it instead of indulging her right to the inevitably bitter end. I really loved how it was so damned hard on him to refuse Chloe anything… much less something that she wanted so damned badly. But he stuck to his resolve, and he saved her in the end. Good fro you, Lex

    The idea to have a surrogate is a good one, and a great compromise in this impossible situation. I was so pleased by Lex coming up with this brilliant solution, and so relieved to see Chloe going along with it… and even coming to peace with the idea. The fic ended at just the perfect place to let me see the ray of hope after allt he angst that has passed… which makes it the perfect kind of angst fic

    Overall, there were an awesome bunch of fics this time around, and I loved all of them. Great choice going a pregnancy challenge, Skauble!!
    Last edited by somethingeasy; 22nd November 2009 at 19:55.

  3. #13
    Julie's Soul Sister
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    Re: NS Fanfic Challenge - #6 November 2009 - "Pregnant Pause"

    Nice stories everyone. Some happy, some sad.. some angst... To everyone's taste!

    I would agree with www, story 6 is my favorite and could see a sequel to it. So much angst and hurt... Always love that

  4. #14
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: NS Fanfic Challenge - #6 November 2009 - "Pregnant Pause"

    All of the stories were lovely, but I adored Story 6

    Knowing that Lex's experiments were responsible for Chloe's miscarriage must have devastated Lex and Chloe both, and for Chloe to find out that she's pregnant for a second time was just fabulous.

    I also like that Oliver is ready and willing to take on Lex. Excellent work
    Last edited by Kit Merlot; 22nd November 2009 at 23:50.

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  5. #15
    Kill Lana
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    Re: NS Fanfic Challenge - #6 November 2009 - "Pregnant Pause"

    Great stories guys!!

  6. #16
    Wannabe Superhero Ultra's Avatar
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    Re: NS Fanfic Challenge - #6 November 2009 - "Pregnant Pause"

    So many very different takes on the topic, more than one very good, but in the end I had to pick Story Six - loved it!

  7. #17
    NS Full Member Booksketeer's Avatar
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    Re: NS Fanfic Challenge - #6 November 2009 - "Pregnant Pause"

    Wow. What a crop this month! I wasn't too certain when I heard what the prompt was, but it turned out great! Some stories were almost scarily angsty, but still very awesome! (#8) But I wanted a light-hearted one, with a definite happy ending, so I chose #3. Great job everyone!

  8. #18
    NS Full Member skauble's Avatar
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    Re: NS Fanfic Challenge - #6 November 2009 - "Pregnant Pause"

    Congratulations, Booksketeer!!!

    She's the winner of competition #6. Wonderful job!!!

    Last edited by Julie; 5th December 2009 at 16:00.

  9. #19
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: NS Fanfic Challenge - #6 November 2009 - "Pregnant Pause"

    Congrats Bookesteer!

  10. #20
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    Re: NS Fanfic Challenge - #6 November 2009 - "Pregnant Pause"

    Congrats Bookesteer! And thanks for voting for mine, #3.

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