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Thread: How the Luthors Stole the Christmas - Sequel to Hate at First Sight (Pg 13) -Complete

  1. #11
    NS Full Member Krysia's Avatar
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    Re: How the Luthors Stole the Christmas - Sequel to Hate at First Sight (Pg 13)

    So sweet What else will they be doing before Lex has to go home?
    And is it wrong for me to want more Chloe Lex interaction? [ Please ]

  2. #12
    NS Full Member meg20's Avatar
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    Re: How the Luthors Stole the Christmas - Sequel to Hate at First Sight (Pg 13)

    Nice and simple one!

  3. #13
    NS Full Member Chloe Luthor's Avatar
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    Re: How the Luthors Stole the Christmas - Sequel to Hate at First Sight (Pg 13)

    It was almost night when they noticed some police cars that surround the area. Lionel, Jonathan, and Martha were there.

    "Lex!" Lionel yelled. "What the hell are you doing here?"

    "Lois! Clark! Chloe!" Martha screamed, relieved to see that they were okay. "We were so worried about you."

    "What the hell are you doing here?" Lionel asked again, furious. "I thought you were kidnapped."

    "We were celebrating Christmas with Lex, Mom," Clark said. "He never had a real one since his mother died."

    "And we thought it would be nice to do this as a present to him," Chloe added with a smile.

    "This was a fun place to do that," Lois jumped in. "We wanted him to be happy, for a change."

    "Oh…" Lionel was surprised by the kids' attitude. "I don't know what to say."

    "It was wonderful what you did for him, Clark. But you should have called us to tell us where you were. We were worried." Martha hugged him. "But, thank God you are fine."

    "I think it's time to go back home," Jonathan reminded them.

    "I know, Dad." Clark's smile faded away.

    "Wait. You don't need to go now," Lionel interrupted them. "How about we finish this little celebration at my house?"

    "In your home?" Jonathan asked, still suspicious. He had never trusted Lionel Luthor since he adopted Clark. "I don't know."

    "Please, Mr. Kent. Your kids were wonderful with to my son. At least let me give them ice cream to complete the party," Lionel insisted.

    "Please, Dad. Let us go!" Clark pleaded after hearing the words "ice cream".

    "Pleaaaaaaaaase!" Lois and Chloe begged in unison.

    "All right. If you want to, you can go. I'll tell the girls' fathers that they're with you. I'll get you later, okay?" Jonathan was still worried about Clark's friendship with Lionel's son.

    "you don't need to do that Mr. Kent. I'll ask my driver to take them home. You can trust me." Lionel smiled

    Jonathan still didn't trust him, but he didn't say anything; he just nodded. "All right. But can you get them home by 10:00?"

    "Yes, of course," Lionel answered. "Let's go, kids. Ice cream for everyone."


  4. #14
    NS Full Member Krysia's Avatar
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    Re: How the Luthors Stole the Christmas - Sequel to Hate at First Sight (Pg 13)

    I'm not sure what I think about Lionel in this story so I'm kinda hoping to see so more Lionel Lex interaction. More?

  5. #15
    NS Full Member teejei's Avatar
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    Re: How the Luthors Stole the Christmas - Sequel to Hate at First Sight (Pg 13)

    hmm...the Lionel in this story kinda caught me off guard. i won't comment yet till i read more.

    so to echo Krysia, i'll be looking forward to more Lionel Lex interaction.

  6. #16
    NS Full Member Louie's Avatar
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    Re: How the Luthors Stole the Christmas - Sequel to Hate at First Sight (Pg 13)

    Lionel offering to take the kids for ice cream kinda strikes me like the witch fatening up Hansel and Gretal.

  7. #17
    NS Full Member Chloe Luthor's Avatar
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    Re: How the Luthors Stole the Christmas - Sequel to Hate at First Sight (Pg 13)

    The fanfic was already completed before I start to post here, but since this Smallville kids is a trilogy story, I promise more Chloe/Lex and Lex/Lionel scenes in the next story.

    Here the last chapter

    Later, in the Luthor mansion, Lionel provided some ice cream, cake and snacks for the kids. The billionaire had never seen Lex so happy after Lilian's death. It was a relief for him to see a smile on Lex's face.

    Before Clark, Chloe, and Lois went home, Lionel gave them gifts; he had ordered his bodyguard to go to Metropolis while they were at the mansion. Luckily, some stores were open on Christmas; especially if you are working for Lionel Luthor.

    Lois and Chloe got porcelain dolls, and Clark, a truck. Lionel also gave a new present to Lex- some rare "Warrior Angel" comic books that Lex loved and collected.

    Before they got into the limo, Chloe ran back and gave Lex a kiss on his cheek. "Merry Christmas," she said with a smile.

    "Thanks. You, too," Lex replied, blushing.

    When they arrived at the Kent farm in Lionel's limo, Jonathan and Martha were already waiting for them.

    "So, how was it?" Jonathan asked, curious.

    "Fun," Clark answered with a grin. "Look what I got. A truck."

    "Yeah, we got stuff, too." Lois and Chloe showed them their dolls.

    "That's great," Martha said with a smile. "Listen, girls. I asked your fathers to bring your pajamas early. It's already late, so it's better if you sleep here tonight."

    "That's okay. Thanks Mrs. Kent," Chloe said with a smile.

    Lois and Clark looked at each other, already annoyed with the idea.

    "What's wrong, Clark? Do you want something?" Jonathan asked, curious.

    Clark and Lois looked at each other again and answered together: "Separate beds."

    The End.

  8. #18
    NS Full Member Krysia's Avatar
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    Re: How the Luthors Stole the Christmas - Sequel to Hate at First Sight (Pg 13)

    sweet. Can't wait for more.

  9. #19
    NS Full Member Chloe Luthor's Avatar
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    Re: How the Luthors Stole the Christmas - Sequel to Hate at First Sight (Pg 13)

    Thanks guys. I never tought the Smallville kids should became so popular

    Since I'm not used to write Lionel, I tried to write him and Lex basead on their relationship on "Memoria" that Lionel wasn't that bad yet...

    Thank you again for the lovely feedbacks. I'll post the last chapter of the trilogy soon... The kids will be back with more adventures.

  10. #20
    Lex's Devoted Love Slave darkangel's Avatar
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    Re: How the Luthors Stole the Christmas - Sequel to Hate at First Sight (Pg 13)

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