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Thread: Shadows (PG-13)

  1. #11
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    Chapter 4

    Chloe drove to the mansion as though on autopilot, operating on the incongruous logic that if only she got there, then everything would be okay.

    But parked outside the security gate, she finally cleared her head enough to think. What was she doing running to Lex who was almost a stranger, as though the answers lay at his feet? She needed to be back home in Metropolis where she could be alone in her apartment and could let her thoughts and feelings settle.

    She shifted the gear stick to reverse, but then looking up she paused seeing a young security guard motioning for her to wind down her window.

    “Sorry --”, she began, expecting to be chastised.

    “Miss Sullivan?” He asked, smiling.

    His was the first friendly human face she’d seen since the glass through which she saw the world was shattered. So she returned the smile and nodded before she could stop herself and effectively lost the ability to turn around. There was no way she’d back out now and have Lex Luthor know she’d been at his gate and then run away.

    In spite of the exceptional length of the driveway it still wasn’t enough to allow her to gather her thoughts into any sort of order or plan. She decided to take the easy way out; she’d spend the night in the Luthor home, then leave early in the next morning. Later she’d decide what, if anything, she was going to do about Clark and Clark’s secret, and the billionaire that was his ex-best friend.

    The young man that opened the door also seemed to be expecting her and she was left feeling like the heroine of a play, with absolutely no idea of her lines.

    He led her down lavishly decorated corridors that were nonetheless cold and dimly lit, and she found herself comparing the mansion in its vastness to Ross’s humble abode.

    It was hard to imagine Lex in his early twenties living alone in the intimidating place. What was it like to wake up alone enclosed by tonnes and tonnes of cold bricks and high ceilings? She shivered; it lacked even a drop of the warmth that had been in such abundance in Lana and Pete’s house.

    A warmth, she reminded herself, where she was no longer welcome.

    They stopped just outside an open door.

    “Mr. Luthor is in here.” The man said, in his impressively neutral tone.


    She took a deep breath and fixed a smile on her face; she’d brought this on herself, and now she was going to have to deal. She mentally chastised herself, repeating what she’d said earlier to Pete, Chloe Sullivan wasn’t afraid of anyone, and that included exceedingly rich businessmen.

    Albeit that that exceedingly rich businessman was very intelligent and not to forget handsome, definitely not to forget handsome, and on top of that charming and charismatic.

    But he was the one that had invited her after all, his was the one that had insisted so what did she have to worry about?

    She adjusted her clothes and hair and then winced at the thought that there might be security cameras watching. The thought that a security man might be sitting somewhere laughing at her, forced her to stop delaying and to go into the room.

    It appeared to be an immense study, extravagantly decorated with antiques and expensive furniture. A bookcase circled its edges and an impressive staircase lead to an overlooking balcony.

    She could have spent hours in the room studying it like a museum, examining the books and ornaments that looked like they belonged in one. But she barely glanced round because, though she hated to admit it to herself, it was hard to focus on anything else when Lex was around.

    He was playing pool, and hadn’t yet noticed her. The room was in half-light, and gentle shadows danced on his face making him look young and vulnerable. He had changed from the imposing all-in-black of that afternoon and was dressed comparatively causally in a silver-grey shirt and black trousers.

    Strange how even in the midst of a recreational game, he at once magnetised and intimidated her. She allowed herself for the first time to understand what had drawn Clark so irresistibly to him. This was a man you could study for hours and hours.

    Yet he and Clark had parted company, and Chloe was once more wishing a little that she had driven in the opposite direction and not stopped until she had reached Metropolis.

    She cleared her throat. “I’m trying to figure which place suits you more: here or the penthouse in Metropolis.”

    When he turned her direction it was a though he’d known she was there all along, and his eyes looked almost too intelligent for the soft contours of his face.

    “Any conclusions?”

    “Well,” she said, heading towards him, “I think perhaps you enjoy having a playboy image, what with the fast cars and faster women you always seem so keen to display, and the penthouse obviously adds to that. But I don’t know, something in me leans towards this place.” She rested her hands on the pool table and smiled at him.

    “I see, so you think I’m old cold and boring and everything else is just an act?"”

    “Not exactly, but this place is bigger, and I think it’s just about large enough to house your ego. Oh and no pun intended, since you can’t exactly call this a house.”

    He smirked, instantly looking like a boy once more. “I really don’t know what you have against my ego, I’m actually quite the modest man.”

    “And delivered with a perfectly straight face, impressive.”

    Chloe could feel herself relaxing, so maybe it was better if she wasn’t alone with her thoughts and what better to occupy her mind then the task of keeping up a steady repartee with the most challenging of conversationalists?

    She broke the eye contact that was stretching out between them, and he gestured towards the pool table. “Do you play.”

    “"Not really," she admitted. Mentally she braced herself for Lex's obligatory snide comment, but he didn't make the attack. Instead, he guided her towards the sofa chairs at the other end of the room. Once seated, Chloe realized how intimate the area was. If he couldn't get her to share space with him at the pool table, he'd make her practically sit in his lap. She swallowed reflexively, hyper aware of Lex's proximity, that their legs were a hair's breath from touching.

    "Would you like a drink?" he asked.

    She almost said yes just to get a chance to catch her breath, but the drink Lex would bring might cause her more trouble in the long run. "I'm fine, thank you."

    They sat in silence for a few moments, neither of them saying anything as they studied each other in the dim light of the room.

    But then Lex leaned back slightly and his gaze was suddenly assessing. “You seemed pretty adamant earlier that you weren’t coming to stay; what made you change your mind?”

    His words seemed to slice through whatever connection they were sharing, and she was jarred awake with a splash of cold reality. “And you seemed pretty sure I was going to change my mind, keeping tabs on Smallville are we?”

    He smiled, and perhaps she read too much into it, but she thought his expression was half-admiring, half- embittered. “I believe I asked a question first, shall we take turns?”

    Lex’s tone was slightly condescending and she felt the slow throb of anger building behind her temples. She opened her mouth, but she couldn’t find any words that wouldn’t sound humiliating; that weren’t the adult equivalent of ‘they don’t like me anymore.’

    “Well what’s to say?” she said finally, “It seems Lex Luthor has all the answers.” She cringed inwardly at the bitterness she couldn’t hide from her voice.

    The expression in his eyes changed, the crystal clear arrogance seemed to melt away and a veil descended in its place, hiding everything from her. “Yes, well, I don’t mean to torture you Chloe, you obviously had a disagreement with your friends, and yes I knew that certain people would be in attendance. Perhaps I should have warned you earlier. But lets not talk about that hmm? I should just feel privileged to have Chloe Sullivan staying with me.”

    From anyone else’s lips and she would have laughed out loud over the ‘privileged’ comment and said something self-deprecating. But Lex Luthor had the Prince Charming attitude down pat and it was back to the exchanged smiles and the eye contact. She allowed herself to realise just how attractive Lex was, and she found herself comparing him with his regal manners to Clark, whom she’d wasted many years pinning over. She wanted to let her mind wander and explore the possibilities in a way that she’d never let herself before. She wanted to relax and enjoy his company. She’d always thought it was Lex who was way out of her league, but wasn’t it he who was paying her attention, and wasn’t it Clark who always ignored her for whatever raven-haired beauty was his current obsession?

    But there was something nagging at the back of her mind, maybe she was being too paranoid, something like once stung, twice shy...

    “How did you know that I didn’t know that Clark and Lois would be coming?”

    He laughed then, getting up and pouring himself a drink. His laugh was like his smile, subtle coffee crème, and quite unlike the rest of the earth’s population who used smiling and laughter as an expression of joy.

    A glass was placed in her hand and her was mouth so dry she automatically swallowed some down, not acknowledging the taste as the liquid slid down her throat.

    “You see Chloe, I’ve been interested in you for a while now.”

    “Why am I not flattered?” She asked, looking at him. She was ashamed at the tinge of trepidation that crept into her voice.

    “No, no, you should be, I realised you were an intelligent and resourceful woman a long time ago, perhaps from the first interview when you were proud to be editor of The Torch.”

    He paused and she realised she was supposed to prompt him. Suddenly she felt old, like she was playing a game that should have been over years ago. “But the world is full of ‘ intelligent and resourceful’ women, unless you’re too chauvinistic to think so of course.”

    “Not at all, you’re unique because you’re a friend of Clark Kent’s.”

    “Flattery will get you everywhere. You two haven’t tired of this masculine snarling and circling from a distance?” Her tone was sharp as she continued. “What’s so terrible that neither of you can forget or forgive?”

    His eyes darkened monetarily, but then he smiled and it was more self-satisfied than anything else. “See Chloe,” he said, reaching to touch her face with a finger, “that’s where you come in.”

    “No, I don’t see. You said yourself, Clark’s my friend.”

    “Come on Chloe, you’re forgetting that Clark was my best friend once upon a time too. I know how much you liked him, and how he trampled your heart time and time again. You were the reliable friend, the girl that would always be there, in the background and ignored.”

    “What exactly is this?” She said angrily, standing up.

    Lex stood up and took her drink from her, putting it down on the nearby table. He laid a hand on her shoulder and she stubbornly shrugged it off.

    “Chloe, don’t you understand?” He said, his voice low. “I’m on your side; we’ve both been betrayed by Clark. Don’t you think the least we deserve is a little retribution?”

    She snorted inelegantly. “What makes you think I trust your idea of ‘a little retribution’?” But adrenaline was making her heart beat faster, forcing her to acknowledge that wasn’t this what she wanted all along? “And I want to know, Lex, how you had inside knowledge about me. Did you hire private detectives to follow me? But they wouldn’t have known—" She paused suddenly as it occurred to her, as the last pieces of puzzle clicked together, and she had to laugh. Because despite the seriousness of it all, it was so silly, so *childish*…

    “Mrs. Blake, Lex? My cleaning lady? Hardly your normal flamboyant style.”

    Despite her half-hysterical laughter his face was serious. “She wasn’t a spy, Chloe, not really, I want you to know that. Only the barest of facts, your privacy was never invaded--”

    “Oh please,” she said, cutting him off, “you placed a spy in my home, followed me to my fathers grave, tricked me into coming here and now you expect to wave it off with a few eloquent words? I believe your exact words were ‘intelligent and resourceful’.” She was surprised to feel a stab of betrayal, sharp and enduring, where she would have expected to feel outrage. She was hurt, a feeling she was obviously becoming far too attached to.

    Lex eased her back onto the seat. “Chloe, this is what you’ve been waiting for, what we’ve both been waiting for. Together we can give Clark what he deserves.”

    Revelations, she’d told herself today was a day of revelations. She spoke carefully, “I thought Lex Luthor of Lex Corporations was a business man, why is he so interested in extracting some retribution from an old friend?”

    “Chloe, you asked me not to insult your intelligence, but Clark insults all of our intelligence everyday single day.” Lex’s voice was a harsh winter wind, cold and blunt and cutting to skin. “The way he parades around in spandex and hair gel, thinking he can fool us all, even when his past is teeming with suspicious behaviour.”

    “You know he’s Superman.” Chloe whispered, the words were more to herself than anyone else. The piece of information played riot in her mind. All the time she had thought that perhaps other than Clark’s parents, she was the only one who knew, and now it seemed that everyone knew.

    It had to be the worlds worst kept secret.

    Lex got up to pour himself another drink, allowing her a minute to think.

    She roped the new knowledge down and swirled it around in her head; what did it taste like; what did it feel like?

    "What does it mean?" she said. Chloe hadn't actually meant the half-whispered words to escape, but Lex grinned at her slyly in response. The dimness of the room was suddenly neither mysterious nor romantic, but suffocating. It made his face look old and shadowed with things she couldn’t begin to decipher.

    Once more, he put down his drink and sat thigh to thigh with her. He spoke in her ear, his voice a bare whisper. “It’s up to you what it means.”

    “I won’t get my hands dirty.” She said, shaking her head. But her words were an agreement and his subtle smile told her he knew it.

    “Oh there won’t be any dirty hands. Maybe a dirty face for Superman when we rub it in the mud.”

    They shared a grin and she saw his teeth were pearl-white and beautiful. Already, she could feel the hurts shifting ever so slightly, a softening of the edges, the tiniest lifting of a burden.

    “What do you say to a little payback?” He extended his hand and she hesitated only briefly before taking its warm smoothness.

    “To a little payback.” She said, smiling.


  2. #12
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    I may have already read it but it's still a good story and I have to agree with scifichick. Clark is being a sanctimonious bastard. If you're going to treat people like they don't matter, then don't be surprised when they turn on you.

    Stupid Clark :hammer:

  3. #13
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    Chapter 5

    The Kent’s farm was a monument to the past and travelling through it was like falling back in time. There were a few minuscule changes: a new fence here, a sprinkling of fresh paint there. But mostly it was just as Chloe remembered it, causing long forgotten feelings to tumble forward.

    There’s no place like home to pour a gallon of salt on gaping wounds.

    She did her best to ignore her feelings and was careful not to look at Clark’s barn as she drove past it.

    That was one place with just too diverse a mixture of memories. Somewhere she’d literally laughed, cried, explored new territory and created personal history.

    But remaining neutral was not as easy as she thought. Walking to the Kent’s door, she had to remind herself that she wasn’t sixteen or seventeen or eighteen and in love with Clark Kent. She wasn’t going to meet him for a date or an all night cram session or any one of the simple things they used to do together.

    She was a woman on a mission, and nothing was going to stand in her way. Step one was perhaps the hardest of all: re-make friends with Clark.

    The same gingham curtains hung over the kitchen door, and she knocked on it with more assurance than she felt.

    Mrs. Kent’s voice called out for whomever it was to come in.

    Stepping gingerly inside, she was greeted by the sight of a slightly floury Mrs. Kent baking. If not for the slight greying of her hair and soft rounding of her figure, Chloe would have sworn that Martha hadn’t moved since the last time she saw her. Her first impulse was to hug the older woman, flour and all. She had once upon a time been almost like a surrogate mother to Chloe.

    But she was stopped by the expression Martha wore. She looked surprised and suspicious, but there was also fear. Standing uncertainly by the door Chloe tried to search for how that made her feel and found she just didn’t know.

    Of course Mrs. Kent would be looking at her like that; Clark always told his parents everything. She remembered how jealous she used to get of that when they were dating. She also remembered how protective they were of their only son. Chloe hoped that Mr. Kent and his shotgun weren’t nearby.

    Suddenly, even Lex’s daunting abode seemed more inviting than the Kent’s homey kitchen.

    “Chloe, this is a surprise,” Martha eventually said. “How are you? Still freelancing?” Her voice was a strange combination of kindness and awkward politeness, ringing oddly through the sweet-smelling kitchen.

    “I’m fine, Mrs. Kent. Yep still paving my own way.” Chloe said, taking Martha’s small talk as an invitation to come inside. “So how are things going with the farm? I noticed some changes.”

    “Changes? Nothing recent, things are going okay,” Martha replied, her tone still slightly abrupt.

    Chloe leant her hands on the kitchen counter and smiled uncertainly, racking her brain for more conversation. “I was at Lana and Pete’s house yesterday. Clark probably told you. The two of them are adorable, aren’t they?”

    “Yes very.” At the mention of the Ross’s, Mrs. Kent’s expression softened slightly, her body relaxing from its fight or flight stance. She was probably going to ask Chloe to sit down and have some of whatever was in the oven, and Chloe was tempted just to allow herself to be enfolded back into the past. The smell of baking beckoned enticingly, and the morning sun slanted through the window at an angel just lazy enough to remind her of summer holidays past.

    But the image of Jonathan Kent welding a shotgun was too vivid.

    Not to mention that the mission she was on most definitely wasn’t of the social kind.

    She took a deep breath. “Is Clark around?”

    At the mention of her son’s name Martha’s eyes scanned Chloe warily, as though she might be welding kryptonite beneath her thin summer dress.

    “He’s in the back,” she said at last, her wariness still evident.

    Chloe nodded and flinging a final fake smile at Martha, made her way through the back door of the kitchen.

    Greeted by the open air and the heat of the sun, she concentrated her mind on the task of finding Clark in ‘the back,’ which consisted of acres and acres of farmland.

    On impulse, she headed towards a tree that had been hers and his once upon a time. She felt no great surprise that when it came into view he was sat beside it, staring towards the horizon.

    Remember those long summer days? The ones where we’d sit right there, by that tree, seated against each other. We’d talk about everything and anything: school, books, friends, the future, meteor mutants, politics, the world.

    *But though you pretended we shared everything, you never once trusted me with your secret, never once told me that you were the reason the mutants existed*

    Sometimes I’d come round here on a whim, just to surprise you, just to see your face, and you’d already be waiting for me, a smile on your lips, and you’d say we were special and that We were connected by love and fate and destiny.

    *But now I know it was just you that was special, and that it was your special hearing that always told you when I was coming, and it was just me that wanted and believed in love and fate and destiny*

    “Don’t you have lives to save?” she said, and her voice sounded too tired and too broken even to her own ears. But she didn’t have time to dwell on that before he had already stood up and turned around. It took just that one swift and fluid motion to show her how much he’d changed from the Clark she once knew.

    There was no stab in the chest, she told herself, no stab as she drank in the site of him. He was wearing a pair of denimn jeans and a checked shirt; they were obviously designer and complimented his lean and muscular physique in a way the convenient store type he wore in his youth never could.

    He looked good, better then good.

    “Chloe, I’ve been expecting you.” he said. Did his eyes always look that solemn or that wise? She could remember them crinkled with laughter, heavy with sadness, dark with passion.

    “It’s always nice to know I’m predictable.”

    “Actually you’re not.” Clark said, not needing to clarify. He looked around as though expecting seats to materialise.

    Chloe rolled her eyes. “I can sit on the grass.” She dropped gently to the ground, crossing her legs and making sure to reveal enough leg to make Clark uncomfortable.

    He sat opposite her, and she shrugged remembering why she was here. “I know you Clark, okay?”

    “Lots of people know me, but…”

    “But not like I know you.” She said, her voice quiet. Then she was feigning hurt and vulnerable, looking into his eyes, then looking down and tearing at the grass with her fingers.

    “So, you’re angry, wishing I’d told you, been honest? Believe me, Chloe, you have the right to be, and I think the same way sometimes. You don’t know how many times I’ve come close to telling you.”

    They stared into each other’s eyes, not intimate, but remembering.

    “So why didn’t you?”

    “Because every time I’d remember how much I cared for you, and how knowing my secret would turn your life around, initiate you into something I had no right initiating you into.”

    But I *was* part of your life. I *was* initiated. “So what’s it like? Being the man that all good people adore?”

    He looked relieved as though a difficult hurdle had passed and he smiled at her. It was the true Clark Kent smile showing slightly crooked, pearl-white teeth. “Well, sometimes it’s gratifying, getting to help people, feeling you’re making a difference. But sometimes I feel like it’s the heaviest burden. There were days when I couldn’t stop, when I felt I didn’t have the right to stop because there are always people out there who need saving, helping, rescuing, there are always Crimes to thwart and justice to promote. Sometimes I still feel like I shouldn’t eat or sleep or have a life, but just remain on permanent patrol, circling the globe.”

    Part of her wanted to reach out at that, touch him, bring his head to lay in her lap and stroke his hair. Because what must it be like living with a hero’s complex that large? But she saw that he was over it now, that the time for her friendship and comfort and understanding has passed, and he had never asked or wanted any of it.

    Chloe looked up at his face and saw that he was staring straight ahead, seeing a past she had thought she knew. Seeing her watching, he returned his gaze to her and smiled. “I’ve learnt to compromise. But there are still a lot of sacrifices.”

    The conversation was pulling her in of its own accord, to somewhere so deep it was almost endless and she’d end up at the bottom, broken and lost. “Was our friendship a sacrifice, Clark?”

    His earnest eyes widened at that, and he shifted closer to her, until her bare legs were pressed against his denim. His hands took hers. “No, Chloe, no. I just. I need to explain. It takes up so much time, perhaps if you’d known, then it would have been easier…” As he searched for the words, Chloe noted that they were sitting in a was that was oddly similar to the position she had sat with Lex the day before. Though aside from anatomical positioning everything else - intentions, aims, atmosphere - was completely different.

    She plucked out the words she needed and spoke with the slow reluctance of someone who really would rather not hear the answers. “Does anyone else know?”

    He said nothing, and she could almost hear the internal debate raging in his head. Would a dose of truth now do more harm than good?

    “Pete? Lana?” She offered for him. “Is it because I’m a journalist? You could trust them but not me?”

    “Chloe, it wasn’t like that. Pete found out. Then when he married Lana, he said he didn’t want to keep any secrets from her.”

    She wanted to comment on that, point out that Pete had it right; no relationship could survive secrets. No two people who cared about each other would want to keep secrets from one another. She wanted to ask how long Pete had known; was it college, high school or elementary school? How long had she looked like a blind fool, whilst her two best friends whispered together without her.

    But she wasn’t there to criticise or blame. She was there to patch up what was left of the friendship into something she and Lex could use to their advantage.

    So she said nothing, just squeezed Clark’s hands and gave him a shy smile.

    They sat in silence for a few minutes, their hands slipping apart, before Clark turned to her looking slightly embarrassed.

    “So, can I ask you a question, Chloe?”

    “Go ahead.”

    “Are you and Lex…?”

    The question added fuel to her resolve. Was it possible Clark Kent, with his overflowing wholesome goodness, cared so little for her friendship that he would avoid her because he didn’t like someone who might be her boyfriend? “Just what exactly is your problem with him Clark? What happened between the two of you?”

    Clark’s sunny face was dark. “All the bad things they say about him, Chloe, are true and worse. Superman has had to spend a lot of time and energy watching over him. He really does care only for power, and he will use any means to achieve it.”

    Any means? Lex had admitted something similar to her. Was she just another one of his means, just another tool? Maybe she was, but Clark and his self-righteous, paranoid little speech wasn't going to change her mind. She wasn't doing this just for Lex.

    “So are you and Lex…?” Clark prompted her for the second time.


    He enveloped her in another one of those chaste hugs that showed just how oblivious he was to her feminine charms.

    “Is that why you’ve been avoiding me lately?” she asked.

    He replied with a sheepish grin. “I suppose an apology is in order; I’ll admit that I thought maybe there was more to those articles you were writing. I thought that perhaps you were on his payroll.”

    “Or in his bed?”

    He smiled nervously, and Chloe thought that she’d always been just too open for Clark. She said what she thought and to hell with tact. He preferred the Lana and, she was guessing, Lois types whose words were as elegant as their appearance.

    “I promise I’ll be a much better friend from now on. You know I care about you Chloe, always have, always will.”

    “Even if I had been the devils advocate?”

    “Even if you had, I was just worried about you, and avoiding you for both our safeties. What was it like last night anyway? You did stay at the mansion, didn’t you?”

    “I did, didn’t get any interview out of him though. He seemed in a bad mood, don’t know why he asked me over in the first place.” It was easy to lie, to feel the words flow smoothly from her lips, all the time with the bitter thought that Clark must have done this to her over and over again.

    “But you can bet he had a motive. Lex always has at least several.”
    There was a wistful expression in his eyes at that. Would he one day wear that look when talking about her? “But lets not talk about him anymore. You can write about whomever you want. Just take care of yourself; there are people who’d miss you. Look, I’ll prove to you that I trust you. I’ll let you in on a secret.”

    “Sure you’re not afraid that it’ll be on the front page of the tabloids tomorrow?” She grinned slightly. “Go on, tell me then.” She said, slapping his thigh.

    “Well…” He grinned back, and pulled something out of his jeans’ pocket and handed it to her. She flipped it open, and tried not to stare at the ring it contained like it was trying to tear her heart out. “So, what do you think?”

    “It’s umm, it’s beautiful,” she said, surprised at herself that the words were able to come out.

    “And you’re the only one that knows. So, think Lois will like it?”

    “She’ll love it. She’s a lucky girl. Congratulations.” Chloe pulled him in for a quick hug to hide the traitorous tears that pricked her eyes.

    “Well, that all depends on what she says,” Clark said.

    “She’ll say yes.”

    Clark’s expression told her he thought so too. It was the same spaced out look he used to sport whenever Lana was near and Chloe needed to leave.

    “Anyways, Clark, we’ll have lots of time to catch up in Metropolis.”

    “Of course, Chloe.” Standing up in another fluid motion he helped her up. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

    He was still waving at her, when he disappeared from site.

    She hadn’t driven for five minutes before she stopped her car by the side of the road and got out. Stumbling into nearby woodlands she let herself be consumed by sobs.

    She hated herself for showing weakness.

    But she hated Clark more.

    Everything, everything… It was just too much…

    How could he just flash her the ring he was going to give another woman as though it didn’t matter that she hadn’t even know he was seeing anybody before yesterday? He wanted her to be happy that he was getting engaged to a woman who had slandered her just last week in the regions leading newspaper. Yet hypocritically, he had severed their friendship at the possibility that she might be involved with someone he didn’t approve of.

    If she had any doubts, they were gone.

    Wiping half-forgotten tears, she realised it didn’t matter that she might have to get her hands dirty or that she’d have to work for Lex. There was only one way she could get inner peace.

    Lex would get his ally, and Clark would get what he deserved.


    Saga continues in 'In the Dark.'
    Last edited by tigerbaby; 10th July 2005 at 14:11.

  4. #14
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    Originally posted by beautiful N' Bruised@Sep 5 2003, 05:21 PM
    “So, you’re angry, wishing I’d told you, been honest? Believe me, Chloe, you have the right to be, and I think the same way sometimes. You don’t know how many times I’ve come close to telling you.”

    They stared into each other’s eyes, not intimate, but remembering.

    “So why didn’t you?”

    “Because every time I’d remember how much I cared for you, and how knowing my secret would turn your life around, initiate you into something I had no right initiating you into.”

    “Pete? Lana?” She offered for him. “Is it because I’m a journalist? You could trust them but not me?”

    “I promise I’ll be a much better friend from now on. You know I care about you Chloe, always have, always will.”

    I'm reading this and I'm just so mad at Clark. :hammer:

    There's nothing that he can say or do to justify his actions. For someone who didn't want to burden his friends with the truth, there are a quite a number of them that know. And Chloe's right, he can't use journalism as an excuse seeing as *Lois* is a reporter too.

    And as for caring for her. Puhlease.

    GRRRRRRR :hammer: kill Clark :hammer: kill Clark.

  5. #15
    see spot snark Senior Member happy bunny's Avatar
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    I've said it once and I'll say it again. Clark's a hole. Can't wait to see him get what he deserves.

  6. #16
    NS Full Member Val's Avatar
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    I hate Clark! Just had to say that, he is an hypocrite of the worst kind!
    And dont get me started on Lane, what a birch! I'll go look for the sequel right now, love your story...

  7. #17
    see spot snark Senior Member happy bunny's Avatar
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    New Jersey
    Just a quick question. Did you post "In the Dark" here yet? Because I haven't seen it if you have.

  8. #18
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    03 Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    Opps, forgot about that. Will post a few chapters now...

  9. #19
    see spot snark Senior Member happy bunny's Avatar
    Join Date
    20 Apr 2003
    New Jersey

    For a second there I just thought I couldn't find them.

  10. #20
    Seen my Chlex muse? Clannadlvr's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2003
    Austin, Texas, USA
    wow...you have such an amazing handle on the intricacies of their personalities. Especially the way you're handling Clark. In SV and in the comics he's always had this sense of moral superiority in the way that if HE thinks what he's doing is right, then it must be right. He is never self-reflexive and that just ticks me off. You've done such an amazing job of showing that.

    Also, the complexity of Chloe's emotions is wonderful. You can see her being so torn between her need for revenge and her lingering feelings...but I wonder, will this be the thing that tears HER apart.

    This is fantastic... you've got me going for In the Dark.

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