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Thread: All That Jazz (NC-17)

  1. #11
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
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    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    Chapter Four – The New Case

    “Miss Sullivan please have a seat,” said Lex, dragging his eyes from hers. She took the offered a chair and Lucas took the one beside her.

    “My name is Lex Luthor, and this is my brother Lucas,” he said by way of introductions. “Now why don’t you tell us who is missing.”

    ‘Please be a brother, please be a brother,’ ran like a mantra through Lucas’ mind. Chloe sat facing Lex so he took the opportunity to study her profile, and he found himself very much liking what he could see. Lex glanced at his brother and saw the way he was staring at Chloe. ‘Not again,’ he thought, although he refused to acknowledge the sick feeling that suddenly appeared in his stomach at the thought of his brother getting involved with Chloe. ‘Snap out of it Lex,’ he told himself, ‘you’ve only just met the girl.’

    Chloe could feel both men checking her out. She had to admit they were both very attractive, and the younger one, Lucas, had a definite air of mischief about him. But the other, Lex, there was something about him something almost…dangerous to her heart. Covertly she glanced at him, wondering what had happened to his hair, for his scalp looked far too smooth to be just shaved. Not many men could carry off the baldness but boy did he. If anything it only increased his allure.

    ‘For goodness sake Chloe,’ she thought, ‘Whitney, you are here about Whitney.’

    “Well Mr Luthor,” she said addressing Lex, “I’m not actually sure he is even missing.”

    “Why don’t you tell us when you last saw him?” said Lucas. “And why you think he might be missing?”

    “Yesterday evening was the last time I saw him, just before the show. He was to meet me afterwards. I waited for an hour but he never showed up. So figuring he blew me off for someone else I headed home. I headed to the club this morning and he wasn’t there. Clark, his business partner, said he hadn’t seen him since last night either. I checked his apartment but found nothing. I went back to the club and took one last look around the office. When once again I found nothing I decided that he had either taken off on a vacation at very short notice or he was just avoiding me. But just as I was leaving the office I found this on the floor.” She reached into her bag and took out the handkerchief and handed it to Lex.

    He opened it and saw the bloodstained chain. “And you found this in the office,” he said.

    Chloe nodded. “It could still be all innocent,” she continued, “but I have this feeling that something is wrong. So I left the office and asked around about where I could get a good detective, and you two were recommended.”

    “Ok, what is this man’s name? Where does he work? How do you know him? Who is this Clark?” asked Lucas. ‘Are you single? Can you and I get naked…like right now?’ he added silently to himself.

    “His name is Whitney Fordman. He is part owner of the club Babylon. I work there. Clark is Clark Kent, he is the other owner,” she replied answering his questions.

    “Babylon,” exclaimed Lucas.

    “I see you’ve heard of it,” said Chloe, turning to face him.

    “Who hasn’t,” he replied, “it’s the hottest place in town.”

    “I know, that’s why I don’t think Whitney has just taken off. He loves the club too much,” she said.

    “And…and what is *your* relationship with him?” asked Lex.

    For some strange reason Chloe didn’t want to tell him. “We…as in Whitney and I…are sort of…involved,” she explained. “It’s nothing serious or anything like that,” she added quickly, wondering why she was explaining herself to him.

    ‘Damn it,’ thought Lucas, ‘although she did say it wasn’t serious. Anyway when have I ever let the fact that a woman is involved with someone stop me?’

    Lex caught his brother’s eye. “Very well Miss Sullivan,” he said, “we’ll start asking around and see if Mr Fordman is indeed missing. And if that is what’s going on, we will take your case.”

    “Thank you,” said Chloe, smiling at him. She took a small card out of her purse and handed it to him. “This is where you can contact me, most of my time is spent at the club. Oh one other thing, if you do take the case what are your charges?” She did some quick calculations wondering if she could afford them. She did pretty well out of the club but these guys looked like they took in some serious cash.

    “We normally don’t charge money per se,” said Lucas with a grin. “It sort of depends on the client.”

    “We don’t actually need the money Miss Sullivan,” explained Lex, “if a client is wealthy we get them to donate to some charity or such. Or we’ll call in a favour from some others.”

    “That’s rather an unusual way of conducting business,” said Chloe.

    “Well we are unusual guys,” replied Lucas with a grin.

    “So what kind of client am I?” she asked, the question coming out with more innuendo that she had intended.

    “That’s undecided at the moment,” replied Lex, smiling at her.

    ‘Good lord, he looks good when he smiles,’ she thought. “Well gentlemen, I need to get back to the club,” she said standing up. Both men stood as well and they all shook hands.

    “We will be in touch soon,” said Lucas, escorting her to the door.

    “Again thank you,” she replied, and left with Pamela who showed her out. Lex and Lucas stood at the window and watched as she left the building and hailed a cab.

    “So what do you think Lex?”

    “Not sure yet, she seems sincere, but this guy could just be married and she’s the bit on the side,” he replied.

    “Yeah but some bit,” said Lucas, “wouldn’t mind…”

    “Lucas,” warned Lex, “leave her alone.” He glanced down at the bloodstained chain on his desk. “Let’s find out what we can about Whitney Fordman and Clark Kent.”

    “I’ll give Kyle a call,” said Lucas, “see what he knows. And you might want to get out the glad rags Lex, because a visit to Babylon will definitely be in order.”


    All the way back to the club in the cab Chloe found her mind drifting back to the Luthors especially Lex. She always prided herself on not letting her heart rule her head and she didn’t believe in love at first sight or anything like that. Lust at first sight but not love. But there was something about him, and she wasn’t quite sure what it was. And that bothered her.

    “Here we are miss,” said the cab driver.

    “Thank you,” she said and got out, she gave him the money and headed into the club.

    “Hey Pete,” she called out as she walked towards to the stage. “Hey darling,” he replied with a wink, “you all set for tonight?”

    “As always,” she replied with a grin, “Pete have you seen any sign of Whitney today?”

    “I haven’t seen him since yesterday,” replied the pianist, “but Clark is in the office maybe you should check with him.”

    “Yeah maybe,” she muttered and headed towards her dressing room. When she got there Clark was waiting for her.

    “Comfortable,” she asked as she walked in.

    “Where have you been?” he asked.

    “Just out and about,” she replied, “I do have a life outside the club. Have you heard from Whitney?”

    “You are our star Chloe,” said Clark standing up to leave, “it would be terrible if anything where to happen to you.” He left the room, closing the door behind him.

    “What was that about?” she muttered “And who the hell do he think he is talking to me like that? Still mumbling to herself she set about getting ready for the show.

  2. #12
    Banned roslyn's Avatar
    Join Date
    01 Mar 2003
    New jersey
    Loved it loved it loved it! Fi i just seem to love any fic you write! please add more really soon!



  3. #13
    NS Member
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    Great fic! I imagine it in my mind in a film noir sort of way. Love Lex and Lucas in it and I always love it when Clark is the bad guy. It just makes me smile. I hope you post again soon


  4. #14
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Lucas and Lex fighting over her...man this I got to see. opdevil:

  5. #15
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    This seems like a great fic, Fi. Love bad Clark in this. And of course the brothers Luthor. Update soon!

  6. #16
    Just a Guest!
    Great chapter! Clark threatned his star! WOW. Without her wouldnt the club stink? and what kind of club is this exactly? Intresting very intresting. You two update soon please!


  7. #17
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    This is a fantastic idea! And I love evil, manipulative Clark, especially. Can't wait for more.


  8. #18
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    I'm glad people like 'bad' Clark....Fiona


    Chapter Five – Digging

    “I think we need to increase what we pay Kyle,” said Lucas as he entered the office. “The guy is just a fountain of information.”

    “So what did you find out?” asked Lex as his brother took his seat.

    “Ok,” began Lucas. “Whitney Fordman, nothing much on his childhood, not that we are interested, so let’s start with when he came to Metropolis. He worked as a bar tender in a few clubs around the place for a few years. Then eighteen months ago he came into some money, apparently some aunt died and left it to him. Kyle seems to think there is more to this inheritance than meets the eye. At the time of his windfall he bumped into Clark Kent, an old school friend of his. Clark had got his money from the sale of a very large farm that his parents had owned. During the course of this meeting they decided to set up a club of their own. Six months later ‘Babylon’ had it’s grand opening, and it’s been raking in the cash ever since. Kyle also mentioned that our dear friend police captain Rickman, has been seen frequenting the club.”

    “And as much as I’d like to think he was just there for the entertainment, the man is pure slime so there has to be something else to it,” said Lex.

    “Exactly,” agreed Lucas. “As for Whitney himself, people say he is a nice enough guy. And that it’s Clark Kent who has the mean streak in the partnership. And our sexy client Miss Sullivan not only works at the club, she is their star attraction. Apparently she is incredible.”

    ‘I could well imagine,’ thought Lex as he imagined her body moving seductively to slow jazz music. Her hips swaying as she got closer to him…“Sorry Lucas, did you say something?” he was shaken from his thought by his brother waving a hand in front of his face.

    Lucas smirked at his brother. “You were thinking about her,” he accused.

    “I don’t know what you are talking about,” retorted Lex. “Although I did do a little digging.”

    “Oh on Chloe.” Lex nodded. “Ok then,” said an impatient Lucas, “what did you find out?”

    “Not a lot actually. Only child, mom left when she was five, and hasn’t made an appearance since. Her dad passed away a few years ago, and when that happened she moved to Metropolis. Did a few menial jobs before landing a part in a chorus at another club. Worked there for about a year, which at the end of she was the star of the show. Six months ago Fordman and Kent offered her a job at the club as the headliner and the rest is history.”

    “We so have to go to that club some evening to see her perform,” said Lucas.

    “I think we should head down there now and see if we can talk to Clark Kent, seems he might be the last person to have seen Mr Fordman,” said Lex. He picked up the phone and dialled the number Chloe had given him; it was answered two rings later.

    “Miss Sullivan, this is Lex Luthor, I was just ringing to let you know that we are taking your case. Also have you mentioned to anyone else that you are hiring us, it’s just that we wanted to call by the club and maybe talk to Mr Kent.” He paused as Chloe spoke. “Ok that is not a problem. Bye.”

    “Well,” said Lucas.

    “She hasn’t told anyone but doesn’t mind if we say it to Clark,” replied Lex. “Give me ten minutes and then we’ll head over to the club.


    Chloe hung up the phone and smiled. “So the Luthor brothers are heading here to talk to Clark, that should be interesting,” she said with a smile.

    Knowing they had probably checked her out she had done some digging into them. She had discovered they were very, very rich and she couldn’t understand why they had set up the detective agency. They were half-brothers, same father different mothers. Lex’s mother had died after an illness when he was young; there wasn’t a mention of Lucas’ mother. Lex’s baldness was a result of a childhood accident. She imagined if must have been tough for him growing up without hair. But now it made him look even sexier. Their father had died a few years ago, he had been murdered and his killer was never caught.

    “Maybe that’s why they do it,” she muttered, “they are trying to find who killed their dad.”

    Chloe sighed, she didn’t have the same feelings for Whitney that he had for her. But she did care for him and he had been nothing but good to her since she came to the club. This could all turn out to be very innocent but she just couldn’t shake the niggling feeling that there was something much more sinister at work.

    “Come in,” she said when she heard a knock on the door. “Oh hey Lana.”

    “Hi Chloe, sorry to disturb you but Pete was wondering if you saw the music for tonight’s closing number around, he seems to have misplaced it.”

    Chloe got up and rummaged through a pile of music sheets on a table. “Here it is,” she said handing it to the brunette, “tell him sorry, I just wanted to look over it again. So are you looking forward to being in the chorus?”

    “I am excited and scared all at once,” admitted Lana.

    “You’ll be fine,” she Chloe, “you’ve rehearsed it hundreds of times.”

    “Hope so,” she replied, “anyway I better get this back to Pete. Bye.”

    “Bye,” and Chloe shut the door.

    When she was alone again Chloe found her mind drifting again to the Luthors, particularly Lex. Ok Lucas was cute, but Lex was something else entirely. “Snap out of it Chloe, you just need to get laid,” she told herself.

    She headed over to her wardrobe to pick out tonight’s outfit and keep her mind off a certain bald-headed detective.


    “So how do you want to play this?” asked Lucas as they pulled up in front of the club.

    “I don’t think we’ll try a play,” said Lex, turning off the engine. “Chloe said it was ok to tell Clark why we are here. So we are here to ask him questions about his business partner.”

    They got out of the car and headed to the main door where they where stopped by a rather large man. “The club is not open,” he said.

    “We are here to see Mr Kent,” said Lex.

    “Mr Kent is very busy do you have an appointment?”

    “No, but tell him we want to talk about his business partner,” said Lucas. The man disappeared and came back a few minutes later. “This way,” he said, letting them in. He led them through the club and upstairs to the office, leaving them at the door.

    “Charming,” muttered Lucas, opening the door.

    “Gentlemen,” said Clark getting up from behind his desk.

    “Mr Kent, my name is Lex Luthor and this is my brother Lucas.” All three men shook hands and Lex and Lucas took the seats offered to them. “So what can I do for you?” asked Clark when they were all seated.

    “We are here to talk about Whitney Fordman,” said Lucas.

  9. #19
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    This is mean! You can't stop it there! It just got interesting!
    I want more and I want it now *stamps foot petulantly*

    *pouts* more pleeeaaaase!


  10. #20
    Banned roslyn's Avatar
    Join Date
    01 Mar 2003
    New jersey
    This keeps getting better and better. but if you think you can just end it there then you're sorely mistaken:goof: now, please sit back down and write some more!

    love this fic fi, its just a great as all your other ones! :biggrin:

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