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Thread: Hidden in the Shadows (R)

  1. #11
    Fanfic whore sinecure's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden in the Shadows SV/SN Chapter 2 7/2/06 (PG-13/R)

    Woo. Very nice chapter. Interesting and creepy. Nicely done tension between Lex and Chloe. He luuuurves her!

    Looking forward to more.

  2. #12
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden in the Shadows SV/SN Chapter 2 7/2/06 (PG-13/R)

    That was a bit creepy...but very well written

  3. #13
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden in the Shadows SV/SN Chapter 2 7/2/06 (PG-13/R)

    Great update letia!!!!!! I love how you introduced the Winchesters into the story. Jun is scary! Can't wait to read more.

  4. #14
    NS Full Member kcsgirl82's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden in the Shadows ~SV/SN~ Chapter 2 7/2/06 (PG-13/R)

    Loved the Update, Can't wait for Chloe to meet Dean and Sam. I hope they can figure out whats going on with this Jun situation.

  5. #15
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden in the Shadows SV/SN Chapter 2 7/2/06 (PG-13/R)

    That was good and scary at the end. I was holding my breath but I can't wait until the next chapter.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #16
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden in the Shadows SV/SN Chapter 2 7/2/06 (PG-13/R)

    Letia, I'm really liking this fic!

    This Jun person/ghost/evil spirit is quite creepy, and now she wants to hurt Chloe. YIKES!!

    Please update soon, and I can't wait to see how Sam and Dean help Chloe and her mom

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

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  7. #17
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    In the lab.

    Hidden in the Shadows SV/SN Chapter 3 7/8/06 (PG-13/R)

    Notes: Thanks guys for the nice words and creepy feelings about Jun. I want to take it slow with including the SN boys with our SV couple so bare with me.

    Chapter 3 Meet the Winchesters

    “Your mine now.”

    The voice of Jun Tyler was calling out to Chloe as she tried to sleep. She tossed and turned trying to get the image of the darkened, blood soaked woman out of her mind but it was no use.

    “Your mine now.”

    Jun’s voice kept uttering the same words to her over and over again. Chloe wanted to open her eyes, needed to open them and get out of the terrifying dream world. There was no use in trying to run away because Jun was trapped inside Chloe’s mind. It was just like being trapped in the room with her mother with the light slowly fading away.

    No matter how hard she fought, Chloe couldn’t wake up and the only thing that brought her out of her nightmare was the sound of Lex’s voice calling to her. His hand was always reaching for her; pulling her away from Jun who was coming towards her. As soon as she reached Lex’s hand, in her mind, her eyes would open and she would be free.

    Just when Jun was about to touch her, Chloe’s hand finally made it to Lex. He pulled her out of Jun’s path and her eyes flew open. “Lex!” She screamed for him to hold onto her until Chloe realized the dream was over.

    It took her a moment but she surveyed the hotel room and realized Jun wasn’t there. She hadn’t seen the woman holding her mother captive in a week. Her dreams were filled with Jun and every time she needed to wake up, Lex was there.

    Thankfully he wasn’t in the room when she screamed his name. Lex went back to Smallville and left Chloe behind, in Colorado, to be with her mother for the past week.

    She needed help and Lex was offering it so freely. Chloe wanted to look for John Winchester herself but knew Lex’s resources could find him long before she could. It gave her time to spend with her mother and get a better understanding of her condition.
    Lex had offered her a place to stay nearby Twin Pines Asylum and he left her the expensive rental car to drive to and from the hospital.

    Chloe didn’t like that she was living in manner in which Lex had placed her in. The hotel was far too expensive and the car was really unnecessary but, no matter her objection to his help Lex wouldn’t rescind the offer. He kept saying he owed her more than just a few nights in hotel. Whatever debt Lex thought he owed her, it was still unclear.

    After getting oriented again, Chloe slid herself out of bed and padded over to the adjoining bathroom. She tossed some cold water on her face getting back to reality and leaving her dream behind.

    She closed her eyes for a moment and Jun was waiting for her behind closed lids. Her lids opened quickly and she wanted to bore the images of the woman out of her mind. Chloe didn’t know if it was her or Jun haunting her dreams but whatever it was she hadn’t sleep a wink that week without thinking of her horrifying face.

    Today Chloe wasn’t going to see her mother and was expecting Lex to be back at any moment. Her visits with Moira were brief and all of them were painful. She wasn’t allowed to be alone with her after the first incident. When she was with her a nurse or Dr. Brunswick was in the room. Mostly, they let her observe her over the monitors. When she wasn’t watching her mother, the doctor’s files were open for her to read. In them, she was searching for a clue to understand what was happening to her.

    Since her first visit, Moira ’s condition had gotten worse. She was seeing Jun everywhere, all the time and had to be sedated in order to get any sleep. When they were together, she kept telling Chloe that finding John Winchester was the only way to save them both.

    Chloe needed a break from the chaos that was her life for a few seconds. She ran a bath in the oversized tube and filled it with the bath salts provide by the hotel. The room had all sorts of complementary odds and ends that she grew to love.

    Taking a long soak in the tub, Chloe was hoping to wash away some of her worries. She wanted to leave but leave with her mother at her side. Chloe couldn’t close her eyes for fear of seeing Jun’s face so she laid back, exhausted, with her eyes wide open.

    Before turning into a prune she got out of the tub to dress and prepare herself for the news Lex was bringing about John Winchester’s whereabouts.

    Chloe was surprised Lex hadn’t gone running when she explained what she saw and what she felt in the room with her mother. Her best explanation was that a spirit or ghost was haunting her mother and would start haunting her. He didn’t run away or tell her she didn’t see what she saw.

    Lex simply believed her because of the look in her eyes. It was nothing he’d ever seen from her before. He said he’d seen people scared in his life but never had he seen someone so petrified until that day.

    Fully dressed, Chloe had nothing to do but wait for Lex to arrive. She could eat but found it impossible to keep anything down without her stomach turning from thoughts of her mother’s torment. She wasn’t going to get anymore rest but Chloe tried anyway and flopped back on to the bed but didn’t stay long due to the knock at the door. The knock was welcomed and she couldn’t wait to hear what Lex had. Running for the door she didn’t even check to see who it was and swung it open.

    “Hello Miss.” A member of the hotel staff was standing there with a cart that was full of food she didn’t order.

    “I’m sorry; I think you have the wrong room.” Chloe’s excitement quickly faded away. She was happy to hear that Lex had found something and was looking forward to seeing him again but, it was him at the door.

    “Miss, the card says room 510 and the order was placed by…” The man paused and pulled the card from his pocket. “A Mr. Luthor.”

    Lex was here and just hadn’t shown himself yet. Chloe waved the man into the room to leave the food when she turned back to thank him, the welcome didn’t come from the server.

    “Your welcome.” Chloe turned back to the hall and Lex was standing there with a file folder in hand.

    “I was talking to him.” Chloe nodded back to the server, who was already at the door walking out to leave.

    She watched Lex hand the man some money and he scurried off. “I thought you could use something to eat.” Lex let himself into the room without being invited but he didn’t have to be invited into a place he was paying for.

    “Just coffee for me.” Chloe followed in after him letting the door slam shut.

    “You need to eat.” Lex took a seat at the table were the cart was left and dropped the file down on the table.

    Chloe wanted to grab the folder and rip through the information but waited until Lex initiated the conversation. “I’m fine, I’ll have a big lunch.” She wasn’t sure why but Chloe felt she had to justify herself to Lex just now. He was taking care of her in so many ways. One of those ways was supporting her through all of this and she wanted to assure him she was okay. Even if it was a lie.

    “I would feel better if you at least had some of the fruit. You have to be well in order to help your mother.” He opened the silver platters one by one and the food did look good.

    “I won’t fight with you for a change and have a little something.” Chloe sat closest to the cart and dished herself a small amount of the omelet, fruit and pasties.

    She took a bite of the buttery croissant and lost sight of what Lex was doing. When she looked up he was staring at her. “What?” She mumbled with part of her food still being chewed.

    “You still didn’t sleep?” He handed her a coffee mug then sat across from her at the table. Chloe knew she looked tired but didn’t think it was that obvious. When he called to check in on her that week he could tell she wasn’t sleeping.

    “I slept, just not comfortably.” Chloe had yet to admit she was being chased in her dreams by Jun. She didn’t want to make her anymore real then she already was. Nor did she want Lex knowing he was the only thing keeping her from going insane in her dreams.

    “Is it the room, because I can have it…” Lex was offering her more and she just had to stop him this time.

    “The room is fine. I don’t need anything else.” Her eyes drifted back to file folder and she couldn’t wait any longer. “Expect for you to tell me what’s in the file.”

    His fingers pushed the folder over to her side of the table. “The information is yours. I haven’t looked at it yet. I will tell you that there is nothing in there about Jun Tyler. My people have found very little to nothing on her.”

    Chloe forgot all about the food in front of her and went for the file. She wanted to know everything about Jun but settled with just leaning about John for now. Her eyes glanced over the first page; it was a synopsis of who John Winchester was.

    “It says here that he’s from Lawrence, Kansas. Maybe he knew my mother when we lived in Metropolis.” Chloe didn’t look up to see Lex’s reaction to the information. She was too engrossed in the papers in front of her. “Yes here he did take up residence in Metropolis when I was about two or three it looks like.”

    “Do you think he could know Jun as well?” Lex interrupted her thoughts from the file with a key question. If Lex had found so little on Jun then John could be the key to learning more.

    “Your right he could.” Chloe nodded at him looking over to his side of the table and he was eating. It was so rare she saw Lex do something like a normal person. With all his wealth it made her wonder if he fed himself at all. It appeared that he did and really enjoyed to eat by how full his plate was.

    “What?” He questioned now that she was the one staring at him.

    “Nothing.” She kept her desire to snicker at him under her breath. “You’re hungry?”

    “I am and I won’t let this go to waste because you refuse to nourish yourself.” He bit down on a pastry and saw Chloe giggling at him. A small smile started to form on his face while Chloe felt a jolt of pain in her body.

    She was laughing and having a good time with Lex while her mother was suffering. Her heart started to ache and she felt completely insensitive for enjoying herself after a week of being so focused on what needed to be done with her mother.

    Chloe shifted her gaze back to the file to get back at what she was there for. She could laugh when her mother was better. Flipping to the next page of the file, Chloe pointed out more important facts. “It says here he has two boys, Dean and Sam, but his wife died in a fire.” Chloe paused to look at the attached photo of the house his wife died in. It looked like a happy place to live but John had lost so much in that place.

    Not wanting to dwell on it for too long Chloe went on with the file and, to her surprise there was a cell phone number on the next page. “ Did your people call this number?”

    Lex stopped sipping his coffee searching for the answer. “No, they didn’t inform me of any phone call.”

    “Then I’ll call.” Chloe got up from her seat, dying to speak to this man. He was her only hope. She grabbed her cell from the charger on the night stand and dialed the number. It didn’t ring but went straight to voice mail.

    “This is John Winchester I can’t be reached. If this and emergency call my son Dean at 866-907-3235. He can help.”

    Chloe clicked her phone off. Whoever John was he was gone. The man her mother trusted couldn’t be reached and her eyes were filling with tears. She wanted to let out all the frustration of not being able to help her mother.

    She’d been sitting in the hospital watching her waste away. She was sitting in the hotel waiting for Lex to do everything. This week she felt so helpless and the one person that could help couldn’t be reached.

    Her eyes closed and the first thing she saw was Jun. Losing site of where she was and everything thing around her Chloe’s eyes flew open and, just like her dream when her eyes opened, Lex was the first thing she said. “Lex!”

    She looked over to the table and he wasn’t sitting there. “I’m here.” His hand touched her shoulder in front of her. “What did he say?”

    Chloe had to get a grip. This wasn’t a dead end, not yet. “He left a voice mail saying he couldn’t be reached and left a number for his son Dean.”

    “Do you want me to call? You seem upset.” She looked over at him; sitting very close to her, studying her reaction to the call. Chloe did feel flushed, on the verge of tears but, pushed them back. Her mother needed her to be strong and she would never help her crying hysterically.

    “I can call.” She looked away from him to her cell phone. If she kept staring at him, Chloe feared she would break down. The tender look in his eyes was pleading for her to just let go. Damn Lex and his eyes just kept doing that to her. When he left, he felt guilty for leaving her alone and almost didn’t go. The only thing that made him leave was Chloe assuring him she needed to be there and would be waiting for him to come back.

    Cell phone in hand Chloe punched in the numbers to Dean Winchester. The phone rang three times before the husky male voice answered.

    “How did you get this number?” It wasn’t a “hello” or anything Chloe was expecting.

    She cleared her throat and placed her words careful. “I got the number from your father’s voice mail message.”

    She heard some rustling in the background then the sound of loud rock music slowly fading away. “Who the hell is this?” His voice was stern and was like he never had someone call him before.

    “If you can help people you really should work on your people skills.” Chloe couldn’t resist the urge to snap at him. “I called looking for a Dean Winchester. If this isn’t him then I’m hanging up. I need help not your attitude” She glanced over to Lex with his face twisted at her in confusion.

    “Attitude is a part of the package lady. “ She heard a light chuckle before he went on. “You know me but I don’t know you.”

    He was right but she wasn’t sure how much to give away to him. If anything Chloe needed help and this might be it. “Before I tell you about me, I want you to answer a question for me.”

    “One question.” He replied then mumbled something as if he was speaking to someone else.

    “If I told you I saw a…” Chloe searched for the right word but there wasn’t one and just said what she thought was going on. “A ghost. Would you hang up or would understand?”

    “If you told me you saw a ghost then I would want to know if the ghost is haunting you, trying to kill you or driving you insane. No matter the nature of haunting I can get rid of the evil nasty for you.”

    His answer was what she needed to hear. This man didn’t think she was crazy and it was the first step to him helping her. “My name is Chloe Sullivan and my mother is being haunted by a woman named Jun Tyler. Recently I saw Jun for the first time and she said that she would do what she did to my mother to me.” Chloe let the truth flood out of her.

    “Sammy she said Sullivan.” She heard him mumble but this time she could make out what Dean said. Sammy had to be Sam from the file and John’s other son. “Your mother’s Moira Sullivan?” He replied to her.

    “Yes, you know her?” Chloe wanted to jump through the phone but awaited his answer.

    “My father did. Her last known whereabouts...” He paused and she heard a second voice which had to belong to Sam. “An asylum in Colorado… Twin Pines.” His voice repeated louder after the lower one.

    “Yes, that’s her. You do know her? Can you help her?” Chloe felt her heart beating from her chest needing to hear him say yes. “Can you help me?”

    “Where are you?”

    “I’m in here in Denver, Colorado.”

    “I’m way out of the city limits but we can make it to Denver in…” He paused and started to have a fight with Sam while she was still on the line. “Two days?” He said to her loud to make his point not to her but Sam.

    “How will you reach me when you get here?”

    “I have your phone number and how can I forget the voice that put me in my place after knowing me less then two seconds.” His voice had hinting tone of flirting on his last statement.

    Chloe shrugged off the comment. He was joking not flirting and even if he was, she needed him to help her mother not hit on her. “Then I’ll see you in two days Dean and Sam.”

    “You catch on quick.” He ended the call with that and hung up.

    “You’ll see who in two days?” Lex asked her almost jumping off the bed waiting for answers.

    “Dean and Sam Winchester.” Chloe answered. She had something to look forward to and some kind of progress.


    Waiting two more days was agonizing. Chloe was running out of clothes and she was running out of patience for the Winchesters to arrive. They called her yesterday to tell her they were close and needed the address to the hotel.

    Lex hadn’t left Colorado like she expected him to. He got a second hotel room and was staying down the hall from her the past two days.

    Chloe still wasn’t sleeping. Seeing her mother so lost and alone gave her something new to dream about instead of just the woman haunting her.

    That afternoon, Chloe canceled her meeting with Dr. Brunswick to meet the Winchesters. She was fighting to sit still next to Lex in the hotel lobby.

    “How will you know it’s them?” Lex asked. He was trying to get her mind off whatever it was making her squirm in her seat.

    “He gave me a vague description of how he would look.” Chloe went back to her last talk with Dean remembering what he said. “Handsome guy in a brown leather jacket. He would be with his brother Sam who was taller than him but not as good looking.”

    “That’s what he told you?” Lex breathed out through his nose as if he was breathing fire. “He doesn’t sound very professional.”

    “I know.” Chloe agreed with him but Dean was all she had. He was all her mother had. She trusted John and he trusted his son, so Chloe was going to work on that. “He didn’t hang up on me when I said ghost so I want to see what this guy has to say before we move on to another dead end.”

    “We?” Lex questioned.

    She glanced over to him. “Yeah me and you. You’re in this now Lex. You found her for me and have been so much help. We are in this together.”

    “Oh” Was all he said and looked like he was getting rather uncomfortable next to her. It was just like on the plane when she was close to him and he suddenly shut down on her.

    “I have a question for you.” Chloe needed to get something out of him as to why he was apart of this now. She couldn’t let him leave after being there for her through the worst part of this but needed to know why he was staying.

    “Okay.” His response was shaky and unsure that he wanted hear what she had to say.

    “Why do you care so much? Not that I’m not thankful for everything that you have done and are doing but why are you doing it?” Chloe studied him while she spoke looking for her answer.

    Lex had been so distant with her all year and the incident in the cave drove them further apart but now he wanted in. It appeared he wanted back into her life without explaining why he left in the first place.

    “Chloe I…” He paused looking away from her; she could see the tension coiling inside him. “I told you I owe you more then just this.”

    “You owe me what Lex? I don’t understand what it is you think you owe me.”

    “I don’t really want to get into it. Just know that I want to make up for what I did to you.” He said it in a rush; it was almost as if he was trying to work up to an apology.

    “What you did to me?” Chloe honed in on him, leaning over in the sofa to get closer to him as he retreated from her.

    “I want you to know how sorry I am…” He paused again, finally looking down at her. “For doing what I did to you in the cave. Nothing I do or say could ever make up for what I did that day.” He eyes closed and opened again as if he was over whelmed. “For what I did to someone I care about.”

    Lex wasn’t an open book but he just let go of so much in just a few words. He apologized but Chloe’s focus was on him saying he cared for her. It made no sense because all year he did his best to push her way.

    “Care about me?” Chloe started slowly. “If you care so much then why haven’t we spoken in months?”

    She waited for his answer; she would be waiting awhile. “Is that him?” Lex pointed towards the hotel entrance when two men walked in; one of them was in a brown leather jacket. Even if she didn’t want to admit it, he was handsome.

    “We are going to finish this.” Chloe looked him right in the eye making sure he saw she meant it. This talk was far from over and one they needed to have. Something was happening with him and she would find out what it was.

    She jumped up from her chair meeting the two men half way before they could get too far into the hotel. “Are you Dean Winchester?”

    “You’re the voice.” He looked her up and down, sizing her up. Chloe felt a little uncomfortable being examined.

    She heard the sharp sound of someone clearing their throat and just behind her was Lex. “Are you him or not?” Looking back and forth between the two of them they shared a long stare before Dean answered.

    Dean smirked at Lex, as if it was some sort of caveman act, Lex had won for now. ”I’m Dean and this is my little brother Sammy.”

    The taller of the two shot a dirty look to Dean then turned his attention to Chloe softening his expression. “I’m Sam.” He held his hand out for her to shake. Chloe took it willingly looking for some assurance that they were the people that could help her. “Even if we don’t look like it, we are here to help you and your mother.”

    “Then how do you want to start?” Chloe let go of his hand, ready to find out everything they could do to help. Ready to take the first steps in getting her mother free from the shadows she was hidden in.


    Chapter 4 Secret Life

  8. #18
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden in the Shadows SV/SN Chapter 3 7/8/06 (PG-13/R)

    I love how Chloe put Dean in his place right from the start. Lex is gonna get so jealous. Great update & can't wait for more.

  9. #19
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden in the Shadows SV/SN Chapter 3 7/8/06 (PG-13/R)

    Awesome chapter!

    Good for Chloe for telling off Dean, and I liked tha Dean recognized that Chloe won't be up with his "sweetheart" shit. That is, unless she wants to

    Now, how are Dean and Sam going to help Chloe and her mom get away from Jun?

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

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  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Re: Hidden in the Shadows SV/SN Chapter 3 7/8/06 (PG-13/R)

    So far you've done a great job. I can't wait for more. Crossovers rock, Lex and Chloe rock and NEW, GOOD fanfic rocks!

    So what are you waiting for? Come on, give us more!

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