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Thread: Banter Can Be Hell (NC-17)

  1. #11
    Just a Guest!
    A/N: So glad you’re all enjoying this. Thanks for all the reviews! Please remember that there is no plot to this one. It’s just Chlexy goodness for Adeylan’s birthday. *smile*


    “Could you please hold this for us? Lex asked, taking Chloe’s bag away from her and handing it to the clerk at the check-out desk. “We’ll be back in a little while.” The older woman nodded, but didn’t bother raising her eyes from her book as she clasped onto the bag with her other hand and put it down behind the counter. Lex proceeded to open the door for Chloe and she smiled at him as she stepped outside. “May I ask why you assumed that I was going to call myself the devil?”

    “You weren’t?”

    “No. Actually, I was going to say I was his son,” Lex responded. Chloe chuckled and shook her head.

    “Hmm – I think I was lured out here on false pretenses, then,” she said jokingly. “Is your dad home? Maybe I could call him.”

    “He’s in Metropolis and I doubt he’d appreciate your unique sense of humor as much as I do.”

    “You appreciate my sense of humor?” Chloe asked with flattered surprise. “When did this happen?”

    “Around the time you told Dr. Walden to kiss your ass,” he replied with a tiny smirk. Chloe stopped walking and turned her face to the side to stare at him.


    “You were under the influence of that alien parasitic worm at the time,” Lex explained. Chloe cringed.

    “Sorry. I really wasn’t myself, and from what people have told me, I’m glad I don’t remember any of it,” she said. Lex got a teasing grin on his lips and Chloe knew she was going to be in trouble.

    “So – you *don’t* remember telling me that I needed a toupee and undressing me with your eyes?” he asked. Chloe placed a fake smile on her face and pushed down how she could almost feel the truth in his words.

    “I don’t even remember almost having sex with Clark in the Talon, and you’d think if I was going to remember anything then it would be that,” she said. She saw Lex’s eyes flicker with something – jealousy? ‘No, that couldn’t be it,’ she thought to herself. They started walking again in silence until they got to the park.

    “As I recall, Clark wasn’t acting like his normal self then either,” Lex said and then flashed a small smile at her. “I didn’t realize you had such a thing for bad boys, Miss Sullivan.” Chloe’s eyebrows shot up.

    “Clark’s not a bad boy,” she said, immediately ducking her head to cover the blush that rose to her cheeks when she realized that she admitted her crush on Clark to Lex.

    “But he was acting like one,” Lex said, ignoring the twinge of jealousy he felt when Chloe admitted to still liking Clark. “And then there’s *Spike*,” he said, looking at her teasingly.

    “Yeah, but he’s not a bad guy anymore,” Chloe countered. “Although, I did kind of like him better before the whole ‘soul’ thing.” Lex snickered. “How did we get on this topic? I thought you were supposed to be helping me with my paper?”

    “Hmm – you have a point. How about ‘question for a question’?” Lex asked. Chloe rolled her eyes.

    “Pass. You answer all my questions with questions anyway,” she said. Lex laughed.

    “No – I meant I ask you a question, you answer; you ask me a question, I answer,” he said. Chloe eyed him warily as she thought about it and he tilted his head to the side knowingly. “Off the record.” Chloe smiled and let out what sounded like a giggle, or as close to it as Chloe ever came Lex supposed.

    “Okay,” she agreed.

    “Good. I’ll go first,” he said. Chloe forced a fake smile onto her lips that quickly turned into a real one.

    “How did I know you were going to say that?” she asked rhetorically. Lex grinned.

    “My question is this: given your propensity for liking bad boys ---” he paused as she rolled her eyes “--- why haven’t you ever expressed an interest in me?” Chloe smiled over at him, trying to judge whether or not he was kidding.

    “You’re joking, right?”

    “No answering questions with questions,” he reminded her. She looked a little put-out by his response, but she decided to answer anyway.

    “Fine. But you probably realize that you’re not actually a ‘bad boy’ anymore?” When he didn’t answer, Chloe continued. “You’re the head of your own company at twenty-two, you’re ---”

    “So, you’re saying that I’m too responsible for you to be attracted to me?” he asked with a touch of disbelief.

    “One question per turn,” Chloe said with a small smile. “How do you picture hell?” Lex frowned and gave her a strange look.

    “You really want to work on your paper?” he asked in surprise.

    “Uh – ye-ah,” she answered, stringing out ‘yeah’ as if Lex was an idiot. “And no answering questions with questions.” Chloe could have sworn she heard him sigh.

    “My view of hell,” he repeated before answering. “I can’t say that I’ve ever thought about it.”

    “Really? Never? Come on, give me something. Even if it’s a nightmare about you having to genuflect before your dad at the gates of hell,” she said with a bit of exasperation.

    “If you want the truth ---”

    “That would be nice.”

    “Then I don’t think I’ve ever thought about an afterlife at all.”

    “What? How is that possible?”

    “For a long time, my life was significantly less than perfect. I used to try and escape it by any means necessary. I just thought of death as death – as an ending.”

    “And now?”

    “And now I think I’ll have to reevaluate that belief if you’re going to keep on with this garrulous line of questioning,” Lex said with his trademark smirk. Chloe smiled. “And just so you know, I’ve never had that nightmare,” he said. Chloe snickered.

    “You will now.”

    “The power of suggestion,” Lex agreed with a nod. Chloe nodded as well. “My turn again. Am I too responsible for you to be attracted to me?” Chloe pursed her lips. She had been hoping that he would forget about that question with her little comment about bowing before his father, but apparently he hadn’t.

    “No. Responsibility is a good thing. My turn,” Chloe said quickly. Lex stopped walking and arched an eyebrow at her as she turned around to face him. Chloe sighed and placed her hands on her hips. “You’re going to make this into some big thing now, aren’t you? Well, don’t. Because I didn’t mean that like it sounded.”

    “How did it sound?” Lex asked with some amusement.

    “It sounded like I just said I was attracted to you and ---”

    “Are you?” Lex asked taking a couple steps toward her.

    ‘Oh, shit,’ Chloe thought. ‘How the hell am I going to get out this?’ She smiled as the solution came to her mind. “One question per turn.” She watched as Lex pursed his lips in frustration, but his eyes still danced with – uh oh – lust? Chloe absently started to bite her lower lip while she was focused on his eyes and she saw him look down at the action.

    She could feel her heart start to beat faster and Lex closed the small space left between them with a single large step. He rested his hands on her hips and before she knew it, his warm breath was against her ear. Chloe struggled to keep her body from giving into the sudden surge of arousal she felt, but she was quickly losing the battle.

    “What’s your question?” he asked in the low, husky voice he had used earlier in the library.

    “You never answered the last one I asked,” she pointed out in what was almost a whimper.

    “Which was?”

    “You’re going to make this into some big thing now, aren’t you?”

    Chloe could practically feel him smirking, even though his face wasn’t touching her skin.

    “Absolutely,” he answered. Chloe’s eyes fluttered closed as his breath tickled her ear and sent a shiver down her spine. “Are you attracted to me?”

    “N---” Lex cut off her answer by moving his mouth to hers. The kiss started out gently, hesitantly, but soon their tongues were intertwined and playfully dancing with each other. Lex and Chloe pulled away at the same time, both in desperate need of air. He rested his forehead against hers as she looked at the ground, unable to completely comprehend what had just happened. Lex grinned at her reaction. “I don’t think I caught your answer. Would you mind repeating it?”


  2. #12
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    heeheehee. I loved this chapter. Post more soon.

  3. #13
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Oh, silly Chloe, trying to play it like you don't find him attractive. Love that Lex wouldn't let her off so easy. I wonder if she'll change her answer, or if Lex will have to 'convince' her a little of it, first.


  4. #14
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    More please........ :biggrin:

    Hope :chlexsign2:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #15
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    LOL! :biggrin:

  6. #16
    Just a Guest!
    lol I love it when Chloe's in denial and Lex is all persistent, it's such a cute combination!


  7. #17
    Just a Guest!
    Amazing! once again you out do yourself! how do you come up with all these brillant ideas and keep with them? I havent been able to really commit to one and yet you seem to have hundreds. you are my role model. update soon!

  8. #18
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    26 Feb 2003
    question: is it possible to find Lex Luthor unattractive?? i mean, god, even the name is sexy.

    great chappy's!! can't wait for more!!

    : Sway

  9. #19
    Administrator Senior Member Julie's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Nov 2002
    Woho Not bad... Now... update!
    Be sure to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for latest updates and news!

  10. #20
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    Awww! That was wonderful :biggrin: This fic certainly puts people in a happy-chlex mood.

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