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Thread: Scofield Standard Time (R) COMPLETED

  1. #11
    walking with cavemen Senior Member Zannie's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) 12/22

    I've never watched Prison Break either, but this is definitely a fascinating premise with a very compelling opening chapter. I can't wait to see what you plan to do with this story.

  2. #12
    Sexified ChLex Addict Senior Member Blackberry's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) 12/22

    Wow this sounds awesome already~ I haven't exactly been following prison break but i've seen some of the episodes and the season ender and it is really interesting~

    I'm interested how you're going to plot out their escape~~ yes yes very much so...

    More soon I hope!!


  3. #13
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) 12/22

    A/N: I’m glad that everyone’s giving this fic a chance, and let me just reiterate that you don’t have to be a fan of Prison Break to read this story.

    Chapter 2

    “Chloe’s been locked up at Fox River.”

    An uncomfortable silence filled the room, as its three occupants tried not to look each other in the face. The knowledge about what happened to Chloe hung in the air between them, but no one could quite bear to admit the truth.

    A full minute passed before the original speaker had the courage to try to start a conversation again.

    Clark Kent glanced around the room, as though he was afraid of being overheard. He paused to clear his throat, and then pitched his voice a bit lower than his normally loud voice.

    “Chloe tried to kill herself last week, and the judge ordered her to be placed in a mental hospital, pending evaluation. And the place that the judge picked was Fox River. Fox River, Lex! You know what kind of reputation that it has.”

    Lex Luthor, like most Kansans, read of the mysterious deaths that had allegedly happened at the institution that housed Metropolis’ criminally insane prisoners, but the stories were only printed in the Inquisitor, so most people read the firsthand accounts with a grain of salt.

    Now if a legitimate newspaper like The Daily Planet where to get actual verification of the supposed experiments that would be an entirely different matter.

    Lex’s mind drifted to the last time he had seen Gabe Sullivan, which had been two days ago. The man had looked haunted, but never asked for Lex to intervene, so Lex was surprised at Clark’s presumptiveness, no matter how good the cause.

    Clark continued to speak, “Her own father doesn’t even have a say about where she was placed because she’s over eighteen, but I know that he would want her in a hospital closer to Smallville.”

    Clark paused again, and Lex resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and ask Clark to speak a little louder. Instead he looked up at his former friend, and spoke words that he knew Clark wouldn’t want to hear.

    “I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s troubles, but I don’t quite see how I can help.”

    Before Clark could even open his mouth, another voice interrupted. “Lex, Chloe needs help getting out of that place. She clearly doesn’t belong there, and you’re the only one with enough pull to get anything done.”

    Lois paused in consideration, but she started talking just as quickly when she saw that Lex was about to try and interrupt her. “And for God sake’s, after everything she’s done for you, THIS is how you repay her?”

    Lex’s jaw clenched, but he fought to keep his anger under control, and his expression neutral. “I do admire how staunchly you’re defending your cousin, Lois, but there is obviously a reason the authorities saw fit to place Chloe’s in the sanitarium. And for the record, what is between Miss Sullivan and I is none of your concern. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”

    He could hear Lois mutter, “Asshole,” under her breath, but she moved towards the door of the study. She seemed anxious to leave, and her attitude conveyed that she clearly thought that coming to see the son of Lionel Luthor, and asking for his help, was a monumental waste of time.

    But Clark was determined to stand his ground, and normally Lex would have been proud that the he was finally showing some backbone, but unfortunately, this was neither the time, nor the place for it.

    “Lex, I know that you and Chloe aren’t exactly close, but after what happened to you at Belle Reve...”

    From the moment that Clark first started to speak, Lex let his mind wander. He knew that Clark would try to manipulate him into helping with whatever had happened to Chloe, and he would use whatever weapons he could in order to get his own way.

    Throwing Lex’s own shaky mental history in his face was not a moral dilemma for Clark, because in the end, he could justify that he was just trying to help his friend.

    Never mind what happened to Lex in the process.

    Lex tried to clear his mind, and concentrated on the situation involving Chloe instead, because he knew, as sure as he was sitting there, that Chloe was no more mentally ill then he was.

    He remembered the last conversation that he had with Chloe, which ironically enough, had taken place three months ago in this very study.

    He could tell that there was something off about her, because she didn’t have her same sparkling smile or witty retort. She had looked tense, and was worriedly twisting her fingers together.

    Lex recognized the signs, because he had seen them enough when Chloe had been in hiding during his father’s trial.

    She was deeply worried about something, but more than that, Chloe was afraid. And he knew from experience that when Chloe was terrified of something, it just made her dig her feet in deeper, determined to overcome it.

    Lex had been half tempted to ask Chloe what was troubling her, but something stopped him, or rather, someone. He and Chloe didn’t have their same close friendship, because they had allowed Clark Kent to come between them.

    He knew that she was helping to hide Clark’s secret from him. Lex didn’t have any proof, but he knew it just the same. And Chloe was actively working against him, trying to protect Clark.

    Both Chloe and Lex realized that a line had been drawn between them during the second meteor shower, and that they now stood on either side of that line, glaring at each other. Open warfare had never been declared, but they were more adversarial then friendly.

    The warmth and camaraderie was gone, and in its place stood suspicion and resentment. His respect for her was still there, but he couldn’t deny that he was angry that she had so easily turned her back on their bond in favor of her friendship with Clark.

    Which made Chloe’s appearance in his study that much more intriguing.

    He stared at her a full minute before she even acknowledged his walking into the room, and then she didn’t bother to greet him, but instead asked him a rather surprising question.

    “Has Luthorcorp ever funded any research at Fox River Sanatorium?”

    Lex had been stunned at Chloe’s abrupt question, but had answered her readily. “Luthorcorp has never funded research in any type of mental facility.”

    Chloe had smiled grimly, and spoke in a tone so quiet that Lex had to lean forward to hear her properly. “That was what I was afraid of.”

    He could feel his patience waning, and he practically snapped at her, “Chloe, what the hell are you talking about?”

    Lex was shaken out of his thoughts by the shrill voice of Lois Lane. “Forget it, Smallville, Lex hasn’t heard a word you said. He was probably dreaming about his money.”

    Clark shot Lois an imploring look, and then turned the exact same expression on Lex. “Please, you have to help Chloe. You are her only hope.”

    Lex sighed, but he still tried to explain the situation has gently as he could. “Clark, I really don’t see what I can do for Miss Sullivan. Her well being is in the hands of the courts and the mental health professionals. Nothing else can be done.”

    All pretense of geniality disappeared from Clark’s face when he heard Lex’s words. “Why am I not surprised that you’re refusing to help anyone else? It’s always Lex’s needs first, and everyone else’s second.”

    Clark shook his head in disgust and walked towards the study door for his parting shot. “If you don’t change, you’ll always be alone.”

    Clark’s final words were still floating in the air when Lex had snatched up his phone, and told his assistant to “Send Vlad in.”

    Clark and Lois were dumfounded when a muscular, six foot five, two hundred and forty pound Romanian entered Lex’s study from a side door.

    “Vlad,” Lex greeted his bodyguard amiably, “please show the muffin peddler and the farmboy to the door. They are no longer welcome in my home.”

    Lex tried not to grin in satisfaction at seeing the shocked dismay on Lois and Clark’s face. He didn’t have time to justify his attitude to them, especially with Chloe so obviously needing help.

    He knew better than either of them the lengths that Chloe was willing to go to when she thought that she was right.

    And from their conversation the three months before, Chloe Sullivan knew that she was right about the sinister happenings at Fox River.
    Last edited by Kit Merlot; 7th June 2009 at 04:08.

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  4. #14
    seeking a happy ending. meeaz's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 2 12/28

    so this is where lex comes in. this was a great update and you know i love prison break, so even a premise that takes into account the greatness that is that show, well, i'll love it! can't wait to see how this plays out!
    <3 yams.

  5. #15
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) 12/22

    Quote Originally Posted by Kit Merlot
    “Vlad,” Lex greeted his bodyguard amiably, “please show the muffin peddler and the farmboy to the door. They are no longer welcome in my home.”
    Ouch. Ooh, but I love it.

    Hmmm, what does Lex have up his sleeve? I'm very intrigued.

    Fantastic update

  6. #16
    NS Full Member star del mar's Avatar
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 2 12/28

    So Lex already knew what Chloe was planning? Hmmm...interesting. Makes things even better since he's obviously going to do something but not because Clark comes in telling him to do it. Clark...who can stand him ever, lol. Great update!


  7. #17
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 2 12/28

    I love the fact that Lex has an idea about Chloe but is choosing to leave Clark and Lois completely out of it. Yay for undercover Chlex conspiracies! Muffin peddler was a little harsh, though.

    As always with your fics, I love the way you're slowly unravelling the plot. Can't wait to see what Lex's rsponse will be. Do update soon!

  8. #18
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 2 12/28

    This is really interesting and well written . I am looking forward to reading more.

  9. #19
    Ash's Love Slave
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    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 2 12/28

    Great beginning!! Can't wait to see what Lex will do? And to see what's going on with Chloe? PPMS??

  10. #20
    Just a Guest!

    Re: Scofield Standard Time (R) Ch 2 12/28

    This story is so intriguing! I love it, I've never even heard of Prison Break before- but I'm liking where this is going.

    I think you protray the characters well in here;the inability to ever read Lex (due to his alternating good/bad motives), Clark's hypcrocy, quick judgement, and shallow views especially when it comes to Lex 'his best friend', and the Chlex realtionship that we just *know* developed even though the show's writers refuse to give us a crumb of it =(.

    Combined with the intresting plot of this story, and your true characterization, I must say this is where I wish the show *would* have gone.

    I'm so excitedddd for this story!! Please post again soon- I can't wait for more!

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