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Thread: Prey for Chloe NC-17

  1. #151
    ChLex Schadenfreude Senior Member crankychick's Avatar
    Join Date
    17 Nov 2004
    Widow, Lionel Luthor
    Title: Prey for Chloe
    Rating: R to NC-17
    Spoilers: Beginning of Season 4 up to and including “Scare”. A bit of creative license will be taken with Chloe’s mother.

    Setting: After the toxic explosion in “Scare” and revealing the truth about her mother to Clark, Chloe leaves Smallville for a month to parts unknown. She returns a much changed woman and sparks Lex’s interest.


    (Chloe and Lex get saucy. A little moving-in smut for the fans)

    Chapter 27


    “How do people manage to do this every day of the week?” Chloe wondered out loud, as she struggled to open the lid of the sauce jar. She’d decided to live vicariously and cook Lex dinner, since he’d been nice enough to prepare a killer coq a vin the night before. They had been living together for about two weeks now and had experienced their share of ups and downs. Fortunately, for them, the downstairs was considered their cool-off zone. Lex had a tendency of coming home, cranking up the Mahler in his office and spending most of the evening making international calls. It was hard to get him to completely disconnect from his office, considering he’d just relocated his base of operations, but Chloe tried her best to get him to dedicate some time to relaxing. Dinner had become their shared time and he was not allowed to take any business until they had finished their shared meal.

    Her problem at the moment was one of skill. She didn’t have a fucking clue how long pasta had to be boiled. Fortunately, all the ingredients in the large salad she’d prepared as an appetizer had come pre-cut, so she could always heat up the salmon they had and serve that up as dinner. She was going to try to make the past work before resorting to that final measure, if only as a gesture of appreciation for everything Lex had done for her since she’d moved out west.

    It hadn’t been a bed of roses entirely – she and Lex still had the tendency of getting on each other’s nerves and neither backed down from a fight – but the good had far outweighed the bad. Lex had given her a wonderful living arrangement and she adored the sparsely furnished, but very tasteful house they now shared. Each one of them had an office – Chloe’s on the ground level and Lex’s opposite their bedroom on the upper floor. Thinking ahead was one quality she envied Lex for – he’d had the rooms paneled with sound proofing, allowing her the chance to blast Mick and the boys to her heart’s delight.

    Photographs they’d taken adorned their living room, as well as shots of their friends, several of Gabe and Lex’s cherished photograph of his mother, Lillian. Pictures of Lana and Pete had been sent to Chloe, which Lex had immediately framed and put on their fireplace mantle. Despite his very hectic work schedule, they had succeeded in setting up a home.

    He had completely won her heart when she first walked into her office to find a framed, yellowing letter prominently on display on her office wall. As she’d walked to inspect it that first day, he’d put his hand around her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.

    “The money spent on this was well worth it, as you’ll find,” he’d said.

    When she looked closer, she found it was Nellie Bly’s first letter to the Pittsburgh Gazette. She’d jumped into Lex’s arms in excitement. Of course, after their first fight – their usual argument about the volume of the HDTV in the living room when Chloe was home – she’d threatened to knock him over the head with it, but the matter was quickly forgiven. Nobody said love meant wouldn’t have to say I’m sorry – a lot.

    But, all of those thoughts weren’t getting her any closer to figuring out the pasta dilemma. How the fuck was she supposed to know what a serving size was? She finally decided to dump the entire box into the boiling pan of water and see what happened. Taking out the salad contents, she poured the contents into a large wooden bowl and opened a bottle of wine.

    Just then, she heard the front door open as Lex arrived. Hearing the commotion in the kitchen, he walked in to find out what was going on.

    “Pans? Food in non-cooked status?”

    “Funny. I hope you like wearing your food and not eating it.”

    “What are you making?”

    “Pasta with some organic onion-garlic sauce and fresh parmesan. I went down to the Marina and did some shopping and thought it’d be a good idea to make us dinner.”

    “Sounds excellent? Can I help?”

    “No, you already made dinner this week. I want to do this.”

    “Let me at least take out the sauce pan.”

    “What do we need that for?”

    “To heat up the sauce.”

    “Can’t we just throw it on the spaghetti once it’s done boiling?”

    “That probably won’t work,” he said, stifling the urge to laugh, “but give it a try if you’d like.”

    “You’re making fun of me, somehow,” she said.

    “Not in the least,” he insisted. “By the way, how long has the pasta been boiling?”

    “A little under half an hour, give or take a minute,” she said, noting Lex’s widened eyes, “That’s wrong isn’t it? I suck at this.”

    “Chloe, I don’t need you to cook meals for me. I happen to like cooking, but I don’t expect you to take it up just to please me.”

    “I just wanted to do something nice for you, Lex.”

    “Well,” he said, grabbing the sauce in one hand and her hand with the other as he walked all ingredients over to the dining room. “I know of one way.”

    “Really?” she said, as he put his hands on the bottom of her camisole.

    “And it requires no cooking,” he said, lifting the shirt over her head and running the palms of his hands over her breasts, as her nipples pebbled under his touch.

    “Good sauce,” he commented, “is a taste that should be relished with the proper accompaniment.” Lex opened the jar and dipped his pinky into the sauce, licking his finger dry as Chloe laughed.

    She stopped doing so when she saw what he did next. Dipping his index finger twice, he baptized both her nipples with a generous dollop of sauce, bending his face down to lick each one dry. Bending her head backwards as she grabbed his head, Chloe wordlessly thanked him for this gourmet introduction. Rolling her nipple around with his tongue, he began to pull down her pants as she lay her back down on the table.

    “Not bad, I prefer the taste of the accompaniment.” With that, he took off her pants and bent his head down to lick her most intimate of areas. Flicking his tongue with expert ease and patience, Chloe gripped the sides of the table to keep from screaming out loud. The things he could do with his tongue could teach a master’s course in cunnilingus.

    Teasing her clit by suckling it with pursed lips, Chloe yelped with need as she pulled him to her. He quickly eased himself into her her body as she gripped his hips to guide his motion. The sauce crashed and fell to the ground.

    “That’s a mess,” she said as he pounded against the table.

    “Fuck it,” he said nonchalantly.

    “Oh, no. Fuck me.”

    He was in position to argue with her as she gripped him and tenaciously demanded manually that he make her come. Quickly thrusting into her willing form, he felt her about to peak and gripped her buttocks to accelerate his motion. Chloe screamed out her approval. Feeling himself swallowed by the pressure of her orgasmed walls, he quickly found his own release and collapsed on top of her.

    When they were finally able to breath and had cleaned up the sauce from the floor, Chloe looked at Lex and mouthed the words, “take out.” He nodded his approval.

    That dining table has been used for anything but since we’ve lived here, she thought to herself, I wonder if I should write them a letter of praise?

  2. #152
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  3. #153
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    I'm glad that Chloe and Lex are adjusting well to living together!! Very interesting way to eat spaghetti!! :biggrin: :chlexsign3: :biggrin:

  4. #154
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    I will never look at spaghetti the same way again ...

    Loved it!


  5. #155
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
    Join Date
    12 May 2003
    Penn's Woods
    This is just excellent and very romantic--I like Lex moving to California to be with Chloe :biggrin:


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  6. #156
    ChLex Schadenfreude Senior Member crankychick's Avatar
    Join Date
    17 Nov 2004
    Widow, Lionel Luthor
    Title: Prey for Chloe
    Rating: R to NC-17
    Spoilers: Beginning of Season 4 up to and including “Scare”. A bit of creative license will be taken with Chloe’s mother.

    Setting: After the toxic explosion in “Scare” and revealing the truth about her mother to Clark, Chloe leaves Smallville for a month to parts unknown. She returns a much changed woman and sparks Lex’s interest.


    (Lois calls Chloe and gets her ass handed to her. Gabe’s in town for a visit. Lex surprises Chloe by inviting Lana and Pete to San Fran. Jason’s moved to California)

    Chapter 28

    Just because she was happily becoming accustomed to her new life in California didn’t mean Chloe had completely stopped working. She’d made a few visits to her campus and even met with a few professors as an early introduction, even going so far as submitting samples of her work. While she awaited the start of the academic year, she was even doing some writing, which after a year of doing mostly edit work, took a bit longer than she was used to.

    Eventually, though, her fingers raced across the keyboard in their familiar fashion, highlighting here and typing over words. Sentences began to get longer as she regained her narrative flow. Embolden with confidence, she even completed a short story, based on one of her nights at the Sheik in Metropolis which to her surprise, was accepted for inclusion in that year’s Best American Short Stories. The small check she received treated Lex to dinner at Francisco’s, their favorite Thai fusion restaurant on the Haight.

    She was research a piece on the need for leadership within the Democratic Party when she heard her phone began to ring. Gabe was expected in for the July 4th weekend and thinking it was her father calling to give her his flight number, she picked it up without looking at the incoming number.

    “Hello?” Lois greeted.

    Chloe knew she sounded as displeased as she actually felt, “Hi, Lois.”

    “Don’t sound so overjoyed to hear from me.”

    “My enthusiasm knows no bounds.”

    “Look, I’m sorry I was such a bitch last time. I shouldn’t have bailed on your graduation just because I don’t approve of your relationship. I’m sorry.”

    “Apology accepted. So how’s Baltimore?”

    Lois had accepted a summer internship at the Baltimore Sun that summer and had temporarily relocated to the East Coast, “It’s going. Long hours and I get to spell check for hours. I plan on memorizing Eats, Shoots and Leaves.”

    “We all have to make our bones. I’m starting at the bottom at the college paper next month.”

    “Bummer. At least you have plenty of extra time to get used to dorm life and all that.”

    “I’m not living in a dorm, Lois.”

    “You can afford to live in the city? I thought you said you weren’t working this summer.”

    “I’m not.”

    “Then how – oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You’re living with him!”

    “That ‘him’ has a name. It’s Lex and yes, we’re living together.”

    “Are you out of your damn mind? You’re only 18 years old and you’ve shacked up with a playboy!”

    “Gee, Lois, try being a little more judgmental. I can’t really tell what you’re thinking.”

    “Funny, that’s what I was going to say. Chloe, what has happened to you? Are so anxious to give up your freedom that you won’t even allow yourself to experience it?”

    “That’s not the case and you know it. I don’t need a ‘daddy’ figure or to be taken care of. I’ve chosen to come to California and Lex chose to come with me.”

    “Frankly, I don’t see the difference.”

    “Big surprise.”

    “I can’t help feeling disappointed in you, Chloe. I thought you wanted to be independent…make a new life and all that.”

    “And who says I haven’t?” Chloe insisted. “I live with Lex, but I’m not being supported by him. School is my priority; I’ll be working at the paper which is exactly what I’d be doing if he wasn’t here. The only difference is my living arrangement.”

    “It makes a world of difference and you know it. You’re like his-“

    “Like his what, Lois,” she bit back, “His mistress?”

    “I wasn’t going to say that.”

    “Maybe not, but you were thinking it. Lois, I swore to myself not to get involved in this conversation with you again, but you just can’t let the issue can you? I love him….he loves me and we’re together. We have individual, strong, type A personalities. We fight, agree, cajole, throw things, fuck madly, argue bitterly but we are a couple. Your pithy speeches aren’t going to change that.”

    “How does Uncle Gabe feel about all this?”

    “I’m happy, he’s happy. At least he’s made an effort to see past his initial resentment and give Lex a chance.”

    “The guy just rubs me the wrong way, Chloe.”

    “You don’t get it, do you. It’s not about you, Lois. He makes me happy and your constant arguments steal a piece of that happiness away every time you jump to irrational conclusions!”


    “Don’t bother. I’m hanging up.”

    It is the evening of the day
    I sit and watch the children play
    Smiling faces I can see
    But not for me
    I sit and watch
    As tears go by

    Lex heard the angelic tones of young Marianne Faithful coming from Chloe’s study and instantly knew something was wrong. As he walked in, he found her sitting in her chair, mournfully looking out the window towards their inner courtyard and crying. He walked over and kissed her cheek.

    “What’s wrong?”

    “Judgmental relatives.”

    “Lois, again?”

    “Who else? She calls, it goes well for about ten seconds and we’re back to the same crap all over again.”

    “Well, I’m the bearer of better news. We’ve got company.” As she looked up, her father entered the study, complete with a small daisy tucked over his ear.

    “They didn’t have roses,” he said, as Chloe laughed and ran into his arms.

    “Oh, Dad,” she said, leaning on his shoulder. “I’m so happy to see you.”

    “Same here, kid. The house isn’t the same without you.”

    “When did you get in?”

    “A few hours ago. Lex wanted to surprise you, so picked me up himself.”

    A few months ago, this would never have happened, she thought to herself. “That’s great, Dad. I’ve got your room ready”

    “This whole place is yours?” he said, looking up at the lacquered ceilings and Chloe’s massive ceiling to floor photo display. “Lex, you’re going to spoil my brat.”

    “Not possible,” Lex insisted, “she won’t let me.”

    “Yep, then she’s definitely still my brat,” Gabe laughed. “Just tell me she hasn’t been cooking.”

    Lex looked over at Chloe and smiled. Gabe just groaned and shook his head.

    “I had the bags taken to your room,” Lex said, “and I’m sorry to have to duck out, but I’ve got a scheduled conference call with some Japanese clients. I promise to be back later for dinner.”

    “Sounds good, Lex,” she said, pecking him on the cheek. Lex shook Gabe’s hand before leaving the house.

    “He’s a good guy,” Gabe reluctantly admitted.

    Chloe smiled, nodded and took her father’s arm to show her around the house.


    Zarzuela’s on Hyde Street, was Chloe’s favorite Tapas restaurant on Russian Hill and she was lucky enough to get a late dinner reservation for them that evening. Lex was coming to meet them directly from the office and was due to arrive in a few moments. Chloe and Gabe were seated and ordered a pitcher of their finest sangria.

    “Wait until you try the gambas,” she said, salivating at the thought.

    “And that would be?”

    “Shrimp,” she laughed, “Don’t worry, Dad. We’ll only feed you fishheads on your second night here.”

    “I can hardly wait,” he said, sipping his sangria and finding it to his liking. “But this is good stuff.”

    “Glad to hear it.”

    “And how’s the school business? Have you mapped out the place yet?”

    “Just about. I start working with the paper right after Labor Day and classes start up a few weeks after that. I’ve already met with a few of my professors and the campus is amazing.”

    “How about your own work?”

    “I’ve submitted a few stories here and there,” she admitted, “and I’ve got a good chance of getting into the Bay Gazette.”

    “So you haven’t been laying about in the lap of luxury?”

    “Hardly,” she insisted. “Lex has been working and so have I.”

    “Alright, that’s it for the dad lecture portion of the evening,” he said, “since you’ve emailed me scans of every rejection and acceptence letter you’ve ever gotten. Chloe, I’m proud of you.”

    She smiled as she patted his hand. “That makes me happy, Dad. I didn’t want you think I came out here to sit on my butt and coast.”

    Lex patted her on the shoulder as she drew back, accompanied by Jason. “Look who I ran into at the bar.”

    “Jason!” Chloe stood up and kissed him on the cheek. “I thought you were working in Topeka.”

    “I relocated a month ago to San Diego. This is my vacation, actually. Mr. Sullivan, it’s nice to see you again.”

    “Good to see, Jason,” Gabe said, shaking the young man’s hand.

    “Join us,” Lex asked.

    “I’m waiting for some friends I’m supposed to have dinner with, but I’d love to have drinks, if that’s alright.”

    “It’s fine,” Chloe said, “Sit down and tell me everything you’ve been up to.”

    Jason sat with them and told them about his new assignments in California and also about his return to school. He looked very happy and carefully asked about Lana.

    “She’s very happy,” Chloe told him, “and she told me you know about Pete.”

    “We’re still friends,” Jason insisted, “and everything worked out for the best. I’m just glad you and Lex are still together.”

    They sat and talked for a bit, making plans to have dinner at the house before Jason’s departure the following Monday, until his friends arrived. Graciously making his farewells, he got their phone number before leaving and joining his own dinner party.

    “Nice guy that Jason,” Gabe insisted.

    “Yes, he is.”

    “Speaking of nice guys,” Lex said, ordering his customary brandy, “we’re going to have one visiting us, together with a nice girl.”

    “What are you talking about?”

    “I invited Lana and Pete to come for a visit over Labor Day. And Gabe, you’ll be joining us, right?”

    “That’s the plan,” Gabe said, smiling over at his surprised daughter.

    “You two are just full of plans, aren’t you?” she remarked.

    “It’ll be great,” Gabe insisted, “a mini reunion before everybody settles into school and work for the year.”

    “Now why didn’t I think of that?” Chloe wondered out loud. “But where’s everyone going to stay? We don’t have room at the house-“

    “Already taken care of,” Lex insisted, “The Embarcadero. Reservations are all confirmed.”

    “Oh, Lex,” she said gratefully, “this is so nice of you.”

    “You two are making me sick,” Gabe said, “have pity on the older single guy.”

    Music Credit:

    “As Tears Go By” music & lyrics M. Jagger & K. Richards

  7. #157
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    I'm glad that Jason isn't jealous about Lana and Pete!! Also, Lois needs to leave Chloe and Lex alone!!!! Thanks for the great update!! Can't wait for more!! :chlexsign4:

  8. #158
    NS Full Member kirt30's Avatar
    Join Date
    28 Feb 2003
    ohh i love this fic so much, can't wait to read more lots more

  9. #159
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    Homey Chlex is adorable without being too much . . . I love it.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  10. #160
    Sugar&Spice of the gutter Senior Member Queen Of Tact's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    sorry it took so long to leave fb but the internet is out at home while we're moving this around, so I had to wait till I got to work.... Yeah what a great update...... Lex is so sweet to Chloe.... Gah and I'm so going to be kicking lois ass...

    I can't wait for more, and you are going to be posting more soon right??

    "I am scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend or sister or confidant, but never quite somebody's everything."

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