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Thread: Beloved - NC-17 - Complete

  1. #151
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Gemini@Sep 15 2003, 02:38 AM
    Oh my God- is it even POSSIBLE for me to love this fic any more than I already do? I seriously have no idea what I want to happen, but I can't wait to see where it goes. Arg... Alexander or Lex? Hell, that's the hardest decision ever. I'm leaning towards Alexander... or not... I! Don't! Know! Ahhhh!!!
    I feel actually the same way! Darn you for making it so hard for us to side with either of them! heehee

  2. #152
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    *skipping around like a drongo* they kissed! they kissed! they kissed! they kissed!they kissed!

    ....oh you want intelligible reviews....ummm.... YAY!!!

    *recomences singing and dancing* Lex and Chloe kissed cha-cha-cha!

    (in case you havn't been able to work it out - I'm rooting for Lex! :biggrin: )

  3. #153
    NS Full Member
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    24 Jun 2003
    OMG please update, what r u trying to do to me??? I love this fic, I read it instead of my statistics homework!!! :yay2:

  4. #154
    Damn you!!!!!

    *cough* Okay, slight overreaction I know but... well... you see... it's just that I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!!!

  5. #155
    see spot snark Senior Member happy bunny's Avatar
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    :sad: *sniffles* Still no update?? *pouts*

  6. #156
    NS Full Member kirt30's Avatar
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    oh come on add the next chapter

  7. #157
    Members TestingFaith's Avatar
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    Evil Lex...how cute...I love evil Lex....

    Lily M.:sunny:

  8. #158
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    Jesus Christ. They're both fucking psycho. I guess even being in different worlds doesnt change much.

    I'm thinking she should screw Lex and then decide from there. WHAT?! This is in the NC17 category,


  9. #159
    Just a Guest!
    A/N: Consider this a desperate shout out to Sugi - you *need* to update Neptune's Cradle. *NEED* Because, if you don't, this will be the last chapter I post of this story for a very, very long time. Got it? Good. Now everybody go bug her about it.


    Lex painted his face with feigned concern. If the sheriff was at all suspicious of him, and he knew she probably would be anyway, then it would serve as another obstacle that he didn’t need. Thankfully, he had planned the scenario with a scapegoat already in mind.

    “Sheriff,” he greeted. “What’s this about my brother?”

    Sheriff Adams frowned, but her face quickly fell into disbelief when she saw Chloe standing beside Lex.

    “They told me they found you, but I didn’t believe it,” she said.

    “I’ve been getting a lot of that,” Chloe replied.

    “Where have you been?”

    “Away,” Lex answered for Chloe in a clipped tone. “So, *Lucas*?”

    Adams solemnly nodded, taking her hat off to show respect.

    “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, Mr. Luthor, but your brother is dead.”

    “What?” Chloe squeaked out, lightly shaking her head back and forth in denial. “That’s not possible. He ---”

    Lex narrowed his eyes pensively a little in preparation for the role he needed to play.

    “How?” he asked.

    “You don’t seem really upset about it,” Adams observed, eyeing him suspiciously.

    “Not all of us wear our emotions on our sleeves, Sheriff,” he said pointedly, his words laced with a bridled anger. “Now, what happened to my brother?”

    “We’re not sure exactly,” Adams admitted. “But it looks like he was in a fight and lost.”

    Chloe shook her head again.

    “Lucas *never* lost,” she said.

    Adams arched an eyebrow at her.

    “Get in a lot of fights, did he?”

    “Yes,” Lex answered simply. “And she’s right. Lucas never lost. He was a skilled fighter.”

    “Well, there was some evidence to suggest that he may have been drugged first,” Adams said. “But we won’t know anything for sure until the coroner gets the toxicology report back.”

    ‘Damn it,’ Lex thought to himself. ‘Of course they had to drug him, Meeker would never have won otherwise. Why didn’t I think of that before? There’s no way Clark would have access to tranquilizers.’

    “This isn’t happening,” Chloe said sickly, her face pale as Lex reached out to steady her from losing her balance and swaying to the ground.

    He pulled her into his arms and rubbed her back soothingly, earning him questioning looks from the sheriff.

    A thought struck Chloe’s mind and she quickly pulled out of Lex’s embrace to narrow her eyes suspiciously at Adams.

    “Wait a minute. How do you even know it was him?” she asked, half-accusingly and half in a desperate hope that her best friend wasn’t really dead.

    Adams looked startled by the question.

    “What do you mean?”

    “I *mean*, Lucas doesn’t carry any I.D. – and it’s not like he’s been in town a lot since he’s been here. How do you know it’s him that you found? Maybe it’s someone else.”

    Adams shook her head.

    “Clark Kent identified the body,” she replied.

    Instead of going pale like Adams expected, a furious color rose to Chloe’s cheeks as she balled her hands into fists.

    “Clark?” she asked through gritted teeth. “That son of a ---” she trailed off with what sounded like a growl and stepped forward to start stalking toward the door, only to be pulled back by Lex’s firm grip on her arm.

    “We don’t know that he was responsible,” he told her quietly, but purposefully loud enough for the sheriff to overhear.

    Adams narrowed her eyes and toyed with the hat in her hands as if she were using it to think.

    “You think he had something to do with it,” she said. It was a statement, not a question.

    “Obviously,” Chloe spat. “Clark hated him – for no good reason – he just – ARGH! I can’t believe he did this!”

    Adams shared a look with Lex.

    “Tell you what; why don’t I go have a little chat with him and you see that she gets some rest,” she said; her underlying meaning perfectly clear. Calm her down before she goes and does something stupid.

    Lex nodded once and wrapped his arm around Chloe’s waist to help guide her out of the room and Adams exited through the front door.

    Not until she reached her car, did she let out the breath she had been holding in. Reaching her hand to the back of her thick belt, Adams removed a miniature cassette recorder and pressed the ‘stop’ button.

    Although she was relieved that she had been able to position her stance inside so no one would notice it, the fear that pumped through her veins while she was in the castle had almost been deafening to her own ears, and the information she gained was disconcerting.

    “Looks like you were right,” she said ruefully, her eyes darting down to the young man sprawled out on the back seat of her vehicle. “He definitely hired that guy to kill you. Damned if I could get him to admit it though.”

    “Nor will you most likely ever be able to because he is intelligent,” Lucas conceded with no apparent emotion. He raised himself up to a sitting position so he could climb out of the car, stopping as his legs draped off of the seat to let a smirk crawl across his lips. “But not as intelligent as I.”

    Adams scoffed.

    “For you I think it’s just dumb luck,” she said. “You have any idea what would have happened if I hadn’t been driving by when I was?”

    Lucas stepped out of the vehicle and bowed his head ever so slightly.

    “I am in your debt,” he replied, his voice oozing with false charm, though Adams didn’t seem to be able to tell the difference.

    “Yeah, well, I wish you didn’t have to be. Smallville has enough problems without me having to shoot a hit man hired by your brother.”

    “Indeed. Now, if you’ll pardon me, I must retrieve Chloe so we may take our leave from this place.”

    Adams frowned, but nodded, hooking her thumbs through the extra space in her belt loops.

    “It might not be easy since she thinks you’re dead,” she warned. “But, I think that’d be best – at least until we know you’re both completely safe.” Lucas mock-bowed again and started toward the house. “Be careful,” Adams warned again, shaking her head back and forth a little when Lucas started to circle around the house instead of using the front door.

    He *was* intelligent – she’d give him that.

    Startled from her thoughts by the sound of her police radio coming to life, she quickly moved to pick up the receiver. She clicked the button and spoke into the small metal box.

    “This is Adams. Go ahead.”

    “Roger that Sheriff. There’s been a car crash off the interstate by Andersen Field. Two injured. Paramedics have been advised and Harry’s requesting you out at the scene.”

    “I’m on my way.”


    Lucas scanned the back of the house carefully. He wouldn’t be able to use the servants’ entrance, as he was certain they had been told of his untimely death. Unfortunately, that only left one of the windows as a possible entry point and he didn’t cherish the idea of climbing all that way only to be defeated by Lex’s electronic security system – or gravity.

    He pursed his lips and squared his jaw. If it was the only way to get Chloe away from Lex, then he would need to take the risk.

    Concentrating his gaze on where his possible footholds could be, he didn’t notice the swirling circle of light appear not ten feet behind him.


    By the time Adams reached the scene of the car accident, it was already littered with other official vehicles. Her deputy, Harry Cooper, was there, as well as a fire engine, an ambulance, and the coroner’s van. She frowned and then let out a grumbling sigh when she saw the last one.

    ‘When it rains, it pours,’ she thought to herself sourly.

    So far that day she had been called to a domestic disturbance where the oldest child in a family had mutated into some half-snake boy and was going around spitting venom into people’s eyes, stopped an attempted murder-for-hire, saw a girl whom, despite the evidence, she completely thought was dead, and now this.

    Walking over to her deputy, she greeted him with an upward nod of her head.

    “What happened?”

    “Car accident,” Cooper said simply. “Two people and a horse were killed.”

    “A horse? Should I even ask?” Adams asked, running a hand over her weary face.

    “Busy day,” Cooper retorted to the unspoken sentiment that weighed heavily in the air between them.

    “Yeah,” Adams agreed. “So why’d you need me out here for a car accident?”

    “Well, it’s more because of who was involved in it,” Cooper answered, looking over at where the paramedics were helping to put the driver of the car into a body bag.

    Adams looked at him expectantly, but he didn’t say anything.

    “Well? Who was it?”

    “Lionel Luthor.”

    The wheels started spinning in Adams’s head and it was all she could do to slow them down long enough to demand to know what had taken place.

    “Tell me what you think happened.”

    “We’ll probably never know for sure,” Cooper said somewhat apologetically. “But the best guess is that the horse got spooked somehow, the rider couldn’t control it, and it jumped the fence to the street where Mr. Luthor just happened to be speeding. There were skid marks,” he said motioning with his head to the street, “so we think he just wasn’t able to stop in time, hit the horse and the girl, and died because of the impact.”

    Adams nodded along with Cooper’s estimate of how the accident happened, all the time a strong suspicion nagging in the back of her mind.

    Lionel Luthor had been driving – a rarity by itself – *and* speeding, meaning that he was probably trying to get out of town in a hurry…meaning that there was probably a *reason* he was trying to get out of town in a hurry.

    Perhaps it hadn’t been Lex who had hired the hit man after all, but his father - and Lex simply knew about the plan ahead of time.

    Setting the thought aside, she motioned to the second body bag being taken to the coroner’s van.

    “Who was the girl?”

    “Miss Lang. You know – that girl who runs the coffee shop?”

    Adams groaned.

    “Well, this day just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?” she asked in sarcastic rhetoric.

    Shaking her head, she closed her eyes and rubbed them with her fingers.

    She really needed to get a job in a different town.


    Alexander stepped through the portal, relatively unaffected by its intensity because of the tips that Carrado had given him before hand. His eyes darted quickly across the castle and landscape, but settled on the figure in front of him, who for some reason unbeknownst to Alexander, seemed to be merely staring up at the wall.

    His sword drawn, he carefully stepped toward the young man, growling loudly when Lucas heard his footsteps on the gravel and turned around to face him.

    Lucas glanced at the portal and then sneered at his brother.

    “Go home, Alexander. You are not wanted here.”

    Alexander let out a derogatory huff of air through his nose.

    “You are more unwelcome than I,” he replied. “Or is it not true that my mirror of this world has ordered your death?”

    Speaking to James again, I see,” Lucas observed. “You should know better than to put your trust in him after Chloe lived from passing through the gate.”

    “He was trying to prevent this,” Alexander argued.

    “Prevent *what*?” Lucas asked; his voice full of mock innocence.

    “You are his only brother by blood. He was trying to spare your life.”

    “You cannot kill what is already dead,” Lucas said cryptically.

    Alexander creased his brow, but ultimately decided not to engage in whatever game Lucas was playing. Instead, he lowered his sword enough to give his brother a false sense of security and took a few steps closer to him.

    Smirking smugly, Lucas honestly believed that his brother thought him to be a spirit – at least until Alexander spoke.

    “We shall see.”

    With one swift jab, Alexander plunged the sharp sword into his brother’s chest, piercing the heart that beat within. Twisting it to the side to make sure the wound was fatal; Alexander then removed the blood-covered metal and holstered it by his side.

    Lucas gasped, but didn’t cry out in pain; the gurgle of blood rising up in his throat silencing any screams that may have come.

    Alexander moved to wrap a steadying arm around Lucas’s back.

    “I know I am regarded as a monster, but I am not without mercy, brother,” he said quietly as he led Lucas to the still-open wormhole. “You are still of my blood and as such deserve to be buried alongside our father.”

    With the last note of his words, Alexander released his hold on Lucas and shoved him into the swirling light, remembering only after the portal jerked closed that Carrado said that the doorway only worked one way.

    Sloughing off whatever little remorse he had for the man who took his wife away from him, Alexander turned his attention back to the castle. From the last vision James saw, Chloe was still resting within its walls – and he was going to find her and bring her home.


  10. #160
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    OMG Kris, I don't know what to say... Lana dead, again. *tackle hug* all hail the goddess :worship2:

    although, Alexander is beginning to creep me out..

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