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Thread: Beloved - NC-17 - Complete

  1. #141
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    Best. Plot. Ever.

    It's really remarkable how you've managed to keep us all on the edge of our seats! Your version of Lucas is awesome, he seems so realistic- and you have me all conflicted about which Lex is supposed to be with Chloe! Ahhh!

    Please. Pleeeeaaase update soonish?

  2. #142
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    24 Jun 2003
    this is absolutly wonderful...please please update!!! :chlexsign4:

  3. #143
    Just a Guest!
    Chloe tossed and turned in the bed, the expensive gown she had fallen asleep in twisting uncomfortably around her body.

    Alexander moved down her body and lightly captured one of her already peaked nipples between his teeth. Chloe closed her eyes – half in panic and half too overwhelmed by the heat that now coursed through her.

    The heat turned to an astonishing pain as she felt Alexander enter her, ripping through her maidenhead with one giant thrust. She screamed and clawed at him, but her husband merely dipped his head and kissed her before he started to pump in and out of her.

    The pain laced with pleasure and Chloe soon got caught up in the intense chemistry there was between them. Her stomach started to clench and tingle and Chloe cried out hoarsely as she climaxed.

    His arms wobbled slightly under the pressure of Chloe’s inner walls tightening around his shaft like a vice grip. His hips thrust forward a few more times, his body jerking as he came and sprayed his hot release deep inside her.

    Suddenly the image flit to the main hall as James entered and King Lionel realized that he was not his son. One swift movement had Queen Rachel’s head removed with Lionel’s blade and King Gabriel attacking Lionel for retribution.

    All hell broke loose around them and it seemed to go in slow motion as one of Lionel’s guards stepped in front of Gabriel and Lionel started moving menacingly toward Chloe. Though the guard was little match for Gabriel, Alexander pushed Chloe behind him and immediately commanded Tor to move her out of harm’s way.

    Chloe stood there, pained to be reliving the events, but only seeing what happened clearly for the first time.

    Alexander hadn’t been so set on doing battle as Lucas had suggested when he took her from the room, but had been trying to protect her. Even while his sword was clashing with another, he kept checking on her through the corner of his eye to make sure she was alright.

    And Lucas had carried her out of there.

    “Oh, God,” she said sickly.

    Her eyes snapped open to find a darkened room surrounding her and Chloe had to remind herself where she was. The knot in her stomach only seemed to tighten when she realized that she was remembering what had really happened, having blocked it out from the mere shock of seeing so much blood and killing before.

    “Oh, God,” she repeated, this time aloud and her nausea almost palpable.

    Her tears filled with unshed tears and her lips thinned and pressed together to prevent her from throwing up over what she had seen.

    If it was indeed true as she suspected, then she had a difficult decision to make.


    Lex smirked when he saw Lucas finally coming down the stairs. He had only been gone for a couple of hours, and honestly Lex didn’t care how his brother’s double spent his time, as long as it wasn’t with Chloe – and Lex had already made sure that the servants were to keep anyone, including Lucas, from disturbing the young woman’s sleep.

    Unwittingly, Clark coming over had given him the perfect excuse to get Lucas out of the castle while Meeker and the clean-up crew came over to do their jobs and discuss Lucas’s soon-to-be shortened lifespan. He only hoped that he had figured out enough of the young man’s behaviors to count on him leaving.

    Lucas narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Lex, but Lex spoke before Lucas even had a chance to ask about the change in Lex’s demeanor.

    “Clark Kent came by earlier,” Lex said. Lucas arched an eyebrow and Lex’s smirk only seemed to grow. “He wanted me to tell you to stay away from Chloe.”

    Lucas scoffed.

    “You believe you can warn me away from her?” he asked.

    Lex’s smirk rapidly threatened to become a small smile. For once, Lucas’s reaction had been predictable. Lex could only hope that his luck continued to hold.

    “Actually, I told him if he was so concerned about it, that he should talk to you directly.”

    Lucas glanced past Lex to the foyer, raising a mocking eyebrow and folding his arms proudly across his chest when he didn’t see Clark.

    “And yet he fled,” he pointed out.

    Lex let his smirk fall into a frown and then a look of mock concern.

    “We had an argument,” he said. “Lucas --- I know they’re not getting along right now, but Chloe and Clark actually used to be pretty good friends. If you’re seriously considering…’courting’ her…then you should try to make peace with him.”

    “She does not care for him,” Lucas insisted.

    “She’s angry and she’s hurt right now,” Lex said. “But that doesn’t mean she won’t eventually forgive him.” He stopped and gave Lucas a hard glare. “I’d think you’d know better than anyone what a propensity for forgiveness she has.”

    Lucas frowned, but his eye contact with Lex didn’t waver. After a beat, an evil grin crept onto his lips and Lex found himself inwardly unsettled by the look on the young man’s face.

    “Then I will go to speak with *Clark*,” Lucas said, Clark’s name dripping off his tongue with disgust.

    Lex hid his truly pleased reaction well, masking his face with a dry expression.

    “Why do I get the feeling that you’re not going there to apologize?” he asked.

    “Because I have nothing to apologize for,” Lucas said with simple arrogance. Lex nodded once.

    “Well, be sure to have the chauffer drive really slowly. Clark is a lot stronger than he looks and you don’t want to weaken yourself by getting carsick.”

    Lucas looked at him with questioning suspicion.

    “Why are you attempting to assist me?”

    Lex shrugged.

    “I may not like you, but Chloe has raved about what a good friend you’ve been. I don’t think she’d forgive me if I didn’t send you into a fair fight,” he said.

    Lucas grunted in acceptance of Lex’s words and then walked to the door, not bothering to look behind him or he would have seen the almost gleeful smirk that placed itself on Lex’s lips. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long, and moved into a pensive frown.

    Although he was pleased that he had finally started to be able to understand Lucas’s motivators and behaviors enough to manipulate the situation to his advantage, Lex wasn’t entirely sure it was a good thing to get into a sociopath’s mind. An individual had to have a specific kind of personality in order to distance themselves from the things they encountered in others, and Lex wasn’t certain he could remain objective – especially considering that he had basically sent the boy off to his death and was only thinking about himself.


    He wasn’t sure how long he had been standing there before the doorbell rang and jolted him from his thoughts, but Lex was thankful for the interruption to his inner ramblings. He motioned to the butler on his way that he would get the door.

    A quick, upward nod of his head greeted the people on the other side.

    “Meeker,” Lex said, stepping to the side to allow the four men into the house.

    “Luthor,” Meeker returned and then looked at him questioningly.

    “In there,” Lex said in response to the unasked question, already walking to his destination. He opened the large doors and the clean-up crew followed him into the room.

    Meeker crouched down and carefully looked at the body.

    “How’d he die?”

    “Snapped neck,” Lex curtly replied, noting that Meeker appeared not only surprised, but impressed.


    “Lucas. My…brother,” Lex answered, figuring that it wasn’t necessary to delve into all of the details with the man.

    “Wow,” Meeker said, rising up to a standing position once again. “I’m impressed. No finger marks, no bruising at all. It’ll be really easy to pass this off as a car accident because of that.”

    Lex nodded, but said nothing.

    “You think your brother might be interested in taking on a few jobs? I could sure use a guy with that kind of talent,” Meeker continued.

    Lex grimaced, but the man didn’t catch it as he was still looking down at the body.

    “I’m sure he would be, but he won’t be available since he’s the reason I asked for you specifically,” he said.

    Meeker frowned and then looked at Lex uncertainly.

    “You sure? It’d be a shame to waste someone with that kind of ability,” he said. Lex gave him a tight grin and Meeker shrugged off the line of discussion. “So, what did you have in mind? Another accident?”

    “No. I’d like it to look like he was in a fight and lost.”

    Meeker raised an eyebrow at the odd request.

    “If you do that, the cops will be all over the case looking for a suspect.”

    “That’s the point,” Lex said nonchalantly.

    “Ah. Already have somebody picked out to take the fall, huh? Smart. Kill two birds with one stone,” Meeker commented. “So, when do you want it done?”

    “Right away. Lucas is on his way to the ‘suspect’s’ house right now to pick a fight.”


    Lex watched until the crime scene was completely swept over, until there was no evidence to indicate that anyone had been in the room, including him.

    Deciding to check on Chloe, he headed up the stairs, stopping in front of her door when he heard a gentle sobbing coming from the other side. He rapped his knuckles lightly against the wood and began to push the door open, frowning when he saw her looking out the window with her arms wrapped around herself for comfort.

    “Chloe?” he called out to get her attention, as the squeaky door hinges hadn’t been enough to make her turn to face him. She turned around and Lex moved toward her. “Are you okay? Is something wrong?”

    Lex had a strong suspicion that what happened a few hours earlier had finally pushed its way past whatever defenses she had built up while she was in the other world, but if he came out and talked about it first, he had no doubt that she’d blame herself for bringing Lucas back with her in the first place; and the last thing he needed was for the young woman to be guilt-ridden over actions that she had nothing to do with.

    “I need to go back,” she said in a quiet, choked voice.

    “Okay. I’ll grab my keys,” Lex said, not understanding what she meant.

    Chloe shook her head.

    “I’ve screwed everything up. None of the conveniences this world has should have been reason for me to leave Le---Alexander. I remember now. He was just trying to protect me and I left him. God. How could I do that to him, Lex?”

    A heavier frown came upon Lex’s face and he moved even closer to her.

    “You’re not seriously suggesting that you should go back there?” he asked. “I know you’re upset about Lucas, but there are other ways to handle ---”

    “It’s not about Lucas,” Chloe argued. “It’s about me. I should never have come back here.”

    “You can’t leave, Chloe. What about your dad? It would destroy him,” Lex pointed out.

    “I don’t know,” Chloe admitted, shaking her head a little in despair. “Maybe I can come visit him sometimes or something, but I can’t stay here. I can’t do that to ---”

    “If not for your dad, then what about me?” Lex asked, skipping over the argument he could make about her friends since she was obviously on the outs with everyone except for Pete, and that boy seemed to emotionally rebound the fastest out of anyone in Chloe’s group.

    Chloe furrowed her brow in confusion.

    “What do you mean?” she asked, unaware that he was steadily stepping toward her and would only be inches away in a matter of milliseconds.

    “I mean ---”

    “Lucas,” she finished for him. “I’ll take him back with me. I’m so sorry for ---”

    Lex placed a hand on her waist and pulled her toward him, leaning his head down to brush his lips against her own. Chloe’s eyes widened in shock, her mouth dropping open to let out a small gasp. Lex’s kiss became more persistent, his lips hard against hers and his tongue darting out to sweep into her mouth.

    Chloe tried to push him away, but found her body responding the same way it had to Alexander’s, the intense physical connection rendering her unable to do anything but let her eyes flutter closed and kiss him back. Her hands crawled up to his chest and then his shoulders, allowing Lex to close the small space between their lower bodies when he pushed against the small of her back with one hand.

    When she finally pulled away, she looked up at him with glazed-over surprise.

    “I ---”

    “What about me?” Lex whispered huskily against her ear. “Shouldn’t I get a say in whether you leave or not? I just found you Chloe. I’ve been looking for so long and now---”

    Chloe reluctantly pulled away and gave him an apologetic frown.

    “I’m married,” she said, the words sounding strange even to her own ears as they came from her mouth.

    “Not here,” Lex retorted. “And I doubt you are there. You were unconscious when he married you. I’m pretty sure that won’t hold up in any court of law here or *there*.”

    “But ---”

    “Forgive the interruption, sir,” the butler said, slightly out of breath from running up the stairs.

    Lex inwardly cursed and glared at the man.

    “What is it?”

    “Your brother – the police have just – they’re requesting your presence downstairs, sir.”

    Chloe’s eyes grew large with panic. The police showing up on one’s doorstep was almost commonplace in Smallville because of the surprising high crime rate the small town had, but it also always meant that something bad had occurred.

    “What happened?” she asked.

    The butler glanced at Lex for approval and Lex frowned and stiffened his spine as he prepared to put on an act for Chloe and Smallville’s finest.

    “Let’s go find out.”


  4. #144
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    01 May 2003
    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    I don't know where to start......there's just so much to say.

    Yay update. Yay Chloe for beginning to realize what a psycho Lucas is, although with what Lex had planned, she just might turn right back around. *groan* and I've gotta say, I loves me a sneaky Lex.

  5. #145
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    I am so torn :crygreen: I want to pull for Lex but Alex has me pulling for him. Great update.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #146
    see spot snark Senior Member happy bunny's Avatar
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    New Jersey
    Oh, wow. This fic is amazing. I feel so bad for Alexander, but I desperately want her to be with Lex.

    I'm so glad that Lucas is out of the picture. That guy was one major psychopath. How Chloe was able to forgive him so many times is entirely beyond me.

    Please tell me that you're continuing this *very* *very* soon!! If you don't, I'll cry. :crygreen:

  7. #147
    Just a Guest!
    :huh: hmy: NNOOOO chloe!! stop being silly!! Ohhhh hope lucas got his ass kicked, though it would be kinda funny if clark was dead!!! she cant go back, she just cant!!!! aghhh now I just have to know what happens next!! damn but you are fantastic. :biggrin:

  8. #148
    NS Full Member
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    United Kingdom
    Aww, finally Lex shows her how he really feels. But my, does he have issues? It's not the killing of physco Lucas that bothers me, but the completely unemotional way he does it and sets up Clark and doesn't even blink when his father is killed.

    The bad guys seem to be just flocking towards Chloe, don't they?

    Great chappie.

  9. #149
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Oh man, that was good. Heh gotta love hitmen. Meeker asking straight away for Lucas' talents *snickers*

    But then there is Lex, oh boy, why do I just FEEL that he'll get himself in trouble. *shakes head*

    Update ASAP, chica. you know I'm anxiously waiting


  10. #150
    NS Full Member
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    25 Nov 2002
    Oh my God- is it even POSSIBLE for me to love this fic any more than I already do? I seriously have no idea what I want to happen, but I can't wait to see where it goes. Arg... Alexander or Lex? Hell, that's the hardest decision ever. I'm leaning towards Alexander... or not... I! Don't! Know! Ahhhh!!!

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