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Thread: Disappearing Acts (NC-17)

  1. #131
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Disappearing Acts Chapter 8 Updated 11/17/07

    Isn't entertaining the village idiot what Lex did throughtout his friendship with Clark or his relationship with Lana?

    I like knowing that Lex does good and he doesn't even want to get praised for it, but he is willing to share this with Chloe. His special, peaceful world.

    Hopefully this time away together will make Lex see that whatever plans he has for Lana isn't worth it.

  2. #132
    NS Full Member toryjhay's Avatar
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    Re: Disappearing Acts Chapter 8 Updated 11/17/07

    great update!!!

    i love this different side to lex. we are constantly plagued by a manipulative lex (not that there is anything wrong with that, the man is just too sexy no matter what he does!) but this just gives him far more depth than people give him credit. loved this. and i totally agree with westwingwolf about clark being the villiage idiot. but the best part of this is the fact that chloe said she trusted lex. more soon please!!!!

  3. #133
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Disappearing Acts Chapter 8 Updated 11/17/07

    Excellent update! Love that Chloe said she trusted Lex. More please.

  4. #134
    NS Full Member SVfan1286's Avatar
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    Re: Disappearing Acts Chapter 8 Updated 11/17/07

    Another amazing update!

    I'm loving Mexico so far. I really loved that Chloe said that she trusted Lex and decided to enjoy their trip together while it last. Lex showing Chloe a side of himself that no one knows was so sweet. Also the smut, as always, was hot and amazing!

    I still have know idea what is going on inside Lex's head, what is that man up too?

    Please update again soon!!!

  5. #135
    NS Senior Member Senior Member malugargula's Avatar
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    Re: Disappearing Acts Chapter 8 Updated 11/17/07

    Wonderful chapter
    I`m loving their trip... I can`t wait for more

    These people are great. Lex is such a wonderful man helping them.

  6. #136
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Disappearing Acts Chapter 8 Updated 11/17/07

    Quote Originally Posted by Kit Merlot View Post
    Excellent update, Kimbo!

    For the sake of my motion sickness, I am glad that Lex and Chloe decided to fly to Mexico

    I like that Lex wanted to show Chloe the good that he's done in that small town--kind of like the good he's accomplished in Smallville--except without the meteor rock experiments.

    I also like that Chloe has chosen to focus on just being with Lex for the next 3 days and not wallow in her misery over his wedding. But I also want Lex to wise up, dump the Lang, and woo Chloe.

    And the Chlex smut was deliciously hot--fantastic work

    Continued wonderful work on this fic
    I just thought I would quote you because I was thinking the same thing.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #137
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Disappearing Acts Chapter 8 Updated 11/17/07

    She gently ran her finger across his cheek with a small sigh. She realized this was probably the last time they were going to be alone together. She didn’t bother to push away the sadness that thought caused her. She hadn’t fallen straight to sleep the night before after Lex had admitted to her about his nightmares. She took that time to think about her feelings for the past few months. She had decided that she would at least enjoy this time away with him while she could.
    I loved how this chapter started, with Chloe indulging in sappy, emotional feelings for Lex. It seems like she’s finally resigned herself to losing him, to breaking up with him… so with that decision finally made, all her confusion is gone, and she’s free to enjoy this last moment of intimacy and closeness with Lex.

    Breakfast was an interesting fair with Chloe having a one sided conversation. Grunts and one word answers the only thing Lex bothered to contribute to the conversation.

    Now, there she sat, all alone at the table in the dining area, silently sipping her coffee, watching as Lex paced outside as he spoke into his cell phone. She glanced at his untouched food with a deep frown before glancing back outside.

    She idly wondered who he was talking to and was pleasantly surprised to find out that she didn’t care. She felt a small grin slide onto her face the longer she watched Lex, who’s shoulders were tense and his jaw was tight with anger.
    Hmmmm, I would have thought that Lex would have been super-pleased to have had Chloe in a friendlier, companionable and chattering mood this morning… But perhaps he senses that the ‘reason’ she’s acting so pleasant and happy is because she figures it’s over and she ‘might as well enjoy it while it lasts’?

    OR perhaps he’s embarrassed that Chloe saw such a scared, weak and vulnerable side of him last night?

    Darn it! I WISH I knew what was going on in his head!!!

    She was in a good mood, she realized. She was definitely in a better mood than she was yesterday and she wasn’t going to let Lex and his bitchiness get in the way of that. Even if he was really good at it.
    LOL! I really liked how CHloe was so determined to let nothing interfere with her ‘last remaining moments’ with Lex… even if he was being crabby and snippy, she was still focused on enjoying herself.

    “We’re catching a private flight into Mexico.”

    She frowned at him. “Why?”

    He sighed heavily. “Because I couldn’t get up on time.”
    ?? Interesting! And strange! Confusing too! It’s almost as if he has set some kind of a schedule that they HAVE to follow. What the heck is he thinking and planning over here?!

    "It's that what you've been angry about all morning?" She asked, already knowing the answer. "All because I know you have to take pills in order to sleep through the night?"

    Lex glanced over at her with a blank expression. "Chloe," He said slowly. "Don't."

    She frowned confused. "Don't what?"

    "Start," he answered. "Don't start. Not now."

    Now she was confused. “What did I do? It isn’t that big of a deal Lex. You don’t have to worry. I won’t anyone.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “Not even Lana.”

    He frowned. "What does Lana have to do with anything?"
    Pfft! Yeah, of course *rolls eyes* how silly of CHloe to assume that Lex’s FUTURE WIFE is going to have any relevant to his current medical state. HOW can this man be so idiotic?!

    I can see Chloe has also reached the same conclusions about Lex being angry ‘possibly’ because he’s ashamed of appearing weak, needy and dependant. But his ‘Don’t start now’ statement confused the heck out of me as well. I feel like the two of them are conducting two completely separate conversations, and neither of them understand each other… WHY doesn’t that closed-mouthed bastard speak what’s on his mind??!!!

    LOL! But I’ll admit, I’m enjoying the mystery and frustration that Kimbo is spinning for her readers. It’s delicious fun!

    They arrived at the private airport three hours later, and Chloe was unsurprised to see the large Luthorcorp logo on the tarmac and on the side of the plane. She slid out of the truck, and reached for her purse and laptop bag, pausing in surprise when Lex reached for it himself.

    "I've got it." He said softly.
    I couldn’t help it! I was looking for underhanded scheming and ulterior motives behind this simple offer. I kept imagining Lex putting Chloe’s purse and laptop away in a place where she couldn’t get to them… OR going through all electronic items and making sure she wouldn’t have any means (mobile phone or laptop) to contact the outside world.

    She let him take it, along with the rest of their bags out of the trunk. They walked side by side and in silence toward the plane. Chloe idly wondered who the man was standing in front of the plane waiting for them.

    "Wait," Lex said suddenly.

    Chloe paused, and looked up at him with a wary expression.

    "I'm not angry at you." He explained softly.

    "Okay." She said.

    “I’m just- I don’t like-” He trailed off with a frustrated sigh, and Chloe couldn’t help but feel awkward about the fact that they were having this conversation in the middle of the runway.
    soooo… who WAS that man??!! Are we going to find out later? And what was Lex trying to say over here? Was he trying to explain why he’s been so crabby since this morning? How would he have explained that? Was he trying to apologize? What was he trying to apologize for, specifically? Leading Chloe on while he was making plans to get married to someone else? Not making a commitment to Chloe when it’s obvious that SHE’S the one he really wants? Or perhaps he was apologizing in advance for kidnapping her ? LOL! So many possibilities and avenues that this sentence could have gone… if only!!!

    Chloe rolled her eyes and she turned to face him with a small frown. “So, what am I doing here?”

    He only smiled, and she glared at his lowered head. She had no clue why he was being secretive, or if he was even being secretive and just was really trying to piss her off.
    Aaaargh! That maddening, frustrating man! I honestly think I would have CHOKED him by now.

    “I’ve noticed.” He commented, glancing back down to continue writing. “Perhaps it’s all of the dead bodies I’ve collected in the trunk.”
    LOL! I’m still mad at him… but his dry sense of humour goes a long way to making him tolerable, ROTFL!

    “I’m not evading your question. I’m just-” He trailed off at her look of disbelief. “Chloe, you know why I asked you on this trip.”

    “No,” she said shaking her head. “I really don’t. Why don’t you enlighten me?”

    Lex carefully put his planner away and turned to face her. “I wanted you to come because I-enjoy your company-” he trailed off with a pained expression.

    Her frown turned into a glare. “You don’t know do you?” She shook her head angrily. “What am I saying I don’t even know why I agreed to come.”
    Aaaargh!!! I really cannot tell who I am more ANGRY and frustrated with over here. On one hand, Lex have an extremely vague, confusing and uncertain answer to one of Chloe’s biggest questions… on the OTHER hand, Chloe SHOULD have taken that answer at face value and asked for specifics… instead she chose to scoff at and completely disbelieve him.. dropping the subjects and losing any chance of getting specific answers. They BOTH are idiots.

    (but Lex is more of an idiot than Chloe… so there! LOL!)

    They were both quiet for a long moment, and Chloe couldn’t push away the regret she felt at her words. She knew why she’d come. She just wished Lex knew the same. She shook her head and rolled her eyes at herself. She didn’t like the fact that this situation was turning her into a whiny emotional thing that she was so usually against. She also couldn’t tell if his silence was the fact that he was angry at her or if he was trying to figure out how to apologize without sounding completely stupid. She was even more angry that she cared.
    heh, I share Chloe’s frustration and confusion over here… I think you did an EXCELLENT job, Kimbo, in keeping the viewers as much in the dark and confused about Lex’s thought process and motivations as Chloe herself. It makes us relate a lot more to Chloe, and it makes the fic a great deal more intense and exciting too. Excellent work!


    “What?” She said turning to face him.

    He gave her a serious look. “Do you want to go back home?”

    She frowned at him. “What?”

    He sighed, and closed his briefcase “I see you aren’t enjoying yourself like I thought you might.”

    She glared at those words. “Don’t try and make me feel guilty.”

    He shook his head in frustration. “I’m not trying to make you feel guilty. I just would really not to fight with you every hour.” His eyes pleaded with her. “Just bare with me,” He said. “Please?”

    He’s manipulative. Was Chloe‘s first thought. He was probably toying with her, but the only other time she heard Lex utter the word please was when he asked her to come on this trip in the first place.

    “I‘ll stay.” She said softly.
    ROTFL! Perhaps It’s just me and my overly-paranoid, addicted-to-angst personality… but did ANYONE else get the impression that Lex’s conscience just pricked him into giving Chloe this ‘offered escape’ from his kidnapping of her? He’s been feeling preoccupied and guilty thinking about how he’s spiriting Chloe away somewhere with no intention of releasing her (not until she gives him what he wants: promise of devotion, commitment, etc)… and he decided the ‘right’ thing to do is to give her a vague and unclear offer right now of returning home. THIS way, when she starts screaming about being snatched away to a place from which she can’t get transportation back to Metropolis, he can just reply back ‘I ASKED you if you wanted to go back, and you said you wanted to stay’.

    ROTFL! Then again, it’s probably just me, imagining all kinds of Super-Manipulative motives to everything Lex is doing… THIS kind of speculation is one of the fun (and frustrating) parts of leaving ‘unknown Lex POV’… especially when he’s displaying inexplicable behaviour.

    “We’ll see you later tonight?” Victoria asked. “We’re celebrating tonight.”

    “Of course.” He placed his hand on Chloe’s lower back and lead her up the small hill.
    woah! Now THIS was a complete shock! VERY nicely done, Kimbo! I really felt Chloe’s complete flabbergasted, confused and shocked reaction to seeing Lex is this kind of a setting… not to mention having this kind of a repartee with these kind of people. Who would have thought that Metropolis’s elite party-reptile would have been able to find common ground with simple, happy village-folk.

    Hmmm, I wonder what the celebration is for tonight. Is this celebration the reason why Lex needed to play ‘catch-up’ on his schedule when he overslept this morning? Because he didn’t want to miss the festivities tonight?

    “Well,” He continued. “After the plan went through and the blue prints were drawn up, I found out that the land we were building on was this village. The city committee tried to convince me not to visit, but of course I did, only to discover that their were two thousand people in this village and that it was incredibly impoverished. They didn’t have proper homes or plumbing. There are five hundred children in this village and the majority of them had any form of schooling.”

    “Obviously you didn’t build, so what did you do?”

    Lex smiled. “I gave them homes, plumbing and I built a school. I also gave them supplies for their farmland.”

    “You must’ve lost a lot of money.” She said.

    Lex only shrugged. “Only a hundred Million. Their ancestors left them this land. Who was I to try and take it from them?”

    Chloe could not believe she was hearing correctly. “What did you get out of it?” She had to ask, even if it was rude.

    Lex chuckled “Nothing. Contrary to what you or anyone else may think, I don’t always have an ulterior motive.”
    Heh, well, you can’t really blame Chloe for being suspicious! I think it’s WONDERFUL that Lex is showing her a side of himself that he has never shown anyone else before, but it’s going to take a few moments for Chloe to adjust her view of him from the manipulative, unfaithful bastard she’s been having a scandalous affair with to this ‘saviour of the people’.

    I wonder if Lex brought her over here in the hopes that she would see something in him that was ‘worthy of being loved’. I’m getting the impression that Lex wants to (finally) pursue a long-term with her, but he’s convinced that she’s going to reject him if he just ‘asks’ her. And she probably would… she’s never believe he was serious about picking her over Lana.

    And I really, REALLY hope he has a good explanation about the whole Lana-debacle… Not only did he inflict himself with Lana’s company for apparently no good reason, BUT Lana also couldn’t have deserved this kind of a two-faced relationship, where she has been assured love and loyalty from a man who has no intention of giving her either.

    Lex glanced sideways at her. “I do get a place to go when I want to get away from the world. It’s peaceful and everyone is very nice.”

    Chloe glanced up at Lex , thinking she was seeing him for the very first time.
    Wow! His plan seems to be working… At this moment, I find him absolutely irresistible. And if given half the chance, I probably would have tackled him to the bed at this very moment. JUMP him, Chloe!

    “He’s very handsome, no?”

    She turned, surprised to see a young woman sitting next to her. “I’m sorry?”

    The woman smiled. “I’m sorry. How rude of me. My name is Maria. I’m Elise’s daughter. I was speaking of Lex. He’s very handsome.”

    “Oh,” chloe said with a small nod. “Yes.”

    Maria nodded. “So how long have you been together?”

    Chloe quickly shook her head. “No, we’re not-” She trailed off at Maria’s look. “Its complicated.”
    Heh, I bet Maria (and all the other townsfolk) don’t see it as complicated at all. They see a very simple situation where Lex has brought the woman he’s deeply in love with to be a part of, and enjoy, a life he’s kept hidden from the rest of the world.

    Hmmm, I wonder how they would react if they knew that Chloe was the ‘woman Lex kept on the side’ while he was engaged to another girl. I think they would be furious! Heh, any chance of these people finding out? Pleeeease??!!!

    Chloe held up her cup of wine. “No, that’s okay I’ve got-”

    “Nonsense.” Maria cut in, pouring each of them a shot. “We’re going to have a drink. You see in this village we have a saying: Never drink-no, don’t forget- oh hell I can’t remember I’m drunk.”

    Chloe giggled and took the shot glass.

    “Ready,” Maria said. “One, two, Viva mis Antepasados!” She screamed before downing her drink.

    Chloe nearly jumped out of her seat as everyone chanted the same thing. She quickly downed her drink and promptly gagged. She placed her cup down and placed her hand over her chest. “What is that?” She said, and Maria smiled.
    LOL! These might be a uncomplicated collection of people… but they KNOW how to party hard. No wonder Lex loves being here, ROTFL!

    “You know its strange,” Maria said. “I always thought Lex was a homosexual.”

    Chloe choked on her drink.
    ROTFLMAO! Oh please, PLEASE let Chloe tell Lex about how Maria viewed Lex before he finally brought a lady with him, ROTFL!

    But this is good, because it implies that Lex has been holding back from ‘seducing the natives’ during all his time here… In fact, it’s quite likely that he resisted all the young ladies advances so skilfully that they could only think he was gay, LOL!

    She blinked up at the ceiling. “It’s a compliment.” She mumbled. “Speaking of Lois, I gotta call her before she comes looking for me.”

    Lex frowned. “You’re going to call her now?”

    She frowned confused. “Call who?”

    Lex shook his head. “Never mind.”
    ROTFL! Chloe is really such an adorable drunk, LOL! I can imagine Lex smiling in soft amusement as she’s chattering away such nonsense.

    Heh, and she wants to call Lois, huh? Has Chloe checked to make sure that Lex hasn’t confiscated her phone? Heh, I can’t help it, I’m still imagining underhanded plotting by Lex.

    “This cabin is really nice. Its nothing like the penthouse, or the castle.”

    Lex shook his head. “I rather not be reminded of those places while I’m here.”

    She nodded. “I get it. They’re all sterile and cold while this place is cheery and warm. Kind of like-”

    Lex glanced up as she sat up all of a sudden. “Kind of like the Kent’s house. I should call Clark too.”

    Lex only shook his head and stood up. “Arms up.”

    She lifted her arms and let him slide her dress up over her head. “Can we have sex?” She asked.

    He smiled down at her. “You’re drunk.”
    ROTFLMAO! I loved the way she kept spinning erratically from one random topic to another in her drunken state. LOL! And now Lex has learned better than to take any of her ramblings seriously, but I bet his ears must have pricked up with her last question, LOL!

    She rolled her eyes. “Am not. I’m just tipsy.” She ran her fingers up his arm before she stood up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. She sucked his tongue into her mouth before pulling away with a small smile. She felt his cock press up against her stomach. “It always amazes me at how hard you get just from kissing me.”

    Lex eyed her hesitantly, his eyes dark. “Are you sure you-”

    She rolled her eyes. “I’m not drunk Lex. I can recite the alphabet frontward and backward. I’ll do it if you want me to.”

    He laughed. “No that’s alright.” He bent to kiss her, but paused when she held up her hand. He pulled away with a questioning gaze.

    “I have to pee.” She said, embarrassed.
    squeeee, Drunken sex! And this is one of those times when there’s no concern about Lex ‘taking advantage’ at all. We know that Chloe came here with this intention of ‘fucking Lex out of her system’ or to have this ‘one last hoorah’ with him… Her being drunk while doing it is irrelevant. But I do think it was VERY sweet of Lex to double-check and make sure, JUST in case. He’s really such a lovely, sweet generous man… when he’s not being a secretive, unfaithful, philandering asshole.

    She tilted her head to the side ,watching muscles in his back bunch as he moved. She sighed to herself as she realized there was no rush in this. They were far away from everything and there will be no urgency of wanting to get away.
    hmmmm, trapping Chloe with him… no chance of her running off the morning after… It’s SO clear about why Lex kidnappe… erm… BROUGHT her here.

    “Just what were to talking to Almo about?”

    Lex chuckled. “The importance of goats and milk. Well, he did most of the talking. I Just nodded and smiled a lot.”

    Chloe grinned up at him. “You would entertain the village idiot.”
    LOL! I didn’t get this straight away… but guess this was supposed to be a subtle dig against Clark, lol!

    Chloe straddled his waist, and wrapped her arms around his neck to continue their kiss. She tightened her hold around his neck as his tongue slid against her own. She tilted her head and sucked his tongue into her mouth. She reached around to undo her bra and slid it off of her shoulders.

    She moaned low in her throat when his tongue enclosed over her left breast.

    She could have this, she thinks. She could have this moment with Lex, if only for three days. For these three days, Lex will be hers.
    Oooh HOT! But also a little sad, because there seems to be an element of mourning in Chloe while she’s enjoying ‘these last few times’ with Lex. I think it’s great that she’s determined to enjoy the little time she has left… AND that she’s determined to end this affair as soon as Lex gets married… It’s not healthy for her to carry on this secret affair while Lex is engaged to another woman, but planning to carry it on after marriage? THAT would be disastrous, and would destroy her.

    I also can’t help but think that Lex would never have started what ‘seems’ like an intense wooing campaign unless Chloe had told him that she’s going to be dumping him after the wedding. Otherwise he probably would have gone ahead with marrying Lana while enjoying and keeping Chloe at a safe emotional distance on the side

    “Yes.” She hissed as she felt his teeth gently graze her nipple. She could feel the moisture between her legs increase as she moved her hips, This is nice. She thought dreamily. Not thinking about Smallville or Metropolis and weddings. It wasn’t until she looked down and saw Lex’s slightly startled look that she realized she’d said that out loud. “Uh-”
    *rolls eyes* Lex is honestly ‘surprised’ that these kind of ‘minor facts of reality’ are not in Chloe’s mind whenever they get together? Does he really think that Chloe is so casual about loyalty and fidelity that she has NO qualms about being a man who is ‘taken’ by another woman? Idiot!

    “Do you trust me Chloe?” Lex asked suddenly.

    “Sometimes.” She said and lex shook his head.

    He turned, and she gave a startled yelp as she was suddenly on her back.

    Lex stared down at her intently. “I need a yes or no answer.”

    “Yes.” she answered before she could think, and she was surprised at how much she meant it.

    Lex stared down at her for a long moment and she squirmed underneath him.

    “What?” She asked after a long moment.

    He smiled and lowered his head toward her neck.
    Heh, well it’s obvious that he liked her answer… but I wonder what was his motive in asking the question. DARN you, Lex… What the HECK are you thinking/planning??!!

    “Always impatient.” He said, his voice muffled from being buried against her chest. He lifted his hand with a small smile. He released her hands and slid his own down her sides, to hook inside her underwear.

    “You’re always teasing me.” She said, lifting her hips as he pulled her underwear down her thighs.

    “You love it.” He murmured, gently spreading her thighs. His eyes glittered at the moisture he found there. “Well.” He said, his eyes meeting hers.

    Chloe didn’t blush. She never did when it came to Lex looking at her this way. He was the only man she felt comfortable exposing her body to in such a way. “It tastes even better than it looks.” She said, smiling at Lex’s hungry grin.

    “Lets see, shall we?” He asked, lowering his head, he licked a path up her slit, smiling at her large intake of breath. “Hot too.” He said when he pulled away.
    *swoooon* I practically sizzled and melted upon reading this. It’s always the combination of banter and sexual powerplay that ALWAYS gets to me in Chlex smut. I LOVE IT! Wonderfully written, Kimbo!

    She slid her thighs wider as he settled himself between her thighs, groaning as he pushed inside of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he thrust deep, fucking her hard in that way he knew she enjoyed.

    Chloe wouldn’t last long, and she knew by the loud grunts and groans that Lex wouldn’t last long either. Her hands slid down his back toward his ass and she squeezed hard as he pounded inside of her harder. “Fuck.” She hissed, spreading her thighs impossibly wider. He slid even deeper.

    “Yeah,” He groaned. He slid his hands around her hips and he thrust even harder. He kissed her hard, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth before pulling away with a moan.

    Chloe was coming, falling apart beneath him with a loud shout, Lex following quickly behind her, thrusting for a few more moments before collapsing on top of her with a groan.
    Hot, hot HOT!!! Wonderful! And there are three more days of this, huh? Squeeeee

    Of course, I also hope to be seeing some massive arguments during those days. I think these two people have a LOT of issues and silent resentments that need to be aired out. And it’s going to be SO much fun seeing them thrashing out their issues… and the trying to resolve them with furious, angry sex

    They both panted and clung to each other. Chloe tightened her hold on his as she stared up at the ceiling. She’d never thought she would be in a small village where Lex Luthor was some sort of savior.

    ‘Fucking bizarre.’ She thought to herself.
    LOL! Tell me about it! It’s confusing, inexplicable, incongruous! But there’s also something so wonderful about seeing Lex relaxed in this kind of an environment. I’m glad he decided to show her this secret aspect of himself… Now if ONLY he would be a little ore forthcoming about all his OTHER secrets!!! Spill it, Luthor! What the heck are you planning here? What are you hoping to accomplish?!

    This was an excellent, wonderful update, Kimbo! And I desperately look forward to the next chapter. Please update soon.

    Oh, and how is Elle Est Dirg coming along? I STILL want to see whether I was right about Lex coming to the panicked realization that Chloe might be pregnant. Please update SOMETHING soon!!!

  8. #138
    NS Full Member
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    Talking Re: Disappearing Acts Chapter 8 Updated 11/17/07

    I read your story and it's fantastic. I thought that it was going to be all destructive and all but then it turned sweet and funny. I'm loving it so far. I can't wait for the next chapter.

  9. #139
    NS Full Member kimmie's Avatar
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    Re: Disappearing Acts Chapter 8 Updated 11/17/07

    Love this and i'm so glad u updated. One of my faves at the mo. I liked that Chloe got to see a bit more of the real Lex. More soon, pretty please!!!


  10. #140
    NS Full Member tatie87's Avatar
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    Re: Disappearing Acts (NC-17) *Chapter 8 updated 11/17/07*

    AMAZING!!!!! I love this story. I love Lex and Chloe in this story. Can't wait for more.
    Last edited by tatie87; 28th January 2008 at 06:55.

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