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Thread: The Billionaire Muggings, PG-13 to R, Ch. 42(update Feb. 22, 2016)

  1. #121
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN
    The Billionaire Muggings
    PG-13 - R

    SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release.

    Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

    A/N: Okay, the good news is there is smut in this chapter. Mild smut. MILD! *points at Rae* Like mild salsa. Hot, but not too hot.

    The bad news is there’s a cliffhanger and a twist. Just so you know, I do expect threats in the next batch of reviews. Do your worst. I’ve got two Luthor men and I’ll bring Lionel over on a weekend pass from Survival if I have to.

    Chapter Nine

    “Hey, you! Are you here to fool around?”

    Chloe smiled as Lucas shifted uncomfortably on his feet. He looked out of place in his all leather bad ass gear standing in the hallway of Smallville High, but that might be because a number of girls had followed him as he looked for her. At her words they frowned and wiggled their hips and shoulders in disappointment and a little bit of disapproval at his preference for the blond.

    Back off, he’s my meat, Chloe thought cheerfully.

    She wasn’t the jealous type, but she knew how people in Smallville saw her - or rather didn’t. She was the unobtrusive smart girl, the one who didn’t quite fit in or give away enough of herself in casual conversation to be easily judged. Since it was too much trouble for most teenagers and adults to really get to know someone, she remained an enigma to all of them. It was nice to be looked at as a something other than nosey reporter or loyal friend.

    Gloria Steinam forgive her, Chloe liked that Lucas was after her ass.

    Of course a lot of that pleasure was in his technique. He was casual, friendly, flirty and affectionate but he never conveniently forgot how little time they had actually known each other. He liked looking at her and touching her but he kept it light and free from pressure. He was available but not needy or obsessive. She was free to see him a lot or a little and when he came to see her she always knew it was because he wanted to see her. She could fall asleep beside him and wake up to find herself perfectly safe and chastely cuddled up to him with nary a grope to speak of.

    She was enjoying the bargain with Lucas much more than she had with his father or brother, and she thought it was working out well for them both. She was getting back at Lex for his ham-fisted attempts to control her life and also circumventing his intentions. Lucas was getting a guide to ease his way back into his brother’s world and a foot in the door to a career at the Lionel-free LuthorCorp.

    As she had explained to a resigned but disapproving Pete, they were helping each other out. Lex was even getting something out of the deal - some much needed family and another set of shoulders to carry the family empire. It was win-win-win, except for her exasperated friend who had described the situation as ‘putting the Titanic on a runaway train and setting it all on fire.’ He’d said he wasn’t sure whether the hazard to Chloe was physical, sexual or legal, but it was absolutely the worst scheme she had ever cooked up.

    He didn’t know it, but when Pete hated her plans they always worked out even better than her most optimistic expectations.

    Lucas smiled at Chloe’s brassy greeting and swept her into a gentle hug. He adored her, especially the sunny force of will she projected. She was bossy and manipulative, but she made it fun to get wrapped around her little finger and he was willing to spend a lot of time there. That finger, like the rest of her he’d seen, was gorgeous.

    Under different circumstances he’d be pursuing her very hard. Lex’s mixed signals from the beginning had made him more cautious, and now that he knew his brother was heavily invested in Chloe, Lucas knew he’d made the right call. If a man so powerful was so torn up over her, the possessiveness he must feel was a distinct threat to his poaching brother.

    So he was going to help Lex get her back, and not just because he was tired of watching the big loser mope.

    “Goddess, we have to talk somewhere private,” he said, lowly, lifting her off her feet and nibbling on her neck.

    He might be giving her up to Lex, but he was no fool to ignore her lovely skin against his. Chloe’s arms were around his neck and he knew they must look much more lusty than they were for each other. He planted a kiss to her cheek and lowered her down to the floor. It had been fun to taunt Lex with Chloe before, but now it carried serious penalties. Lovesick Luthors were few and far between but very dangerous.

    “Sure thing, hot stuff, just let me lock up.”

    She plucked her purse out of the locker and slammed it shut, turning a dazzling smile to him as she took his hand. He felt numerous pairs of eyes on them as she led him down the hallway, and heard one male voice mutter ‘whipped.’ He would have glared at the guy, but looking at Chloe from his angle was too enjoyable to avert his eyes.

    They arrived at a little office filled up with desks, computers and newspaper clippings and Lucas thought he might be looking at the physical representation of his blond partner’s psyche. It was chaotic, colourful and lovely at the same time, and she melded into it like Lex settled into his library office. It was her place and he envied her confidence in it.

    He sincerely hoped he would one day have a place of his own, possibly in LuthorCorp. It would be a way to repay Lex for his forgiveness and support against their father and it would give him the stability he secretly craved.

    In the past few weeks he had started to include Chloe in that fantasy, but he knew it was more important to have family and friends than girlfriends. Even if Lex and Chloe got back together, she would still be there for him and Lucas’ disappointment was mollified by that.

    “Have a seat,” she said, tossing her purse down on a desk and letting go of his hand. She sat on a battered couch and patted the space next to her encouragingly.

    Lucas realized he was hovering nervously in the middle of the room and hurried to join her. The conversation was going to be bad enough without acting like she was going to jump him.

    He sat with his arm over the back of the couch and around her by default, and Chloe shifted a little to lean into his side. What would have been fun and flirtatious seemed now to be a betrayal and he squirmed a little.

    “Green eyes, we have to talk,” he started, trying to look at her sedately. “There’s something important going on here and I think it needs to be addressed.”

    Chloe clapped her hands over her mouth in comic horror and gasped dramatically.

    “You’re pregnant!”

    Lucas burst out laughing and grabbed her around the waist, tickling mercilessly. She struggled a little bit, but went with his hands when he pulled her onto his lap. She ended up straddling his legs and clinging as her body writhed in reflex. Eventually he stopped tickling, pulled her into his chest to catch her breath, and Chloe folded her elbows and snuggled close. They were silent for a long, peaceful moment, then she angled her face up to look at him.

    “You were saying?”

    “I know about you and Lex,” he said seriously, “ and I think you need to give him another chance.”

    Her brow furrowed and Chloe sat back to look at him strangely. “Another chance to do what?”

    Lucas ran his hands through his hair and sighed. “He’s in love with you. I know. I saw the security tape from a couple of days ago. I’m not sure why you hid it, but I don’t feel right about being anything more than friends with you under the circumstances.”

    Huh, she thought, so Lucas was the intended audience. Interesting.

    “It’s not even like that,” she said. “Lex and I have never been romantically involved. What you saw was,” she waved her hand vaguely in the air, “ some kind of drama he set up to mislead you.”

    He shook his head and cupped her face so she knew he was being serious.

    “No, he spent the past two days locked up in a room he tore apart, drinking and crying over you.”

    “Crying?” Chloe had the Luthor disbelieving eyebrow down pat, and used it.

    “Maybe not crying,” he shrugged. “Moping, mooning, staring at your picture. Playing the most depressing classical music ever composed.”

    She nodded consideringly. “And how do you know this?”

    Lucas tensed as he caught on to her wryly suspicious tone. “I was looking into his window from a stepladder.”

    “And where did you find a stepladder?”

    “It was right outside my window . . . that vicious bastard . . . he’s good. “

    Lucas let his head drop onto the back of the couch and blinked hard. He’d been played, seamlessly and by his boring older brother. How embarrassing.

    “He’s damn good,” Chloe agreed. She put her hands on his shoulders and kneaded them gently. “Don’t feel bad, you got taken by the best.”

    He cracked open an eye and looked at her leeringly.

    “And this means that you haven’t been taken by him?”

    She gave him a grin and a shake of her head. “Not in the ‘spank me hard and call me a dirty girl’ sense, no. But I’ve only heard good things.”

    “That manipulative jerk . . . I can’t believe he would take two days off work just to smoke me,” Lucas complained.

    “He’s more playful than he appears to be, once you take a few swipes at him.”

    He laughed and toyed with the flipped ends of her hair. “So, we need vengeance.”

    “Sure do.”

    “Can it be fiery? With explosions and stuff?”

    Chloe tilted her head back and imagined Lex’s face as he watched his cars explode into flames and flying metal, and she gave a delighted shiver.

    “Hmmm. Maybe, but we’ll have time to talk about it after the party. Do you have everything you need to leave now?”

    Lucas nodded. “I’m set. Who are we spying on tonight?”

    “Thomas Bakvis. Very rich and publicly aligned with the religious right, but supposedly he uses his daughter’s high school as a dating service. We’re going to retrieve his little black book and put an end to the Woody Alleness because frankly, it’s gross.”

    “Same song and dance,” Lucas asked.

    “Same song and dance,” Chloe answered.

    Lucas was her ace in the hole when it came to investigating. He posed as a young upstart executive to get them into society parties in Metropolis, and they snooped under the pretense of a clinch. It was Chloe’s job to mingle and play the lovely ditz.

    It was amazing how forgiving someone was when they thought he was just trying to get laid. No one even asked how they managed to find their way into offices and private areas because they were usually laying on the embarrassed couple act pretty thick. Lucas would throw himself in front of her as she pretended to pull her dress back together, making little noises of upset as he soothed her with endearments like ‘doll-face’ and ‘bunny.’

    Best of all, with Lex thinking they were going out on dates, he didn’t interfere with her work. Lucas was like Lex repellent and if she didn’t like him for himself that would be enough.

    Chloe leaned into his chest and wrapped her arms tightly around his shoulders, squeezing him roughly and making an exuberant purr. He held her just as tightly, though with less than his full strength, and squished her playfully.

    “You’re my favourite toy, Goddess,” he said, burying his face into her fragrant neck. “And I’m not just saying that because it’s driving Lex crazy that I won’t share you.”

    Only question is why it drives him crazy, he thought.

    “Thank you,” she replied. “I like you, too.”

    Standing in the doorway, Clark listened to the couple and tried not to burn a hole in Lucas with his heat vision. He was really starting to hate that guy, and his opinion of Lex wasn’t that good lately, either. He had only heard the last few lines of dialogue but he didn’t like it. There was something wrong with a world where his best friend was rolling around with two different guys in the same week. Both Luthors seemed far too possessive of her, and there was little chance things would turn out in her favour.

    He backed away silently and stomped off to rally some help.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++

    “Shhh, Lucas, look!”

    His eyes followed her pointing finger and Lucas stifled a groan. Bakvis was a paranoid guy and there were security cameras everywhere. They were standing outside his office door, but if he surveilled his hallways it was absolutely certain there was at least one camera in his work space. Their surprise and disheveled clothing wouldn’t fool someone here.

    Chloe backed Lucas into a wall and wiggled close to him, the halter neckline of her dress giving him a really nice glimpse of ivory skin. Her lips hit his neck and then she stretched up on tiptoe to whisper in his ear.

    “I can work this, but we’ll have to make it look good. Just keep kissing my neck and stuff and I’ll pull you toward the furniture. Hopefully the book will be on top of his desk and you can just lay me down on top of it so I can grab it.”

    He tried to keep his wits about him, but whether they were acting or not she felt good. Laying her down on a flat surface sounded like a good idea for an entirely unprofessional reason, and he didn’t have to pretend to enjoy it when her hands ran up his chest.

    “Okay, go,” he said, planting a kiss dangerously near her plunging cleavage.

    Chloe let out a real gasp as he turned them suddenly, shuffling them along the wall and into the doorway. She nearly forgot where they were and he had to open the door for her. They stumbled inside and he shut the door behind them, letting her step back a little as he glanced around the room. It was a typical office with a desk, chair and a small lounge area.

    “You look so good tonight, kitten,” he said, pulling her back into his body. She melted into him gracefully and Lucas let his hands slide around to her back.

    “You, too, baby,” she said, using the vacuous blond voice that fooled so many people. Chloe’s supple twist of hips guided them to lean against the edge of the desk and he lifted her up to sit.

    “You’re so hot,” he said, meaning it as her knees drifted open to allow him to step nearer. Chloe leaned back as he leaned in, and then she was lying on the desk with Lucas half on top of her.

    He took her wrists in his hands and pushed her hands over her head, then let them go to trace his fingers down to her sides. Her dress was riding up and gaping open and he was getting almost a full view of her left breast.

    Chloe tried to look like she was flailing in passion as her hands ran over the desk, searching for the small address book. She knew it was the old cliched black leather notebook but Lucas had started moving his hips in a light rhythm that was making her rather sorry they were on business. It was bad enough to be pressed up so close, but he had a definite erection and his mouth was planted right between her breasts and doing wonderful things. Her nipples were his biggest fans and she wasn’t at all put out by the mild grinding.

    “Mmmmmmm, that’s so good,” she said, then moaned in a mixture of excitements as her hands found the book. Palming it carefully in a shaking hand, she slid her hand down over her own body, chafing a nipple angry at being neglected.

    Lucas was damn good, so damn good that he not only managed to snag said nipple between his lips, but also lift her into his body so she could slide the book into his jacket pocket. There was nowhere in Chloe’s outfit to hide anything.

    Even after the book was safely stashed, they stayed where they were, and she latched her mouth onto his neck to suck hard. He was delicious, and highly skilled and she defied any woman with a brain to stay cold under the hot kisses he was peppering on her shoulders.

    “Chloe,” he said, drawing it out like a really filthy suggestion. Lucas’ mouth settled on her neck and she could feel him giving her a matching hickey. She arched up and turned her chin as he pulled back slightly, and then it happened.

    They were kissing, two tingling sets of lips rubbing over each other and opening to allow tongues to duel.

    When she woke up that morning Chloe had thought it would be a regular day for her. Unexpectedly, it became the day everything shifted so off-kilter she finally knew how to interpret the feelings of dissatisfaction she’d been having for so long.

    They froze as the door to the office opened and a clearing of the throat cued them to take up their embarrassed routine. Two startled pairs of eyes opened and met, and they jumped apart awkwardly.

    Oh God, she thought, this just got a million times more complicated.

    Hee hee! *runs away*
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  2. #122
    NS Full Member Rae's Avatar
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    I-spuh-uh-wha-na-Chl-cas-uh-puh-um-nah. But bah-ex-smut-um-pah-wha-nyah.

    Look what you&#39;ve done to me, nonky&#33; You&#39;re sick, just plain sick. Has Lionel possessed you? Never mind, that&#39;s no excuse. <Crazed look>

    Mark my words: I will get you for this&#33; <Shakes fist> :rage:

  3. #123
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    Great update. :clap: Ooooh I loved the Chlucas scene&#33;&#33;&#33; :blush:

    More? :worship2:

  4. #124
    walking with cavemen Senior Member Zannie's Avatar
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    16 Oct 2004
    Hee--what a way to begin my day.

    I loved the last scene and don&#39;t blame Chloe a bit.

    Can&#39;t wait for the next update.

  5. #125
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    I have no words. :nobad:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #126
    NS Full Member
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    My goodness, I love this fic&#33;

  7. #127
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Good freakin&#39; lord, this fic rocks :biggrin: The Chlucas is fabulous, and I love how Chloe caught on to Lex&#39;s plan.

    Your version of Chloe is awesome--sexy, smart and sassy&#33;

    I just wish the show would let this Chloe be seen on SV itself

    WELL DONE&#33;

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

    My Fanfic Master List

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  8. #128
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
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    Dammit woman&#33; Get back here&#33;&#33;

    Wonderful chappie, post the next part soon :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:


  9. #129
    hide the rum randa's Avatar
    Join Date
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    oh my god&#33; Lex is there isn&#39;t he&#33;

    you are an evil one


  10. #130
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Oh, you&#39;re such a tease&#33;&#33; Was it Lex who walked in on them? Can&#39;t wait to read more&#33;&#33; Please update soon&#33;&#33; :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

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