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Thread: Choose Your Own Chlexventure (PG-13 to R)

  1. #111
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    13 May 2003
    Excellent chapter ladies. And THANK YOU for putting the old chapters back up so soon :biggrin:

    Choices Choices... I really don't know. If he keeps talking to the woman, then Lex may finally come to a point where he admits his true feelings for Chloe or that he even has feelign at all. But I don't want anything bad to happen to Lex. If Chloe drags him away, then Lex is safe from being disformed by the lady, but would possibly transfer his rage onto Chloe and they would get into a fight about her pulling him away. Not really in the mood for a fight between the two of them. So... which to pick, which to pick....

    I'll go with A... hopefully he and Chloe can get into some useful dialog that will lead him to admitting atleast to himself that he has feelings for her. I can hope right?! :chlexsign2:

  2. #112
    NS Full Member
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    29 Mar 2004

    ok A, i think.

    i'm sticking with it but i may come back and change my answer,

    so confused.

    loved it

    love lea

  3. #113
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    24 Oct 2003
    I picked A before, I think. But now I think B might be a better answer, I'm hoping the woman'll get pissed and force Lex to finally get his damn feelings straight and admit them to Chloe.

    Update soon!

  4. #114
    NS Full Member marrycherry's Avatar
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  5. #115
    NS Full Member
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    20 Apr 2003
    ‘Whatever you do it will probably be wrong,’ Chloe thought. It was like she was never presented with a choice that was any good. That whatever powers that governed the laws of this world only enjoyed fucking with them. ‘Like having to choose between being burned alive or freezing to death.’

    It was the look on Lex’s face that made the decision for Chloe. He was getting to that level where Chloe really wouldn’t be surprised if he started to threaten the woman’s life. Lex certainly didn’t like being messed about with…and then told that it was his fault.

    “Lex.” She hissed his name and then increased her grip on his arm but he continued to ignore her. She yanked harder on his arm, hoping that he’d turn around to, at the very least, tell her to let up or question what she thought she was doing.

    He tried to ignore the increasing pressure on his arm in favor of glaring at the bitch that was still looking down her nose at him. Lex had just about had it with the arrogant, all-knowing, oh so aloof, holier than thou attitude. He was just opening his mouth to release another biting remark when something else bit him first.

    Chloe's nails were digging sharply into his arm now and yanking down. The burning sting of that was too much to ignore. He jerked his head back towards Chloe, shooting daggers at her. “What? Chloe, I'm not making nice just because this 'lady' “ he sneered the last word, “Is supposedly all so powerful and threatening.”

    Ignoring his tone of voice and the glare that he was throwing her way, Chloe kept her voice low. The woman could most likely hear her being that she was magical and stuff like that, but it was out of habit. “I think we should get out of here.” Sticking with the basics seemed to be the best strategy. Telling Lex that the woman could probably turn him into a lemur if she wanted to most likely wouldn’t get her anywhere. He’d be stubborn and then she’d be stuck with a flying monkey…of course, that would fit in with this world.

    Lex blinked. She wanted to give up just like that? “Why? This may very well be our only chance to get some answers. Why should we walk away from that just because this thing has a major god complex?” He couldn't understand what in the world had Chloe so frightened. If the powers that be in this place really where doing 'all for their own good' they wouldn't be able to justify hurting them. Therefore, they were relatively safe, so what was Chloe's problem?

    Not for the first time, Chloe wanted to wrap her hands around Lex’s throat. He was getting alls sorts of crazy and irate with the woman. Yes, they were at the woman’s mercy but that wasn’t the point. The fact was that she wanted to leave before that vein in Lex’s head burst. “You’re not going to get the answer you want, Lex. She’s already told you why we’re not out of here yet and she’s not going to change her mind.”

    The pounding in his temples wasn't getting any better and Chloe obviously was not inclined to budge on this matter. Well fine, that didn't mean he'd have to discuss it. He'd just take her opinion into consideration and then do what he wanted to do anyway. At least this time. “Fine, then I'll ask her a different question.”

    With that he turned back around intending to get at least something useful out of the woman. As his eyes fixed on the spot where the woman was supposed to be, he only found an empty patch of cobble stone and tiny people milling about the grounds as if nothing had ever happened.

    His head was going to split any second now and release his brain in a flood of goo all over the place. He didn't even have a comment for this, so he simply lifted one arm slowly and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to control himself and calm down.

    When Chloe saw that they were now back in Oz and Lex’s reaction to it, she took a step away from him. She could tell that he was close to the edge and had no intention of being the one that he took it out on.

    Deciding that perhaps space would be a good idea, she looked over her shoulder and saw that there was a small bench below a crooked tree. She walked over to it and sat down, leaning her back against the trunk. Lex would come over when he was ready and Chloe was quite content to just sit there quietly.

    After a while, he was able to get himself back under control and the headache was receding a little. Releasing a cleansing breath, Lex dropped his hand and looked up at the sky, cracking his neck with two ominously loud cracks from the joints there. Some things never changed, apparently.

    Looking around, he found Chloe sitting on a bench nearby, eyes closed and head titled back, her legs crossed indian style. He walked over and settled down next to her, waiting for her to acknowledge his presence. They were back to square one and it didn't sit well with him, but it wasn't Chloe's fault.

    Maybe she'd come up with something while he had been trying hard not to go mental. This place was really trying his patience and control from every angle and he was getting tired of it.

    She felt Lex’s presence next to her but Chloe continued to keep her eyes closed. Right now, she felt pretty peaceful. Well, considering where they were, what they had been through and what she had been forced to admit that was. She could still hear the sounds of the birthday party in the distance.

    Finally opening her eyes, she looked at Lex briefly and then took in their surroundings again. “I don’t think we should go back the way we came.” She tilted her chin in the direction of the celebration and then turned around to look at what was beyond the tree.

    It looked like miles and miles of green grass. ‘Too bad there are no poppy plants.’ Being mentally out of it looked very appealing right about now. Something caught her eyes and she squinted. When she saw the shape of what was standing by itself out in the field, she sighed.

    “I see another damn door.”

    Lex slowly turned his head and looked in the same direction as Chloe. Sure enough, there was a simple wooden door in the middle of the damn field. “I think that's our exit.” If he was honest, at the moment he couldn't care less.

    So he got up from the bench and held his hand out for Chloe to help her up. “Let's hope we get to go somewhere normal for a change.”

    Chloe took his hand and then quickly released it. The vibe between them was still off somehow. They continued towards the door in silence. Instead of yammering on and on as they had a tendency to do when they came to a door, Chloe grabbed the knob and threw it open. Without another thought or glance towards Lex, she walked through the door.

    Looking around, Chloe was struck by the fact that they were now somewhere familiar. It struck her then. “We’re back in the funhouse.” She actually couldn’t believe it.

    Lex stepped up behind her, casting a wary glance at his surroundings. Sure enough, it looked like one of the fun house rooms. Old, rotten tapestry, white sheets covering most objects and a few oddities in old glass cases.

    ”Don't touch anything,” It slipped out of his mouth before he thought of anything else. This was too good to be true, so therefore it had to be a hoax and the damn place was fucking with them again. Most curiously, there were no other doors.

    Looking behind himself, even the door they had come through had vanished. 'Figures'.

    Shoving her hands in her pockets, Chloe started to walk around the room. It was huge and had many shuttered windows. She walked over to a window and tried to peer out of it, but she couldn’t see past the rotten wood. ‘Yeah, this is much better.’

    As she walked towards the center of the room, she saw that a metal track ran through the center of the room. ‘Weird.’ She hunched down to get a better look at the tracks and heard a low rumbling sound. The tracks started to vibrate and she stood up. “I think something’s coming.” She looked over at Lex and then started to glance around the room, trying to see where there was an opening for whatever it was to come into the room.

    Lex looked down along the tracks on both ends from the other side seeing that both ended in front of a solid wall. There was no way anything could be coming through in a logical world. This was the funhouse however, so it would definitely not be too surprising if something was in fact coming down the tracks and would just go through a solid wall as if through thin air.

    Knowing that telling Chloe to come over would only result in a drawn out discussion why 'she' had to be the one moving, Lex thought better of it and stepped over the tracks, coming to stand beside Chloe. The vibrating and the rumbling sound started to get louder as he took another step away from the tracks.

    ”Come on, whatever it is is not gonna be small, so we better get out of the way.” He took hold of her arm and pulled her back with him, eyes flicking from one end of the room to the other, trying to discern from which side the thing would appear.

    The sound just got louder and louder and while Chloe knew that she should be afraid, she was more curious as to what the hell was about to burst into the room. A bright light filled the room and Chloe shielded her eyes with her arm.

    When she put her arm down, she saw that there was now a car on the tracks. It had faded paint that at once time would have been bright shades of green and red. There was a huge light on the front of it. The car itself was empty and came to a stop right in front of where she and Lex were standing.

    The walls of the room were still in tact so Chloe surmised that the car had come through the wall, somehow. Which made perfect sense in this place.

    Lex looked at the car, then back at Chloe. “I guess we got a free ride,” he shrugged a shoulder as he stepped closer to the car, looking inside. It looked like an ordinary funhouse car. The black interior of the benchseat was worn out and ripped in places and there was no metal bar to secure them.

    ”Wanna take it?” He put one foot into the car and shifted his weight on it to see if the thing was even solid enough to take it.

    “I don’t see that we have much choice in the matter.” No door had appeared and there was no other way out of the place. Plus, Chloe had accepted the fact that they were totally at the whim of whatever was in charge of this place.

    They could still make their own decisions when they were given a choice. But, there was no choice right now. It was get in the car or stay in the room, staring at one another or trying to rip the plywood off of the windows.

    Lex nodded and sat down then scooted over to make room for Chloe. She gingerly sat down next to him. Before she was really settled, the car lurched forward at a rate that Chloe didn’t think the old contraption was capable of going.

    Lex forced himself to keep his eyes open as they zoomed towards the wall and....right through it. He'd been so absorbed by the whole experience that he hadn't realized Chloe's nails had been digging into his skin again, this time, she'd clutched his thigh. He'd remind her to cut her nails sometime soon if this became a habit. As the car kept speeding along too fast to really get a good look at their surroundings, he put his hand on top of hers and turned his face to her. “Do me a favor?”

    When she felt Lex touch her, Chloe realized that she was gripping him very tightly. She let up on him and then said, “Depends what it is.” She wasn’t trying to be difficult, but if he asked her to jump out of the car to make it more roomy, she’d have no intention of helping him out.

    “Thanks, that was all. I was just going to ask you to pull your claws back a little,” he smirked.

    He felt the car slowing down a little and looked around to figure out where they were going. Not that it would do any good, but it always helped to be aware of your surroundings. “Does any of this seem familiar to you?” He didn't recognize the place at all but they were driving through some kind of field that could have been anywhere in rural America.

    Chloe threw her arm over the back of the car and turned around as much as was possible. It took her a second, but then she realized where they were. “We’re right near the Kent farm.” She was confused by this new turn of events. “I think that we’re coming up from behind it.”

    Even though she tried to prepare herself for it, Chloe still flinched as the car they were in went through the Kent Barn. The car stopped and her eyebrows flew to her hairline as she saw the scene before her. She was in Clark’s arms, her hair dyed black at the ends and she had tons of eye makeup on. “Must be another dimension,” she said to Lex.

    Lex chuckled low in his throat. “Actually, it's not. Well it is, but,” Something occurred to him. “You don't remember,” he stated.

    “Remember what?” Chloe did not have a good feeling about this. Especially since she, Clark and Lex were not moving at this point in time. It was as if they were paused in their actions. She wracked her brain but there was nothing and she was certain she would remember being carried by Clark like that.

    He shook his head, giving the scene a quick once over before turning back to Chloe. He remembered this incident quite well. “Do you remember 4 years ago, when you were investigating the Kawatche caves? You got bitten by a parasite.” He tried to see how much Chloe remembered of that incident. It had been swept under the rug in true Smallville fashion and probably been long forgotten by everyone not personally involved.

    Lex watched Chloe's face closely for her reaction and didn't have to wait long until her face scrunched up in thought as she sifted through her mind for things that should be there but weren't.

    Yes, she remembered feeling a sharp pain in her neck. But, after that, all she remembered was waking up in the hospital. After that, no one was very forthcoming in telling her what had occurred during the time that she couldn’t remember.

    “I remember being in the cave with you, Clark and Dr. Walden . After that,” she shook her head. “the next thing is Lana in the hospital with me.” The other three people were still frozen in their places. “You’re telling me that *this* actually happened.”

    Lex nodded. “It did. This must've been a few days after you got bitten and the parasite had its full effect on your body. You were high on adrenalin and absolutely free of any constraints.” He shook his head, “You even had the gall to insult me to my face,” he smirked as he remembered Chloe's exact words. Toupee, right. The only thing worse than a weakness was unsuccessfully covering it up.

    She was about to ask how she insulted him when the three of them started moving. She watched as Clark fluidly put her on the ground and she glared at Lex. Her mouth dropped open when she saw the look she gave him and then at the words that came out of her mouth. She actually gasped and her head whipped over to look at the Lex that was next to her.

    Lex watched the familiar scene play out and waited for the inevitable to happen. Up until now, the actors where true to script. He shot a sideways glace at Chloe, who was watching him instead of the scene playing out. Weird. If it had been him, he'd have wanted to know what happened more than anything else.

    Reverting his eyes back to the scene in front of them he smirked as Chloe's double started walking up to his own running her hand up his chest and throwing him a flirtatious look. She was just about to open her mouth, when his double cut it. Wait a minute. He hadn't said anything, he was sure, but still he heard his double clearly.

    “Be careful, Miss Sullivan, you're playing with fire.”

    He watched his double grabbing her hand and holding onto it. “That never happened,” he muttered under his breath.

    Chloe heard Lex’s words but, by now, her eyes were rooted to the sight of the other Chloe linking her free arm around the back of Lex’s neck and pressing her body against Lex’s. The other Chloe’s eyes never left Lex’s face. Chloe’s mouth dropped open as her double ground her hips against Lex’s as she said, “I’m already burning, can’t you feel it?” ‘God, it sounds like a bad porno.’

    Lex's eyes widened as he watched Chloe's double squirming all over his alter ego. “I think we're watching the return of the porn doubles. You never did that the first time around.” His eyes were traveling up and down the other Chloe's body as he spoke, captivated by the scene. God if she'd done that back then, he'd have been seriously tempted.

    Shaking his head he pushed that thought away. “I can't believe they won't leave us alone with this shit.” His eyes wandered across the rest of the scene, falling on Clark, standing a few steps back and looking seriously turned on, a shit eating grin spreading over his face. “And I can't believe they have the farmboy watching.”

    Some of the embarrassment that she was feeling faded when she realized that this part hadn’t happened. In another second, the other Lex was going to pry her off of his body and this would all be over.

    Her eyes moved over to Clark and he was, indeed, watching the two of them with fascination. She looked at where his eyes were rooted to and said, “He’s totally staring at my ass!” She felt indignant and couldn’t believe that he was ogling her so obviously.

    Lex flicked his eyes back to Clark a second, narrowing them in a glare as he followed the boys line of sight back to Chloe's rear. He was just about to make a remark when he watched his double's hand close over that same piece of flesh running slowly up and down.

    ”Maybe you should find a way to cool down a little, then,” his alter ego suggested in the tone he usually kept reserved for potential prey.

    ”This never happened,” Lex stated again, before he turned to Chloe. “You have to believe me that nothing like that ever happened. You just snarked at me and I let you swish out so I could deal with Clark.”

    This was bad, this was in fact horrible. He had no clue why this world insisted on showing them things like that. It didn't help the situation at all and by Chloe's look he could clearly tell that she was mortified by the entire situation. “Chloe, you didn't do anything, believe me.”

    But another part of him was insisting on something different. 'It could have happened'. Lex tried to deny it, but the truth was something like this could have happened if he had let it. If he'd said something instead of keeping his lips tightly pressed shut while Chloe was coming on to him, the whole scene might have worked out a lot more like what they were seeing now. But she'd been a teenager and obviously under the influence of something, so he'd kept it shut and moved on. “And I'm glad that I didn't either.”

    She nodded, wanting and needing to believe what Lex was telling her. And, she did believe him. If this had happened, she was certain that the funhouse would have used it against him at some point in time. It didn’t make it any less uncomfortable, however.

    Her double closed her eyes and a deep, throaty moan escaped her slightly parted lips as she continued to move her hips. The double’s hands gripped Lex’s shoulders for better leverage and her thrusts became stronger. “Clark, you mind leaving us alone so Lex can help me out with that?” The double let go of Lex and took off her jacket and Chloe could see her hardened nipples under the material of her tank top.

    Chloe really wished she could speak right about now. She also wished she had a magic wand, those damn slippers or anything that would get them out of here right about now. What was the point of showing her something that didn’t even happen? It was something in the past that could not be changed so there seemed to be little that she or Lex would gain from witnessing this.

    She could hear her double panting and watched as she ran her hands up and down Lex’s chest. When her double noticed that Clark hadn’t moved, she looked over her shoulder. Clark looked like a petulant child. “Clark, leave.” The tone of voice she used brooked no argument and Clark shuffled out of the barn, muttering something about not getting to have any fun.

    Lex wanted nothing more than this damn charade to stop. This was pointless, showing them something that could have happened but never did and never would. “Why are they showing us this? There's nothing to gain from it.” He spoke more to himself than Chloe, trying to make sense of the whole thing and trying even harder to ignore the rather steamy make out session that was now taking place between their doubles.

    “I don’t know,” Chloe said weakly. Lex had read her mind. Things between the doubles were getting past the point of no return. The other Chloe was running her hands over Lex’s head, primal noises were being ripped from his lips. Meanwhile, his hands found their way under her shirt. The other Chloe threw her head back and moaned his name. “I want you inside of me.”

    Chloe put her face in her hands, totally mortified. The other Chloes were ones from different universes or whatever. This one was her. Her body was jarred as the car began to move again. She said a silent thank you to whomever was running the show and tried to will away the blush that she knew covered her face.

    Lex shifted a little uncomfortably in his chair, trying to adjust himself without being too obvious. The whole scene hadn't left him unaffected and the noises the other Chloe had been making when his double had touched her breast and kissed her neck had definitely send his blood pooling in southern regions.

    He held on to the front of the car as it backed out of the barn and got back on the rails outside picking up speed again as it rushed away from Kent Farms.

    As the roads of Smallville rushed by, Chloe tried to think of anything to say to Lex that wouldn’t sound odd or forced. When she couldn’t come up with a damn thing, she decided it would be best to remain silent. Lex most likely wouldn’t want to talk about what they just saw. Chloe knew that she didn’t want to.

    When she looked back up from studying her hands, which she had just found to be very interesting, she could see that they were approaching Luthor Manor. Her mind went through everything that she had ever said and done in the building. She couldn’t focus on something that would lead to a massive makeout session of the likes that they had just witnessed. She relaxed only slightly as they whizzed through the walls of the Manor.

    The car made it up the stairs and Chloe was fairly certain that she knew what room they would end up in. Sure enough, it made its way to the study. She looked over at Lex and he seemed perfectly composed. ‘Great, can’t he freak out a little more.’ It would have made her feel much better if he had.

    Lex merely arched an eyebrow as they entered the study, stopping a few feet away from his desk. They could watch the entire room from that angle, including the upper level with the library. He was curious to see what the powers that be would come up with now and at the same time just didn't want to know.

    Chloe and him had had quite a few conversations in his study while they had worked together on Lionel's case. It would be interesting to see which one they took to twist it into something that did and would never happen. Whoever the powers that be where, they had a truly warped mind and a favor towards the physical aspect of their relationship it seemed.

    As expected, Chloe saw that she and Lex were in the middle of a conversation. She was behind him and his back was turned to her. Instantly, Chloe knew what conversation this was. It was hard to forget. They had never discussed what happened and she knew that Lex would be less than pleased at having to watch this.

    “I want him to love me.”

    Briefly, Chloe closed her eyes. She remembered how amazed she had been at the simple admission. She looked over at herself and saw that she didn’t even bother to hide that fact. The silence in the room stretched on and she remembered feeling so many conflicting emotions at the time. There were several things that she had wanted to do. However, she had merely told Lex that she had to go and had quickly exited the room.

    Lex's jaw clenched tight. The moment he'd caught side of himself standing with his back to Chloe, he'd known just which conversation this was. Watching himself again, being this weak, unable to resist a damn poison his own father had developed, didn't sit well with him. What the hell were they trying to get out of this?

    She knew that something different was going to happen but she wasn’t sure of what it was. She watched as her double seemed to make a decision. The other her clearly didn’t know what to say or do to make Lex feel any better.

    Tentatively, she closed the gap between them and laid her hand on Lex’s arm. Lex’s double didn’t move and his face remained impassive. However, he didn’t move away from Chloe, either. The other her seemed to take this as an encouraging sign.

    “I really don’t know what to say to that, Lex.” Her voice was soft and laced with compassion. Chloe grimaced. She doubted that Lex would appreciate the concern, he would most likely view it as pity and throw her ass out of his house.

    ‘Oh, please don’t do it, just don’t do it.’ Chloe tried to will her other self to hear her. She had seen that her double had taken yet another step towards Lex. He was watching her avidly yet still not saying a word. Chloe thought about what she had really wanted to do when he had told her that and could see her double was flirting with the very same idea.

    Lex watched his alter ego standing motionlessly while the other Chloe approached him. 'At least she's not trying to jump my...his bones'. This was still surreal, watching the what if's and could have happend's in front of his face, knowing that it was a good thing those things had never happened. Back then, if something had happened between them, it would have had no leg to stand on. Chloe had still been in high school and they'd both had enough shit going on at the time without engaging in romantic entanglements of any sort.

    Watching the scene unfold he had to wonder though. What had been going on in Chloe's brain at the time. When they'd been in the barn, Lex had to admit he had thought about playing with Chloe, but in a situation like this? He'd been at an all time low, talking about love and acceptance like a needy puppy or something equally pathetic.

    He looked closely at the other Chloe's face, trying to figure out what she was thinking at the time. She must've pitied him and he hated that. Didn't want pity of any sort. Yet weirdly enough it didn't look as much like pity as understanding. So she'd cared for him back then already. Or not?

    ”Were you in love with me back then?” Curiosity killed the cat they said, but since he wasn't a feline, what could it hurt to know?

    Her stomach dropped out from under her as she heard the question. It wasn’t enough that he knew that she was in love with him, this damn place wanted him to know how long it had been going on? She considered ignoring the question. It would have been easy with the actions of their doubles. However, after he asked the question, their doubles paused in their actions.

    Apparently, the fates wanted this question answered and now Chloe didn’t have an out. She couldn’t pretend to be engrossed in what was happening in front of her. Then there was the fact that she didn’t even know how to answer the question. By this time, she was already impressed with so many facets of Lex that it was hard to determine when that had crossed the line into love.

    Chloe considered the question before answering. Why had she even gone to the Manor when he summoned her there? She knew that Lex wasn’t an idiot and must have figured out what was going on with her. That he would question her. So, why had she gone? What had she hoped to accomplish? What truth was she seeking from him?

    Lex watched her closely as she fell completely silent, drawing back into herself to think. Usually, he didn't mind giving her the time to figure things out, but sometimes it could be really annoying to wait for an answer that he wanted. Why did it matter so much anyway? Maybe because it would give him a chance to figure out what he'd done to make her feelings change, because honestly, he couldn't think of anything he'd ever done to encourage that kind of feelings in her.

    Honestly, she was hoping to get some gauge of how he felt towards her. ‘And why would that be?’ She closed her eyes for a moment, getting her thoughts in order and under control.

    “Yes.” And, in some way, her feelings had been cemented for the battered man when he had admitted the truth to her. He was viewed as a dark, conniving person. There were parts of him that were just exactly that. But, at the core, it seemed he strove for what every other person on the face of the planet wanted. He was a complicatedly simple man in what was actually important to him.

    Lex nodded silently. “What about before? Before I came back from Belle Reve?” It interested him to know since when Chloe had what was definitely more than a simple teenage crush. If it had just been a crush, she'd have let go of it a long time ago, but obviously her feelings had stayed the same for at least 4 years. That fact amazed Lex to no end. He'd had other relationships since then. True, nothing exactly serious, just a fling here or there, but it boggled his mind to think that Chloe had never given up hope despite everything.

    It definitely undermined the theory that real love didn't exist where he was concerned. But he didn't want to dwell too much on that, because that way lay danger.

    She knew that if he could, Lex would like an exact time and day that her feelings made themselves known, but it wasn’t that simple. It had come on so gradually that it was hard to pinpoint what she felt about him at any given time. Especially since it was years ago. ‘This place seems to demand honesty,’ she reminded herself.

    “I’m not sure.” She glanced over at him and saw that he was studying her as if she were a specimen under a miscroscope. “My feelings for you started before Belle Reve, but I can’t define exactly what they were at that time.”

    Lex nodded silently, he could accept that. It seemed that falling in love with someone wasn't always like it had been for him with Desiree and Helen. Seemed with Chloe it had happened gradually over time. He still couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that her feelings had lasted that long with him never being the wiser. If it hadn't been for the factory, he would've been out of Smallville already and probably never given the people there a second thought.

    'Not quite true, there' It would have been hard to forget Chloe in any case. She'd played a major role in bringing down his father and since then, they had been seeing each other more often, chatting in the Talon or when they met on the street.

    When he realized that the doubles where moving again, he lifted his eyes towards them to see what was going on.

    The answer seemed to satisfy the funhouse because the doubles started to move again. Unable to stop it from happening, Chloe watched as her other self moved her arms till they were encircled around Lex. The embrace was brief, her double was probably terrified as to what Lex’s reaction would be. But, as she held him, Chloe heard herself mutter, “I’m sorry.”

    Lex could clearly hear the other Chloe's mumbled words and watched as his own double accepted the hug and slowly, albeit uncomfortably brought his hands up to return it for a moment, before trying to step back. He had to admit, it would have been nice. Some part of him would've enjoyed the physical comfort, but it was hard to accept in a world where nothing came without a price.

    She didn’t know if she was apologizing for using her new found skill to violate Lex or for what Lex had told her. Most likely both. Her double moved away, but Chloe noticed that she didn’t go too far and held tight to Lex, making it impossible for him to pull away. Her face was very close to Lex’s and she could see and almost feel how nervous she was. Made perfect sense being that it was her.

    Still moving very slowly, probably giving Lex ample opportunity to stop her from what she was about to do, her double gently brushed her lips over Lex’s. When she pulled away both Chloe’s studied Lex’s face closely for any sign as to what he was thinking.

    Lex tried to keep an impassive face, the same as his double, when the other Chloe repeated her actions and leaned back in, tightening her arms around his double and mumbling something into his shirt that sounded like 'Forgive me?' His gaze slowly slid over to the real Chloe, watching her nervously bite her lower lip, yet unable to look away from their doubles. Some part of him wanted to reach over and take her hand, tell her that it was ok and reassure her, though why? Lex didn't know.

    The other part of him was simply fascinated by what was happening between their doubles. He watched himself bring his arms up and around Chloe returning the embrace fully and letting things happen.

    Damn he must have really been out of it to let his control slip like that. Remembering back, Lex had to admit, he definitely had been [i]that[/] out of it and if Chloe had approached him like that, again he wouldn't have been able to turn her down. It was a good thing she hadn't. Or was it?

    ‘Would that really have happened?’ Chloe often wondered how much of her life would have been different if she had even given in once when it came to her natural reactions towards Lex. The way that they were holding each other….true, Chloe was totally and utterly biased, but she thought they looked pretty damn right together.

    Her double pulled back again and Lex’s double smirked down at her. His arms were still around her and this must have given the other Chloe some courage. This time, the kiss was more firm and Chloe had to remember to not let her jaw hit the ground when Lex actually started to reciprocate. Rather enthusiastically at that, too.

    Lex barely kept his expression in check when he watched himself assault Chloe like that. This was definitely taking a turn for the physical again. Maybe because his own feelings and attraction were mostly physical when it came to her? He wasn't sure, but it could be a possibility, which of course meant that nothing could ever happen between them, because it would give Chloe the wrong idea. This was just getting too much and Lex couldn't take one more minute of watching himself doing something he'd never get to do for real. “I think we should get out of this damn car and find our own way out, don't you?” He turned around in his seat to face Chloe, surprised to find her blushing and staring at her own hands. After all that they'd already seen she could still blush at something like a kiss? Glancing back at their doubles, he had to admit that it looked damn hot but still.

    For some reason, this was more embarrassing than anything else. Chloe thought it was because it was just too intimate to watch herself and Lex kiss like they flat out needed each other. She wondered if Lex just wanted to get out of the car because of what it was showing them or if he really thought it would be better for them to find another part of the funhouse.

    A. Get out of the car
    B. Stay in the car

  6. #116
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    27 Dec 2003
    :applause: Loving the update guys. This story has me completely hooked and I look forward to updates with bated breath. I'm going to choose B. this time. hopefully seeing his double give in to the power of Chloe will make Lex do the same. :chlexsign2:
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


  7. #117
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
    Join Date
    15 Sep 2003
    Cambridgeshire, England.
    :biggrin: damn this just keeps getting better!!! BBBBBBBBB!!

  8. #118
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    Did I mention I LOVE how you portrayed what every darned Chlexer would have liked to see those two scenes turn into? If only. Sigh.

    I loved this... and well, hey, I'm going with "B" ... who knows, I feel the letter of choice.


  9. #119
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    I love these doubles. I like that they are showing lex what Chloe can be for him.

    I will choose B.... :

    hope :chlexsign2:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  10. #120
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
    Join Date
    24 Oct 2003
    B. STAY IN THE DAMN CAR! And hopefully somewhere along the way Lex will recognise his need for Chloe and won't be able to hold out. Stubborn man.

    Awesome chapter, by the way. I really enjoyed their reactions to their doubles. More soon please!

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