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Thread: The Great Deception (NC17) Updated 6th November 2015

  1. #111

    Re: The Great Deception (NC17) Posted 18th October 2014

    GBFF!! Bahahaha that was hilarious And I agree with Malu, why the hell would Chloe even look at Clark when Sexy Lexy is right in her face

  2. #112
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    02 Dec 2012

    Re: The Great Deception (NC17) Updated 30th May 2015

    Jessicakadie: I have no idea. It has always bothered me since the very first episode.

    Malugargula: I agree with your meteor rock theory.
    Oh, well at least having a big bum is in fashion at the moment, think of all of those Brazilian models. I have the opposite problem, no ass but my bust is two dress sizes bigger than the rest of me. The size problem is so hard. I need a hug!

  3. #113
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    02 Dec 2012

    Re: The Great Deception (NC17) Updated 30th May 2015

    A/N: Two out of three updates.

    Chapter Thirty-One

    Chloe smiled to herself as she reclined comfortably on the Kent’s well worn sofa. From her very first day there the farmhouse had felt like home and the large, incredibly warm man sitting next to her didn’t hurt.

    “Physical contact. I can’t stress that enough Chloe”, Lex’s words rang in her ears and she shivered as she remembered the way that he had caressed her arm. Just to illustrate his point, she was sure.

    “Chilly?” Clark asked, already ready to get up and turn the fire on.

    “A little”, Chloe replied, placing her back gently against his chest to keep him seated. She snuggled up to his side and he obligingly wrapped a large, muscular arm around her. With a contented sigh, she rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arm over his stomach. It was unusual but not strange. They were friends after all.

    She felt his chest rumble beneath her as he chuckled and she felt even closer to him. Maybe this would work. She was the only one who knew about his love of Star Trek, she was the only one he felt comfortable enough with to share that piece of information, that had to mean something.

    “Scent”, Lex’s next piece of information came to mind. She had washed her hair before coming over and applied subtle perfume. Hopefully that affected him as much as his clean masculine scent affected her.

    She waited a few minutes before discreetly pressing herself against him so that he could feel her breasts in a way that Lex had assured her would drive him crazy, “Unless he’s gay”, her new best friend had added.

    It might have been working, Clark had started to tense up slightly, just as Lex had said he would.

    “Then”, the billionaire had instructed her cockily, “it will be as easy as pie. And you know how much Clark enjoys pie! Just stare up at him”.

    “That easy?” Chloe had balked at the idea.

    Lex had stepped into her space and cupped her chin gently, forcing her to stare at him, “With those eyes, yes!”

    Her pupils dilated as turned her pixie face up to the alien and discovered that they didn’t have the same weaknesses as human males.

    “Are you feeling alright?” Clark reached out to press his palm against her forehead, “Have you been near anything which glowed green?”

    “Glowed green?” She repeated dumbly.

    “Yeah, you know meteor rocks. Your theory”, he elaborated moving his hand down around to the back of her neck.

    “Right”, Chloe nodded, feeling her cheeks glowing bright red. “My well known and often mocked theory about meteor rocks and their abilities. No, I haven’t been near any glowing green rocks or glowing rocks of any other colour come to think of it”, it paid to be cautious in Smallville.

    “So what’s wrong?” He continued to try to check her temperature.

    Before he could whip his thermometer out she pulled away, ducking her head as she ran a hand through her hair. How was it possible that Lex, the master manipulator, was so wrong about everything to do with Clark?


    “Nothing’s wrong, why would anything be wrong?”

    “I don’t know”, Clark said, gently pulling her hand away from her face, “but it is fairly obvious that something is. What aren’t you telling me?”

    Chloe swallowed nervously and licked her lips. She studied her wringing hands briefly before a warm hand captured them and stopped her motions. She lifted her chin, trying to fight back the apprehension, and felt only mildly comforted upon seeing him. In the soft lighting his face looked even more handsome than normal, the golden tones of his skin seeming to glow with warmth, his green/blue eyes radiating concern.

    “Chloe, you know that you can tell me anything. Is it something about Lex?” A dark scowl crossed his features, “Did he hurt you?”

    “No, it’s nothing to do with Lex. It’s you”, in her haste to protect her friend, the truth slipped from her. Or part of the truth at any rate.

    “Me?” Clark stared at her blankly.

    “You”, she repeated softly.

    “I don’t ...”

    “I like you Clark”, she forced the words out.

    “I like you too Chloe”, he answered with a smile, not understanding what she was trying to say.

    “No”, she paused, “I mean, as more than just a friend”.

    Slowly, comprehension dawned and for just a second hope blossomed within her, only to be shattered when she perceived the glimmer of dismay in his eyes. He was about to break her heart again. “Chloe, I ...”

    Before she could be humiliated yet again, she forced out a laugh.

    “Chloe?” Clark gripped her by the shoulders, “what on earth is going on? Are you alright? I’m taking you to the hospital”.

    “No no”, she tugged herself from his grip, continuing the laugh that made her sound slightly deranged. “I’m sorry it’s just ... The way that you were looking at me. I had to mess with you”.

    “Mess with me?” He repeated, not following her.

    “Yes, I mean, it was just the most ridiculous thing that I could think of saying at the moment”, Chloe shrugged, or rather jerked her body oddly. “I mean, there is just no chemistry between us. We tried it before and we are better off as friends”.

    “Right”, Clark repeated, not seeming entirely convinced.

    “You were right the first time, Lex and I got into a fight and then I stormed off and when I slammed the door the force knocked over his vase and I was worried about it so I came to you to fix it because I didn’t want him to think that I had done it on purpose to get back at him and then ... Well then I was just trying to avoid going back for as long as possible but I really should be getting going now and I will just see myself “. With that hastily garbled speech, she shot off the couch and headed for the door, snatching up her things as she went but forgetting the vase.

    “Chloe, I ...” Her befuddled companion followed her.

    “Clark, it’s fine. I need to sort out this thing with Lex”, she attempted to open the door with trembling hands while carrying her bag and coat.

    “I ...” He tried again, helping her into her coat before opening the door for her. “Are you sure that you don’t want me to drive you? This problem with Lex seems to have you a little shaken”.

    “I’m fine”, she said, heading straight out without glancing at him.

    “Chlo”, he grasped her arm lightly to still her before pulling her into his arms. She bit back a sob as he squeeze her tightly, surrounding her with warmth and making her feel delicate and protected. He leant down and pressed his lips against her forehead before whispering solemnly, “I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost you”.

    “Buck up Smallville”, she forced herself to grin as she begrudgingly pulled out of his embrace and delivered a mock punch to his shoulder, alla Lois, “Why would you lose me?”

    He smiled but it looked forced. “I’ll call you tomorrow”.

    It sounded more like a question than a statement so Chloe nodded before waving a hand at him and stepping out into the cool night air, blinking hard to stop tears from coming. She might have got all of the way to her car and onto the road before they spilled had he not decided to come after her.

    “Chloe”, Clark appeared at her side and opened the car door for her, “you know that I am always here for you and that we will always be friends”.

    His words held nothing be reassuring warmth but to Chloe he might as well have screamed in her face, “Only friends! For the love of God when are you going to get it through your thick head woman that that is all that we will ever be? That I could never feel that way about someone like you!”

    “Don't worry about it Smallville, I’ll be fine. Lex and I will work it out.”


    Lex was walking to his room, feeling a little down now that Chloe was gone when he stopped outside her room door, thinking for a moment that he had heard something.

    He shook his head. He had to get her out of his head, he was slowly but surely going insane. He made to walk on but then he heard the noise again. Frowning he opened the door a crack just to convince himself that he was imagining things only to find Chloe curled up in a ball on her bed.

    “Chloe? Sweetheart? What’s wrong”, he demanded as he tore across the room to her side, climbing across the bed to drag her into his arms.

    “Nhufnufnanahuwa”, she chocked out, turning her tear stained face to him.

    “What?” That made no sense to him.

    “I”, she tried to get the word out but choked on her own misery.

    “Shh shh”, he rubbed her back, “come on it’s going to be alright, just try to take a deep breath”.

    “I”, she got out the first word again before breaking down completely. Lex rocked her back and forth until she finally managed to take a deep enough breath to blubber, “let you down”.

    “What on earth are you talking about?” He demanded. Bit by bit the whole humiliating story was sobbed out into his chest until a large patch of his white shirt had turned transparent. His arms, not as large as Clark, held her even more tightly as he vowed all kinds of retribution against that no good bastard for having hurt Chloe. As much as her tears killed him, he encouraged her to talk and to cry everything out. It was the only way that she was going to start feeling better.

    “He knew, I’m sure he knew”, she sniffled against him.

    “Sweetheart”, Lex stroked her hair, trying to ignore the sensation of the silky tresses between his fingers, “I think that you are going to have to start considering the very real possibility that he might be gay”.

    “That is your answer for everything”, she protested, although he did see the glimmer of a smile.

    “Well, it is the only one that makes sense”, he replied, ever logical.

    “No, it isn’t”, the vestige of the smile was gone, “he likes pretty girls. With long brown hair. And ... And .... And ...”

    “Enough”, he snapped, forcing her to look at him, not gently as Clark has done but with the commanding presence of one who was always obeyed. “I’m not having this!”

    Blinked up at him. And hiccuped for good measure.

    “The idea that you are going to pot just because some guy doesn’t like you, what the hell is that about? I’m sure that it was upsetting and humiliating but you have been crying for over an hour now, that is more than long enough”, two seconds had been more than long enough, “he is a jerk. We will find you someone better”. Although the idea of anyone with her made his guts clench.

    “But Lana’s prettier ...”

    “No, she isn’t. I have had the privilege of sleeping with an entire bevy of supermodels, allow me to assure you that no one of the planet is more beautiful than you are, or smarter, or nicer, or more fun to be around”, he grinned at her as he observed her expression of disbelief, “and that includes at this moment when you are surprisingly red and puffy, with bloodshot eyes and have covered me in both tears and snot”.

    She laughed, a small bark of laughter, but laughter none the less.

    He smiled and stroked her hair, “If you only knew how special you are, you would never doubt yourself again”.

    “What are you doing?” Chloe wondered.

    “Marveling at my own genius”, he muttered. He had been right. Her large green orbs stared up at him and he was a goner. Her warm body pressed against him sent all of his blood rushing south. Her scent was wrapping itself around him and drove him crazy. Clark was either gay or insane, those were the only possibly explanations for why he had not taken her.


    “You are the most gorgeous woman in the world and he is an idiot”, he purred.

    Her eyes besought him to love her, to hold her and he was powerless to deny her. He bent down his head and captured the swollen lips.

    She molded against him automatically, as she always did in his dreams. He was under no illusions this time, he would never have her really, and when he woke up the following morning his despair even more but he didn’t have the power to deny himself. In his dreams he could have her without any risk of hurting her. He was the only one at risk.

    He ran his hand up along her side and massaged her breast, making her arch up against him and moan. “Tell me that you want me”, he growled.

    “I want you”, she mewed.

    “I’ll make you forget all about that bastard”, he vowed.

    A/N: So, what did you think?

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