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Thread: Beloved - NC-17 - Complete

  1. #101
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Chesapeake, Va
    awww, ain't that cute....*pinches Pete's cheeks*

    just look at him, who wouldn't like Petey?

    So....Pete being friends with a Luthor? Which hell dimension has she crawled into this time?

    I'm still waiting for Chloe and Lex to get all snuggly and go at it. Course I'll probably have to go check out the threesome over yonder way. GAH I need smut, get on with it already. Or bring Alexander back so he can rock her world some more.


  2. #102
    7 comes on too strong
    Join Date
    15 May 2003
    I love the team of Chloe and Lucas! They seem so fitting together. And I know it's a Chlex fic...but I can't help but look for all the Chlucas things in it. :biggrin:

    I love this story!

  3. #103
    Join Date
    08 Aug 2003
    I love it ! Update soon ! :chlexsign3:

  4. #104
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    That was great :clap:

    Hope :biggrin:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #105
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    :yay: :yay: I this lucas just for the fact that he hates Lana and Clark. Hey, if we're lucky he might even killed them for us! :yay: More!


  6. #106
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    I love it. Pete is great. And I like Lucas. Although, I think we need some Chlex action.

  7. #107
    Just a Guest!
    yay! you updated.. but hey! when is there going to be some chlex scenes? :crygreen: :chlexsign3:

  8. #108
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    I think that Pete's peacemaking skills will get a serious workout. He's going to be putting out fires all over the place in this fic.


  9. #109
    Just a Guest!
    :yay: You updated! Thank you. Great story, can't wait to read more! =) :yay:

  10. #110
    Just a Guest!
    Two weeks later…

    “Lovely,” Lucas said appreciatively as Chloe slowly turned around in one of the many outfits that the personal shopper had gotten for her.

    This one happened to be one of several evening gowns that Chloe was sure she’d never get the opportunity to wear anywhere.

    ‘But hey – free stuff,’ she told herself. Not to mention the fact that Lana would probably be seething with jealousy at the sight of them. That alone made playing dress-up Barbie for the day worthwhile.

    Lucas smirked over at Lex.

    “I am enjoying your world.”

    Lex glared at him, but it only caused Lucas’s smirk to grow.

    The dress Chloe was wearing was beautiful and showed off her curves nicely, but if every guy at a party was going to be looking at her like Lucas was, then he would have to rethink his opinion on it.

    Lex turned his attention back to Chloe.

    “I liked the green one better,” he commented, his arms folded sternly across his chest.

    Lucas rolled his eyes at Chloe and she snickered. Lex had been very sweet and surprisingly attentive for the last couple of weeks, but today he had insisted on giving her his opinion on every single outfit she tried on. Earlier on, it had been so detailed – what cuts he liked her, which fabrics – that it prompted Lucas to whisper a derogatory comment in Chloe’s ear challenging Lex’s masculinity.

    She knew it wasn’t true, of course; but she figured it could only help Lex stay alive longer if Lucas no longer perceived him as a threat, so she went along with it.

    “The green one, huh?” she teased, earning her a genuine grin from Lex. “That wouldn’t be because it shows less skin?”

    “Not at all,” Lex lied. “It’s simply more flattering to your --- argh!”

    Lex clutched at his head and Chloe did the same, leaving Lucas standing there, wondering what the hell was going on.

    “Do not deny me, my wife,” Alexander murmured next to Chloe’s ear as he nuzzled her cheek, silently delighting in the fact that her skin broke out in a pleasured shiver with his words.

    Chloe tilted her head further to the side as he started to kiss down her jaw. Alexander’s hands creeped up her body, moving to cup and fondle her breasts as he roughly nipped and sucked at the delicate skin on top of the vein in her neck.

    “Lex,” she whimpered pleadingly, moving her body closer, rocking her hips against him in an effort to find the friction she so desperately needed. He growled low in his throat and twisted a hand in the back of her hair to drag her mouth to his.

    He backed her toward the bed, the layers of bedding hitting the backs of her legs before her knees bent and he lowered her onto it.

    “Tell me we do not belong together,” he whispered tauntingly against her lips before sucking the bottom one into his mouth. He released it slowly and laid a soft kiss on her parted lips afterward. “You feel it as well; I know you do, my beloved.”

    “I ---”

    Alexander moved down her body and lightly captured one of her already peaked nipples between his teeth. Chloe closed her eyes – half in panic and half too overwhelmed by the heat that now coursed through her.

    The heat turned to an astonishing pain as she felt Alexander enter her, ripping through her maidenhead with one giant thrust. She screamed and clawed at him, but her husband merely dipped his head and kissed her before he started to pump in and out of her.

    The pain laced with pleasure and Chloe soon got caught up in the intense chemistry there was between them. Her stomach started to clench and tingle and Chloe cried out hoarsely as she climaxed.

    His arms wobbled slightly under the pressure of Chloe’s inner walls tightening around his shaft like a vice grip. His hips thrust forward a few more times, his body jerking as he came and sprayed his hot release deep inside her.

    Alexander collapsed on top of her and Chloe panted against the crook of his neck, her hands clinging to his back as if it were for dear life.

    The image faded and Chloe and Lex were left with a sea of mixing colors behind their eyes.

    “You consummated your marriage with Alexander. It is your duty to return home.”

    Lex blinked and Chloe’s hands clenched into fists.

    “Get the fuck out of my head, James!” she yelled, startling both Lucas and Lex, but for different reasons.

    Lucas frowned.

    James still had the ability to try and connect to people in this world without their permission, and he was obviously using it to push his own agenda – namely getting Chloe to go back to the other world and stay married to Alexander.

    Lex swallowed hard.

    He had only seen glimpses of his double making love to Chloe before and to see the full coupling now, with Chloe standing in the same room wearing a dress that showed off her skin as well as her curves…it was almost unbearable.

    He wanted to jump her then and there; slam her back against the wall, feel her legs wrap around his waist, and then plunge into her with all his force.

    But he couldn’t.

    She didn’t like him like that, she liked Alexander – and from the other things he had seen, she didn’t really care for him all that much either. They just had some inexplicable connection, like some greater force was trying to drive them together.

    Then there was the issue of having his throat slit if he got too close to her while Lucas was in the room.

    “I --- you saw that?” Lex finally asked, breaking the silence that had filtered into the air around them after Chloe’s outburst. Chloe’s eyes widened, but whether it was in horror or panic, Lex couldn’t say.


    Lex nodded.

    “The message at the end made it clear that the images were meant for you, but I must still be connected to him somehow because of the previous times he contacted me.”

    Chloe paled and nodded absently.

    “I – um – I need to get some air,” she said, careful not to make eye contact with either man.


    Chloe held up a hand.

    “Just let me go get some air. I’ll be back in a minute, okay?”

    Lucas seemed hesitant, but he nodded once and watched as Chloe left the room in the evening gown before shooting Lex a questioning look.

    “What did James show her?”

    If Lex hadn’t had the years of practice in what it looked like to show no emotion, he would have flinched.

    “I think that’s a question for her.”

    “You saw the images as well,” Lucas pointed out.

    “They weren’t meant for me,” Lex said. “And they’re of a…delicate nature. If she wants you to know, then she’ll tell you.”

    Lucas squared his jaw.

    “Her and Alexander,” he said knowingly.

    “Like I said,” Lex started, turning away so he wouldn’t have to try to lie to Lucas’s face, “You’ll need to ask her.”

    “I saw your expression – your lust for her as your eyes glazed over with James’s vision. Do you really believe you will ever have her?”

    Lex stopped and turned back around. Lucas wasn’t carrying any weapons and he’d had about enough of having to walk on eggshells around him.

    “Chloe’s her own woman, Lucas. She doesn’t belong to you.”

    Lucas raised his chin in defiance.

    “No,” he said with a sneer. “She *belongs* to my brother, Alexander. And if you touch her, he will kill you the second he arrives – and make no mistake, he *will* come for her. You would do well to remember that.”

    “Oh, dear,” Lionel said, appearing out of nowhere in the doorway with a smirk. “I’m not interrupting, am I?”

    Lex frowned. He had been expecting his father to pay him a visit when he was released, but he hadn’t been informed by his attorneys that it would be that day.

    “Dad,” he greeted coolly.

    “Son,” Lionel said, the smirk still prominent on his features. “And Lucas, what a pleasant surprise.”

    Lucas arched a mocking eyebrow and scowled disdainfully at Lionel. Letting out a derisive huff of air through his nose, he let his lips curl into a smirk that rivaled the one Lionel’s face.

    Lionel was almost unable to cover the unsettled feeling that rose within him because of Lucas’s look.

    Lucas had always had false bravado, but wherever Lex had been keeping the boy, it had given him real confidence; and Lionel knew well enough how dangerous that could be. It was the reason he had always withheld his love and approval from Lex, because he needed to keep Lex reaching for the golden ring, going for the prize.

    But the look on Lucas’s face, the power he exuded – no amount of making up for lost time was going to keep him from overthrowing Lionel. And if he teamed up with Lex…

    Lionel turned his attention back to the son he knew he had a better chance at manipulating and gave him a fake, amused smile.

    “Dissention in the ranks?”

    Lex mimicked his father’s smile.

    “I thought you wanted me to be a team player, Dad.”

    Lionel narrowed his eyes and Lex smirked at him.

    “Okay, I’m ---” Chloe trailed off as she came back into the room and found Lionel Luthor standing in front of Lex and Lucas.

    “Miss Sullivan,” he greeted with a modicum of surprise lining his voice. “How nice to see that you’re alive and well after all.”

    Lionel let his eyes sweep over her in a leering gaze until he felt a hand wrap around his throat and another touch the back of his head. His head snapped to the side and his body fell in a lifeless heap to the floor.

    Lex stared on in shock until Lucas addressed him.

    “Let that serve as your warning. You only get one.”


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