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Thread: Do I have to say the words? (NC-17)

  1. #101
    Join Date
    18 Nov 2003
    Poor dumb Lex.
    This was a great chapter, no post coital bliss though, too bad.
    Cuddlings always the best part,( as if I'd know).
    ANyway, great job, update soon!

  2. #102
    Miss Innocent-Or? 2005 Senior Member ColumbiaBlue's Avatar
    Join Date
    17 Sep 2003
    “So what? You’d rather wait for Clark all your life?”
    Lex! Are you on crack?! WTF?! :hammer: :die: :nobad: :angry: :rage:

    And good for Chloe! Update soon!


  3. #103
    Seen my Chlex muse? Clannadlvr's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2003
    Austin, Texas, USA
    I really like how you're sticking to your guns about Chloe not wanting to be with a man she doesn't love or who can't love her back. Maybe all those experiences of pining after and getting hurt by Clark have finally paid off...she knows what she deserves. Nicely done!

  4. #104
    NS Full Member
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    04 Nov 2003
    A/N: don’t worry about the song, I haven’t forgotten about it, I’m just keeping the best part for later in the story. Those of you who know it probably know what I’m talking about. Read, enjoy (hopefully) and review (please?) :biggrin:


    Chapter 8: Just thinking out loud

    “Dad? Dad, are you home?”
    “Chloe! God, where were you?”
    Chloe frowned when she heard the obvious worry in her dad’s voice. She made her way to the kitchen just as her dad was getting out to greet her. He took her in his arms and she hugged him back, finding comfort in the familiar embrace, in the strong arms that had always been there when she needed them. And today, she did.
    “Are you fine?”
    “Yeah, I... I just...” She sighed and gave up. “No. I’m not.”
    “Wanna talk about it?”
    Hesitating, she looked up to her father. Could she tell him what had happened? She wasn’t sure how he’d react. He was the greatest dad in the world, there was no doubt about it, and about as comprehensive as a dad can be, but still...
    “What’s wrong, sweetheart? And where were you?”
    “Lana didn’t tell you?”
    “She left before I woke up this morning. I just know you had dinner at Lex’s with her and Clark, but...”
    Understanding drowned on him and he took a step back, watching his daughter.
    “Chloe... something you’d like to tell me?”
    “I slept with him.”
    It had come out unchecked and Chloe tried to look at anything but at her father. Gabe only nodded. He’d been kind of expecting this answer. Not that he was accepting it, but what had been done couldn’t be undone. When he saw the tears gathering in his daughter’s eyes, he reached out and gently caressed her cheek in a soothing movement. That’s when she lost the battle against her emotions. She sobbed uncontrollably, her father holding her, until she couldn’t breath because of the tears. She cried for what had happened tonight, because she hadn’t been strong enough to say no, because of what Lex had said about Clark, because she had liked what had happened – hell, who was she kidding, he just had to come and kiss her, and she’d fall into his arms once again. When she finally calmed down, Gabe handed her a cup of coffee, knowing it was one of the few things that could bring her the warmth she needed.
    “Feeling better?”
    “A bit. I just... feel like... like I’m like...”
    She couldn’t speak, so she just nodded, knowing her father understood what she meant. Her mother had slept with her father when she didn’t love him, and that had resulted in her leaving when Chloe was five. She’d sworn she would never do the same mistake. Trying to lighten the mood, Gabe teased:
    “Well, at least I hope you’re not pregnant.”
    A tired smile grazed her lips but quickly disappeared.
    “Chloe... you’re not like her. You wouldn’t have cried if you didn’t care.”
    Something hit her as those words penetrated her brain. ‘You wouldn’t have cried if you didn’t care.’ She did care. About Lex that is. And that’s what hurt. Not that she’d slept with him, not that he’d tried to use Clark. The fact that she cared about him. And he didn’t care about her. Reading her mind like it was an open book, Gabe realised what she was thinking and sighed. He’d been waiting for this moment to happen for almost 18 years. Her first lover, the one she would come to realise she cared about, the one who would just use her. The fact that it had been Lex didn’t really surprise him either. He knew women found him attractive, he suspected Chloe wasn’t an exception, and he had heard of his reputation with women. A soft smile appeared on his lips. Only half joking, he asked:
    “Do you want me to kill him?”
    She let out an almost heartfelt chuckle and shook her head.
    “No, he made it clear from the start, it’s all my fault.”
    “Nothing’s your fault, Chloe.” He hesitated, not sure he should ask, but curiosity was killing him. “Do you... love him?”
    “No. But I... I’d like to be with him. You know... I mean... in a way, he’s right. Well, not the part about Clark, because I don’t like him anymore, but the part about waiting. I... I don’t believe in Prince Charming anymore. Actually, I don’t think I ever have. And Lex is a decent man, most of the time. And...”
    Knowing his daughter was just thinking out loud, Gabe decided to stop her before she said something she wouldn’t want him to hear.
    “Chloe, whatever you decide, I’ll be there. And if you need a gun, I’m sure Jonathan will be willing to lent you his.”
    She smiled.
    “Thanks dad. I don’t know how you can put up with me.”
    “Well, I have to, given that you’re the only one who’ll take care of me when I’m old and sick and tired and...”
    She laughed out loud and Gabe smiled, glad that his daughter was back to her old ‘I’d rather laugh than cry, the only thing it changes is that my eyes aren’t red and puffy in the end’ self.


  5. #105
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    Oh Chloe :crygreen: go talk to him please. You two are so stubborn. UGH.. I love the father and daughter talk. :biggrin:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #106
    NS Senior Member Senior Member carebear72884's Avatar
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    13 Nov 2003
    argh i hate the 'i love him, but he would never feel the same way about me, so i am just going to keep my damn mouth shut' and visa versa fics, they take forever to admitt the way they feel and it always almost ruins thier relationship, you think one of these times they would learn not to do that. *stomps feet* o well, i know it will all come out right in the end, update soon.

  7. #107
    Seen my Chlex muse? Clannadlvr's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2003
    Austin, Texas, USA
    Thanks so much for showing such a cool relationship between Chloe and Gabe. This is exactly the type of relationship that I have with my parents, open and honest, so it's nice to see Chloe enjoy the same.

    good work!

  8. #108
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    Gabe is such a wonderful father!! :biggrin: Every daughter should have a father as understanding as that!! Excellent chapter!! I'm so glad that Chloe had someone she could talk to!! Now, Lex just needs to realize how much she really means to him!! Please, please update soon!!!! :chlexsign4:

  9. #109
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Oh Gabe is so cool! :crygreen:

    And that stupid Lex! Grrrrrrr!

    Update soon please!


  10. #110
    Let's rub Lex's head! TheDragonLady's Avatar
    Join Date
    29 Jan 2004
    :crygreen: I am convulsing repeatedly. You MUST update soon! Please!

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